• last year
Embark on a cosmic journey with "Destination Magoo," a delightful animated short from 1954 featuring the beloved character Mr. Magoo! Directed by Pete Burness and voiced by Jim Backus, this comical adventure takes Magoo to Luna Park, where his nearsighted antics lead to a series of hilarious misinterpretations.

Follow Magoo as he mistakenly navigates the amusement park, believing it to be the moon's surface. With its clever animation and witty humor, "Destination Magoo" promises a laugh-out-loud experience as Magoo's lunar fantasies unfold.

Directed with finesse by Pete Burness and brought to life by a talented cast, including Jerry Hausner and Tedd Pierce, "Destination Magoo" captures the essence of classic cartoon comedy. Join Magoo on this unforgettable lunar misadventure that's sure to leave you chuckling from start to finish!