Watch How She Caught A Killer (2023) Full Movie For Free

  • 7 months ago


00:00:00 [MUSIC]
00:00:25 Dinner was great. You outdid yourself.
00:00:30 I'm glad you liked it.
00:00:32 [SIGH]
00:00:34 You sure you want to make the trek tonight?
00:00:37 Not many visitors in the eighth ward, Dad.
00:00:41 I mean, imagine being alone on maybe your last Thanksgiving.
00:00:45 You're a good egg, Joycey.
00:00:47 And hey, maybe I can find a nurse to follow around.
00:00:51 Get a lay of the land before school starts.
00:00:53 Now you're thinking. I'd take you myself, but I'm not exactly in the right state.
00:00:58 All good. I'll hitch.
00:01:00 Yeah. Aren't you forgetting something?
00:01:02 Love you, Dad.
00:01:04 Love you, bud.
00:01:06 [MUSIC]
00:01:13 [TRAFFIC]
00:01:16 Headed to the hospital a few miles south if it's not too much trouble.
00:01:30 Not at all.
00:01:32 Gotta love small towns, right?
00:01:36 Everyone's your neighbor.
00:01:38 I'm Joyce. How are you?
00:01:41 [MUSIC]
00:01:44 Wait. No, no, no.
00:01:46 What happened?
00:01:56 She was choked with something. A zip tie, maybe?
00:02:00 Breasts have been mutilated with wire cutters or pliers.
00:02:04 Used tape to hold her down.
00:02:09 She was tortured, Detective.
00:02:11 How did she...
00:02:13 Hammer blows to the head.
00:02:15 I don't see a lot of tracks.
00:02:19 Maybe she was killed somewhere else and dumped here.
00:02:23 Poor thing.
00:02:27 You know who she is?
00:02:31 Yeah. A Joyce Patterson.
00:02:34 Heard she used to be a working girl along Route 60.
00:02:37 Risked that kind of job, I suppose.
00:02:39 Could have been hitchhiking, Pete.
00:02:41 Everyone hitchhikes in this town.
00:02:45 You gonna call the parents?
00:02:48 Her mom's been dead for a while. I'll go talk to her dad.
00:02:53 Send me that report as soon as you can, all right?
00:02:56 [KNOCKING]
00:03:05 Hey, Stan.
00:03:07 I'm sorry. It's Joyce.
00:03:11 I'm sorry, Stan. She's dead.
00:03:26 We don't know quite what happened, but she...
00:03:29 She was found down by this creek over a...
00:03:37 I'm really sorry, Stan.
00:03:40 We, uh...
00:03:43 We...
00:03:45 Find the bastard.
00:03:51 Find him, David.
00:03:57 [WHISTLE BLOWS]
00:03:59 [♪♪♪]
00:04:01 [WHISTLE BLOWS]
00:04:03 Sixteen weeks you've been training to be a cop.
00:04:10 Working yourself half to death.
00:04:15 Sixteen weeks you've been training to be a cop.
00:04:22 And it's likely been the toughest sixteen weeks of your lives.
00:04:26 But this... This is just the beginning.
00:04:30 And I ain't gonna lie to you.
00:04:32 Ahead of you lies a tough road.
00:04:35 You will be challenged.
00:04:37 Physically, emotionally.
00:04:40 You will be beaten down.
00:04:47 You will question, "Why are you doing this?"
00:04:59 That's natural.
00:05:01 What I hope we've instilled in you here today
00:05:05 is that when you are at your worst,
00:05:07 you will still uphold your values,
00:05:10 your integrity, your morality.
00:05:13 No matter what happens, you act your damn best.
00:05:29 Welcome to the Force.
00:05:32 Whoo!
00:05:34 [ALL CHEERING]
00:05:36 Good work, you guys.
00:05:38 We did it.
00:05:40 Hey.
00:05:51 Hi.
00:05:55 There she is.
00:06:10 Don't you got more important things to do, David?
00:06:15 I gotta size up my new blues.
00:06:18 So, here for the free food, then?
00:06:21 Well, yeah, that's a big part of it, of course.
00:06:24 But, um, no, it's...
00:06:26 It's not every day your secretary graduates from the damn academy.
00:06:30 [CHUCKLES]
00:06:34 You don't got anyone to celebrate with, huh?
00:06:37 [SCOFFS]
00:06:38 You know me.
00:06:40 Lone wolf. [CHUCKLES]
00:06:42 Yeah.
00:06:43 Not even Carol, huh?
00:06:45 That's been years I was hoping to say hello.
00:06:48 This job took her husband.
00:06:50 No way she's supporting it taking a daughter, too.
00:06:53 He never shut up about you, you know?
00:06:58 Your dad.
00:07:00 We'd be on a stakeout, he'd regale me with tales
00:07:03 of brave little Linda and the playground bully.
00:07:07 Yeah, well, the old bastard was biased.
00:07:11 I'm just saying...
00:07:14 He would have been really proud of you.
00:07:18 Annoyingly proud.
00:07:20 And, uh...
00:07:24 He would have wanted you to have this.
00:07:26 It's his 20-year service ring.
00:07:29 Just, um...
00:07:33 Try and make sure you don't get too wrapped up in it, you know?
00:07:38 Make sure that there's always something in your life that's not being a cop.
00:07:42 If the suggestion is I gotta date more, that is a hard no, detective.
00:07:47 I've retired from the whole thing.
00:07:49 Okay, yeah. I just wanted to say, uh...
00:07:53 Welcome to the team, kid.
00:07:55 Come on. Cake's on me.
00:07:58 Oh, okay.
00:08:01 [glasses clink]
00:08:03 Cheers.
00:08:19 Miss you, Dad.
00:08:29 It's been over six months since 24-year-old Joyce Patterson has been seen alive.
00:08:34 These sex workers usually hang out on the corner of 6th and Elm,
00:08:39 the diner and old truck stop along Route 60.
00:08:42 Another woman has been reported missing.
00:08:49 The working girls along Route 60 keep disappearing.
00:08:53 Law enforcement encourages anyone with information to come forward
00:08:56 and assist in solving this heinous crime.
00:08:58 As the search for justice continues,
00:09:00 our thoughts remain with the family and loved ones of Joyce Patterson.
00:09:04 Despite extensive investigations, authorities have hit a roadblock.
00:09:09 Detective!
00:09:14 No suspects in the death of local girl.
00:09:19 No suspects. It's been seven months, David.
00:09:23 Have a seat, Stan.
00:09:25 No. My daughter has been dead for seven months.
00:09:29 I know, and I am very sorry. We've been trying our best.
00:09:32 Tried?
00:09:34 Yes.
00:09:35 If you were trying, you would be out there talking to people.
00:09:39 We have been--
00:09:40 You'd be out there every night looking for Joyce's killer.
00:09:43 What the hell are you doing?
00:09:45 We've interviewed every boyfriend, every friend, every colleague.
00:09:50 We have followed every lead to past exhaustion.
00:09:54 I ran out of funds months ago.
00:09:56 Funds?
00:09:57 Yes, funds.
00:09:58 Great.
00:09:59 It's just--it's--
00:10:00 It ain't easy, right?
00:10:02 With her having been--
00:10:04 What?
00:10:05 With her having been--
00:10:07 Go ahead. Say it. A whore?
00:10:10 You know I would never let that affect the investigation.
00:10:14 But people around here, they think that ladies who are in that line--
00:10:18 No, no, no. They're putting themselves in danger.
00:10:21 Now I know that's wrong, and it breaks my heart,
00:10:24 but there is nothing else I can do.
00:10:27 You're useless.
00:10:32 You're all useless.
00:10:34 If you're not gonna find this monster, then I will.
00:10:40 Well, hey, thanks for the tour.
00:10:44 I've, you know, worked here for the past four years,
00:10:46 but I appreciate the refresher, Officer Pike.
00:10:48 Devon. You can call me Devon, Linda.
00:10:50 Officer Murphy.
00:10:52 No. Officer Pike.
00:10:55 Oh, my God.
00:10:57 Lighten up, Linda.
00:10:59 Great. So when do I get to actually, you know, do something?
00:11:02 Well, at some point, a senior officer will partner with you and show you the ropes.
00:11:06 Okay, so when will that be?
00:11:08 Here's the thing. We're kind of short on officers right now, to be honest.
00:11:12 Yes, I know. That's half the reason I quit being a secretary.
00:11:19 Nancy.
00:11:21 You okay, boss?
00:11:24 You want a case?
00:11:26 Yes.
00:11:27 Ah, here you go. That's larceny, maybe grand larceny.
00:11:31 The address is right there.
00:11:33 Oh, my God. Thank you. Thank you.
00:11:36 We're all counting on you, Murphy.
00:11:38 Is this okay for you?
00:11:43 Yes.
00:11:44 You've seen the inside of a courtroom, haven't you?
00:11:46 There is a firm line there, buddy.
00:11:48 I'm the big time one.
00:11:49 Hey, I'm Officer Murphy. We got a call?
00:11:51 Yeah, finally. I've been waiting three days.
00:11:54 Oh, sorry about that. So what's the nature of the crime?
00:11:58 Oh, I will tell you the nature of the crime.
00:12:00 My dumbass neighbor has been stealing my mail.
00:12:03 It's the nature of the crime. It's grand larceny. I know my rights.
00:12:06 My mail.
00:12:07 It's my mailbox, you son of a bitch.
00:12:09 Okay, let's all just calm down for a second.
00:12:11 Damn mailman is bringing my mail to you, and you've been taking it without telling me.
00:12:14 So, yeah, sometimes a man's got to take the law in his own hands.
00:12:18 You a real cop or a stripper?
00:12:21 Okay.
00:12:27 Uh, what's your name?
00:12:30 Well, that was a great call.
00:12:39 You still got to fill out a report?
00:12:44 What's going on?
00:12:46 Couple found a body. Prostitute, we think.
00:12:49 Pretty brutal.
00:12:50 What's the location? I'll meet you there.
00:12:53 No.
00:12:55 Hey, Pete.
00:13:03 Danielle Parrish. Mother of two. History of prostitution.
00:13:09 She was tortured. Wire cut her probably.
00:13:13 Killed with multiple hammer blows to the head.
00:13:16 Not a lot of blood, considering.
00:13:22 Killed her somewhere else and dumped her here.
00:13:26 What's all that?
00:13:31 Fibers. She's covered in them.
00:13:34 A rug or a carpet. Hang on to them when he killed her.
00:13:39 See if you can get a match to those tire tracks.
00:13:43 Looks like a truck or a van, maybe.
00:13:47 Joyce Peterson all over again.
00:13:54 Cover her up. We're going to have to press this here.
00:14:00 Hi there.
00:14:03 Yeah.
00:14:05 Oh.
00:14:12 You've reached Carol Murphy. I'm not available. Please leave a message after the beep.
00:14:16 Hi, Mom.
00:14:20 I made your lasagna recipe.
00:14:23 But it maybe doesn't look right. There's something going on with the noodles.
00:14:28 We interrupt our regular broadcast for this urgent announcement...
00:14:30 I'll call you back.
00:14:32 ...from the Falls Police Department. Detective Goodman.
00:14:34 I can assure you we've got our best man on the case.
00:14:38 We will find this guy. Our boys won't let this town down.
00:14:42 I made you a lasagna.
00:14:53 Linda, I'm still busy.
00:14:54 I'm just being nice.
00:14:55 You're never just being nice.
00:14:57 It's Carol's recipe.
00:14:59 Mmm. What's with the noodles?
00:15:02 I don't... I don't know.
00:15:05 I heard the news coverage of the murder. What do you think happened to her?
00:15:07 I think it's above your pay grade.
00:15:10 I'm being underused.
00:15:14 I was more helpful as a secretary than I am as a cop.
00:15:17 Mail theft isn't why I joined the force.
00:15:19 Oh, hey there. I'm Neil Carter, FBI.
00:15:24 Federal Bureau of Investigation.
00:15:25 Yeah, yeah. I'm aware of the FBI.
00:15:28 Detective David Goodman. This is my office.
00:15:31 You were the one that made the report, right?
00:15:33 Oh, yeah. I made one seven months ago, too, but I never got any response.
00:15:37 Well, you have our attention now.
00:15:39 Do you have more information?
00:15:41 Murphy, back to your desk, please.
00:15:43 But...
00:15:44 Murphy, out.
00:15:46 Listen, I'm sorry about that, but I gotta ask.
00:15:54 How old are you, and how'd you get this internship?
00:15:58 Well, I'm 28 years old, and I have a degree in criminology.
00:16:03 I'm an expert in surveillance, and I...
00:16:05 I actually don't really care about that.
00:16:07 What I want to know is, are you gonna help us with our serial killer?
00:16:11 Well, that's the thing.
00:16:13 The FBI isn't ready to classify it as a serial killer.
00:16:17 But you've made a lot of calls, sent in a lot of letters,
00:16:21 and I think my superiors wanted me to come down and tell you you need to stop.
00:16:26 They got me at the hotel for a couple nights.
00:16:28 I can lend my expertise.
00:16:30 Look, both of these women were strangled with wire.
00:16:35 They were bound by tape, tortured.
00:16:39 Hammer blows to the head, they were dumped within five miles of each other.
00:16:43 There was no sign of rape with either one of them.
00:16:46 No rape?
00:16:48 That's weird.
00:16:49 Yes, both of these crimes are extremely weird.
00:16:53 Weird in exactly the same way.
00:16:59 We could use the FBI's help.
00:17:02 You've got me here for a few days,
00:17:04 but we need three kills to call it a serial killer.
00:17:12 [♪♪♪]
00:17:23 [♪♪♪]
00:17:33 [♪♪♪]
00:17:43 [♪♪♪]
00:17:49 Brenda.
00:17:50 I heard you got clean.
00:17:52 Shouldn't believe everything you hear.
00:17:54 Well, still, we were rooting for you.
00:17:57 Yeah, well, sorry to disappoint.
00:17:59 I'm heading up the road.
00:18:01 Bye.
00:18:02 See you.
00:18:04 [♪♪♪]
00:18:14 [♪♪♪]
00:18:24 [♪♪♪]
00:18:34 [♪♪♪]
00:18:37 Lonely night?
00:18:39 [♪♪♪]
00:18:46 Am I going to help with that?
00:18:48 [♪♪♪]
00:18:58 [♪♪♪]
00:19:08 Where do they hang out?
00:19:10 The women?
00:19:12 Spots along Route 60, parking lots, truck stops,
00:19:15 side of the road, things like that.
00:19:18 You could send a girl in.
00:19:20 You know, go undercover, dress up like them, hang out there,
00:19:24 see if she spots anything suspicious.
00:19:26 We don't have anybody trained to do that.
00:19:30 Another body, tortured like the others.
00:19:33 It's exactly the same.
00:19:34 Where?
00:19:35 Location site, first and L.
00:19:42 Hey, Goodman.
00:19:43 Not now, Murphy.
00:19:44 Hey, send me in.
00:19:46 Send me in.
00:19:47 Like Carter said, undercover.
00:19:49 You were eavesdropping.
00:19:52 You have no undercover training.
00:19:53 You barely have regular training.
00:19:55 You've been here for a week.
00:19:56 Who else are you going to get?
00:19:57 I'm sorry.
00:19:58 This is just absolutely not going to happen.
00:20:01 Goodman, I--
00:20:02 Back to your desk.
00:20:03 Now.
00:20:05 This is-- Christ, this is--
00:20:24 A serial killer.
00:20:29 That's three bodies.
00:20:33 I guess you're extending your stay, huh?
00:20:36 Oh, my God.
00:20:40 It was a little charming at first, Linda,
00:20:42 but I'm getting real tired of this.
00:20:44 If you don't follow--
00:20:45 Do you have any other leads?
00:20:47 I mean, anything at all?
00:20:49 What is the plan here?
00:20:50 Dammit, David, let me help them.
00:20:53 They all look just like me.
00:20:54 We can do it safely.
00:20:55 I can help.
00:20:56 But it's not a bad idea.
00:20:58 It's the only idea.
00:21:00 This is awesome.
00:21:12 We're sending you out there for as little time as possible.
00:21:15 All right?
00:21:17 You engage with these men.
00:21:18 The minute one of them starts acting strange
00:21:20 or matches the profile,
00:21:22 we're going to run his tags.
00:21:24 We're going to put a surveillance team on him.
00:21:26 We're going to get you the hell out of there.
00:21:28 I like this black.
00:21:29 Think I should make it permanent?
00:21:31 Those look nice.
00:21:32 Focus up here.
00:21:34 There are rules you need to follow, okay?
00:21:36 Yeah, you know me.
00:21:37 I love rules.
00:21:38 No, I mean it.
00:21:39 I mean it like I meant it
00:21:40 when I said things like this to your dad.
00:21:42 You have to follow the rules.
00:21:44 I will.
00:21:45 I promise.
00:21:46 Rule number one,
00:21:48 never go anywhere without your gun.
00:21:53 We're hoping that you're not going to need it,
00:21:54 but you've got to be ready.
00:21:55 You're going to be nearby,
00:21:56 but not that close.
00:21:59 Rule number two,
00:22:00 you're going to be wearing a wire.
00:22:03 So pump these guys for information.
00:22:05 The names, jobs, family lives, hobbies,
00:22:08 all of it can be useful.
00:22:10 And we'll be listening,
00:22:12 keeping talking for as long as possible.
00:22:14 You never know where our lead might take us.
00:22:16 Don't you worry.
00:22:17 I'm a charmer.
00:22:19 Try to get to know the women.
00:22:21 Girls like that, they have secrets.
00:22:24 They don't know how they survive.
00:22:26 They might know more than we think.
00:22:28 Make girlfriends.
00:22:29 Got it.
00:22:31 Rule number three,
00:22:32 never, ever get into one of these vehicles.
00:22:35 Ever.
00:22:36 So what, I just like chat with them,
00:22:39 flirt, pump them for information,
00:22:41 and then what, just turn them down?
00:22:43 Yep.
00:22:45 Sounds like my ex-girlfriend.
00:22:47 Who am I kidding?
00:22:48 Sounds like all of my girlfriends.
00:22:50 Yeah, wait.
00:22:51 What about the new technology
00:22:52 you were talking about, the, uh,
00:22:54 what is it, DNA?
00:22:55 Yeah.
00:22:56 Don't I need to get close in order to extract--
00:22:58 Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:22:59 You're not extracting anything.
00:23:01 You're there to get leads, not evidence.
00:23:04 Aren't the girls gonna get suspicious
00:23:06 if I'm there all the time
00:23:07 but I'm never getting into any cars?
00:23:09 Once a night, we'll have one of our guys pick you up,
00:23:11 drive you around for a little while,
00:23:12 drive you back off.
00:23:14 Hey, baby.
00:23:16 How you doing?
00:23:17 Do I get to pick the lucky bachelor?
00:23:19 You do not.
00:23:21 Okay, let's run it.
00:23:22 Yeah, well, we've already run it a thousand times.
00:23:24 So we run it a thousand and one.
00:23:27 What's your name?
00:23:29 Tara.
00:23:32 Hey, Tara.
00:23:34 I'm Shelly.
00:23:35 You live around here?
00:23:36 Yeah, just up 8th, past Corvallis.
00:23:39 Oh, sure.
00:23:41 You go to Fairview?
00:23:42 Uh, no, actually, I went to Central.
00:23:45 Oh, my friend Dana went there.
00:23:47 You know Dana, Dana Gallagher?
00:23:49 Uh, I don't know.
00:23:51 Honestly, I dropped out early, so...
00:23:55 Me too.
00:23:57 So what brings you our way?
00:24:00 I'm just trying to make some cash.
00:24:03 A lot of the parking lot's around, too.
00:24:06 This one's all filled up.
00:24:07 Okay.
00:24:09 None of us like competition.
00:24:11 I don't mind competition.
00:24:13 I just don't like her.
00:24:16 We're looking for a white male,
00:24:18 35 to 45,
00:24:19 works construction or something like it.
00:24:21 He's probably a big guy, and he probably drives a big car.
00:24:24 And wherever he takes these girls,
00:24:26 there's blue carpet.
00:24:28 All the girls had blue carpet fibers all over them.
00:24:31 So remember to stick to the plan.
00:24:36 Got it?
00:24:37 Got it.
00:24:39 Let's go get this son of a bitch.
00:24:42 [♪♪♪]
00:24:45 Hey, darling.
00:25:05 How's your night going?
00:25:07 Not much.
00:25:09 Aren't you gonna tell me your name first?
00:25:12 I said how much, bitch?
00:25:15 Okay, I'm going in.
00:25:17 What, what? No, no.
00:25:18 Give her a second before you ruin the whole operation.
00:25:21 Look, it depends on what you're looking for.
00:25:24 I can do all sorts of things.
00:25:26 Are you charging by the damn word,
00:25:27 or are you gonna get in the truck?
00:25:30 I don't know.
00:25:32 Get in the damn truck, you stupid whore,
00:25:34 before I get--
00:25:35 Hey!
00:25:36 Get the hell out of here, Ray.
00:25:38 You're not listening to me.
00:25:39 You heard me.
00:25:41 Get!
00:25:43 Damn whores!
00:25:45 Welcome to Route 60, Tara.
00:25:53 Come on.
00:25:57 [♪♪♪]
00:26:05 [♪♪♪]
00:26:08 We're wasting our time.
00:26:23 We've been here a week.
00:26:25 Tell me about that DNA stuff again, will you?
00:26:32 Well, so basically, DNA is the individual genetic makeup
00:26:36 of a person.
00:26:37 I know what DNA is.
00:26:39 You said you could use it to match evidence to a person.
00:26:43 Well, we've gotten pretty good at matching, say,
00:26:46 blood to the person it belongs to.
00:26:49 So if we find our guy,
00:26:51 and our guy has blood splatter in his car,
00:26:54 we can analyze it and--
00:26:55 And connect it to a victim.
00:26:57 Potentially, yeah.
00:26:59 But it hasn't been used in court.
00:27:02 So I'd probably still rely on some good old-fashioned evidence.
00:27:06 Oh.
00:27:08 So you're useless.
00:27:09 That feels like you're trying to take things out on me.
00:27:12 Like, it's new technology,
00:27:14 so it may not be useful in court.
00:27:16 Let me put that another way.
00:27:18 The DNA thing might be useless.
00:27:23 Or--
00:27:24 Very useful.
00:27:26 Okay.
00:27:27 I wish we could make our case.
00:27:29 I wish it would.
00:27:32 Thanks.
00:27:40 Yeah, man, stop.
00:27:43 Oh yeah, of course.
00:27:45 Ah, that's everything I got.
00:27:47 Yeah, you did great.
00:27:50 Keep the change.
00:27:53 See you next time.
00:27:56 That's what?
00:27:57 One guy in the last four hours?
00:28:00 Hey, I'm picky.
00:28:02 Hm, wish I could afford the luxury of being picky.
00:28:06 Hey, hun, hun, what happened to your eye?
00:28:09 Nothing.
00:28:11 We told you not to go home with Fred.
00:28:13 Don't need a lesson, Shelly.
00:28:15 Does he come around here often?
00:28:17 Yeah, once or twice a month.
00:28:18 Lives in that broken-down farm by Cravel's Burgers.
00:28:22 Wish it would just burn down with him.
00:28:24 Should we talk to the police?
00:28:26 You think Magnum P.I. is gonna show up to beat Red's ass?
00:28:30 Police don't give a damn about us.
00:28:33 That can't be true.
00:28:36 I know you've only been here a week,
00:28:38 but this ain't really a good gig.
00:28:41 Some nights you make money.
00:28:44 Some nights you get punched in the face.
00:28:47 Some nights you meet the wrong guy and disappear,
00:28:51 and you know what?
00:28:55 Nobody cares about us.
00:28:58 So no, I haven't told the police.
00:29:02 But they haven't asked either.
00:29:17 Nothing again.
00:29:20 God, can't I just be honest with them?
00:29:23 You should hear the way they talk about us, like we're the enemy,
00:29:26 but if they knew we were out there keeping them safe--
00:29:29 This is undercover one-on-one. You can't reveal anything.
00:29:32 You tell them you're a cop, and you spook 'em.
00:29:34 They feel betrayed, so they stop talking to you,
00:29:37 and they start working other places, and now we can't keep tabs on them.
00:29:40 You're just putting them in more danger.
00:29:42 Well, I am going home.
00:29:46 Yeah.
00:29:49 Come on.
00:29:55 I know you've only been here a week,
00:30:02 but this ain't really a good gig.
00:30:05 Some nights you make money.
00:30:08 Some nights you get punched in the face.
00:30:11 Some nights you meet the wrong guy
00:30:14 and disappear.
00:30:17 Nobody cares about us.
00:30:20 No, I haven't told the police.
00:30:25 We told you not to go home with Red.
00:30:30 Lives in that broken-down farm by Corbelle's Burgers.
00:30:35 [engine rumbling]
00:30:38 [engine rumbling]
00:30:42 [engine rumbling]
00:31:08 [engine rumbling]
00:31:11 [engine rumbling]
00:31:14 [engine rumbling]
00:31:17 [engine rumbling]
00:31:20 [engine rumbling]
00:31:23 [engine rumbling]
00:31:26 [engine rumbling]
00:31:29 [engine rumbling]
00:31:33 [engine rumbling]
00:31:36 [engine rumbling]
00:31:39 [engine rumbling]
00:31:45 [engine rumbling]
00:32:05 [engine rumbling]
00:32:08 What the hell are you?
00:32:16 Get back here!
00:32:22 What the...
00:32:27 Hey! Get the hell out of here!
00:32:33 Get out of here!
00:32:36 Oh, no, you don't! Get back here!
00:32:40 I'm gonna kill you, bitch!
00:32:44 [engine rumbling]
00:32:48 [engine rumbling]
00:32:54 [engine rumbling]
00:32:59 [engine rumbling]
00:33:02 [phone ringing]
00:33:18 - Yeah? - David.
00:33:27 - What is it? - I don't know. Four-ish.
00:33:30 David.
00:33:33 We gotta let people know there's a serial killer out there.
00:33:36 Chief says no.
00:33:42 Regular folks.
00:33:45 They can't handle knowing things like this.
00:33:48 - They'd panic. - Still, we gotta warn 'em. We have to.
00:33:51 Especially the girls.
00:33:54 They might leave town. We'd never catch 'em.
00:33:57 These girls are out there every night.
00:34:00 For God's sakes, we have to tell them there's someone out there...
00:34:03 hunting them.
00:34:09 Please.
00:34:13 Okay.
00:34:18 Thank you.
00:34:22 Thank you.
00:34:25 - London. - Yeah?
00:34:30 I'm real glad you quit being a secretary.
00:34:50 Four weeks on this case, you look like a ten-year vet.
00:34:53 - Hey, thanks. - You're gonna burn out if you keep going like this.
00:34:56 We got a call this morning from Red Hackley...
00:35:01 saying a woman was trespassing on his property.
00:35:04 - Who? - You know exactly who Red Hackley is.
00:35:07 He's one of the guys that tried to pick you up on your first day...
00:35:10 and gave one of the girls a black eye.
00:35:13 - Sounds like a lot of the guys out there. - You go straight home at the end of the night.
00:35:16 I can't do that when he's still out there.
00:35:19 If I hear that you've done anything like this again, you're done.
00:35:22 - Ready? - Yeah.
00:35:28 - Where are we going? - You are going back to your desk.
00:35:31 What?
00:35:34 This is on us.
00:35:43 - No thanks. - Crystal, this is Neil Carter.
00:35:46 Do you know who killed Joyce Yent?
00:35:49 - No. - How about Danielle?
00:35:52 No.
00:35:55 But, um, you got another one.
00:35:58 Brenda O'Connor.
00:36:01 You knew her, right?
00:36:04 Sure. We're whores. We all know each other.
00:36:07 - She's in my buck club. - I'm so serious.
00:36:10 What else do you want me to say?
00:36:13 That she was a coke head?
00:36:16 Fell behind on her bills?
00:36:19 A hooker drug addict? Happy?
00:36:22 - No. We're trying to find-- - No. You know what I think?
00:36:25 I think Joyce died almost a year ago.
00:36:28 And you don't got a lead.
00:36:31 And now a couple more girls die.
00:36:34 And your bosses want you to make a show looking for the killer.
00:36:37 Usually a dead hooker had it coming.
00:36:40 But a bunch of dead hookers?
00:36:43 Well, that'll get you into some papers, right?
00:36:46 I've been working on this case since the very beginning, Crystal.
00:36:49 I want you to know that. We work on it every day.
00:36:52 - He's the reason we got involved. - So you're just a bad detective?
00:36:55 Crystal.
00:36:58 We just want to know if you've heard something. Anything.
00:37:01 I guess.
00:37:04 One of the girls...
00:37:07 saw Brenda get into a van that night.
00:37:10 A van? What color van?
00:37:13 - Blue van. - Thank you, Crystal.
00:37:16 Blue van. That's very, very helpful.
00:37:19 Um...
00:37:22 You take care of each other out there, yeah?
00:37:25 She was a mom. A good mom.
00:37:28 Loved Chinese food.
00:37:31 Real nice to everyone.
00:37:34 She wanted to get into fashion.
00:37:37 She was applying for schools.
00:37:40 Joyce was, too.
00:37:43 You know? Plans.
00:37:46 They all had plans, just like regular people do.
00:37:49 Not dead bodies.
00:37:52 Real people with plans.
00:37:55 I don't know.
00:37:58 What with plans?
00:38:01 How long's that guy been out there?
00:38:18 - Who cares? - A few hours. I think I've seen him before.
00:38:21 A few hours? I'm gonna take a look.
00:38:24 Bring someone. We're walking the devils now.
00:38:27 - I'm just gonna check it out. - You got a knife?
00:38:30 - I'm fine. - Hey, stop!
00:38:33 What are you, some kind of superhero all of a sudden?
00:38:36 Are you gonna say something?
00:38:39 Sorry. Let her go.
00:38:42 Come on.
00:38:54 Flash twice if you think this is a bad idea.
00:38:57 Yeah, me too.
00:39:02 Show me your hands!
00:39:16 Outside the window! Open the door!
00:39:19 - Get in! - Officer!
00:39:22 - Put the gun down! - What are you doing?
00:39:25 - Stan, what the hell are you doing here? - He's been watching us all night long!
00:39:28 Look at me.
00:39:31 I'm not familiar with this particular part of Minnesota.
00:39:34 But is sitting in your car a problem here? It's not a crime.
00:39:37 Hey, listen, friends. I've been sitting in that car way, way too long.
00:39:40 We are all gonna go to breakfast.
00:39:43 You drive my car. I'll drive Stan's truck.
00:39:46 We'll meet you there. Let's go.
00:39:49 - I'm sorry for... - Shut up, Stan. Get in the car.
00:39:52 You know, she was such a sweet girl.
00:39:57 I know everyone says that about their daughters.
00:40:02 But Joyce...
00:40:05 honest to God, she was an angel.
00:40:08 I'm so sorry.
00:40:11 You know, I've been waiting almost a year for you to find him.
00:40:17 You haven't.
00:40:20 So I've been searching myself.
00:40:24 - For what? - Drive up and down the route.
00:40:27 Watching the girls.
00:40:31 Making sure everyone's safe, I guess.
00:40:34 But they just keep dying.
00:40:39 Hey, it's okay.
00:40:44 It's okay. We're on it now, okay?
00:40:47 We're on it now.
00:40:50 Okay.
00:40:54 Yeah. Take care, Mr. Patterson.
00:40:57 Good night, Stan.
00:41:00 - Well, I think it's time we all call it a night. - No.
00:41:05 - No. - Linda, please.
00:41:08 I'm going back out there. See if you can come or not.
00:41:11 I'm not gonna let her go on her own.
00:41:14 You too.
00:41:18 - Looks like you got yourself a regular. - What?
00:41:27 - I guess. - You're John.
00:41:30 - Same guy. - Yeah?
00:41:33 Never mind. I like you, Tara.
00:41:36 So I'm just gonna trust my gut with you.
00:41:39 - But be safe out there. - Yeah.
00:41:42 You think that was her at Ritz?
00:41:55 Linda's dad, Freddy, was my partner.
00:41:59 Decades ago, we had this case.
00:42:02 Serial rapist breaking into women's houses and...
00:42:06 Well, anyway...
00:42:09 We had a suspect.
00:42:12 Freddy figured he knew it was him,
00:42:15 but we didn't have the evidence.
00:42:18 - Okay. - Freddy got tired of waiting.
00:42:21 Started tailing the guy.
00:42:24 Didn't tell his boss.
00:42:27 Didn't tell me.
00:42:30 Just started doing it in his off hours.
00:42:33 But the chief found out, told him to stop.
00:42:37 The very next night, another girl gets assaulted.
00:42:41 And...
00:42:44 Freddy went straight back to tailing the guy.
00:42:47 The case kind of ate him up.
00:42:50 He took weekends, he took time off work to follow this guy.
00:42:55 One night, the guy starts driving around,
00:43:00 and around, I mean,
00:43:03 hours, leading Freddy all over town.
00:43:06 Finally stops at a red light.
00:43:10 Doesn't move.
00:43:15 Freddy was getting out of the car to go and see what was going on.
00:43:20 And a guy looked right at him
00:43:23 and blew his own brains out.
00:43:26 - No. - You think?
00:43:29 - No. - Yeah.
00:43:32 The assaults stopped, though.
00:43:36 Freddy took it pretty hard.
00:43:39 He was a good partner, but...
00:43:43 he only lasted a few more years.
00:43:46 Gosh.
00:43:48 Linda was just a kid.
00:43:51 Carol, his wife.
00:43:54 You know, it was hard on all of them.
00:43:57 But anyway...
00:44:00 Linda...
00:44:03 she's exactly Freddy.
00:44:06 [car engine]
00:44:09 I'm a little insulted.
00:44:30 Here we go.
00:44:33 Step at it.
00:44:57 What the hell?
00:45:00 Crystal said it was a blue van, right?
00:45:07 Hey.
00:45:21 How's it going?
00:45:25 [car engine]
00:45:28 Flash twice. If you can hear me, this doesn't feel good.
00:45:32 I want her out of there.
00:45:35 Wait. Just wait.
00:45:38 I think he spooked. I'm gonna move further away from the girls.
00:45:42 Someplace quieter, see if I can reel him in.
00:45:52 I don't like this.
00:45:55 Isn't this what we've been waiting for?
00:45:58 Yeah. That's why I don't like it.
00:46:01 I don't know. Maybe he's not coming.
00:46:13 Oh, here he is.
00:46:17 [car engine]
00:46:20 I'm Carol. What's your name?
00:46:29 You been partying tonight or what?
00:46:33 No. Just a fight with my wife.
00:46:37 Oh. I'm sorry.
00:46:40 What do you do for a living?
00:46:45 Electrician. Here we go.
00:46:48 Are you a cop?
00:46:51 No.
00:46:54 Are you a cop?
00:46:57 No.
00:47:00 Can you turn on the interior light? I want to make sure we're alone.
00:47:09 [car engine]
00:47:12 That's some real nice blue carpet you got in here.
00:47:23 This is it. We gotta go in.
00:47:25 No, no, no. She knows what she's doing.
00:47:27 Why don't you get in?
00:47:29 I don't think so. I'm just a little high.
00:47:34 Partied a little too much tonight, so...
00:47:37 Come on. Get in.
00:47:40 Another time.
00:47:43 Are you playing games with me?
00:47:45 No.
00:47:48 [car engine]
00:47:52 That was him. That was him.
00:48:06 [car door opens]
00:48:09 We'll run these to the lab.
00:48:14 See if they match the ones we found on the other girls.
00:48:17 You can do that here?
00:48:19 Well, there's not a lot we can do with that, yeah.
00:48:21 That we can.
00:48:23 And if they match?
00:48:25 If they match, it means the girls were in his van.
00:48:29 [sighs]
00:48:31 Sorry.
00:48:35 How you doing?
00:48:37 That was pretty intense back there.
00:48:41 It's strange.
00:48:44 You expect someone like that to be, I don't know, like...
00:48:50 I don't know, like, different somehow, but...
00:48:53 He was just...
00:48:56 To be honest, he seemed like half the guys
00:48:58 who come around the route, you know?
00:49:02 Nothing special about him.
00:49:05 Just another guy.
00:49:08 [eerie music]
00:49:24 ♪ ♪
00:49:32 [eerie music]
00:49:35 ♪ ♪
00:49:42 No.
00:49:45 [panting]
00:49:48 ♪ ♪
00:49:55 [eerie music]
00:49:58 ♪ ♪
00:50:05 Stanley Andrew Wilson.
00:50:12 White.
00:50:14 41, 62.
00:50:16 182 pounds.
00:50:18 History of odd jobs.
00:50:20 Currently an electrician.
00:50:22 He applied to the police academy and got rejected.
00:50:25 [laughs]
00:50:27 Uh...
00:50:29 Says a lot about his competence.
00:50:31 [laughs]
00:50:32 Sorry.
00:50:33 Uh...
00:50:35 Two kids, twin girls,
00:50:38 some burglary a decade ago.
00:50:40 Other than that, the record's clean.
00:50:43 Blue van, blue carpet interior, electrician.
00:50:46 All of the women found within a five-mile radius
00:50:49 are right here.
00:50:51 So that's him, yeah?
00:50:53 Yeah, that's him. That's our guy.
00:50:56 ♪ ♪
00:51:03 [radio chatter]
00:51:06 [radio chatter]
00:51:11 Tara.
00:51:12 Shelly.
00:51:13 I knew it. I freaking knew.
00:51:15 Shelly.
00:51:16 I knew there was more to you hardly going home with anyone.
00:51:18 Crystal thought you were a rich girl rebelling against Daddy,
00:51:20 but I knew.
00:51:21 Okay, Shelly.
00:51:22 You've been lying to us this whole time.
00:51:23 No, no, I am just trying to protect you.
00:51:25 Yeah, right.
00:51:27 So what, you gonna make our lives harder
00:51:28 after all this is over?
00:51:29 No, God, no, none of that, none of that.
00:51:31 I can't go to jail again.
00:51:32 Shelly, Shelly, I swear to you,
00:51:35 I am just trying to find this guy.
00:51:37 Is it red?
00:51:44 No.
00:51:49 Damn.
00:51:50 Shelly,
00:51:54 you and the girls, you have to stay off the streets.
00:51:57 We've been hanging out with us for weeks,
00:51:59 and you're still not getting it.
00:52:02 We gotta...
00:52:04 eat and--
00:52:05 Yeah, I--
00:52:06 so get some help and go to rehab.
00:52:08 Just please get off the streets.
00:52:11 If you can't, then at least
00:52:13 just stay away for a couple of weeks, please.
00:52:17 I am begging you.
00:52:18 We almost got the guy.
00:52:20 We're so close.
00:52:23 Look, look, look, if you absolutely have to,
00:52:26 just promise me that you won't get into any vans.
00:52:29 And anything more specific?
00:52:32 Stay off the streets.
00:52:34 I'm Linda, by the way.
00:52:39 Can I give you a ride?
00:52:45 Sure.
00:52:48 Linda.
00:52:50 [footsteps]
00:52:52 We got plenty of leads, plenty.
00:52:55 So if you're listening,
00:52:57 it's time to end this now.
00:52:59 Turn yourself in, 'cause if you don't,
00:53:02 we are coming for you.
00:53:04 [laughs]
00:53:06 Well, I guess I'm just surprised.
00:53:16 Is that so?
00:53:18 Yeah, I mean, look, don't get me wrong.
00:53:21 I'm touched.
00:53:22 But to call me over any of your other friends...
00:53:26 Wait a minute.
00:53:28 Officer Murphy, you're not falling in love with me,
00:53:30 are you?
00:53:32 Well, I'm trying very hard not to.
00:53:35 And I'm very much succeeding,
00:53:39 so that's good.
00:53:41 [laughs]
00:53:43 Honestly, I just can't talk to my friends anymore.
00:53:46 Why not?
00:53:48 Uh, 'cause I can't listen to them talk about their babies,
00:53:51 and they can't listen to me talk about murdered women.
00:53:54 Right, right, right.
00:53:56 And your mom?
00:53:58 Goodman mentioned her.
00:54:01 He tell you that story?
00:54:03 Yeah.
00:54:05 I mean, the assaults did stop, though.
00:54:08 Yeah, he told me.
00:54:10 Yeah.
00:54:12 And she hasn't returned any of my calls
00:54:14 since I joined the Academy.
00:54:16 Says I'm being stupid and selfish, like he was.
00:54:19 Hey.
00:54:24 I don't think he's selfish or stupid.
00:54:27 Oh, my God, Carter.
00:54:29 Are you falling in love with me?
00:54:32 What?
00:54:34 This might be a problem.
00:54:36 Cut it out.
00:54:38 [laughs]
00:54:40 No, but I get it, though.
00:54:42 I, um--yeah, I've avoided family life myself.
00:54:46 I think about coming home with all this.
00:54:49 How do you do that to someone?
00:54:51 Well, my dad's way of dealing with it
00:54:53 was to just not tell either of us about anything.
00:54:55 That worked out great.
00:54:58 I'm really sorry, Linda.
00:55:00 He was a cop in Kentucky before he came here.
00:55:03 That's what really messed him up.
00:55:05 Moving here was a break.
00:55:08 See, that's--that's why I'm not so sure
00:55:11 that playing in the field is for me, you know?
00:55:14 Really?
00:55:16 That's--that's too bad.
00:55:19 I do appreciate it, you know.
00:55:22 You calling me? Oh.
00:55:24 Clamming the walls in my hotel room, so, yeah, thanks.
00:55:27 Of course.
00:55:29 I got it.
00:55:31 How about this?
00:55:33 I get this one, and you get the one once we catch this monster.
00:55:38 All right, deal.
00:55:40 All right. Thank you.
00:55:42 Well, there's good news.
00:55:44 The lab results came back.
00:55:46 The fibers match the ones on the girls.
00:55:48 They do?
00:55:50 So we can arrest him.
00:55:52 It's not enough.
00:55:54 Fibers from his car were all over them.
00:55:56 How is that not enough?
00:55:58 Because they're hookers.
00:56:00 Not you two.
00:56:02 They were in a lot of people's cars.
00:56:04 They could have been with him before they were killed.
00:56:06 If we don't have the right kind of evidence
00:56:08 to arrest him fast, that's it.
00:56:10 Okay, what about the DNA, though?
00:56:12 It won't work on the fibers. We need blood.
00:56:14 Okay, so what next?
00:56:16 I'm gonna tail him.
00:56:18 By yourself? No, you're out of--
00:56:20 That's the new plan. That's what we're--
00:56:22 No, no, no. This is an all-hands-on-deck situation.
00:56:25 Our department is not the FBI. We don't have the training.
00:56:28 They'll figure it out.
00:56:30 Look, it's time for you to start trusting the people you work with.
00:56:32 You're not gonna bring this guy in on your own, okay?
00:56:34 We gotta work together on this.
00:56:36 Okay, okay, we'll do it your way.
00:56:39 But if anyone gets hurt,
00:56:41 that's on you, understood?
00:56:43 Understood.
00:56:45 Great. Now please get the hell out of my office.
00:56:47 How do you kill a woman with a hammer
00:57:01 and then kiss your daughters goodnight?
00:57:03 I don't know.
00:57:05 He's sick.
00:57:07 That or he just hates women.
00:57:09 (laughing)
00:57:11 Very good, very good.
00:57:13 You ever been on the stakeout before?
00:57:15 No, not really, no.
00:57:17 Followed anyone like that?
00:57:19 Nope.
00:57:21 You are a real FBI agent, though, right?
00:57:24 'Cause Goodman and I have this bet going
00:57:26 that your gun is rubber.
00:57:28 What? Don't look at me.
00:57:30 I bet that it was real.
00:57:32 I bet that it was real.
00:57:35 (laughing)
00:57:37 My goodness, you and Goodman.
00:57:39 Oh, and he's gone.
00:57:42 (engine starts)
00:57:44 Oh, jeez.
00:58:08 What is he doing?
00:58:11 If I have a guess, he's drinking.
00:58:14 (engine starts)
00:58:16 (engine revs)
00:58:19 (engine revs)
00:58:22 (engine revs)
00:58:25 (engine revs)
00:58:27 (engine revs)
00:58:30 (engine revs)
00:58:33 (engine revs)
00:58:35 (engine revs)
00:58:38 (engine revs)
00:59:00 (engine revs)
00:59:02 (engine revs)
00:59:19 (engine revs)
00:59:21 If he gets within a foot of a woman, I swear to God...
00:59:43 Don't do anything until I say.
00:59:45 (phone rings)
00:59:47 Oh, my God.
00:59:51 Are you kidding me?
00:59:53 Hey, y'all.
00:59:56 Hey, good to know.
00:59:58 Good to fall in love.
01:00:00 What's going on?
01:00:02 Hey, hey, hey.
01:00:04 Excuse me.
01:00:06 Carter here. Murphy and I have been at it all day.
01:00:11 Eastern Bun is in bed for the rest of the night.
01:00:15 Go home. I'm sending backup.
01:00:18 (engine starts)
01:00:20 (soft music)
01:00:36 (engine starts)
01:00:38 (engine starts)
01:00:52 (engine revs)
01:00:58 (engine revs)
01:01:00 Want to buy a girl a drink?
01:01:08 Sorry. I might have her kill me if she knew I was talking to a hooker.
01:01:11 Oh, but she wouldn't mind you being in a bar by yourself at midnight?
01:01:14 I got a six-pack if you want a drink.
01:01:25 We can hang in my van.
01:01:28 Fine.
01:01:35 But it'll cost you.
01:01:37 Okay.
01:01:41 (door creaks)
01:01:51 (door creaks)
01:01:53 (door creaks)
01:02:10 (door slams)
01:02:12 Nice, Shelly. Take the body for five days.
01:02:14 I'll break it to him later.
01:02:16 (engine starts)
01:02:18 Do I know her?
01:02:31 Oh, damn it.
01:02:33 No.
01:02:39 God, I told her not to.
01:02:45 Damn it, Shelly. Oh, God.
01:02:48 When did he get to her?
01:02:52 They're saying they figured the time of death was 2 to 3 a.m.
01:02:55 So right after we left?
01:02:57 You said you were going to send someone after we did.
01:02:59 You were going to send someone.
01:03:01 They got there 45 minutes later. You said he was asleep.
01:03:03 We have to arrest him. We have to do it. We have to do it now.
01:03:06 This has to stop.
01:03:08 We can't. We don't have a case.
01:03:10 You've got to be kidding me.
01:03:12 He's right, Linda. We need to gather more evidence.
01:03:14 Go home, Linda. Take the day off.
01:03:17 That's an order, Linda. Go.
01:03:21 What are we doing? What are we doing?
01:03:23 What the hell are we doing here?
01:03:25 Her death is on us.
01:03:27 We did this.
01:03:31 For a lot of you, what we're about to do might be pretty new.
01:03:41 This is a quiet place. We're used to picking up drunks and breaking up fights.
01:03:45 We're not exactly used to doing surveillance.
01:03:48 But thanks to Officer Murphy's quick thinking
01:03:53 and those blue fibers that she was able to gather from Wilson's van,
01:03:57 we got a judge to approve a warrant for us to bug that van.
01:04:02 Which is great, except that we've never done that before.
01:04:07 But that's okay. You're all here because I trust you.
01:04:13 Because you're good at your jobs.
01:04:15 So let's listen up to the FBI
01:04:20 and let's go get that scumbag.
01:04:23 Key for this operation is speed, style, and grits.
01:04:28 We discovered an unpaid traffic violation on Wilson.
01:04:34 We'll use that to bring him in.
01:04:37 Sir, step out of the vehicle, please.
01:04:39 This is ridiculous.
01:04:43 We can only keep him at the station for so long.
01:04:52 We want to be in and out. Ten minutes, boys. Ten minutes.
01:05:03 Yeah, get it right up under that steering wheel.
01:05:06 You got it. Perfect.
01:05:08 Good.
01:05:14 Done. Come on.
01:05:17 Linda.
01:05:20 Then we wait and pray it all works.
01:05:31 Stinking morons. Waste of my time.
01:05:35 Yeah.
01:05:37 Yeah.
01:05:38 Yeah.
01:05:44 [♪♪♪]
01:05:47 Linda, what's he doing now?
01:06:12 He's just going into a bar.
01:06:14 I'll radio when he leaves.
01:06:16 Copy. I'm going to get a bagel.
01:06:19 [♪♪♪]
01:06:41 Sorry.
01:06:43 Can I get a beer?
01:06:48 Thanks.
01:06:50 I know you're from somewhere.
01:06:58 No, I don't think so.
01:07:08 You look familiar.
01:07:10 Uh, no.
01:07:12 Sorry.
01:07:16 She left her purse in the bar.
01:07:36 I know you.
01:07:38 Goodman? Carter?
01:08:02 Goodman here. What's up?
01:08:04 I made a mistake. God damn it. I made a...
01:08:06 I followed him into the bar.
01:08:07 Linda, you were supposed to be resting.
01:08:09 No lectures, please. I wanted to make sure he didn't...
01:08:11 He's driving really weird. He's...
01:08:15 Get to the house.
01:08:23 [♪♪♪]
01:08:26 You okay?
01:08:53 [♪♪♪]
01:08:56 What's he doing?
01:09:06 Oh, hello there, detectives.
01:09:16 It's nice to finally meet you all.
01:09:19 I saw the girl.
01:09:21 The one that's been following me?
01:09:23 She seemed really nice.
01:09:25 [♪♪♪]
01:09:30 Mrs. Wilson, I'm Detective Goodman.
01:09:45 We're executing a warrant. Go on, then.
01:09:49 [♪♪♪]
01:09:52 Goodman.
01:10:14 [♪♪♪]
01:10:17 Wow.
01:10:22 Guys, we found something.
01:10:27 Take a look.
01:10:35 Is that enough blood for you, Mr. DNA?
01:10:41 It's a very new technology.
01:10:43 I keep telling them.
01:10:45 We have enough blood to potentially match it to one of the victims,
01:10:48 but it's going to take time.
01:10:50 How much time before we can... Weeks, probably.
01:10:52 And again, we don't know if it's admissible in court.
01:10:55 It's been used in two other criminal cases in the country,
01:10:58 but not as a sole piece of evidence.
01:11:00 If... If it's our only proof...
01:11:02 What about the woman's underwear? We have...
01:11:04 It's all circumstantial.
01:11:06 I got blood in his car.
01:11:08 So maybe he pays for this woman on Route 60,
01:11:12 they have sex in the back of the van,
01:11:14 and maybe she's on her period.
01:11:16 You can't keep blaming everything on the fact that these women were prostitutes.
01:11:19 It's not enough to convict.
01:11:21 But it'll help.
01:11:23 If we get a match, it'll go a long way.
01:11:26 Great. Okay, so now what?
01:11:29 We keep following him.
01:11:31 But out in the open now.
01:11:33 I mean, we have a man on him every minute of every day.
01:11:36 We don't let him out of our sight.
01:11:38 So, thank you very much, Dr. Mills.
01:11:43 Please let us know when you find something out.
01:11:46 I'll see you out.
01:11:48 Sit back down.
01:11:50 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should...
01:11:55 Did you talk to him in the bar?
01:11:57 Yes. Yes. Oh, God.
01:12:02 What the hell did you think that was gonna accomplish?
01:12:04 You not only put yourself in danger,
01:12:06 you put everybody in that bar in danger.
01:12:08 You put our whole case in jeopardy.
01:12:11 Listen to me carefully now.
01:12:14 You go off book one more time, and you're done.
01:12:17 And I don't mean you're just off the case.
01:12:19 I mean you're done working here.
01:12:21 Do I make myself clear?
01:12:23 [♪♪♪]
01:13:21 Morning, officer.
01:13:23 Can I offer you a cup of coffee?
01:13:27 No.
01:13:31 Hey, Officer Murphy. Can I get you a cup of coffee?
01:13:51 You all right?
01:13:53 Hey. Linda!
01:13:55 Hey, hey. Hey, what's going on?
01:13:58 Devin, uh, can you take this up to Carter, please?
01:14:02 [SIGHS]
01:14:09 [SIGHS]
01:14:15 [SIGHS]
01:14:22 You've done everything you can do.
01:14:26 You've done more than I ever did in 40 years of policing.
01:14:32 So, um...
01:14:36 I'm gonna take you off the case temporarily.
01:14:41 No. No.
01:14:43 I need you to go home.
01:14:45 Linda, I need you to take a break.
01:14:47 I need you to sleep.
01:14:49 I can do it. I can do it.
01:14:54 Please. Please.
01:14:56 Please, Linda.
01:14:58 Please go home.
01:15:02 [SIGHS]
01:15:04 I promise you that it's gonna be over soon.
01:15:14 We're gonna get him.
01:15:17 [GROANS]
01:15:20 [♪♪♪]
01:15:23 [SIGHS]
01:15:25 [♪♪♪]
01:15:27 [♪♪♪]
01:15:29 [♪♪♪]
01:15:31 [♪♪♪]
01:15:34 [♪♪♪]
01:15:36 [♪♪♪]
01:15:39 [♪♪♪]
01:15:41 [♪♪♪]
01:15:43 [♪♪♪]
01:15:45 [♪♪♪]
01:16:14 [CAR DOOR SLAMS]
01:16:16 [♪♪♪]
01:16:18 [ENGINE STARTS]
01:16:26 Good morning, hon. Coffee?
01:16:39 Thanks.
01:16:41 [♪♪♪]
01:16:43 Thank you.
01:16:48 [♪♪♪]
01:16:54 [CAR DOOR SLAMS]
01:16:59 [♪♪♪]
01:17:01 [♪♪♪]
01:17:10 [♪♪♪]
01:17:12 [LAUGHS] It's a match.
01:17:23 What?
01:17:25 The DNA came back. It's a match to Shelly.
01:17:27 Ha! Son of a bitch!
01:17:29 Detective? Detective?
01:17:31 Linda, you're supposed to be resting.
01:17:33 Listen to me. I just saw Wilson pick up Crystal, one of the girls.
01:17:36 He's in a different car.
01:17:38 That's impossible. Devin's at his house right now.
01:17:41 Well, it's Wilson. He's in a different car.
01:17:44 It's gray and silver. I'm following.
01:17:46 I need you to make sure it's him.
01:17:48 I'm not blind. It's him.
01:17:50 Where are you?
01:17:52 He just turned off at Apple Village.
01:17:55 Going into the back roads.
01:17:57 Follow at a safe distance.
01:17:59 Carter and I are on the way. Do not engage.
01:18:01 Linda, do not engage.
01:18:03 [♪♪♪]
01:18:06 [♪♪♪]
01:18:31 [♪♪♪]
01:18:33 [♪♪♪]
01:18:48 [SCREAMS]
01:18:59 [SCREAMS]
01:19:01 Let me go! Let me go!
01:19:06 Don't do this.
01:19:09 Police!
01:19:12 Put your weapon down!
01:19:14 Hands in the air! Right now!
01:19:16 Now!
01:19:18 Help is coming!
01:19:20 [♪♪♪]
01:19:23 [♪♪♪]
01:19:25 [PANTING]
01:19:42 [PANTING]
01:19:52 [SCREAMS]
01:20:17 So, we meet again.
01:20:19 You're one of those hookers, right?
01:20:22 And... you're a cop.
01:20:25 Wow.
01:20:28 A literal hooker with a heart of gold.
01:20:30 That's funny.
01:20:35 She's about here.
01:20:42 Damn it, Linda!
01:20:45 Why did you kill them?
01:20:47 You were good people. Why did you kill those women?
01:20:49 I didn't want to kill them.
01:20:52 It wasn't the point at all.
01:20:55 I liked the way that they screamed.
01:20:58 Every one of them a little bit differently.
01:21:01 Like broken little birds.
01:21:04 Honestly...
01:21:08 Them dying was the worst part.
01:21:12 I would have spent weeks with them if I could have.
01:21:15 [GRUNTING]
01:21:17 No! No!
01:21:19 [SCREAMING]
01:21:21 Bitch.
01:21:24 I was so nice to you.
01:21:26 That's okay.
01:21:29 At least we still get to have some fun together.
01:21:31 [SCREAMING]
01:21:33 [GRUNTING]
01:21:36 [SCREAMING]
01:21:38 [GRUNTING]
01:21:40 Stay down!
01:21:45 Stay down!
01:21:47 Do it.
01:21:51 I've killed so many women.
01:21:56 But I killed them slowly.
01:21:58 I hurt them until they died.
01:22:03 If you don't kill me, I am going to do it again.
01:22:06 And again. And again.
01:22:08 Shut up! Shut up!
01:22:10 Kill me!
01:22:12 It's what God would want.
01:22:15 Yeah. Yeah.
01:22:17 Justice. Justice for those women, right?
01:22:20 Right?
01:22:22 Kill me for those girls.
01:22:24 Do it. Do it.
01:22:26 Kill me, you dumb whore!
01:22:28 Kill me!
01:22:31 Linda! Linda!
01:22:33 Linda!
01:22:36 [GASPING]
01:22:38 There's a girl in the van! Go get her! Now!
01:22:47 You got this, son of a bitch.
01:22:57 You finally got him.
01:23:01 Come on. Let's go.
01:23:03 You okay, Linda?
01:23:13 Come on. I got you. I got you.
01:23:15 Come on.
01:23:17 You got this. You got this.
01:23:24 You got this. It's okay.
01:23:26 [♪♪♪]
01:23:29 [♪♪♪]
01:23:31 [♪♪♪]
01:23:59 Murphy.
01:24:01 Sorry to interrupt.
01:24:16 Oh, Mr. Patterson.
01:24:18 Thought you might be hungry.
01:24:20 I, uh, just want to say thank you.
01:24:22 Thanks, then.
01:24:24 So what do we got here?
01:24:28 Wait a second, all right?
01:24:30 He's in charge. He's in charge.
01:24:32 What's this one?
01:24:34 Hey.
01:24:37 So I, uh, I heard you're finally getting yourself a new partner.
01:24:40 Was that what you heard?
01:24:42 I figured it was about time.
01:24:44 Yeah, definitely.
01:24:46 Good luck finding someone as good as my dad, though.
01:24:48 Oh, I have.
01:24:50 Who?
01:24:52 Hmm?
01:24:54 Me?
01:24:57 Really?
01:24:59 If you're interested.
01:25:01 Uh...
01:25:03 Can I think about it?
01:25:05 Of course.
01:25:07 Look, I know it's been hard, but, uh, you got him.
01:25:12 Hey, David, um, thank you.
01:25:17 Just for everything.
01:25:21 Hey, you too.
01:25:25 So, I'm leaving, and I don't want you begging me to stay.
01:25:39 I got business in Virginia.
01:25:41 Bye, Carter.
01:25:43 Yep.
01:25:46 Come here.
01:25:52 And if you're interested, there's a place for you in the Bureau.
01:25:56 No field work, but you'd still be helping out.
01:26:00 Really?
01:26:02 Yep. Think about it.
01:26:04 Bye, Murphy.
01:26:08 Bye.
01:26:11 [♪♪♪]
01:26:14 [♪♪♪]
01:26:17 [♪♪♪]
01:26:40 [♪♪♪]
01:26:43 [♪♪♪]
01:26:46 [♪♪♪]
01:26:49 [♪♪♪]
01:27:15 [♪♪♪]
01:27:18 [♪♪♪]
01:27:21 [♪♪♪]
01:27:24 [♪♪♪]
01:27:28 [♪♪♪]
01:27:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
