OJK: Jumlah Pengaduan Terhadap Perusahaan Pembiayaan Bertambah

  • 6 months ago
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) menyatakan, jumlah pengaduan terhadap perusahaan pembiayaan atau multi finance terus bertambah setiap tahun. Tercatat jumlah pengaduan pada tahun 2022, mencapai 2.844 pengaduan.


00:00 The Financial Services Authority stated that the number of complaints against financing companies or multi-finance continues to increase every year.
00:07 The number of complaints in 2022 reached 2,844 complaints.
00:14 The Financial Services Authority has issued a roadmap for the development and strengthening of financing companies 2024-2028.
00:26 In the roadmap, the Department of Regulation and Development of Financing Institutions, Ventura Capital Company,
00:31 Micro Finance Institute and other financial services institutions of the OJK stated that the number of complaints against financing companies or multi-finance
00:39 that are reported to the OJK continues to increase every year.
00:42 The number of complaints in 2022 reached 2,844 complaints,
00:48 but the number of complaints indicated for 2022 for relatively low-income companies, from 2,844 complaints, is only 3 complaints or 0.11%.
01:00 Meanwhile, according to the OJK, the low level of financial literacy in financing companies can cause losses for consumers,
01:08 because people are limited to understand the products used and there is also a misappropriation of profits by financing companies.
01:16 Although the OJK notes that the level of financial literacy in financing companies in general increased from 15.17% in 2019 to 25.09% in 2022,
01:28 but compared to the national composite level, the level of financial literacy in financing companies is still relatively low.
01:36 Thank you for watching.
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