Plot: Four guy friends, all of them bored with their adult lives, travel back to their respective 80s heydays thanks to a time-bending hot tub. Trailer Review: Although the plot line of Hot Tub Time Machine is completely absurd, a mixture of The Hangover and Back to the Future to be exact, the movie succeeds in completely making absurdity a wonderful thought complete with bubbles and Red Bull. The cast stars Craig Robinson, John Cusack, Rob Corddry, and Clark Duke as four friends who travel back in time to 1986 reliving a life changing ski holiday in an effort to fix everything that wrong. However, for the fourth member changing the past may mean he was never born so there is a bit of the The Butterfly Effect thrown in their also for good measure. Of course, the other three less theological buddies are too busy partying it up to even care, which truth be told is much more entertaining to watch as well. Robinson is successful as usual at stealing scenes in his dead pan manner, but Cusack seems someone out of place in the film as comedy that does not include sarcasm has never really been his strongpoint. However, although there are a few lulls in the movie it continues to steam ahead keeping viewers entertained without crossing too many lines.