Eldorado 3D movie trailer
Plot summary: The Stranger, a tall striking creature dressed in white sets into motions a series of events whilst reciting the Edgar Allen Poe Poem "Eldorado", which will have an effect on those heading towards the mythical city. The evening was going to be a normal Blues Brothers tribute gig for Oliver and Stanley Rosenblum, The Jews Brothers at a local Bar Mitzvah, but things were not going to go to plan for Stan and Ollie.
Director: Richard Driscoll
Writer: Richard Driscoll
Stars: Daryl Hannah, Peter O'Toole, Michael Madsen, Jeff Fahey, Patrick Bergin, Brigitte Nielsen, Steve Guttenberg and David Carradine
Release Date: 30 January 2012 (UK)
Taglines: Murder, mayhem, cannibalism, an appreciation of bluegrass and oh, a severed ear.
Genres: Comedy | Horror | Musical | Western
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Eldorado 3D movie trailer
Plot summary: The Stranger, a tall striking creature dressed in white sets into motions a series of events whilst reciting the Edgar Allen Poe Poem "Eldorado", which will have an effect on those heading towards the mythical city. The evening was going to be a normal Blues Brothers tribute gig for Oliver and Stanley Rosenblum, The Jews Brothers at a local Bar Mitzvah, but things were not going to go to plan for Stan and Ollie.
Director: Richard Driscoll
Writer: Richard Driscoll
Stars: Daryl Hannah, Peter O'Toole, Michael Madsen, Jeff Fahey, Patrick Bergin, Brigitte Nielsen, Steve Guttenberg and David Carradine
Release Date: 30 January 2012 (UK)
Taglines: Murder, mayhem, cannibalism, an appreciation of bluegrass and oh, a severed ear.
Genres: Comedy | Horror | Musical | Western
Trailer Eldorado det stora trailerarkivet hd eldorado 2012 trailer