Gold and Silver News Notes, Unemployment, Spain

  • hace 3 meses
According to the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Immigration reported on the 2nd of the country in February this year, added 82,100 unemployed persons, the national unemployment total has now reached 413.06 million.

Last year, Spain's new total of 64.88 million people unemployed. Add the unemployed in February, the most in the service industry, accounting for additional 55% of the total number of unemployed.

Spain's Labour and Employment Department, Immigration Department of the Secretary-General said in a statement Rojo, although the adjustment of the labor market continues, but the growth rate of unemployment has been lower than last year.

At present, the Spanish unemployment benefits management program provides payment of one year continuous full-time workers in the disability insurance you can receive unemployment benefits after; under different circumstances, unemployment payments of time in a few months to two years, the amount of wages base 60% to 70%. Receive unemployment benefits for the period over which the unemployed find a job yet, the Spanish government in August last year approved an emergency program, payment of 421 euros per month for 6 months subsidies. Early February this year, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero announced the government will receive the subsidies extended for 6 months. According to the Ministry of Labour and Immigration statistics, the Spanish people nationwide to receive this subsidy has reached 37.88 million.
