• 7 months ago
Concentration camp survivor Victoria Kowelska finds herself involved in mystery, greed, and murder after she assumes the identity of a dead friend in order to gain passage to America.
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00:01:19 This is San Francisco as it looks from Telegraph Hill.
00:01:25 And this is the house on Telegraph Hill,
00:01:27 where I once thought I would find peace and contentment.
00:01:32 This is how it looks today, but my story
00:01:35 begins 11 years ago and 7,000 miles away in another house
00:01:40 near Warsaw in my native Poland.
00:01:43 My name is Victoria Kowalska, and this was my home.
00:01:49 It looked like this in 1939 when my husband came home on leave.
00:01:55 And this is what was left after the Germans had passed.
00:01:59 In one stroke, I had lost my husband, my home,
00:02:03 everything I held dear, and had become
00:02:06 one of the thousands of miserable strays
00:02:09 who were herded into prisons and concentration camps.
00:02:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:18 [SHOUTING]
00:02:19 How the will to live survives in a place like Belsen,
00:02:23 I do not know.
00:02:25 But I wanted to live.
00:02:27 I was determined to.
00:02:29 And I was just as determined that my friend Karin
00:02:31 Dernakova should live too.
00:02:34 I had met Karin, a fellow countrywoman, in the camp.
00:02:39 But she was sick and frail, too frail
00:02:42 for the life of that camp.
00:02:44 And she had more to live for than most of us.
00:02:47 Her infant son had been smuggled out of Poland
00:02:50 just before the war to an aunt in San Francisco.
00:02:54 And if she ever lived through this, she would join them.
00:02:57 Just think, Vicky, he's talking and walking by now.
00:03:01 And if he would see me, he wouldn't even know me.
00:03:07 Please, Karin, you must eat.
00:03:10 You must keep up your strength.
00:03:12 It's the use, Vicky.
00:03:14 I'll never get out of here.
00:03:16 I'll never see my Christopher again.
00:03:21 Let go!
00:03:24 You dirty hypocrite.
00:03:26 You don't care about her any more than I do.
00:03:29 You only stick to her like a leech
00:03:30 because she has rich relatives in America.
00:03:32 Oh, oh.
00:03:33 You think she's going to take care of you
00:03:35 when we get out of here?
00:03:37 She'll never get out of here alive.
00:03:40 None of us will ever get out of here alive.
00:03:43 We are going to get out.
00:03:44 We are.
00:03:45 Oh, dear food.
00:03:52 You will come to America with me, Vicky, won't you?
00:03:57 Aunt Sophie has a big house on the hill.
00:04:01 She lives there alone with my Christopher.
00:04:06 She will be glad if I bring you
00:04:08 because you have helped me so much.
00:04:11 I will.
00:04:24 Karen was my friend,
00:04:26 and I fought for her survival as I fought for my own.
00:04:32 But in the end, I was beaten.
00:04:37 I had done everything I could for her.
00:04:40 I stole food, medicine, and I fought off the others.
00:04:45 I had tried to keep her mind filled only
00:04:47 with thoughts of her son and her aunt.
00:04:50 But with the German army on the run
00:04:51 and liberation only days away,
00:04:54 Karen did not cover,
00:04:55 and our dreams of America lay on the cold floor of Belsen.
00:05:07 The power of Karen's identification was in that bundle.
00:05:12 Her aunt had not seen her since she was a little girl.
00:05:15 I knew as much about Karen's life as about my own.
00:05:20 Why not?
00:05:22 Why shouldn't I be Karen Dernacova?
00:05:31 Three days later, I came before the liberators.
00:06:03 Karen Dernacova.
00:06:13 She's scared to death.
00:06:14 Tell her we're her friends, that we want to help
00:06:16 her find her home, her family.
00:06:18 Yes, sir.
00:06:30 Help.
00:06:32 Get some water.
00:06:37 Here.
00:06:39 Drink.
00:06:39 Tell her not to be afraid that nobody's going to hurt her.
00:06:49 That's better.
00:06:52 I'm all right now.
00:06:54 You speak English?
00:06:56 A little.
00:06:57 I learned it at school.
00:07:00 I'm sorry to make you all this trouble.
00:07:02 You make us all the trouble you want.
00:07:04 Yell if you'd like to.
00:07:06 You're entitled to it.
00:07:09 Some more of the same stuff, sir.
00:07:10 You're from Warsaw?
00:07:18 Yes.
00:07:19 Well, you'll want to go back home as soon as possible,
00:07:20 I suppose.
00:07:22 I have no home.
00:07:23 It was destroyed.
00:07:24 No.
00:07:26 I meant back to your family.
00:07:27 No family left in Poland.
00:07:29 My-- my parents were killed, my husband also.
00:07:33 I'm sorry.
00:07:36 In other words, you don't want to be repatriated.
00:07:37 Oh, no.
00:07:39 Poland does not exist anymore for me.
00:07:42 If you force me to go back--
00:07:43 We're here to help people, not to force anybody to do anything.
00:07:47 I feel I should explain, though, that the alternative
00:07:49 is a camp for displaced persons.
00:07:52 I'm afraid that isn't a permanent solution either.
00:07:55 Do you have any idea what you would like to do?
00:07:58 Well, I-- I would take care of myself somehow.
00:08:01 I guess that's all for now.
00:08:06 Thank you, Major.
00:08:11 You're really kind.
00:08:12 Just a minute.
00:08:18 This must have fallen out of your bundle.
00:08:25 [music playing]
00:08:27 It belongs to a Victoria Kowalska.
00:08:34 Who is she?
00:08:37 She's dead.
00:08:39 How do you happen to have this?
00:08:41 She was my friend.
00:08:43 We kept our things together.
00:08:53 She would not need this anymore.
00:08:58 So now, for better or for worse, I was Karen Dernakova.
00:09:03 I was soon transferred to a displaced persons camp.
00:09:07 The moment I arrived there, I sent a cable
00:09:09 to Aunt Sophie in America and signed Karen's name to it.
00:09:14 The answer came in a few days.
00:09:17 Karen Dernakova.
00:09:18 Dernakova?
00:09:19 Mm-hmm.
00:09:19 Oh, yes.
00:09:20 Here it is.
00:09:21 Just came across in the message center.
00:09:24 I'll read it for you.
00:09:25 Your cable address to Mrs. John Albertson forwarded to us.
00:09:29 Advise address E deceased.
00:09:31 Please.
00:09:32 Deceased means the person's dead.
00:09:34 Exhaustive search revealed all known relatives abroad dead.
00:09:37 Address all further communications
00:09:39 to our Eastern representative, Joseph C. Callahan,
00:09:42 attorney, New York City.
00:09:43 Signed Bennett, Compton, and Maxwell.
00:09:46 Attorneys for the deceased, Joseph C. Callahan.
00:09:48 Bennett, Compton, and Maxwell.
00:09:50 Attorneys for the Albertson estate.
00:09:53 I'll make a copy for you.
00:09:57 And that was my answer.
00:09:59 A cable from an unknown lawyer in the unattainable city
00:10:02 of New York.
00:10:03 And my hopes gone with that cable.
00:10:07 In that moment, I nearly gave up.
00:10:08 But I'd lived with my dream too long.
00:10:17 The idea of getting to America had become an obsession.
00:10:20 When the day finally came for me to join hundreds of others
00:10:23 and go aboard the United Nations refugee ship,
00:10:26 we could hardly believe it.
00:10:28 We had spent the four long years since the end of the war
00:10:32 in waiting, hoping, and praying.
00:10:35 Now we were actually sailing.
00:10:37 And we moved doubtfully, fearful that at the last moment,
00:10:41 we might be snatched back.
00:10:45 That day in 1950, when I reached New York
00:10:48 and found my way to the office of the lawyer who
00:10:51 had sent me the cable, I knew that I would
00:10:53 never let anything send me back.
00:10:56 Mrs. DeNarcova, when you gave up your child
00:11:00 almost nine years ago--
00:11:01 I did not give him up.
00:11:03 He was sent to America to save his life.
00:11:06 Nevertheless, the fact remains that others, not you,
00:11:09 have taken care of the boy since he was an infant.
00:11:12 It wasn't my fault that I wasn't able to come here years
00:11:15 ago to take care of him.
00:11:16 You know, of course, that after Mrs. Albertson's death,
00:11:21 Mr. Spender adopted the boy.
00:11:23 But he had no right to do that while the child's mother was
00:11:26 still alive.
00:11:27 We had every reason to believe that you were dead.
00:11:30 All the reports indicated it.
00:11:31 As a matter of fact, there is still some doubt--
00:11:34 But you have seen my papers.
00:11:36 What more proof do you want?
00:11:37 My dear madam, you must realize that there is a considerable
00:11:40 fortune involved here.
00:11:42 I think you are the one who realizes it more than I.
00:11:45 Mrs. DeNarcova, the law is on our side.
00:11:49 Your aunt-- I mean the late Mrs. Albertson--
00:11:52 left the estate to the boy with Mr. Spender as guardian.
00:11:56 It is true that the law, as you say, is on your side.
00:12:00 I am in a strange country, and I am alone.
00:12:03 But I have a feeling that here in some way,
00:12:06 I will find justice.
00:12:08 I don't care how long it takes.
00:12:10 I will fight for what belongs to me.
00:12:13 And I will never let you keep my son from me.
00:12:14 I think you're being hasty.
00:12:21 We might be prepared to settle this
00:12:23 on some reasonable basis.
00:12:25 Just a minute, Callahan.
00:12:26 Mrs. DeNarcova.
00:12:31 Yes?
00:12:33 I'm sorry to have put you through this ordeal,
00:12:35 but you see, I had to be positive.
00:12:38 I'm sure you'll agree there's Chris to consider too.
00:12:43 And if we both started there, unselfishly,
00:12:46 we might find some solution to this problem without lawyers.
00:12:49 What's the matter?
00:12:59 Don't you like our food?
00:13:00 Oh, yes.
00:13:02 But I'm still upset.
00:13:05 Your lawyer is so very efficient.
00:13:08 Forget about him.
00:13:10 Let's talk about you.
00:13:11 I didn't know I had such a beautiful relative in Poland.
00:13:14 What?
00:13:15 Why do you look so surprised?
00:13:17 Aunt Sophie was related to me too, by marriage.
00:13:20 If she were alive, I would have been with her long ago.
00:13:30 I sent her a cable.
00:13:31 Yes, I know.
00:13:34 You know?
00:13:38 Well, look, let me explain.
00:13:40 You and your husband have been reported dead years before.
00:13:43 My lawyer was convinced we were dealing with an imposter.
00:13:46 I never heard from you again.
00:13:47 That only served to confirm our original suspicions.
00:13:50 If only you'd tried again, written or wired or anything.
00:13:53 Well, I-- I didn't know what to do, where to turn.
00:13:57 I-- I felt so lost.
00:13:59 Well, you've got to forget all that now.
00:14:01 Think of the future and Chris.
00:14:07 You'll be proud of him.
00:14:09 Tell me about him.
00:14:11 What does he look like?
00:14:12 Well, he's a very good-looking boy, I think.
00:14:17 He resembles you in some ways.
00:14:19 Has your eyes and that same stubborn chin.
00:14:25 When he was a baby, everybody said
00:14:27 he'd look more like his father.
00:14:30 When am I going to see him?
00:14:31 He won't be back from school for two weeks.
00:14:34 I plan to stay in New York on business.
00:14:38 Look, why don't you wait and come to San Francisco with me?
00:14:42 I'm sure you could use the time yourself.
00:14:45 Shopping, for example.
00:14:46 Shopping?
00:14:48 But I have no money.
00:14:50 You have now.
00:14:51 This is what I had dreamed about, like the days back home
00:14:59 in Poland before the war.
00:15:01 The feel of silicone on my skin again.
00:15:04 What do you think?
00:15:06 It's lovely.
00:15:08 Yes, but I'm afraid it's also very expensive.
00:15:11 Don't worry about that.
00:15:13 After all, I'm still Chris's guardian.
00:15:14 I'm sure he'd want his mother to look her best.
00:15:18 All right, then.
00:15:34 Do you like it?
00:15:36 It's beautiful.
00:15:39 I-- I just have to put my shoe on and I'm ready.
00:15:41 May I help you?
00:15:48 I make no excuse.
00:15:53 I felt Alan was attracted to me, and I was prepared
00:15:56 to take advantage of it.
00:15:58 [music playing]
00:16:01 Was I in love with him?
00:16:07 I don't know.
00:16:09 But I did know that the best way for me to be safe
00:16:12 was to be married to an American.
00:16:13 A penny for them, Karen.
00:16:23 A penny for what?
00:16:27 Your thoughts.
00:16:29 It's an expression we have.
00:16:33 Oh, Alan, I--
00:16:36 I couldn't begin to tell you all my thoughts.
00:16:39 You've been so wonderful to me.
00:16:41 I don't know if I ever can, Karen,
00:16:43 but I'd like to spend the rest of my life
00:16:47 trying to make up to you for all those lost years.
00:16:49 I want you to know I'm no bargain.
00:16:54 I'm a very stubborn man, set in my ways, hard to live with.
00:17:00 And maybe I'm too old to change.
00:17:02 I don't want you to change, Alan, ever.
00:17:05 Three days later, we were married in Connecticut.
00:17:17 And now Alan was bringing me home to San Francisco.
00:17:20 There they are!
00:17:22 Hello!
00:17:25 Hello, Chris.
00:17:26 Chris, this is your mother.
00:17:30 Well, what do you think?
00:17:34 Shall we keep her?
00:17:36 Oh.
00:17:36 Hello, Chris.
00:17:46 Hello, Margaret.
00:17:47 Hello, Mr. Spender.
00:17:48 Darling, this is Margaret.
00:17:52 How do you do?
00:17:53 Welcome home, Mrs. Spender.
00:17:54 Thank you.
00:17:56 I've heard how much you have done for Chris.
00:17:58 I'm very grateful.
00:17:59 May I offer my congratulations?
00:18:01 Thank you, Margaret.
00:18:03 Well, let's go get the taste of the train out of our mouths,
00:18:06 huh?
00:18:08 And so at last, I came to the house on Telegraph Hill.
00:18:11 Wait till you see the view in the daytime.
00:18:18 Come on now, Chris.
00:18:19 It's way past your bedtime.
00:18:21 Remember now, you promised.
00:18:22 OK.
00:18:23 Can I help you carry it?
00:18:25 Thank you, dear.
00:18:26 If there's anything that doesn't please you, just holler.
00:18:28 We'll change it any way you like.
00:18:29 Oh, no.
00:18:30 I like it just as it is.
00:18:32 So old and beautiful.
00:18:34 I'm so glad you're here.
00:18:46 I'm so glad you're here.
00:18:48 I'm so glad you're here.
00:18:50 I'm so glad you're here.
00:18:52 I'm so glad you're here.
00:18:54 I'm so glad you're here.
00:18:56 I'm so glad you're here.
00:18:58 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:00 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:02 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:04 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:06 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:08 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:10 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:12 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:14 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:16 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:18 I'm so glad you're here.
00:19:20 I wish I had known her better.
00:19:22 I never realized you knew her at all.
00:19:24 Oh, yes.
00:19:26 Once, when I was very little, she visited us in Poland.
00:19:29 She looked so kind and wise.
00:19:32 She was that.
00:19:34 She was a wonderful woman.
00:19:36 I put your bags in your room.
00:19:38 Oh, thank you, dear.
00:19:40 This is my room. Want to see it?
00:19:42 Not tomorrow, Chris.
00:19:44 Your mother's tired and it's way past your bedtime.
00:19:46 Yes, Chris, I am a little tired.
00:19:48 I'll show you the whole place tomorrow if you want.
00:19:50 I know a place where you can see Poit Lobos.
00:19:52 That's where they used to send the signals from.
00:19:54 That would be very nice.
00:19:56 Good night, Chris.
00:19:58 Sleep well, darling. I'll see you in the morning.
00:20:00 Okay. Good night.
00:20:02 I, uh...
00:20:04 I didn't know what arrangements you'd want to make,
00:20:06 so I had the guest room made up for the night.
00:20:08 Thank you, Margaret.
00:20:10 Good night, Mrs. Bender.
00:20:12 Good night, Margaret. There are so many things you'll have to teach me.
00:20:14 I'll be glad to do what I can.
00:20:16 Here we are, right down here.
00:20:18 This is lovely.
00:20:30 I'm glad you like it.
00:20:32 Some people thought I was crazy
00:20:34 to stay on in the house after Aunt Sophie died, but...
00:20:36 I've always loved the old place.
00:20:40 You take that chair, for instance.
00:20:44 It's a monstrosity, isn't it?
00:20:46 I wouldn't give that up for anything in the world.
00:20:48 When I was a kid, my mother and I used to come out to the house
00:20:50 on special occasions,
00:20:52 on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Aunt Sophie's birthdays.
00:20:54 You see, we weren't immediate family,
00:20:58 more like poor relations.
00:21:00 But Aunt Sophie would always have us up for those family days.
00:21:02 And I always loved that chair.
00:21:04 I sat in it every time, came to think of it as my chair.
00:21:06 It was a symbol to me.
00:21:10 It was a symbol of my family.
00:21:12 It was a symbol to me then,
00:21:14 of this house,
00:21:16 the life that was lived in it.
00:21:18 It still is.
00:21:20 (knocking)
00:21:26 Come in.
00:21:28 Thank you, Kai.
00:21:34 - Good night, sir. - Good night.
00:21:36 I always have a glass of orange juice
00:21:38 just before going to bed.
00:21:40 Oh.
00:21:42 Don't forget, I'm a native Californian.
00:21:44 Oh, good idea.
00:21:50 Why did Margaret have the guest room made up?
00:21:54 Oh, I suppose I should have sent her some instructions,
00:21:56 but I wanted to leave everything to you.
00:21:58 I think this room is big enough for both of us.
00:22:02 I hope so.
00:22:04 I do think you'll be more comfortable here
00:22:06 if I take the guest room for the night,
00:22:08 and tomorrow we can go downtown
00:22:10 and pick out everything we need.
00:22:12 Alan, I love you.
00:22:36 I had come halfway across the world,
00:22:38 and now suddenly, in this pleasant room,
00:22:40 a little of the fear I had once felt in Belsen
00:22:42 came back to me.
00:22:44 Whether it was my own conscience,
00:22:48 the meeting with little Chris,
00:22:50 or something in the house itself,
00:22:52 I couldn't tell.
00:22:54 I had a strange feeling
00:23:00 that Aunt Sophie saw through me.
00:23:04 I wondered if I could have spoken to her,
00:23:06 whether she would have understood.
00:23:08 She did look kind and wise.
00:23:10 Yet I couldn't rid myself of the feeling
00:23:14 that something was wrong in this house.
00:23:16 [music]
00:23:18 [music]
00:23:20 [music]
00:23:23 [door closes]
00:23:51 Karen, what are you doing down here?
00:23:53 Well, I...
00:23:55 I couldn't sleep.
00:23:57 I just came down to see Aunt Sophie's picture.
00:23:59 It's kind of a strange hour to be prowling
00:24:01 around the house looking at pictures.
00:24:03 Oh, I'm not prowling, Alan.
00:24:05 I'm sorry, but you seem so tired.
00:24:07 And you?
00:24:09 You haven't been to bed at all yet.
00:24:11 I came down to look up on my mail.
00:24:13 I wanted to see if there's anything important.
00:24:15 Margaret heard me coming down.
00:24:19 She brought me a sandwich and a glass of milk.
00:24:21 Oh.
00:24:23 Margaret has been in the house a long time,
00:24:25 hasn't she?
00:24:27 Ever since Chris was brought here from Europe.
00:24:29 He needed someone to look after him.
00:24:31 She's been very faithful.
00:24:33 You know, one thing about Aunt Sophie,
00:24:37 she knew people inside out.
00:24:39 She picked her out of 50 applicants
00:24:41 to take care of Chris.
00:24:43 Margaret has...
00:24:45 many unusual qualities.
00:24:47 I believe you.
00:24:49 I also think she's a very unusual woman.
00:24:51 Are you going to be much longer?
00:24:57 No, just a little while.
00:24:59 You better run along to bed.
00:25:01 Good night.
00:25:05 Good night.
00:25:07 ♪ (ominous music)
00:25:15 (thump)
00:25:17 ♪ (ominous music)
00:25:38 Hi!
00:25:39 Hi!
00:25:40 It's late! You always sleep so late?
00:25:43 I was very tired last night.
00:25:45 I've been waiting for you since seven.
00:25:47 Oh, you shouldn't have done that.
00:25:49 Oh, it's all right. I'm always up early.
00:25:51 Coming down soon?
00:25:53 Well, it will take me a while to get dressed.
00:25:56 Okay, hurry up.
00:25:58 ♪ (ominous music)
00:26:03 (laughing)
00:26:05 Hey, good catch! You're learning fast, Mom!
00:26:08 What's the matter? Hurt your hand?
00:26:14 No, darling. It didn't hurt at all.
00:26:16 That's good! Come on, throw the ball!
00:26:19 Chris...
00:26:22 You've missed not having your mother very much, haven't you?
00:26:27 Sure, I guess so.
00:26:29 But you were so little when you were brought here,
00:26:31 you couldn't possibly remember her.
00:26:34 Well, Aunt Sophie always talked about you a lot,
00:26:37 and cried for a long time, and they told her you had died.
00:26:40 And you?
00:26:43 Did you cry too?
00:26:45 I... I don't remember.
00:26:47 It made me feel kind of funny.
00:26:49 But anyway, it isn't true. Come on, pitch!
00:26:52 Pitch?
00:26:54 You know, throw it!
00:26:55 Oh!
00:26:57 Oh! I'm so clumsy!
00:27:01 Don't worry, you'll learn, Mom!
00:27:03 Hey, good one! Yippee!
00:27:08 (SIGHS)
00:27:09 To the lady of the house, past and present,
00:27:17 may your days in this house be as rich and rewarding as hers.
00:27:21 Thank you, Doctor.
00:27:23 Great character. Don't make her like that anymore.
00:27:26 Nobody knows that any better than I do.
00:27:28 She was a wonderful, wonderful woman.
00:27:31 She had a wonderful sense of humor.
00:27:34 In fact, she'd laugh her head off
00:27:36 if she could see this little votive group gathered under her portrait,
00:27:39 drinking your vintage wine, going mawkish over her memory.
00:27:42 Hello, Alan.
00:27:47 -Dr. Burkhart. -Good morning.
00:27:49 -Mr. Whitmore. -Hello, Mark.
00:27:51 This is Whitmore. You look lovely tonight.
00:27:53 Oh, thank you, Mark.
00:27:54 There's a rumor around town that you've gotten married.
00:27:59 Comes with a great wailing and gnashing of teeth
00:28:01 from the direction of Knob Hill.
00:28:03 Darling, may I present Mark Bennett.
00:28:06 He's an old friend. We've known each other since grammar school.
00:28:09 My wife.
00:28:12 Mrs. Fender?
00:28:13 Is there something on your mind, old boy?
00:28:17 Frankly, yes. I, uh...
00:28:20 How far behind am I?
00:28:24 I'd say you had a pretty good head start.
00:28:26 I seem to have run down suddenly.
00:28:28 How about a nice, friendly push?
00:28:29 Sure. Champagne all right?
00:28:31 Whiskey with a little water, if you don't mind, but don't drown it.
00:28:34 That would be a catastrophe, huh?
00:28:36 Fix it for you myself.
00:28:37 You don't remember me, do you?
00:28:47 You're making things tougher for me by the minute.
00:28:50 That accent, it's Polish?
00:28:51 Uh-huh.
00:28:53 On what red-letter day did I meet a beautiful Polish lady?
00:28:57 On the most important day in her life, Major.
00:29:00 Germany.
00:29:02 At camp at Belsen, of course.
00:29:04 But you've changed quite a bit.
00:29:07 No wonder I didn't recognize you.
00:29:09 I've often wondered what I've become of you.
00:29:13 I don't believe you remember anything about me at all.
00:29:16 Oh, but I do. I even remember your name.
00:29:19 It's Victoria, Victoria Der...
00:29:21 Der Nackower, Major.
00:29:22 And it's Karen.
00:29:24 Not Victoria.
00:29:26 Karen. K-A-R-I-N.
00:29:29 Here we are.
00:29:30 Thank you.
00:29:32 Dinner is served.
00:29:35 Thank you, Karen.
00:29:36 May I?
00:29:37 Claim the right as an old friend of the household.
00:29:40 Looks like you have already.
00:29:42 Hello.
00:29:43 Hello.
00:29:44 That's a long time.
00:29:45 [music]
00:29:48 [laughter]
00:29:50 [music]
00:29:52 [music]
00:30:21 Be ashamed to wake him.
00:30:23 Even for ice cream.
00:30:24 Take.
00:30:26 A favor for a favor.
00:30:29 Thanks.
00:30:30 Oh, don't you like it?
00:30:34 Oh, sure, but Margaret...
00:30:37 Yes?
00:30:38 Well, she usually doesn't let me eat after dinner.
00:30:41 Oh, but this is a special occasion, isn't it?
00:30:43 Oh, sure.
00:30:44 And maybe we just won't tell Margaret, huh?
00:30:46 She'll find out.
00:30:48 [laughter]
00:30:50 Something wrong, Mrs. Spendry?
00:30:52 Nothing at all, Margaret.
00:30:53 I just brought Chris a dish of ice cream.
00:30:55 Chris doesn't usually eat just before going to bed.
00:30:59 Well, I just thought with everybody having fun downstairs that...
00:31:03 Of course, if you prefer him not to have it, I...
00:31:08 Oh, not at all.
00:31:09 It's up to Chris.
00:31:12 What do you think, Chris?
00:31:16 I can put it in the icebox for lunch.
00:31:18 Tomorrow.
00:31:19 Okay.
00:31:22 We find it better to let Chris make his own decisions.
00:31:27 I see.
00:31:29 It will taste better at lunch, Chris.
00:31:34 Good night, dear.
00:31:36 Good night.
00:31:37 Good night.
00:31:38 I am sorry, Margaret. I didn't realize it was...
00:31:54 Oh, it was my fault, Mrs. Spendry. I should have told you.
00:31:57 But Chris has always been a very impulsive child.
00:32:00 I found the best way to handle him is to let him discipline himself.
00:32:06 Good night, Margaret.
00:32:07 Good night, Mrs. Spendry.
00:32:09 Five pounds.
00:32:13 Nice avocado today. Zucchini.
00:32:17 I recommend the zucchini.
00:32:18 Major.
00:32:20 The hint of garlic and mozzarella, there's nothing like it.
00:32:21 Chateau de mozzarella?
00:32:22 Si, signore. La migliore.
00:32:23 All right, get the lady a couple of pounds.
00:32:25 Real stuff now from the basement.
00:32:26 Si, signore. The best.
00:32:27 Small world, isn't it?
00:32:29 Germany, telegraph hill, and the new union groceries.
00:32:32 You do your marketing here too, Major?
00:32:35 Only since I found it's where you do yours.
00:32:37 Besides, we didn't have a chance to finish our talk the other evening.
00:32:39 It isn't pleasant for me to talk about things that happened in the camp.
00:32:45 I'd like to forget about them.
00:32:48 That's, uh... That's not what I wanted to talk to you about.
00:32:51 I was telling my cook about that chicken dish I had at your house the other night.
00:32:54 She can't swing it without the recipe.
00:32:55 Don't laugh. I'm a San Franciscan, eating serious business with me.
00:33:00 I thought the law was your business, Major.
00:33:03 Technically, it is.
00:33:05 You see, my father's death put me in a curious situation.
00:33:07 According to the sign on the door, I'm the senior member of the firm,
00:33:10 but most of our clients seem to want to do business with the junior members.
00:33:13 One of them's 65 and the other's 62.
00:33:15 So it leaves me twiddling my thumbs and cleaning out ashtrays.
00:33:19 And finding your recipes for your cook.
00:33:21 Exactly.
00:33:22 If I give you the recipe,
00:33:28 will you tell me something too?
00:33:31 Blackmail, huh?
00:33:32 You and Ellen do not like each other. Why?
00:33:36 Where did you ever get an idea like that?
00:33:39 I saw you together at the house.
00:33:42 Well, the fact is that Ellen thinks I've had things too easy all my life.
00:33:45 You know, a rich man's son, lazy, drinks too much.
00:33:48 Unfortunately, he's right.
00:33:49 Two pan mozzarella, the best.
00:33:52 Right, Ellen. I'll take these two.
00:33:54 Well, I think this is everything.
00:33:59 I'm sure you have some good points, Major.
00:34:01 Oh, I suppose so.
00:34:03 I'm kind to animals, handle the boat pretty well.
00:34:05 And you play the piano beautifully.
00:34:07 And I make beautiful circles in a bar with a high wall glass.
00:34:10 Thank you, Mrs. Spencer.
00:34:12 Let me know how you like the mozzarella.
00:34:14 All right, I will, Tony. Goodbye.
00:34:16 Goodbye.
00:34:17 Well, now that that's all settled, how about lunch?
00:34:20 I'm afraid I couldn't.
00:34:22 Why not?
00:34:24 Because you're married now?
00:34:25 Believe me, I'm very much aware of it and I respect it.
00:34:29 Husbands are husbands and friends are friends.
00:34:31 And who knows, someday you might meet a friend.
00:34:33 Some other time, perhaps.
00:34:38 They are expecting me home for lunch today.
00:34:41 Goodbye.
00:34:45 Goodbye.
00:34:46 [HORN HONKING]
00:34:48 Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not fast enough for you.
00:35:04 Chris, a little playhouse.
00:35:11 You never told me about it.
00:35:13 I don't play anymore. It's no good.
00:35:15 Oh, we will fix it and use it again.
00:35:17 Here's the ball, Mom. Come on.
00:35:19 We had one at home. It was so much fun.
00:35:22 Don't go in there.
00:35:23 Is there something you don't want me to see?
00:35:25 No, but it's dangerous.
00:35:27 Chris, what happened there?
00:35:39 It was the explosion.
00:35:41 Explosion? What kind of explosion?
00:35:43 My chemical set. It happened a long time ago.
00:35:46 Come on, Mom. Let's play some more ball.
00:35:50 Tell me, darling, were you hurt?
00:35:56 No, it was nothing. It just made a loud noise.
00:35:59 Well, I'm going to ask Alan to have it fixed.
00:36:02 No, please don't, Mom.
00:36:04 Why not?
00:36:06 Because he doesn't know anything about it.
00:36:07 He wasn't here when it happened.
00:36:09 You won't tell him, Mom, will you?
00:36:12 Of course not, if you don't want me to.
00:36:14 We'll just keep it between us, okay?
00:36:17 Okay. Thanks, Mom. Come on, pitch.
00:36:20 Pitch.
00:36:23 Good one. Throw a rubber hand like that.
00:36:27 Margaret?
00:36:34 Margaret?
00:36:39 Margaret?
00:36:40 Margaret?
00:36:41 Margaret?
00:36:42 Margaret?
00:36:44 Margaret?
00:36:46 Margaret?
00:37:14 Is there something you wanted, Mrs. Spender?
00:37:16 Oh, I'm sorry, Margaret.
00:37:18 I was looking for you and I couldn't help admiring this beautiful album.
00:37:22 Was it on Sophie's?
00:37:24 Yes. She gave it to me.
00:37:26 Oh.
00:37:27 What is it you wanted, Mrs. Spender?
00:37:29 Oh, I... I just wanted to ask you...
00:37:32 what exactly happened in the little playhouse?
00:37:35 The playhouse?
00:37:37 Yes.
00:37:38 Did Chris take you there?
00:37:41 No, I... I came upon it by accident.
00:37:44 I asked Chris, but he didn't want to talk about it.
00:37:47 He did say there was an explosion from his chemical set.
00:37:51 Oh, nonsense.
00:37:53 His chemical set was just a harmless toy.
00:37:56 He must have stolen something from the kitchen,
00:37:58 some cleaning fluid or something that caused the explosion.
00:38:01 Chris thinks Mrs. Spender still doesn't know, but...
00:38:04 Of course you told him, Margaret.
00:38:06 No, I never did.
00:38:09 Margaret, you should have.
00:38:11 Well, Chris was terribly afraid Mrs. Spender would punish him.
00:38:15 He begged me not to tell.
00:38:17 But Chris should have been made to understand never to do a thing like that.
00:38:20 He could have been killed.
00:38:21 Well, he wasn't.
00:38:23 He wasn't hurt at all.
00:38:25 I saw no reason to make an issue of it then and...
00:38:28 certainly there's no reason to make an issue of it now.
00:38:30 I'm not trying to make an issue of it, Margaret.
00:38:33 But surely you can blame me for being worried and...
00:38:35 and very much concerned.
00:38:37 Concerned.
00:38:39 How long have you been concerned about Chris? A few weeks?
00:38:42 I've been concerned about him all his life, night and day.
00:38:45 And now you tell me that you're concerned about something that happened years ago.
00:38:50 Even then it was I who comforted him, not you.
00:38:53 Thank you for being so frank.
00:38:55 Now I know where we stand.
00:38:58 From the moment I came here, you've looked upon me as an intruder in this house.
00:39:03 That's why you dare talk to me like this.
00:39:05 Well, I'll tell you something.
00:39:07 You're wrong, Margaret.
00:39:08 You are the intruder, not I.
00:39:11 Are you giving me notice, Mrs. Bender?
00:39:13 Yes.
00:39:14 I was a fool not to do it long ago.
00:39:17 Very well.
00:39:20 I'll start packing at once.
00:39:23 (Footsteps)
00:39:25 (Door opens)
00:39:26 (Door closes)
00:39:27 (Footsteps)
00:39:28 (Footsteps)
00:39:29 (Footsteps)
00:39:30 (Footsteps)
00:39:31 (Footsteps)
00:39:32 (Footsteps)
00:39:33 (Footsteps)
00:39:34 (Footsteps)
00:39:35 (Footsteps)
00:39:36 (Footsteps)
00:39:37 (Footsteps)
00:39:38 (Footsteps)
00:39:39 (Footsteps)
00:39:40 (Footsteps)
00:39:41 Hello, darling.
00:39:42 I thought you wouldn't ever get home.
00:39:45 What's the matter? Anything wrong?
00:39:47 No.
00:39:48 Not anymore.
00:39:49 I had it out with Margaret.
00:39:52 She's leaving.
00:39:53 You what?
00:39:55 Have you both gone crazy?
00:39:58 Do you want to hear what happened?
00:39:59 I don't care what... This is ridiculous.
00:40:01 But darling,
00:40:02 you wouldn't say that if you'd heard how she talked to me.
00:40:05 She acted as if Chris was her child.
00:40:07 And she even accused me of deliberately turning him against her and you.
00:40:11 Oh, so it's about Chris.
00:40:14 Can't you see, darling?
00:40:17 Margaret is jealous because the boy's become so attached to you.
00:40:21 You should be the first to understand that.
00:40:23 And you...
00:40:24 You should be the first to understand that
00:40:26 Margaret and I can never live together in the same house.
00:40:29 Now look, Karen.
00:40:31 Margaret has given years of her life to Chris.
00:40:36 You can't just dismiss her like a servant that stepped out of line.
00:40:40 You're upset now, darling,
00:40:44 but when you've had time to think it over, you'll realize I'm right.
00:40:48 If Margaret said anything to you she shouldn't have, she'll apologize.
00:40:51 I've seen to that myself.
00:40:53 Come in.
00:41:16 May I speak to you for a moment, Mrs. Spender?
00:41:18 Please come in.
00:41:22 What is it, Margaret?
00:41:31 About yesterday, I should like to apologize.
00:41:34 I said things I shouldn't have, I'm sorry.
00:41:37 Oh, it doesn't matter.
00:41:38 Mr. Spender wishes you to remain, you know that.
00:41:41 But things will be very different.
00:41:43 If you feel that I can't be trusted with Chris.
00:41:45 What happened between us has nothing to do with Chris.
00:41:48 I never doubted that you have Chris's welfare at heart.
00:41:52 It's kind of you to say so, Mrs. Spender, but...
00:41:55 I'd feel better if you accepted my apology too.
00:41:58 Very well, I accept it.
00:42:02 If that makes you feel better.
00:42:04 Isn't it time to bring Chris home from the party?
00:42:10 I'm leaving right now.
00:42:12 I'm leaving right now.
00:42:13 I'm leaving right now.
00:42:14 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:42:33 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:42:58 (car horn)
00:43:00 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:43:24 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:43:40 Hello.
00:43:41 What are you doing in there?
00:43:43 I...
00:43:45 I was just looking around.
00:43:47 Looking around?
00:43:51 Mm-hmm.
00:43:53 For what?
00:43:54 Nothing, Adam.
00:43:55 Nothing, I...
00:43:57 I just wanted to see the inside of the playhouse.
00:44:01 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:44:07 (car screeching)
00:44:09 Mom!
00:44:10 Oh!
00:44:11 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:44:14 Oh, Mom!
00:44:15 Chris!
00:44:20 Oh, I'm so glad to see you.
00:44:22 Tell me, did you have a good time at Jimmy's party?
00:44:24 Mm-hmm.
00:44:25 Did he like your present?
00:44:26 Yep.
00:44:27 Oh, tell me all about it.
00:44:28 Well, we went on a pony ride and...
00:44:30 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:44:37 Karen.
00:44:41 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:44:49 Darling, will you please tell me what's bothering you?
00:44:52 I'm tired, Ellen.
00:44:54 I have a headache.
00:44:56 I don't mean now, I mean this afternoon at the playhouse.
00:45:01 You shied away from me as if I had the plague.
00:45:04 If I hadn't grabbed you...
00:45:06 I'd completely forgot about that wall.
00:45:09 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:45:12 Forgot?
00:45:13 I should have had it fixed right after the explosion,
00:45:15 but I didn't realize it was such a hazard.
00:45:17 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:45:19 What's the matter now?
00:45:21 You...
00:45:23 You know what happened to Chris in the playhouse?
00:45:26 Of course I do. Wasn't I supposed to know?
00:45:29 Well, Margaret told me just the other day that you didn't know.
00:45:33 That she never told you.
00:45:35 Oh, well...
00:45:37 you must have misunderstood.
00:45:40 After four years, I don't suppose Margaret remembers herself just how it was.
00:45:44 But it's certainly nothing for you to start worrying about now.
00:45:48 Your hands are like ice.
00:45:51 Is something going on in that funny little head of yours?
00:45:55 Something you're keeping from me?
00:45:56 I'm not keeping anything from you, Ellen.
00:45:59 I'd like to feel as though I'd failed you somehow.
00:46:04 As though I hadn't been the husband I wanted to be.
00:46:07 No, it isn't you, Ellen.
00:46:09 Sometimes, things come back.
00:46:12 Things I want to forget, I can't help it.
00:46:15 You must be patient with me.
00:46:19 I'll be all right.
00:46:20 Of course you will, darling.
00:46:22 It takes time.
00:46:24 We'll just have to try harder to...
00:46:27 to make you forget.
00:46:30 [footsteps]
00:46:32 Chris, you forgot to make up your room again.
00:46:38 I didn't forget.
00:46:40 I'm just going to market with Mama now.
00:46:42 I'll do it when we get back.
00:46:44 Oh, Chris, you promised.
00:46:46 Go right in and do it now.
00:46:47 I'll wait for you.
00:46:49 Would you like me to go to the market for you, Mrs. Spender?
00:46:52 Cook said he wanted the chops for lunch.
00:46:54 Oh, that's right.
00:46:56 No, I'll go, Margaret.
00:46:58 I'm sorry, darling.
00:47:00 You come with me next time, okay?
00:47:02 Okay.
00:47:04 [car door slams]
00:47:08 [engine starts]
00:47:10 [engine rumbles]
00:47:13 [dramatic music]
00:47:16 ♪
00:47:42 [horn honks]
00:47:44 ♪
00:48:05 [gasps]
00:48:07 Chris. Chris.
00:48:11 [engine rumbles]
00:48:13 Are you hurt, lady?
00:48:15 Oh, where's Pop?
00:48:17 You better cut the motor off. Somebody get an ambulance.
00:48:19 Yeah, I'll go get one, Margaret.
00:48:21 They won't move around, lady.
00:48:22 What happened?
00:48:23 They're getting an ambulance for you.
00:48:24 Did anything do it happen?
00:48:26 No, I don't want an ambulance.
00:48:29 What happened?
00:48:30 I'm all right.
00:48:32 Somebody get a doctor.
00:48:34 It's all right.
00:48:36 You better let me take you home, huh, lady?
00:48:38 Where do you live?
00:48:39 Home?
00:48:40 No, I...
00:48:41 Please, will you take me to a telephone?
00:48:43 Yeah, sure. Sure thing, lady.
00:48:45 [indistinct chatter]
00:48:47 [phone rings]
00:48:51 Hello.
00:48:52 Mr. Mark Bennett, please.
00:48:54 Yes?
00:48:56 Oh?
00:48:57 What a ride.
00:48:59 Hello, Karen. How are you?
00:49:01 An accident.
00:49:04 Are you all right?
00:49:06 Oh.
00:49:08 Yes.
00:49:10 Well, let me call Alan.
00:49:12 Oh, no, I don't want Alan to...
00:49:14 Mark, please, don't call Alan.
00:49:17 I want to see you alone, now.
00:49:19 All right, I just thought that...
00:49:22 I'll be right there. What's the address?
00:49:25 So after the man brought me here to the telephone,
00:49:29 he sent for a tow car, and...
00:49:31 and then he kept insisting I have a doctor look at me...
00:49:33 You should have. It was a terrible thing to have happen,
00:49:35 and I still think...
00:49:36 Mark, it didn't happen.
00:49:38 It wasn't an accident.
00:49:39 He made the brakes, so they wouldn't work.
00:49:41 He's trying to kill me.
00:49:43 Hey, hey, let's not go off the deep end again.
00:49:45 You've had a bad shock.
00:49:47 Now, who's trying to kill you?
00:49:49 Alan.
00:49:50 Alan?
00:49:51 Oh, Mark, please, believe me, I'm not hysterical now.
00:49:54 He wants to get rid of me.
00:49:57 I felt it for a long time.
00:49:59 Can't you see it, Mark?
00:50:02 Aunt Sophie left everything to Chris.
00:50:05 Alan is his guardian.
00:50:07 If something should happen to him, Alan would get the estate.
00:50:10 And Chris could have been with me in the car this morning.
00:50:13 He wants us out of the way.
00:50:15 It's for the money, Mark.
00:50:16 Don't you see it?
00:50:18 No, you don't, do you?
00:50:22 But why would he marry you?
00:50:24 He didn't have to, you know.
00:50:26 He may have been attracted to me, I don't know, but...
00:50:29 You don't think he was going to let the boy's mother take everything away from him, do you?
00:50:34 That's one way to find out.
00:50:37 Your master cylinder is bone dry.
00:50:45 These are hydraulic brakes.
00:50:46 No fluid, they don't work.
00:50:48 How come no fluid?
00:50:49 A leak, right here.
00:50:51 There's a break in the line going to the front wheel.
00:50:53 It's kind of an unusual place to spring a leak, isn't it?
00:50:55 Well, it don't happen every day, but it can happen.
00:50:59 Look, you've been over this thing pretty thoroughly.
00:51:02 Is it possible that somebody might have tampered with that brake line deliberately?
00:51:06 Anything's possible.
00:51:07 My guess is you hit a rock or something.
00:51:10 Okay, thanks.
00:51:12 Yeah.
00:51:13 I suppose you think I'm crazy.
00:51:18 But I cannot help it.
00:51:19 I cannot help what I feel.
00:51:21 Karen, it's no news to you that I'm not very fond of Alan.
00:51:25 I think he'd do almost anything to hold on to the nice, cushy life he's made for himself.
00:51:30 I don't think he'd be crazy enough to try a thing like this.
00:51:34 I don't know.
00:51:37 I don't know what to think anymore.
00:51:40 I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble for nothing.
00:51:44 For nothing?
00:51:45 I told you once you might need a friend.
00:51:49 You came to me as a friend.
00:51:51 I don't consider that nothing.
00:51:54 What you need is somebody to teach you how to relax and enjoy life.
00:51:58 Something Alan never learned.
00:52:00 He's been so busy trying to get up to that house on the hill that...
00:52:04 He's been blind to everything else.
00:52:08 I must go home, Mark.
00:52:15 Well, at least you stopped calling me Major.
00:52:18 That's a net gain.
00:52:20 [engine starts]
00:52:23 [engine revs]
00:52:26 [music]
00:52:47 [engine starts]
00:52:50 [engine revs]
00:53:01 [engine starts]
00:53:07 [music]
00:53:12 [engine revs]
00:53:15 [music]
00:53:18 [engine starts]
00:53:36 [music]
00:53:39 [engine revs]
00:53:42 [music]
00:53:46 [engine starts]
00:53:49 [music]
00:54:14 [engine starts]
00:54:17 [music]
00:54:20 Where have you been?
00:54:43 I was hungry and I went down to the kitchen for a glass of milk.
00:54:47 You better come to bed. It's very late.
00:54:53 Yes, Dad. In a minute.
00:54:56 [phone rings]
00:55:11 [phone rings]
00:55:14 [phone rings]
00:55:17 Yes?
00:55:18 Fowler? Mark Bennett.
00:55:20 Say, my client will be here in a few minutes.
00:55:22 Can you give me any idea what your report will be on those gloves?
00:55:25 I think I can. I want to run one more test as a double check, but...
00:55:29 I see.
00:55:32 No, I'll be right here waiting for you. Thanks.
00:55:35 [engine starts]
00:55:41 [engine revs]
00:55:44 [engine stops]
00:55:49 [engine starts]
00:55:54 [engine stops]
00:55:58 [engine starts]
00:56:01 [engine starts]
00:56:14 Karen!
00:56:21 Al, what are you doing here?
00:56:24 Me? I just went up to see my insurance man. Where are you going?
00:56:28 To the dentist. I have an appointment.
00:56:32 Dr. Lippman? Darling, he's in the medical building.
00:56:36 Oh. Oh, you're right. I...
00:56:40 I wonder how the taxi driver could have made such a mistake.
00:56:44 Well, I'm glad he did. It gives me a chance to give a beautiful lady a lift.
00:56:48 Matter of fact, it's almost four. I'll wait for you. We'll drive home together.
00:56:52 Oh, I didn't realize it was so late. I...
00:56:55 I'm afraid I've missed my appointment.
00:56:59 Well, you can see him tomorrow.
00:57:02 I tell you what. Let's have an early dinner and take in a movie, huh?
00:57:05 Uh-huh.
00:57:20 Hello, Margaret. Good evening.
00:57:22 Where's Chris? He's in his room listening to the radio.
00:57:25 Any calls? Mr. Mark Bennett.
00:57:28 Any message?
00:57:30 He just said he'd be in his office until six if either of you returned by then.
00:57:34 Thank you, Margaret.
00:57:37 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:57:39 Mr. Bennett, please. Mr. Spender calling.
00:57:53 Relax, darling. It can't be anything important.
00:57:58 Hello, Mark. I understand you called.
00:58:03 Oh, fine, thanks. How about yourself?
00:58:06 Tonight?
00:58:08 Just a minute. Karen's right here. I'll ask her.
00:58:11 She wants to take us to dinner tonight. What do you say?
00:58:14 Whatever you like, Alan.
00:58:16 Well, Karen says she'd love to.
00:58:18 Sure, 8.30's fine.
00:58:20 Uh-huh. I'll see you then.
00:58:22 What's the matter, darling?
00:58:27 Oh, I was just thinking I've spent so little time with Chris today.
00:58:32 Oh, stop worrying about Chris for a change.
00:58:35 It'll do you good to get out.
00:58:37 Yes, Alan.
00:59:16 (APPLAUSE)
00:59:18 Will you excuse me? I promised to call Chris and say goodnight.
00:59:25 You must have a crystal ball.
00:59:36 What do you mean?
00:59:38 You called this afternoon, man.
00:59:40 Of course. I was just going to call you.
00:59:42 Really? Anything special?
00:59:45 It's about Karen.
00:59:47 Karen?
00:59:49 This afternoon, coming down from Charlie Decker's office,
00:59:52 I ran into her in the lobby.
00:59:54 She almost jumped out of her skin when she saw me.
00:59:58 I could have sworn she was on her way up to see you.
01:00:02 Was she, Mark?
01:00:05 Why didn't you ask her?
01:00:07 I did. She told me she was going up to see her dentist.
01:00:11 That seems to settle it, doesn't it?
01:00:14 No, not quite.
01:00:16 You see, her dentist happens to be in the medical building.
01:00:18 It's quite a long way from the office.
01:00:20 So she made a mistake, so what?
01:00:23 People don't make mistakes like that.
01:00:26 Unless it's part of a pattern.
01:00:28 Look, I'm not very good at riddles.
01:00:34 It's on your mind.
01:00:36 I'm worried about Karen.
01:00:39 I don't have to tell you what she went through in Europe.
01:00:43 I've tried everything to make her forget.
01:00:46 I blame myself for letting her drive.
01:00:50 That accident on the hill didn't help her nerves any.
01:00:52 A thing like that, it may have with anybody's nerves.
01:00:55 Of course, but with her, it seems to...
01:00:58 I don't know.
01:01:01 Suddenly, she's become suspicious of everything and everybody around her.
01:01:05 I talked to Dr. Burkard about her.
01:01:09 He suggested I take her to a specialist.
01:01:13 I know you've never thought very much of me, Mark.
01:01:16 Too pushing and ambitious for your taste.
01:01:19 Or maybe you're right.
01:01:22 But Karen's made a difference in my life.
01:01:28 My only ambition now is to make her happy.
01:01:31 And I'm helpless.
01:01:34 The harder I try, the more I realize that...
01:01:37 I'm losing her.
01:01:41 I'm losing her.
01:01:43 It's ironic, isn't it?
01:01:48 Life's full of little ironies.
01:01:52 I'm afraid it's something you're going to have to work out between yourselves.
01:01:55 Would you like to dance?
01:02:00 Go ahead, darling.
01:02:08 The report from the chemist, Mark. What does it say?
01:02:11 I'm sorry, Karen. There wasn't a trace of grease or oil on those gloves.
01:02:15 But those spots, Mark. Those dark spots.
01:02:17 Ink. Nothing but plain, ordinary, blue-black ink.
01:02:21 Karen, I'd like to tell you that Alan is a black-hearted monster capable of the worst crimes in the book.
01:02:28 I can't.
01:02:30 Because I've been lying, and I...
01:02:32 I can't lie to you.
01:02:34 I know you've been through so much those years at the camp, and...
01:02:38 But you've got to snap out of this wound.
01:02:41 I'm not hysterical, Mark. Please believe me.
01:02:44 I've realized now there was something wrong from the beginning.
01:02:48 The way they tried to keep me from coming to America.
01:02:51 The cold, heartless cable some lawyer sent me that Aunt Sophie was dead, and not a word about Chris.
01:02:56 - What lawyers? - I don't know. I don't remember their names.
01:02:59 Why? Is it important?
01:03:02 No, I... I just wondered.
01:03:04 I can show you the cable. Alan doesn't know, but I still have it.
01:03:08 I could bring it to your office.
01:03:10 All right, why don't you? I'd like to get a look at it.
01:03:12 All right, Mark. Tomorrow. I'll bring it to your office in the morning, huh?
01:03:15 All right.
01:03:17 Oh, no.
01:03:19 After what happened today, I... I shouldn't go there again.
01:03:24 Where could we meet?
01:03:26 Well... Let me see.
01:03:31 The yacht basin at the marina.
01:03:33 Any taxi driver will know where it is.
01:03:35 Thank you. Wait a minute.
01:03:38 It's my turn now.
01:03:41 (HORN HONKS)
01:03:43 Well, my secretary searched all the files and checked with everybody
01:04:06 and says there's absolutely no record of this having been sent from our office.
01:04:09 But it is signed "Bennett, Compton and Maxwell."
01:04:12 You are firm, Mark.
01:04:14 Then I'm right. Alan sent the cable himself.
01:04:17 It's possible.
01:04:19 But you see, this is dated May 31st, 1945.
01:04:22 My father was still alive then.
01:04:24 He handled all your aunt's affairs.
01:04:26 Alan could have shown him the cable just as he told you.
01:04:29 And unfortunately, now there's no way of finding out what actually did happen.
01:04:36 Look, first thing Monday morning I'll call Callahan.
01:04:39 He's the lawyer you met in New York.
01:04:41 He may be able to tell us something.
01:04:43 I hope so.
01:04:45 Now, don't be afraid.
01:04:48 I've got to get home now.
01:04:53 I promised to take Chris to the ball game.
01:04:55 You are afraid, aren't you?
01:04:57 Sometimes, yes.
01:05:01 But not when I am with you.
01:05:04 That's what I want to talk to you about.
01:05:06 - Karen, there's no sense in our going... - No, no.
01:05:08 No, not now.
01:05:10 - It isn't right. - What is right?
01:05:13 For you to go on living with Alan, feeling the way you do about him?
01:05:16 For us to exchange polite, small talk every time we meet?
01:05:19 Is it wrong for me to say that I'm in love with him?
01:05:23 No, Mark, no.
01:05:26 But it is wrong for someone to lie, to cheat.
01:05:29 Even if only to find happiness and safety.
01:05:32 Now, what are we talking about?
01:05:34 About me.
01:05:37 I'm not Chris's mother, Mark.
01:05:40 Karen Dernakova died in Belsen.
01:05:43 I took her papers and stole her name.
01:05:46 Victoria.
01:05:49 Yes, Victoria Kowalska. That's my real name.
01:05:52 Victoria Kowalska.
01:05:54 But, Mark, you didn't hear what I said.
01:05:56 - I'm not Chris's... - Sure, sure, you're not Chris's mother.
01:05:59 What do you want me to do? Condemn a starved, scared, homeless girl
01:06:03 who saw a chance for a better life and grabbed it?
01:06:05 I saw Belsen too, Karen.
01:06:07 But I am trapped now, by my own lies.
01:06:15 Even if Alan lets me go, he will never let me have Chris.
01:06:19 And I will not leave him behind in that house.
01:06:21 Well, that's it.
01:06:22 You've been living with us on your conscience for so long
01:06:24 that you've magnified all these things.
01:06:26 Oh, no, please don't think that. Chris is in real danger.
01:06:28 You said that before. Nothing is going to happen to Chris.
01:06:31 Something is going to happen to him.
01:06:33 If I only could make you believe it.
01:06:35 I love him so much and he needs me.
01:06:39 I know he does.
01:06:41 - I'm going to talk to Alan. I think... - Oh, no, Mark.
01:06:44 Alan must know I told you anything.
01:06:46 There must be a way to prove all this to you.
01:06:53 Will you stop tearing yourself apart?
01:06:57 Take Chris to the ball game. Have some fun for a while.
01:07:00 Karen.
01:07:02 I said take Chris to the ball game.
01:07:05 Get away from the house by the afternoon.
01:07:07 Would it help if I call later when I find out what Callahan has to say?
01:07:12 Yes, call me. Maybe I...
01:07:14 Now, don't do anything silly.
01:07:16 Chris will be all right.
01:07:18 I hope so.
01:07:21 - Hello, Margaret. - Good afternoon, Mrs. Fender.
01:07:28 - Where's Chris? - He's having his lunch.
01:07:30 He said you were taking him to the ball game. I'll tell him you're back.
01:07:33 Oh.
01:07:34 Margaret, er...
01:07:38 Would you mind very much taking Chris to the game?
01:07:42 He's been counting on it and I have such a bad headache.
01:07:46 - Well, I'll be glad to take him if you like. - Thank you.
01:07:49 Thank you.
01:07:50 Goodbye, darling. Have a good time.
01:08:02 And remember, just one hot dog.
01:08:04 Okay, Mom. And I'll get the scorecard for you.
01:08:07 Bye, Mom. Bye.
01:08:13 - Bye. - Goodbye.
01:08:16 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:08:18 (DOOR OPENS)
01:08:19 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:08:21 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:08:26 (SIREN WAILING)
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01:08:29 (SIREN WAILING)
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01:09:56 (SIREN WAILING)
01:09:57 (SIREN WAILING)
01:09:58 (SIREN WAILING)
01:09:59 (SIREN WAILING)
01:10:00 (SIREN WAILING)
01:10:01 (SIREN WAILING)
01:10:02 (SIREN WAILING)
01:10:04 (DOOR OPENS)
01:10:05 "Death came yesterday, June 3rd.
01:10:12 But the cable was sent in May.
01:10:15 She wasn't dead then."
01:10:19 Hello, dear.
01:10:35 What are you doing?
01:10:37 Go ahead, finish your call.
01:10:41 It's not important.
01:10:42 Well, who are you calling?
01:10:46 My watch stopped. I wanted to find out the correct time.
01:10:49 Oh.
01:10:50 It's about a quarter to two.
01:10:53 14 hours.
01:10:54 Margaret called and said you weren't feeling well.
01:10:58 I thought I'd come home and keep you company.
01:10:59 Thank you, dear.
01:11:01 It was just a headache. It's gone now.
01:11:04 But darling, if you have work to do, please,
01:11:07 don't let me hold you back.
01:11:08 I'm all right now.
01:11:09 Of course, I can always find something to do.
01:11:15 Okay. Put on your coat and come along.
01:11:17 The drive will do you good.
01:11:18 I don't think so, Ellen.
01:11:21 I'd rather stay home.
01:11:23 Why don't you go?
01:11:24 No.
01:11:27 The work you'll keep until tomorrow.
01:11:29 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:11:36 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:11:37 You haven't eaten a thing, Karen.
01:11:56 Why don't you try the soufflé? It's excellent.
01:11:58 Yeah, Mom, it's swell.
01:11:59 I'm not hungry, darling.
01:12:02 Would you like to have mine, too?
01:12:04 Yeah, sure.
01:12:05 If you don't mind,
01:12:15 I'll go to the library and read while you're having your coffee.
01:12:18 Oh, go ahead, dear. I'll join you in a few minutes.
01:12:21 Good night, Margaret.
01:12:23 Good night, Mrs. Bentley.
01:12:24 Good night, darling.
01:12:25 Good night, Mom.
01:12:27 Karen.
01:12:41 I think I'll have my coffee with you.
01:12:47 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:12:49 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:12:52 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:12:54 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:12:55 (DOOR OPENS)
01:12:58 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:13:02 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:13:04 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:13:11 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:13:22 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:13:34 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:13:35 You're even more jittery tonight than usual, darling.
01:13:42 Hello?
01:13:47 Hello?
01:13:52 Hello?
01:13:53 Wrong number, I guess.
01:13:59 Well, maybe he just changed his mind.
01:14:04 Whoever it was.
01:14:20 (DOOR OPENS)
01:14:21 You look tired.
01:14:23 You can go into bed right now.
01:14:28 Come along.
01:14:30 I think I left a cigarette burning.
01:14:50 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:14:51 Feeling to have left something behind, forgot something?
01:15:01 I could have sworn I left a cigarette burning in there.
01:15:04 I wasn't even smoking.
01:15:18 (DOOR CREAKS)
01:15:24 Come in.
01:15:25 -I'll take it, Kai. -Yes, sir.
01:15:28 -Good night. -Good night.
01:15:30 Good night.
01:15:32 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:15:33 (GLASSES CLINK)
01:15:37 (WATER POURING)
01:15:39 (GLASSES CLINK)
01:15:44 (GLASSES CLINK)
01:15:49 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:15:50 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:16:11 You do look tired, dear.
01:16:34 You drink your juice and we'll turn in.
01:16:37 I left my book in the library. I'm going down to get it.
01:16:49 Now, how do you expect to get enough sleep if you stay up reading till all hours?
01:16:52 Just for a little while.
01:16:54 Please, Ellen.
01:16:56 Just a minute, darling.
01:16:59 I'll get your book for you.
01:17:04 (DOOR OPENS)
01:17:05 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:17:32 Hello. Operator.
01:17:34 Hello.
01:17:37 Operator.
01:17:40 (DOOR OPENS)
01:17:56 (FOOTSTEPS)
01:17:57 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:18:21 Thank you.
01:18:27 Don't forget your juice, dear. It'll help you sleep.
01:18:32 No, I don't think I want it tonight. It doesn't taste right.
01:18:35 What's the matter with it?
01:18:38 It seems a little bitter.
01:18:42 Bitter?
01:19:15 Tastes fine to me.
01:19:16 Come on, dear. Duck to Zooty's.
01:20:02 The trouble with you is, you don't know how to relax.
01:20:28 Come on, dear.
01:20:33 Don't fight it, just close your eyes.
01:20:36 Aren't you going to bed, Alan?
01:20:39 What is it, Alan?
01:20:45 Why do you look at me so?
01:20:47 I was thinking about a day not too long ago.
01:20:52 We met in Callaghan's office.
01:20:56 You were scared out of your wits, but you carried it off magnificently.
01:20:59 I thought then, this woman has everything, breeding, brains, fire.
01:21:04 I could be happy with a woman like this.
01:21:06 And then something else said,
01:21:10 "Watch out, she'll give you trouble."
01:21:14 Trouble?
01:21:17 What trouble could I give you, Alan?
01:21:19 Oh, don't be stupid, Karen, you know very well what sort of trouble.
01:21:23 Alan, what are you afraid they'll take away from you?
01:21:26 -Is it the money? -Money?
01:21:29 Scornful you are of money.
01:21:35 You and Mark Bennett.
01:21:37 All you people who were born with it.
01:21:39 I should never have had to worry about money either.
01:21:45 Aunt Sophie's family had been wiped out in Europe, I was her only living relative.
01:21:49 And what did it get me?
01:21:53 A job as a clerk in the shipping office for $40 a week.
01:21:55 It's all over.
01:22:02 This is the last time I'll have any trouble with your family.
01:22:06 You Poles must be made of iron.
01:22:11 You, Chris,
01:22:13 that old aunt of yours.
01:22:19 And it wasn't just Chris and me.
01:22:21 You had to kill Aunt Sophie first.
01:22:25 You sent me the cable that she was dead in.
01:22:28 And then you killed her.
01:22:30 Just like that. It's like powdering your nose.
01:22:32 You think it's easy to kill somebody?
01:22:36 It takes time and patience and courage.
01:22:40 And a strong stomach.
01:22:43 Oh, stop it, stop it!
01:22:45 I don't want to hear any more, you're mad.
01:22:48 Mad?
01:22:49 If it's madness not to let someone take from you what's rightfully yours,
01:22:53 then maybe I'm mad.
01:22:55 But everything I've done I've done with a perfectly sane mind.
01:22:57 I've never wavered for an instant and I'm not wavering now.
01:22:59 This house is mine.
01:23:01 The money's mine, it's going to stay mine.
01:23:03 You don't know what I went through with that old woman.
01:23:11 Your Chris.
01:23:13 I had to turn myself inside out.
01:23:15 Dance attendance on the kid like a fool.
01:23:17 Dance attendance on the kid like a monkey on a stick
01:23:18 just so she'd write me in as guardian for the boy.
01:23:20 You think I was going to give all that up
01:23:23 just because you decided to come back from the grave,
01:23:25 walk in and take over?
01:23:27 Alan, I don't care what happens to me anymore,
01:23:31 but please in heaven's name leave Chris out of it.
01:23:34 He's only a child.
01:23:36 He can do nothing to you, nothing.
01:23:38 Oh, nothing.
01:23:40 Except take everything from me and kick me out of the house
01:23:43 if he ever comes of age.
01:23:46 Alan.
01:23:47 Don't worry, Chris is safe.
01:23:49 I'd have trouble with Margaret if anything happened to him.
01:23:53 And you were the one that wanted to get rid of her.
01:23:58 However,
01:24:02 Chris is not of age yet.
01:24:05 It's a long way off.
01:24:14 And what are you going to do now?
01:24:15 Kill me?
01:24:18 I understand that Dr. Burkhardt
01:24:22 has been giving prescriptions for your insomnia.
01:24:25 He seemed quite upset when I told him
01:24:28 I was the one that had the insomnia,
01:24:31 worrying about your strange behavior.
01:24:34 He'll be grieved, the little doctor,
01:24:39 when he hears that you've been hoarding yourself
01:24:43 and hoarding your sedatives to take them all at once
01:24:44 in a glass of orange juice.
01:24:49 Alan.
01:24:52 You must call the doctor right away.
01:24:54 No, not quite yet, my dear.
01:24:56 No, listen to me.
01:24:58 I didn't drink the juice you gave me.
01:25:00 You drank it.
01:25:02 You're lying.
01:25:04 No, no, I'm...
01:25:06 You're lying.
01:25:08 I'm telling you the truth.
01:25:10 I was afraid and when you were downstairs
01:25:12 I took a glass and poured the juice
01:25:13 you gave me back into the pitcher.
01:25:15 Hello?
01:25:23 Hello? Operator?
01:25:25 Something is wrong with the telephone.
01:25:28 Library.
01:25:30 The library.
01:25:33 Margaret.
01:25:34 Margaret!
01:25:43 Margaret!
01:25:46 What is it?
01:25:49 What happened?
01:25:51 Peter, she poisoned me.
01:25:53 No, it isn't true.
01:25:55 He tried to poison me.
01:25:57 Get a doctor, quick.
01:25:59 I tried to call, but something is wrong with the telephone.
01:26:02 The receiver is off in the library.
01:26:03 Hurry.
01:26:05 I've got to keep awake.
01:26:10 You've got to keep moving.
01:26:12 Oh, no, you stay away from me.
01:26:17 I'm sorry, sir, but the line is busy.
01:26:27 But it's been busy for the last 40 minutes.
01:26:30 Are you sure there isn't trouble on the line?
01:26:31 Oh, did you get the doctor?
01:26:36 Is he coming?
01:26:38 Everything will be all right.
01:26:41 Isn't there something more we can do?
01:26:43 Get out.
01:26:45 Margaret, you must believe me.
01:26:47 He wanted to kill me.
01:26:49 You took him away from me.
01:26:51 You tried to take Chris away from me, too,
01:26:53 but you won't have either of them, whatever happens.
01:26:55 - Margaret, listen to me. - Get out!
01:26:57 This is so bad.
01:26:59 This is still my room. Now get out.
01:27:00 Lie still.
01:27:10 I'm going to be all right, Margaret.
01:27:12 Is something wrong, Mrs. Spender?
01:27:15 It's Mr. Spender. He's taken...
01:27:17 Make coffee, lots of it. Hurry.
01:27:19 Yes, ma'am.
01:27:21 I'm going to be all right.
01:27:23 You remember, Alan.
01:27:25 After the accident in the playhouse,
01:27:28 I told you that nothing must ever happen to Chris again.
01:27:30 Nothing did.
01:27:34 I gave him my word.
01:27:37 Your word.
01:27:39 If only I didn't know you so well.
01:27:41 If I hadn't kept Chris from going with her in the car the other day,
01:27:44 he might be dead now.
01:27:46 I did it for us, Margaret.
01:27:48 It was so we could be together again.
01:27:50 Like old times.
01:27:52 Old times.
01:27:54 And how long?
01:27:57 And how long would it be before you try again with Chris?
01:27:59 How long before you'd finally kill him?
01:28:02 Mom!
01:28:06 Darling.
01:28:08 I heard noises.
01:28:10 It was a dream, darling. Just a bad dream.
01:28:12 Come on. I'll tuck you in again.
01:28:14 Where's the doctor?
01:28:16 He should have been here a long time ago.
01:28:19 He isn't coming.
01:28:22 You left the receiver off the hook.
01:28:26 Remember?
01:28:27 The phone is dead.
01:28:29 Margaret.
01:28:32 Margaret, you...
01:28:34 You take the car, you get somebody.
01:28:37 You can't let me die.
01:28:40 How many times have you let me die, Alan?
01:28:43 I'll make it up to you, Margaret.
01:28:45 I swear I will.
01:28:47 It's too late.
01:28:49 You're going to die, Alan.
01:28:51 And that way, at least Chris will be safe.
01:28:53 No.
01:28:55 It can't be.
01:28:56 Everything I've worked for...
01:29:02 planned for...
01:29:06 planned for...
01:29:07 I don't know how long it was
01:29:31 before I realized that the doorbell was ringing.
01:29:35 Uh-huh.
01:29:36 And that was you, Mr. Bennett?
01:29:39 Yes, Inspector.
01:29:42 It was after 10 o'clock when I finally located Callahan in Washington.
01:29:45 He said he'd never heard any word from our office on the Albertson matter.
01:29:48 He dealt only with Alan himself.
01:29:50 So I called the house to have a showdown with Alan.
01:29:53 I kept getting a busy signal.
01:29:55 The operator said the phone was off the hook.
01:29:57 So I drove right over and called the station.
01:30:03 By the time your men got here, Alan was dead.
01:30:05 Well, I'm going to have to take that governess downtown for questioning.
01:30:09 Why? She didn't do anything.
01:30:12 That's just it. She deliberately didn't call the doctor.
01:30:15 She admits it.
01:30:17 - Where's that governess, Miss... - Went upstairs to put the boy to bed.
01:30:20 Poor kid couldn't hold his head up anymore.
01:30:22 Why didn't you let her take him?
01:30:24 She didn't put him to bed. She took him away.
01:30:26 She told me she never let me have him.
01:30:28 Cover the back stairs and the garage.
01:30:30 (thunder rumbling)
01:30:31 Grace!
01:30:35 Oh, Mark, you see, he's not here.
01:30:38 He's all right. He's fast asleep.
01:30:54 (gasps)
01:30:59 Yes, he's all right now.
01:31:01 He didn't want to go into his own room alone, so I brought him in here with me.
01:31:06 He fell asleep almost at once.
01:31:09 I'm going to have to ask you to come down to headquarters, Miss.
01:31:13 I'm ready.
01:31:15 Margaret, I know you are not to blame for what happened.
01:31:18 What do you think the charge will be, Inspector?
01:31:20 That'll be up to the district attorney.
01:31:22 Everything will be all right, Margaret.
01:31:27 I'll be your witness.
01:31:28 My conscience will be my witness, Mrs. Fender.
01:31:32 I'm sure the day I'll want to talk to you, too.
01:31:36 We'll be available any time.
01:31:38 We'd better go.
01:31:43 Go? But where?
01:31:45 I'm taking you to my mother's place for the time being.
01:31:47 I don't want you to spend another night in this house.
01:31:50 Yes, Mark.
01:31:53 Yes, Mark.
01:31:54 You don't have to apologize to her anymore.
01:32:16 Do you think she'd understand?
01:32:18 She'd approve. I know.
01:32:20 She might even approve of me.
01:32:23 Then all I can do is to thank her for everything.
01:32:26 Let's go.
01:32:30 Let's go.
01:32:31 Let's go.
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