Bahlil: Ada Negara yang Ingin Menjegal Hilirisasi

  • 6 months ago
Menteri Investasi/Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia yang mengakui hingga saat ini masih ada sejumlah negara yang ingin menjegal upaya hilirisasi yang tengah gencar dilakukan Pemerintah Indonesia. Pasalnya upaya hilirisasi dianggap telah mengganggu rantai pasok bahan baku industri yang terkait dengan negara tersebut.


00:00 The Minister of Investment, who is also the head of the BKPM, Bahlil Hadhalia, admitted that
00:04 there are still a number of countries that want to prevent the illegal hilirisasi
00:08 that is being carried out by the Indonesian government.
00:11 The reason is that the hilirisasi has been considered to be disturbing the supply chain of industrial materials
00:16 related to the country.
00:18 According to Bahlil, one of the efforts to stop the hilirisasi program
00:22 by attacking the aspect of nationalism.
00:25 Nevertheless, Bahlil has ensured that his party has designed efforts related to the hilirisasi program
00:30 in a good and measured way.
00:32 One of them is by building hilirisasi in the steel sector,
00:36 which will later become part of the components,
00:39 we mean the components of electric cars.
00:41 And the step will also be carried out by continuing the gold hilirisasi program
00:45 as well as the components of other battery packaging components.
00:51 I would like to say that the global, especially the foreign countries,
00:57 I don't need to mention which countries,
01:01 still feel uncomfortable with Indonesia's policy
01:08 in supplying some commodity exports,
01:12 including nickel.
01:16 Because it disturbs their industry in the supply of steel.
01:25 And because of that, I would like to tell the media, please write it down carefully,
01:30 that various kinds of temptations
01:35 or other ways will be used
01:42 to force the policy of supplying steel to be withdrawn.
01:50 Including by attacking us in Indonesia.
01:58 This is related to nationalism.
02:03 But I am important to say that there is no such threat.
02:07 This is a serious threat.
02:11 And it is not a burden for any officials
02:14 who still have a strong principle for building hilirisasi.
02:20 There is room, there is potential for it to be disturbed in various ways.
02:27 (Music)
