Daughter is a financial burden? || Acharya Prashant

  • 6 months ago
00:00 Still, in small town India and rural India, the day a daughter is born, at least the financial
00:07 purpose of the father's life is decided.
00:10 All I am doing is saving for her wedding.
00:14 And the expenses that you quoted, do not go merely towards celebration.
00:19 A lot of that is actually towards dowry.
00:22 So what is the poor father doing?
00:24 Just saving, saving and saving.
00:26 And if he by chance happens to have three girls, think of his predicament.
00:32 And now do you see that this fat wedding business is also directly related to female infanticide
00:38 and foeticide?
00:39 Because if a daughter is born, you'll have to arrange that kind of wedding and dowry.
00:44 And you already have two daughters and your means do not permit you that kind of expenditure
00:49 the third time over.
00:51 So the moment you know that a third girl is about to arrive, you kill her in the foetus,
00:58 in the womb.
