Protest rolników w Śremie

  • 6 months ago


00:00 We are at the blockade, which is under the barrier.
00:06 As a representative of the agricultural institution, how can we simply explain to the average Kowalski, why today farmers are standing here and blocking the road?
00:19 First of all, the main reason for these strikes is the introduction of the Green Act, which makes it very difficult for farmers to farm, because it imposes many obligations on farmers.
00:32 One of them is the crop burning, with which we do not agree that the soil should lie bare.
00:38 The second important point is that the wave of harvested corn, rapeseed from Ukraine has flooded us, causing our farmers today to be unable to get rid of their crops, which they harvested last year in Żniwa.
00:57 This also caused a significant drop in prices and at this point the profitability of agricultural production in Poland has fallen.
01:07 Are there any solutions, or are the talks in Warsaw providing a vision of solving these problems?
01:18 We do not have any confirmed solutions for today. The talks are ongoing. We would like the European Union to lean, but for these changes to be positive.
01:37 We are working on the Green Act, which should be withdrawn. As a member of the Agricultural Board, we have repeatedly suggested that the Green Act should not be adopted in its current form, but our views have not been taken into account.
01:55 I would like to ask about the future. Are there any more protests or blockades?
02:02 I think that the farmers are a social group that will not give up, will fight for their own. We are not fighting only for our own. We are fighting for our Polish food to remain in Poland.
02:12 This good Polish food was on our shelves, not on our shelves. It was supplied with goods from outside, sometimes of unknown origin, not fully examined.
02:23 We are also fighting for our future and the whole of Poland to be solved and secured.
02:35 Today, the protesting farmers here, in the village, were driving around the village. What kind of support was that?
02:42 It was not the first time we had such support. We were with the girls in the T-shirts, then we were with the cake and coffee. Today, the organizers asked for help, that if they were standing on the road for 12 hours, a warm meal would be useful.
02:57 The farmers' associations are always well organized in our area. We fed them, gave them cake, coffee, sausage. I will also say that we also received financial support from the organizers to prepare this whole protest.
03:16 I would like to thank the owners of the "Czonek", "Międzychód" and "Pokrzywnica" for their support. Of course, the Wielkopolska Izba Rolnicza and the Novieczek Association are also involved.
03:29 So, all together, we can support our protesting farmers.
03:34 (dramatic music)