• last year
Experience the comedic charm of the beloved character Mr. Magoo in the animated short "Gumshoe Magoo." Directed by Gil Turner and written by Pete Burness, Dick Kinney, and Dick Shaw, this timeless tale follows Magoo as he unwittingly foils a robbery while going about his daily errands.

Voiced by the legendary Jim Backus, Mr. Magoo's quirky charm shines through, accompanied by Nancy Wible's talent in this animated escapade. "Gumshoe Magoo" combines classic humor with a hint of mystery, offering a delightful blend of slapstick antics and clever storytelling.

Witness Magoo's unintentional heroics as he stumbles into detective work in his own unique style. With its captivating plot and exceptional voice performances, "Gumshoe Magoo" is a must-see for fans of classic animation and anyone seeking laughter and entertainment.