OJK Mendorong Akses Pinjaman Produktif

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Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) terus mendorong lembaga pembiayaan atau fintech landing, untuk dapat mendorong pinjaman produktif terutama ke sektor UMKM. OJK menyebut, dengan kualitas NPL yang masih terjaga, maka OJK akan terus mengarahkan fintech landing dapat berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian.


00:00Fintech Lending
00:05The Financial Services Authority continues to encourage financing institutions
00:08or fintech lending to be able to push for productive loans,
00:11especially to the MSME sector.
00:13OJK says that with the quality of NPL that is still maintained,
00:16OJK will continue to direct fintech lending
00:19to be able to contribute to the economy.
00:21Financial Technology
00:24The demand is very high for financial technology or fintech financing.
00:28It is ensured that it will be followed by regulations that support small and medium-sized businesses.
00:33The Financial Services Authority or OJK ensures that
00:36fintech financing will be able to contribute more
00:39to the increase in the scale of small and medium-sized businesses.
00:42The Executive Head of the Financial Services Authority of Ventura Capital
00:46as well as the Financial Services Authority of OJK, Agusman,
00:50explain that the potential use of online loans is also constantly increasing.
00:55In terms of annual growth, the financing of fintech lending companies reaches 26%
01:00and is the highest growth in the financial services industry.
01:03In addition, the quality of non-performing loans from fintech lending
01:08is also low at 2.7%.
01:10According to the roadmap that we have arranged,
01:13the first step is of course to support the relaxation of the maximum limit
01:19of productive financing according to the regulations that we now prepare in the form of RPOJK
01:25which is a derivative of the P2SK laws.
01:29The second is that we expand the distribution path of financing to the productive sector and the financial services sector.
01:37Then what we also consider very strategic and important is
01:41the optimization of the Synergy program to push financing abroad.
01:46Fintech Association data, Indonesia's financing records until May 2024.
01:50As many as 129 million people in Indonesia have borrowed money through fintech lending.
01:55With the total distribution of loan funds reaching 874.5 trillion rupiahs.
02:00The total loan becomes one of the financial services financing supporters in Indonesia.
02:05From Jakarta, Arjupat, Moadex Channel.
