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Are you excited for WWE2K24?
Luke and Pete play through WWE2K24 MyGM Mode for the first time and give their first impressions on the new features!
Watch the rest of the gameplay: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-extra-99537377

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00:00 Hey everyone, welcome to PartsFar9. I'm Luke Cohen, DAD, that's Pete Quinnell, and we have got our hands on WWE 2K24.
00:10 You know what that means? It's time for us to look at My GM Mode.
00:14 Yay!
00:15 Because we've been, we got to play it before, we got to go to the 2K offices and play the game.
00:19 But there wasn't a My GM Mode there. So we just had to play the normal game.
00:24 But really what we wanted to do was see this.
00:27 Yeah!
00:28 So this is legit the first time we're opening this up.
00:31 We have not done anything for My GM yet.
00:34 So we're going to go in here and find out what's going on.
00:37 Yes, and to clarify, this is not the beginning of Monday Night War Season 4.
00:41 That's coming soon.
00:43 Yes.
00:44 So this is just us looking at the game.
00:45 So let's get into this. I've opened up My GM Mode.
00:49 Right, new. Let's skip that.
00:52 We don't need that.
00:53 So we're just going to do ad player.
00:54 Let's just do someone.
00:56 Let's see who we've got.
00:58 Adam Pearce, Sonia Deville, Stephanie McMahon, Xavier Woods, Tyler Breeze, Bischoff, Mick Foley, and Ted DiBiase.
01:07 William Riegel, Paul Heyman, Teddy Long.
01:12 There's so many.
01:13 And Custom.
01:14 Phew, we can still do Custom.
01:15 So that will be us. We haven't made us in the game yet, I don't think.
01:19 Here we go. Remove all match bonuses and quality bonuses, plus set up match XP, gain a very low for all opposing brands next week show.
01:26 Jesus Christ.
01:28 All right, Teddy. Surely Teddy should just be make tag matches.
01:33 Right, make tag matches really good.
01:35 All matches are one on one with the Undertaker.
01:37 I was going to say, you signed the Undertaker.
01:39 All programs this week are free and have their results doubled.
01:43 Crikey.
01:44 Second opposing brand, all superstars on their roster lose five popularity at the start of the next week.
01:50 Damn.
01:51 That sucks.
01:52 Brutal.
01:53 Times two per season.
01:55 Oh, we get to do this twice.
01:57 All matches are free?
01:58 All matches are free to book this week.
02:00 Jesus.
02:01 And you can do that twice per season.
02:03 Backstage brawl, backstage brawl, backstage brawl.
02:04 Yeah, right? You do that on two pay per week.
02:06 You save that for your final.
02:08 It's crazy.
02:10 Second opposing brands can't be.
02:14 Will be injured.
02:16 Wow.
02:17 That's brutal.
02:19 That sucks.
02:20 Double all show logistic bonuses for this week.
02:23 Nice.
02:24 All superstars immediately recover 15.
02:26 That's very good.
02:27 That's really good.
02:28 You get in a pinch, you just go, oh, okay.
02:30 That's really good.
02:32 And that's immediate as well.
02:33 They don't even miss a week or anything.
02:34 Everyone's just better.
02:36 The selected a superstar from an opposing brands roster.
02:40 They will permanently join your roster next week.
02:42 That's brilliant.
02:44 And that also really plays into their brand series.
02:47 That's so good.
02:48 And twice as much money than the arena attendance this week.
02:51 Pretty good.
02:52 Power cards and store are free.
02:54 Two copies.
02:56 And you get it twice per season.
02:58 That's also nice.
02:59 So, yeah, if you see a few that you like, you're just like, oh,
03:02 I'll get two of these, two of these, two of these.
03:04 And you do it again.
03:05 That's really good.
03:06 We'll go with Woods.
03:07 Okay.
03:08 Yeah, makes sense.
03:09 Smackdown, obviously.
03:10 That's, you know, your home domain.
03:11 You're welcome.
03:12 Monday night Smackdown, the winning brand.
03:14 I mean, this is good for you to know what you're going to be getting into.
03:16 Yeah.
03:17 Six random superstars in your roster will have their popularity increased by six.
03:19 That is the same as last game as well.
03:21 Yep.
03:22 And nice and same as one overall as well, which is that they can be booked next week.
03:25 So that's the same.
03:26 Okay.
03:27 Yeah.
03:28 Total matches booked this week will receive a large match respawn.
03:30 Cool.
03:31 So 2.0 remains.
03:33 2.0 is still here.
03:34 So Dan might go with 2.0 again.
03:35 Yeah, he might.
03:36 Reduce the price of the next three superstars.
03:38 Lovely.
03:39 Very good.
03:40 Extend the duration of all contracts currently in roster by three weeks.
03:42 That's WCW.
03:43 ECW!
03:44 ECW!
03:45 Yeah.
03:46 We thought, we've been sort of, you know, what we might do for this season.
03:50 Like, who is Dan going to pick?
03:51 And we thought, I bet you ECW is in the game.
03:53 Yeah.
03:54 So I think the one thing I do know about this, because I believe Dan did go through to have
03:59 a look.
04:00 Yeah.
04:01 ECW doesn't have women's champions.
04:02 Yeah.
04:03 It just has men's tags and men's singles, and like a men's midcard.
04:07 Yeah.
04:08 So I don't think he's picking that.
04:09 I don't think he's going to pick that one.
04:11 No.
04:12 Yeah.
04:13 Again, twice per season, book all opposing brands from three randomly selected champions
04:16 in next week's show.
04:17 Wait, block all opposing brands from using three randomly selected champions?
04:21 Wow.
04:23 Huh?
04:24 Okay.
04:26 You block three champions?
04:28 Twice per season.
04:30 It's veto champ times three, twice?
04:33 Huh?
04:34 Times six.
04:35 That's wild.
04:36 And it's guaranteed to be a champion as well.
04:39 Yeah.
04:40 And because it's three champions, that guarantees that as well, it's not just going to be one
04:45 and a half of the tag champs.
04:46 Yeah.
04:47 You're always going to get one of your main champions.
04:49 Yeah.
04:50 That's a wild one.
04:51 Well, that's not necessarily true because you could get one half of the tag team, one
04:55 half of the other tag team, one half of the women's tag.
04:57 That's true actually.
04:59 Yeah, you're right.
05:00 So you can have, what is it, like four, six champions on your roster, I think?
05:04 Something like that?
05:05 Or seven?
05:06 That would be so unfortunate.
05:07 You'd be like, "Oh man, what an absolute kick in the dick that would be."
05:11 You know what would happen, yeah.
05:13 Yeah.
05:14 Well, let's go with, do we pick ECW?
05:16 Sure.
05:17 Doesn't matter for now.
05:18 Let's pick ECW.
05:19 So, CPU will have, why not, do you want Bish?
05:24 Yeah.
05:25 Let's have Bish.
05:26 Why not?
05:27 Running WCW.
05:28 That'll do.
05:29 Confirm selections.
05:30 Yes.
05:31 All right.
05:32 Okay, so AI difficulty, game difficulty.
05:34 Also, check out the game difficulty, see what it says for this one.
05:38 So, yeah, so there's on hard mode, you have a small increase in superstar injury chance
05:43 and a high morale threshold for keeping them, so they're easier to leave and stuff.
05:47 There's extreme.
05:48 Extreme mode.
05:49 It's interesting.
05:50 Two mid-card matches during regular shows, three during PLEs.
05:53 Yeah.
05:54 Yeah.
05:55 And what about a couple of the others?
05:57 Yeah, so on easy mode, you just have one mid-card.
05:59 That's right, yeah.
06:00 And then two during PLEs.
06:02 I assume we're going to be playing on normal.
06:04 Yeah, I think so.
06:05 Yeah, I think we'll usually play on normal mode.
06:07 When we get into a bun that I wore last year.
06:09 Playing order fine.
06:10 Shake-ups on.
06:11 So, after some PLE shows, you'll be asked to choose a shake-up.
06:16 Shake-ups modify your season in new and exciting ways.
06:20 So that isn't just at the end of the 25 weeks.
06:23 Yes.
06:24 That could happen in the five PLEs that you do.
06:28 Yeah, which I guess is kind of what we had in the last game, wasn't it?
06:30 It was after every PLE, you got the three cards to pick from, right?
06:34 But I believe this one's slightly more in-depth.
06:36 Okay, cool.
06:37 Which we'll have to look into a bit later on.
06:39 Okay.
06:40 That's fine, yeah.
06:41 Draft pool.
06:42 Yeah.
06:43 Okay, okay, okay.
06:44 So this is an interesting one.
06:45 Yeah.
06:46 Start with few match types unlocked.
06:48 Additional match types will become available by improving your brand over time via logistics
06:52 and the choices you make.
06:54 Each brand will be unique and they will only have access to the matches they've unlocked.
06:59 All match types can be unlocked by all brands over time.
07:02 Ooh!
07:03 That's really interesting.
07:05 I love that.
07:06 Yeah.
07:07 So you can either just have that as default or you can just have it all match types unlocked.
07:10 Yeah.
07:11 So the one thing I suppose we'll have to test, and this will actually be a good tester for us.
07:16 Like what you're also getting here is not just me and you playing the game.
07:19 There's also our admin.
07:20 Admin!
07:21 Ahead of our next week of recording.
07:22 Where we can determine things for the season.
07:24 Yeah.
07:25 Basically ahead of us recording next week the new series of My GM Monday Night War, we're
07:29 figuring out how we're going to do the new game.
07:31 Exactly, yeah.
07:32 Because if it turns out that you can't unlock casket matches or ambulance matches or all
07:36 the cool match types until week 27, we may just want to go to classic and have everything
07:42 unlocked.
07:43 But I like the idea of having, you know, you have to work to get the match types.
07:47 I like that.
07:48 So let's see how difficult it is to unlock them.
07:49 Let's do that.
07:50 Let's do a draft.
07:51 Here we go.
07:52 Here we go, everyone.
07:53 Draft time.
07:54 Let's not spend too long on this.
07:55 No, no, no.
07:56 This isn't real.
07:57 Yeah.
07:58 Okay.
07:59 Lovely, lovely.
08:00 Cool.
08:01 Crikey Moses, 377,000?
08:02 Yeah.
08:03 Woo!
08:04 Alright.
08:05 Well, let's get Rhonda.
08:06 Okay.
08:07 Sure.
08:08 Becky.
08:09 Makes sense.
08:10 So what's she?
08:11 She's a bruiser?
08:12 Yeah.
08:13 So you're looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially?
08:16 Yeah.
08:17 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:18 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:19 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:20 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:21 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:22 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:23 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:24 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:25 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:26 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:27 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:28 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:29 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:30 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:31 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:32 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
08:53 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:16 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:45 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:46 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:47 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:48 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:49 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:50 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:51 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:52 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:53 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:54 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:55 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:56 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:57 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:58 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
09:59 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
10:00 I'm looking for a fighter to pair up with potentially.
10:21 And he can use class change promo to swap between bruiser and fighter.
10:26 So instead of going face and heel, he can literally swap between bruiser and fighter.
10:29 I like that a lot.
10:30 That's really cool.
10:31 I like that.
10:32 That's such an interesting idea.
10:33 Right, should we get Codes?
10:34 Yeah, why not?
10:35 Yeah, get Cody.
10:36 Why not, eh?
10:37 Whoa.
10:38 Adrenaline.
10:39 Oh, we lost our truth.
10:40 Oh, truth.
10:41 No.
10:42 What are we going to do now?
10:43 Here we go, let's pair with Cody.
10:44 He's a specialist, so anybody.
10:45 Yeah.
10:46 Some sort of heel, probably.
10:47 Yeah, let's get a heel in there.
10:48 A Jimmy Uso heel.
10:49 A Jimmy Uso, no yeet, as they say.
10:50 Bobby Roode.
10:51 Shinsuke.
10:52 Montez Ford.
10:53 Oh, there's a heel as well.
10:54 Yeah, that's cool.
10:55 Bron Breaker.
10:56 Let's get Bron.
10:57 Let's do Bron and Cody.
10:58 Why not?
10:59 Bron Cody.
11:00 I like how the first two people we got was Ronda or Maxine Dupree.
11:01 We're ECW with no women's titles.
11:02 Already made it.
11:03 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:04 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:05 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:06 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:07 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:08 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:09 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:10 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:11 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:12 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:18 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:19 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:20 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:21 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:22 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:23 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:24 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:25 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:26 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:27 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:28 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:29 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:30 I'm going to go with Ron.
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11:54 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:55 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:56 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:57 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:58 I'm going to go with Ron.
11:59 I'm going to go with Ron.
12:00 I'm going to go with Ron.
12:01 I'm going to go with Ron.
12:03 Whacking Wild again!
12:05 What did he do?
12:07 Why is he the worst?
12:09 Why is he the only one under 100 grand?
12:12 We'll get a nice cheap Giant.
12:15 Who at 2k hates Whacking Wild?
12:18 We need a heal Giant.
12:20 Heal Giant.
12:21 Viva Han!
12:23 Hell yeah!
12:24 There you go, bud.
12:25 Alright, yeah, we got him.
12:26 We got him.
12:27 We got him.
12:28 Who else have we got in the cheap?
12:30 Dragunov!
12:32 Oh, Ilya!
12:33 Hell yeah!
12:34 Specialist.
12:35 Yeah.
12:36 Yeah.
12:37 Alright, let's get Ilya then.
12:39 Why not?
12:40 Why not?
12:41 You've still got 479 grand.
12:43 Sure do.
12:44 But I might have also got to book a show as well.
12:46 Yep.
12:47 Okay, so now into the optional draft round.
12:50 So we've done 8 picks, right?
12:51 We've done 8 picks.
12:52 So really we are now just in...
12:54 And we're only going to do the first 5 weeks anyway.
12:56 Just do a couple more.
12:57 Yeah.
12:58 And then we'll be good.
12:59 Screebs.
13:00 Screebs.
13:01 He's got Carmelo Hayes.
13:03 I hear he don't miss.
13:05 Who else can we get?
13:08 Should we get Josh Briggs?
13:10 Uh-huh.
13:12 Sure.
13:13 You can get Scripps.
13:15 Yeah, you can get Scripps.
13:16 So yeah, why not?
13:17 Yeah, Josh Briggs.
13:18 There you go.
13:19 There you go.
13:20 We're done.
13:21 Oh, he's got Die Jack.
13:22 Yeah, let's say we're done with that.
13:23 We're done with that.
13:24 End draft.
13:25 Confirmed.
13:26 Cool.
13:27 Look at that.
13:28 The only women's feud will be Ronda Rousey and Maxine Dupree for no belt.
13:32 Yep, for no belt.
13:33 Huge.
13:34 Rubbish choices there, Eric.
13:36 Terrible.
13:37 Right, okay.
13:38 So let's get into the game.
13:40 Let's find out what's going on.
13:42 Hall of Fame.
13:43 Be the first.
13:44 10 Hall of Fame trophies.
13:46 Tires are broken by most cash.
13:48 Seasonal challenges.
13:50 Okay.
13:51 Cool.
13:52 Lovely.
13:53 Right, here we go.
13:54 4 weeks to Hell in a Cell.
13:56 Words good to talk into.
13:58 Okay, just take it easy.
13:59 These are just emails.
14:00 Yeah, I'm trying not to let you down.
14:01 ECW's ready.
14:02 Big things.
14:03 Thanks, Triple H.
14:05 Women's division belts are unavailable.
14:07 Yep.
14:08 Great.
14:09 Okay, great.
14:10 Thanks for that.
14:11 So.
14:12 Oh, yeah.
14:13 Yeah.
14:14 So you have world tag and men.
14:15 So in this one, you can actually choose tag right at the start.
14:17 Yeah.
14:18 Whereas in the last game, you had to put them in a match.
14:19 That's right.
14:20 So you can choose these from the start.
14:21 That's interesting.
14:22 So put the belt on Roman.
14:23 Of course we are.
14:24 Plus 20 popularity.
14:25 Whoa.
14:26 Crikey.
14:27 Should we do Wacky?
14:28 I know they can't do that.
14:29 We could do Wacky Wild and Josh Briggs.
14:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:31 Cruiser Giant.
14:32 That's solid.
14:33 And then we can do against Scripps and Veer.
14:34 Yeah, that's a fun little match up.
14:35 And Orton.
14:36 Well, Orton's going to be feuding with Reign.
14:37 So put it on Ron.
14:38 Who's going to be feuding with Cody?
14:39 Yeah.
14:40 Hell yeah.
14:41 There you go.
14:42 20 popularity for the midcard belt as well.
14:43 I would have thought that would have just been 10, but that's great.
14:44 So that's good.
14:45 Confirm that.
14:46 And then we can do against the other two.
14:47 Yeah.
14:48 Hell yeah.
14:49 There you go.
14:50 20 popularity for the midcard belt as well.
14:51 I would have thought that would have just been 10, but that's great.
14:53 So that's good.
14:54 Confirm that.
14:55 Here we go.
14:56 All right.
14:57 So this all looks pretty similar.
14:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:00 Ensure that your least popular available Giant is in the match this week.
15:02 Great.
15:03 Probably going to do that.
15:04 Yeah.
15:05 This is all the same.
15:06 Yeah.
15:07 Logistics.
15:08 That looks the same.
15:09 Yeah.
15:10 It's like a slightly different.
15:11 Just a different UI, but it's mostly the same stuff.
15:13 Ooh, can you buy that straight away?
15:14 Yeah, but it costs 100 grand.
15:15 Oh, yeah, you can buy it just straight off the bat.
15:21 And two assets, whatever that means.
15:23 What are assets?
15:24 I don't know.
15:25 I'm finding out with you.
15:26 That's 50 grand.
15:27 That's 50.
15:28 Okay, so you can buy a lot of these right off the bat then.
15:31 Yeah.
15:32 So how can you buy?
15:33 Let's just buy one of them because I don't know how the other one unlocks.
15:36 It doesn't say like, oh, it unlocks it.
15:38 You can just buy them right away.
15:39 Oh, wow.
15:40 You just keep going.
15:41 You can just keep going.
15:42 Whoa.
15:43 So you can just unlock a bunch of the logistics straight away.
15:45 So money, super important.
15:47 That really is.
15:48 Yeah.
15:49 Yeah.
15:50 That's great.
15:51 Cool.
15:52 Because one of the things that we had with Series 3 is that so much of the stuff unlocked
15:55 in the next season, in future seasons.
15:57 Exactly.
15:58 Yeah.
15:59 So it's now just manage roster and talent scouts.
16:00 There's no like legends area.
16:01 So let's go talent scouts.
16:02 Oh, okay.
16:03 Let me introduce your team to your talent scouts.
16:06 Each week you'll be granted five talent scouts you can utilize to find the best superstars
16:10 that fit the needs of your roster.
16:12 Interesting.
16:13 You'll also be allowed to view four lower level superstars for free.
16:18 Adrian Williams.
16:19 He's back.
16:20 Remember him.
16:21 He'll find your search criteria to utilize when searching for superstars.
16:25 These include rank, gender, role class, and promo skill.
16:27 The more specific your search criteria to the more talents.
16:30 This is great.
16:31 Because one of the things I found playing it is that like, okay, cool.
16:35 I need a heel giant this week.
16:37 And you go and there's like, there's no heel giant.
16:39 This is basically.
16:40 But that does say right at the end, you'd have to wait a week after you've done.
16:44 But even so.
16:45 Yeah, but it should in theory, give you some results.
16:48 Yeah.
16:49 Searching for superstars requires a variable amount of talent scouts and cash.
16:52 Once you finalize your search criteria, you're putting your talent scouts to work.
16:55 If you require an amount of cash, talent scouts will then attempt to resell them.
16:59 Cool.
17:00 Great.
17:01 And then they will be here.
17:02 Wonderful.
17:03 Lovely.
17:04 Right.
17:05 Well, let's do that then.
17:06 Let's see what we.
17:07 Let's have a look.
17:08 So you get to search by.
17:09 Oh, right.
17:10 Okay.
17:11 So that like that costs you three scouts to do if you want to go up that high.
17:15 Yeah.
17:16 So let's do a legend.
17:17 Okay.
17:18 Who is male.
17:19 That costs four scouts.
17:22 And is a specialist.
17:26 And that costs five scouts.
17:27 So each additional criteria you get costs you an extra scout to use it.
17:31 Cool.
17:32 So.
17:33 And then you search down the bottom once you're done.
17:35 Aha.
17:36 Search.
17:37 I see.
17:38 Confirm.
17:39 Oh, great.
17:40 Oh, stardust.
17:41 A legend stardust.
17:42 But we've got Jeremy Sweet.
17:43 Jerry Sweat.
17:44 Thank you very much.
17:45 That's Jerry Sweet.
17:46 Oh, it's Jerry Sweat.
17:47 You're absolutely right.
17:48 Mighty Kirk.
17:49 Get away, woman.
17:50 We don't need women.
17:51 And ECW.
17:52 You don't have any money, so we can get any of these.
17:53 But I just want to see what that was like.
17:54 Yeah.
17:55 Your power cards.
17:56 Uh huh.
17:57 That all looks pretty much the same.
17:58 Yeah.
17:59 And then.
18:00 Oh, that's a good one.
18:01 Oh, that's a good one.
18:02 Yeah.
18:03 That's a good one.
18:04 Yeah.
18:05 That's a good one.
18:06 Yeah.
18:07 That's a good one.
18:08 Yeah.
18:09 And then where all of our things are.
18:10 Lovely.
18:11 Cool.
18:12 That's Woods' stuff you get.
18:13 Yep.
18:14 And then that's just your.
18:15 Oh, crikey.
18:16 Here you can check what milestones you need in order to hit.
18:18 That's season history.
18:19 That's fine.
18:20 That's all the same.
18:21 Okay.
18:22 Yeah.
18:23 Okay.
18:24 Revenue, career, check.
18:25 Can I just double check those last bits as well?
18:26 Just double check.
18:27 Oops.
18:28 No, I can't select anything else.
18:29 Ah.
18:30 I can just select that.
18:31 Interesting.
18:32 Season history.
18:33 Season chart, career.
18:34 Oh, that's a good one.
18:35 Yeah.
18:36 Season history.
18:37 Season chart, complete five challenges in a single season to earn a Hall of Fame trophy,
18:40 but it doesn't say what the challenges are.
18:42 And I can't get to them.
18:44 Hmm.
18:45 Interesting.
18:46 That is interesting.
18:47 Interesting.
18:48 Because then you get a Hall of Fame trophy for four million fans.
18:54 Yeah.
18:55 You also get one for two million revenue.
18:57 Revenue, yeah.
18:58 And any seasonal challenges.
19:00 But that means.
19:01 If you get five of them, then you get a trophy.
19:02 Yeah.
19:03 Which was the same as last season.
19:04 But you don't know what they are.
19:05 But we don't know what the challenges are.
19:07 I can't see them.
19:08 Which is kind of great in a way, because it means that you're not just doing that.
19:13 You're not just doing admin.
19:14 Yeah.
19:15 But then it feels a bit luck based.
19:16 You know, to be like, well, if you hit the things, you hit the things.
19:19 And if not, if not.
19:20 But we'll see.
19:21 Anyway, our main events is Roman versus Randy Orton.
19:25 Uh-huh.
19:26 Title match.
19:27 Hell yeah.
19:28 Obviously.
19:29 Let's check the match types, see what they do.
19:31 So this is.
19:32 Okay, so tier two.
19:33 Yeah.
19:34 So let's check for the match types here.
19:36 So.
19:37 It's going anywhere.
19:38 It's just a good match to do.
19:40 Lovely.
19:41 Does submission still finish the rivalry?
19:44 No.
19:45 Just 50% additional chance of rivalry.
19:47 That's what still caged it last time.
19:49 Pretty sure.
19:50 So that one doesn't do anything else.
19:52 That's just a bit of extra.
19:54 Yep.
19:55 TLC, same.
19:56 So submission does that.
19:58 That one doesn't do anything extra.
20:00 Ironman plus two popularity, two in terms of chance of injury.
20:03 Morale to winner, morale to loser.
20:05 Five popularity of the winner.
20:07 Three weeks injury for the loser.
20:10 Crikey.
20:11 Whoa.
20:12 That doesn't seem worth it.
20:14 No, I'm never going to be booking one of those.
20:17 Thanks.
20:18 That's just a match.
20:20 Morale.
20:21 Morale for ref.
20:22 Oh, that's fun.
20:24 Plus chance the referee will rule in favor of the selected superstar.
20:27 That's fun.
20:28 You can make them biased.
20:29 That's great.
20:30 Steel cage.
20:31 That is what the submission match was.
20:33 Yeah.
20:34 So they've swapped those.
20:35 So now the steel cage blows off the rivalries.
20:37 Oh, it resolves any rivalries.
20:39 Yeah.
20:40 Yeah.
20:41 Okay, that's good.
20:42 Cool.
20:43 Loses injury for one week.
20:44 One week.
20:45 Plus one weeks.
20:46 Yeah.
20:47 Yeah.
20:48 10,000 fans.
20:49 That's the same.
20:50 And casket match, 20,000 fans.
20:52 Loser is removed from your brand.
20:54 Bloody hell.
20:55 Well, to be fair, if you know someone's on their way out, who's like really pissed off.
20:59 That's what I was going to say.
21:01 Here you go.
21:02 Get me 20k fans on your way out.
21:03 Yeah.
21:04 That's great.
21:05 That's really cool.
21:06 And you can do tag matches to finish off rivalries.
21:09 Great.
21:10 Which is great.
21:11 Nice.
21:12 And that doesn't do anything extra.
21:14 And that's just.
21:15 And that's just extra fans.
21:16 Triple threat.
21:17 You can do a triple threat steel cage.
21:19 Nice.
21:20 Resolve rivalries as well as fail four ways.
21:21 Amazing.
21:22 Really cool.
21:23 Love that.
21:24 Great.
21:25 We might just have to book normal matches though because we don't have any money.
21:28 Which is fine.
21:29 So book that.
21:30 We actually never had a lot of people on the roster either.
21:32 Oh, I know.
21:33 Maxine Dupree versus Ronda Rousey.
21:35 Yep.
21:36 Nice.
21:37 And then we wanted to do a tag match.
21:40 A tag match.
21:43 Normal of Josh Briggs versus Vim Han and Screebs.
21:49 Start match, obviously.
21:50 Yeah.
21:51 Commissioner Golmett.
21:52 And one on one is Front Breaker versus Cody Rose.
21:56 Should we do this as a triple threat?
21:57 Well, yeah, but then there's no promos, right?
22:00 We should have a look at the promos as well.
22:02 See if anything has changed here.
22:04 Promos get exposure for your superstars of various types.
22:06 Everything has a cost.
22:07 Promos cost money at Disney.
22:08 Superstars who participate in promos recover half their stamina for the week.
22:11 Superstars not booked in a match will promo recover a larger amount.
22:14 Yeah, makes sense.
22:15 So self promo, call out, role change, advertising, charity, class change.
22:20 Class change.
22:25 Oh, okay, that's how you do it from the bonus perk.
22:27 Class selected as their bonus class perks.
22:29 Yeah.
22:30 Amazing.
22:31 Training, increase the selected superstars ring XP.
22:34 Oh, that's cool.
22:35 Fun.
22:36 Yes!
22:37 Tag team call out!
22:38 Yes!
22:39 Oh, the best addition to the game.
22:40 There it is.
22:41 That's the one.
22:42 There it is.
22:43 That's what we wanted.
22:44 Oh, fucking finally.
22:46 Yes.
22:48 I mean, I'm so sorry to do a swear on this, but fucking finally.
22:53 So you do a second one.
22:54 I did a second one.
22:55 Let's do it.
22:56 Let's see what happens with that.
22:58 Predicted XP gain plus one to ten.
23:01 Yeah.
23:02 I don't know how many he needs to level up.
23:03 Oops, I didn't confirm that.
23:05 Cool.
23:06 Training, Ely Dragonov.
23:07 Confirm.
23:08 Wonderful.
23:09 Should we bring in these lads?
23:12 If we have money.
23:14 Adrian Williams.
23:15 Yeah, he's only seven and a half grand.
23:16 Why not Jerry Sweat?
23:17 Let's get Jerry Sweat in.
23:18 That prop looks like Brodus Clay.
23:20 So he needs five XP to get from level zero to level one.
23:24 Yeah.
23:25 So if you just did the training thing, he would just go straight there.
23:27 Well, potentially you earn from one to ten.
23:29 So it's anywhere in that range.
23:31 Oh, you can actually extend the duration.
23:33 You can change how long you want to sign him for.
23:35 That's cool.
23:36 Let's do that.
23:37 Let's sign Jerry.
23:38 Jerry Sweat.
23:39 Let's get one more just to fill out the promo slots.
23:43 Why not?
23:44 Let's get Adrian.
23:46 Adrian.
23:47 Adrian.
23:48 There's no extra A in there.
23:49 I do apologize.
23:50 Book shows.
23:51 Let's do a self promo for Adrian.
23:54 Yeah, why not?
23:55 And a...
23:58 Charity promo.
24:00 Right, okay.
24:01 Let's do a check of this.
24:02 Generates extra revenue, the chance of learning Superstar popularity.
24:05 Generates small amount of fans for the week.
24:07 With a chance for small popularity boost for the Superstar and it costs 12 grand.
24:11 12 grand to do.
24:12 For a charity promo.
24:13 Not nothing.
24:14 Let's do Jerry calling out.
24:19 He's a baby face.
24:20 He's a baby face.
24:21 I was going to call out Elia, but Elia's a baby face.
24:23 Yeah.
24:24 So let's do another training one.
24:26 See how much that might jump him up.
24:28 Yeah, that's good.
24:29 Let's try that.
24:30 Right.
24:31 Okay.
24:32 Did we book any logistics?
24:33 Oh, it doesn't need to be logistics.
24:35 So that one's active.
24:36 Concert hall.
24:37 So you can see which one you've got because it's active.
24:39 Active.
24:40 And they are all just already active.
24:42 Yes, on the most basic level currently because we can't afford anymore.
24:46 We don't have any money.
24:48 Yeah, but we should do.
24:49 Aha.
24:50 There's assets.
24:51 Look up in the corner.
24:52 What?
24:53 Asset zero.
24:54 What does it do?
24:55 So we wouldn't have been able to buy these even if we did have the 50 grand.
24:57 But what do they do?
24:59 I don't know how we get assets, but I suppose we'll find that out as we go.
25:03 But what are they?
25:05 Are you sure you're least popular available giant in a match this week?
25:08 He is.
25:09 Oh, no, because we just bought this.
25:12 We just bought Jerry's sweat.
25:14 What do we get for it?
25:16 What do we get for the damage?
25:17 We don't need it.
25:19 Who's going to get injured?
25:20 No one.
25:21 Yeah, right.
25:22 Should we do that?
25:23 Yeah.
25:24 Yeah.
25:25 Confirm booking.
25:26 Confirm booking.
25:27 Starting to show.
25:28 Here's a snapshot.
25:29 Have a look.
25:30 Make sure you got everything done.
25:31 Yeah.
25:32 Got it done.
25:33 Tells you all of your logistics and everything to make sure you have booked them.
25:34 Yeah.
25:35 I wish those ones weren't in like black and white.
25:36 Yeah.
25:37 Confirm booking.
25:38 All right.
25:39 So, you can use it to simulate, speculate.
25:41 Speculate.
25:42 Yeah.
25:43 There you go.
25:44 Stimulate this one.
25:45 Here we go.
25:46 Braum Breaker.
25:47 Braum Breaker retains.
25:48 Oh, starts a rivalry as well.
25:51 Starting hot here as well.
25:52 Love that.
25:53 Things like class and role match up type stuff.
25:55 You may have received a rating you wanted, but try out a combination of different things.
25:59 I know you'll get it down.
26:00 Starts off a new rivalry.
26:03 Max level of any rivalry is four.
26:04 Any rivalry level three or four that can close it a PLE will do so with a quality bonus.
26:10 They can lose interest.
26:12 Yeah.
26:13 Cool.
26:14 Cool.
26:15 Nice.
26:16 Continue.
26:17 Oh, what?
26:18 Five XP.
26:19 Okay.
26:20 Okay.
26:21 Cool.
26:22 Nice.
26:23 Lovely.
26:24 Yeah.
26:25 Tag match.
26:26 Stimulate this one.
26:27 They retain.
26:28 Champs retain.
26:29 Briggs and Wiles.
26:30 New rivalry.
26:31 Two stars.
26:32 Sick two star match, mate.
26:33 Lovely.
26:34 Maxine Dupree.
26:35 Come on, bud.
26:36 Ronda gets the wins.
26:37 Two star mediocre match.
26:38 No rivalry.
26:39 Great.
26:40 Love that.
26:41 Training.
26:42 Come on, Jerry Sweat.
26:43 Embarrassing.
26:44 Four though.
26:45 He needed five.
26:46 He needed five.
26:47 So we're close.
26:48 Embarrassing still got him four.
26:49 Huge.
26:50 And then Randy Orton versus Roman Reigns.
26:51 Roman retains.
26:52 Four star amazing match and a rivalry.
26:53 What a week.
26:54 What a week.
26:55 What a first week.
26:56 Flawless.
26:57 Now we've got a new rivalry.
26:58 Four star amazing match and a rivalry.
26:59 What a week.
27:00 What a week.
27:01 What a first week.
27:02 Flawless.
27:03 Now we just need to put the same thing next week.
27:04 Yeah.
27:05 We don't have any other, any flexibility in our roster at all.
27:09 So Becky beats Tiff.
27:11 You suck.
27:12 Suck bish off.
27:13 Stupid bish off.
27:14 Trick.
27:15 Also got a tag match here.
27:19 Jinder Mahal and Solus Co versus R-Truth and AJ Styles.
27:22 Team TNA gets the win.
27:26 Versus Duke Hudson.
27:28 Excellent promo.
27:29 Well done Duke.
27:30 Duke Hudson.
27:31 Tamina and EOSky.
27:32 Tamino Sky.
27:33 Very good.
27:34 Nope.
27:35 It wasn't.
27:36 Aha.
27:37 Finally gets a rivalry.
27:38 Another two star.
27:39 So you have one and a half, two, two so far.
27:41 And then he's ending with the United States Championship match between Dijak and Hayes.
27:45 Cruiser and Giant.
27:46 Dijak gets the win.
27:49 Three stars and a rivalry.
27:50 You know.
27:51 Okay.
27:52 Here we go.
27:53 Post show breakdown.
27:54 Okay.
27:55 So we've got a graph on the right shows you the drama curve.
27:57 Get the best man out of you.
28:00 Yeah.
28:01 So I think it's the same as last time.
28:02 Don't have your mid-card matches outperform your things.
28:05 And then can you do match reports?
28:07 Yes you can.
28:08 Those are more or less the same as well.
28:10 Nice dropping of stamina there Cody.
28:12 Good one.
28:13 Yeah.
28:14 All makes sense.
28:15 Yeah.
28:16 That's all great.
28:17 Nothing but that.
28:18 And it says no active rivalries and no injuries as well as it says.
28:24 It's got a nice little like a tracker as well.
28:26 It has 1v1, 2v2.
28:27 It tells you there you got tag rivalries and not.
28:30 It's nicely laid out I would say.
28:34 Nothing for them.
28:35 They suck.
28:36 Yeah.
28:37 Nothing stupid.
28:38 Okay.
28:39 Here we go.
28:40 There's the actual stats which is much like last time.
28:41 Yep.
28:42 Raising viewership and gaining fans.
28:44 Raising viewership and gaining fans.
28:47 Other okay.
28:48 Shakeups, specific match types.
28:49 The other fan bonus line is reserved for fans gained from power cards.
28:54 That's cool.
28:55 So these fans you gained.
28:56 Yep.
28:57 46,000.
28:58 How you earn money.
28:59 So we've got a nice little tidy profit there.
29:04 Ticket sales, ad revenue.
29:06 All those fans you made are paying off.
29:08 You get some pennies for every fan.
29:09 And there's the social media as well.
29:11 Viva Han and Scripps work really well together as a tag team.
29:14 Yeah they do.
29:15 Yeah.
29:16 Knew they would.
29:17 Welcome to ECW's new punching bag.
29:19 Oh look at that Orton DQ'd.
29:22 Oh boo.
29:23 Really solid content.
29:24 Orton and Reigns leveled in contrasting clashes.
29:27 Mesh like this.
29:28 Wacky Wild and Josh Briggs worked okay.
29:29 As a tag team I guess.
29:30 Good job they're the tag champs I guess.
29:31 Yeah.
29:32 Brom Breaker's still champ.
29:33 Lovely.
29:34 Great.
29:35 Right.
29:36 So nothing there about assets.
29:38 No.
29:39 We'll figure that out.
29:40 We'll get there.
29:41 Yeah.
29:42 Okay.
29:43 And then they also.
29:44 I think I told you there's number one as well.
29:45 I think it just said weak one.
29:46 Oh they're weak one.
29:47 I thought it was number one.
29:48 I think it was weak one.
29:49 They made more money than us though.
29:50 They certainly did.
29:51 But look at that.
29:52 Not as much feedback.
29:53 But we did.
29:54 But we got the social media talking.
29:56 We certainly did.
29:57 So that's what we needed.
29:58 Yeah you're right.
29:59 It just was weak one.
30:00 Cool.
30:01 All right.
30:02 So we are number one after weak one.
30:03 That's great.
30:04 Finish rank number one if you do that and you're clearly cut to be a GM in this business.
30:09 Wonderful.
30:10 Lovely.
30:11 That's great.
30:12 With no women's champion.
30:13 Obvs.
30:14 Because we don't have them.
30:15 Okay.
30:16 Cool.
30:17 Here we go.
30:18 Oh.
30:19 Blinded.
30:20 We're going to select an opposing brand to start next week with zero scouting points.
30:24 We can't scout this week.
30:26 Scout this week.
30:27 Understanding superstar morale.
30:28 It's up to you to navigate through each conversation making the choices you think are best.
30:33 You'll learn that a superstar's morale can go up or down depending on how the conversation
30:36 goes and whether you keep any promises you make.
30:39 If superstars morale can be affected by how they're booked, how you treat them, whether
30:43 you agree to their request and if you keep any promises made to them.
30:45 If superstars morale gets too low they may look to leave your brand so be careful.
30:49 Hello Jerry Sweat.
30:50 Hello Jerry Sweat.
30:51 He has a bit of a problem.
30:52 I had a costume malfunction during practice today and I'm not sure if I'll be able to
30:55 get to go on tonight unless we fix it ASAP.
30:57 I have to mention that we can't have any slip ups in the ring.
31:03 The network will find us big.
31:04 We can rush to get a job done.
31:07 I know a local tailor can get perfect restoration.
31:10 For 20k?
31:11 20k?
31:12 I'm not spending 20k.
31:13 No, absolutely not.
31:14 So his bollocks don't fall off.
31:16 I would just say miss the show.
31:17 It's Jerry Sweat.
31:18 You got it.
31:19 You got it.
31:20 Thanks mate.
31:21 Lovely.
31:22 So I think it was like nothing bad happens but if you gave him, if you got the rush job
31:26 done he'd be like oh thank you so much.
31:28 Morale goes up probably.
31:29 Probably yeah.
31:30 Ryan I'll pass over to you.
31:32 Okay sure.
31:33 You run the ship for a moment.
31:34 Your most popular available female face and he'll fight each other this week.
31:38 I think I just might.
31:39 Yeah well I was going to suggest we do a call out promo.
31:42 Get schooled.
31:43 What's this?
31:44 Select a superstar on your roster to immediately gain 30 XP.
31:46 Oh that's good.
31:47 That's nice.
31:49 You give that to Jerry?
31:51 Jerry Sweat.
31:53 So many levels.
31:54 Okay so we have 68 grand.
31:56 So we've now got one asset.
31:57 So we could buy.
31:58 No we can't.
31:59 We could buy one of them.
32:00 No we can't.
32:01 We could buy one of these.
32:02 We could use two assets.
32:03 No that's what we get innit?
32:04 No I think that's what we.
32:07 Yeah it costs two assets and 50 grand.
32:11 Yeah you need more cash or assets.
32:12 Okay so how do you get assets?
32:15 I guess.
32:17 So we did one show and we got one asset.
32:19 So maybe you do a show you get an asset.
32:22 Maybe.
32:23 Beginners luck.
32:24 Let me stop.
32:25 Get the tables.
32:26 These are all the same from the last game.
32:27 Yep.
32:28 Still trying to.
32:29 Nope that's.
32:30 No this one.
32:31 Shake ups.
32:32 Journal.
32:33 Career standings.
32:34 Status.
32:35 Commissioner goals.
32:36 Shake ups.
32:37 Turn in after show five.
32:38 Journal.
32:39 Power cards.
32:40 Career standings.
32:41 No.
32:42 Nope.
32:43 Okay.
32:44 Didn't tell you.
32:45 Interesting.
32:46 That's.
32:47 I don't want that.
32:48 I think this is where you and I are going to be slightly differing on this.
32:53 I like that you can't see.
32:56 Yeah.
32:57 Because I felt like in the towards the end of the last season you were just booking Hell
33:01 in a Cell matches every week and I found I was like oh I just need to focus on booking
33:05 these specific things.
33:06 Yeah.
33:07 Because I want to get the the Hall of Fame trophies.
33:09 Okay so we can't book any of these because we need two assets.
33:12 For each of them.
33:13 Whatever that means.
33:14 Okay.
33:15 Ten shows with GM interference.
33:16 Ten shows with a self promo.
33:17 Use 50 talent scouts.
33:18 Hire five superstars.
33:19 Use three power cards during one week three times.
33:20 Spend 250k or more on promos.
33:21 Book five shows with 12 or more superstars.
33:22 Book five shows using all match rules.
33:23 Book five shows with one match rule.
33:24 Book five shows with two match rules.
33:25 Book five shows with one match rule.
33:26 Book five shows with one match rule.
33:27 Book five shows with two match rules.
33:28 Book five shows with one match rule.
33:29 Book five shows with two match rules.
33:30 Book five shows with one match rule.
33:31 Book five shows with two match rules.
33:32 Book five shows with one match rule.
33:33 Book five shows with two match rules.
33:34 Book five shows with two match rules.
33:35 Book five shows with one match rule.
33:42 Wait.
33:43 Five shows using all match rules.
33:44 Okay.
33:45 Book ten triple threat matches.
33:46 Make three superstars very happy.
33:47 Okay.
33:48 You can't find them then.
33:49 Yes, you can find them.
33:50 They're on this bit here.
33:51 And that is you need to get five and you get a hall of fame trophy.
33:52 Yeah.
33:53 Not all of them.
33:54 Not like last season where we tried to complete every single one and we didn't get anything
33:55 for it.
33:56 You just need five.
33:57 Which is fine.
33:58 We can do that.
33:59 So let's book this show.
34:00 I get the feeling it's going to be very similar to last week.
34:01 Oh, look at that.
34:02 So go back to that.
34:03 Oh, look at that.
34:04 So go back to that.
34:05 Oh, look at that.
34:06 Oh, look at that.
34:07 So go back to that.
34:11 You see that Randy Orton.
34:12 It's even got the little like little dots.
34:13 That's nice.
34:14 Remy Ray's Randy Orton.
34:15 It's got the little little progress bar.
34:16 Yeah, that's good.
34:17 That's cool.
34:18 Because, you know, people have often said to us, why didn't you see that the details
34:19 are there?
34:20 Because, you know, I'm nearly 40.
34:21 I said it when it used to be.
34:22 That's clear.
34:23 I can see that.
34:24 I'm going to book him in a match.
34:25 Okay.
34:26 So you're going to book him in a match.
34:27 Okay.
34:28 So you're going to book him in a match.
34:29 Okay.
34:30 So you're going to book him in a match.
34:31 Okay.
34:32 So you're going to book him in a match.
34:33 Okay.
34:34 So you're going to book him in a match.
34:37 Okay.
34:38 So, oh, you need tier two crew to be able to do that.
34:41 I see.
34:42 Advertisement tier three.
34:43 So you unlock matches with logistics.
34:46 There you go.
34:47 Gotcha.
34:48 Okay.
34:49 That's great.
34:50 So now if you're like, okay, I really want to unlock a casket match, you can try and
34:54 prioritize I need to buy more special effects.
34:56 Because if I get to tier four, that unlocks me the casket match.
34:59 I like how they're tied into that.
35:00 It's like a backstage brawl is tied into the arena.
35:02 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
35:03 It does make special effects is tied to casket.
35:06 I think that's really cool.
35:07 Yeah.
35:08 Yeah.
35:09 That also means then that does say to me that when we do series four, we do have it on this
35:14 mode.
35:15 I agree because that is an incentive for us to try and unlock new things.
35:18 Unless of course, it's like really hard to like unlock stuff.
35:21 But I think we should be able to find I think I think we should be able to unlock some stuff.
35:25 Yeah, I just we need to figure out how you get assets and then we'll figure it out.
35:29 Right?
35:30 It'll be fine.
35:31 We can do a show.
35:32 Yeah, you know, that was clear.
35:36 It could be when you're right.
35:37 You're right.
35:38 Let's just put them in a tables match.
35:40 Yeah, because one of the titles on the line.
35:43 Let's do wow.
35:44 Brom Breaker versus Cody Rhodes.
35:46 Who could have seen that coming?
35:47 Yeah, it's down.
35:48 It's getting a little low there.
35:50 Let's do a you know what?
35:52 Let's change it up.
35:53 Let's go crazy.
35:55 Let's just do Screech versus Josh Briggs.
36:02 Yeah.
36:03 All right.
36:04 Uh-huh interference.
36:05 Yeah.
36:06 Oh, good.
36:07 Good.
36:08 Vimahan.
36:09 Yeah.
36:10 On to Josh Briggs.
36:11 I like it.
36:12 Yeah.
36:13 Can only simulate that.
36:14 That's fine.
36:15 And Ronda Rousey and Maxine.
36:17 Yeah, classic.
36:18 Thanks.
36:19 Okay, who do we got for premise?
36:21 We've got four people to do promos.
36:23 Yeah.
36:25 Tag team promo.
36:26 Do you need to have both people?
36:27 I think.
36:28 Yeah, it looks like you do.
36:29 Okay.
36:30 That's a shame.
36:31 That's a shame.
36:32 Look at Jerry, though.
36:33 Jerry's already like nearing his thing.
36:34 Yeah.
36:35 Yeah, he's nearly at level one.
36:36 Yeah.
36:37 Bless him.
36:38 Let's do a little call out promo here.
36:40 Good idea.
36:41 All of them are baby faces.
36:42 Not great.
36:44 Well, then they can call out somebody who's already in a match.
36:46 That's true.
36:47 So you could have...
36:48 Elia Dragunov, call out...
36:50 Oh, no one.
36:57 Let's do a role change for Elia Dragunov.
37:00 There could be more lads.
37:03 If you get a manager roster.
37:07 And get a talent scout.
37:10 I know we can't do that, but...
37:11 Oh, they're all bloody women.
37:12 Ella Rubau.
37:13 She's back.
37:14 Cindy Fluff.
37:15 Miley Fanny Fan.
37:18 And Josie Jane.
37:21 You alright there, mate?
37:25 Having a good time?
37:27 I'm going to have to reiterate again.
37:37 I am nearly 40.
37:38 But...
37:39 Fanny Fan.
37:41 I've got to get Fanny Fan.
37:45 Anyway.
37:47 Get Fanny Fan.
37:48 You could call out Ronda Rousey.
37:50 We are children.
38:04 Fanny Fan.
38:07 Got to get Ronda Rousey.
38:08 That's what the fans want to see.
38:10 The Fanny Fans want to see.
38:13 Role change for Elia Dragunov.
38:15 And...
38:16 Training for Jerry Sweat.
38:18 Let's get...
38:19 Why can't I...
38:20 Busy for one week.
38:22 Oh, because he can't do his show.
38:24 Adrian Williams.
38:25 You have some training.
38:26 See if you can get to level 1.
38:27 Logistics are all done.
38:29 Power cards don't have any.
38:31 I think we want to save our Extreme Rules power card.
38:35 For the pay-per-view, right?
38:37 That one's fulfilled.
38:39 We're going to get our EXP thing for next week.
38:42 Let's just confirm the booking.
38:44 This one's much quicker.
38:45 Because we're not looking through as much stuff.
38:47 Great.
38:48 Lovely.
38:49 Wonderful.
38:50 Let's simulate this.
38:51 Breaker and Rhodes rematch.
38:53 Here we go.
38:54 Rhodes gets the win.
38:55 New champ.
38:56 Something, something Cody Rhodes.
38:58 Level 2 Grivalry.
38:59 Very nice.
39:00 Call out Promo.
39:01 Good.
39:02 A Grivalry.
39:04 Thanks, Fanny.
39:07 Scripts and Josh Briggs.
39:09 Viermohan running in.
39:11 Let's see.
39:12 Does this further a tag feud?
39:13 Here's Scripts.
39:14 Disappointing 1.5 stars.
39:16 And nothing happened.
39:17 Nothing happened.
39:18 Love that.
39:19 Great.
39:20 Role change.
39:21 A heal.
39:22 Ilja Dragunov.
39:23 Lovely.
39:24 An okay Promo.
39:25 Mid-card match.
39:26 Ronda Rousey, Maxine Dupree.
39:27 Ronda distracted.
39:28 Still wins.
39:29 2.5 stars.
39:31 Solid.
39:32 Solid.
39:33 That was better than what it was last week.
39:34 Adrian Williams with some training.
39:36 1.
39:37 Oh, Adrian.
39:39 Not only do you not have a real name.
39:42 1 XP.
39:45 Rubbish, mate.
39:47 Incredible.
39:48 Roman Reigns and Randy Orton.
39:50 For the title.
39:52 New champ again.
39:55 It's Orton.
39:56 4 stars.
39:57 Level 2 Grivalry.
39:58 Everybody wins.
39:59 Yeah, love that.
40:00 They got Women's Tag Match here.
40:03 Stratton and Skye.
40:05 What a team.
40:06 New rivalry and new champs perhaps?
40:08 Yeah, no one had the belts.
40:10 They just didn't select them.
40:11 Self-Promo from Trick.
40:14 Okay.
40:15 Duke Hudson and Solo Sokoa.
40:17 NXT 2.0.
40:18 Duke Hudson gets the win.
40:21 New rivalry.
40:22 Disappointing though.
40:23 1.5 stars.
40:24 Self-Promo from AJ.
40:26 Excellent Promo from AJ.
40:27 Of course it was.
40:28 Mid-card tables match between R-Truth and Jinder Mahal.
40:31 Truth gets the win.
40:35 2.5 stars.
40:36 Not bad.
40:37 And an Extreme Rules Main Event.
40:39 Carmelo, Hayes and Dijak.
40:40 No title on the line.
40:41 No title on the line.
40:42 Non-title Extreme Rules match.
40:44 Oh, and Hayes will be disappointed there then because he got the win.
40:47 4 stars.
40:48 No further Grivalry.
40:49 Lovely.
40:51 But Breaker Roads gets to level 2 here.
40:53 Fanny and Rousey.
40:54 At level 1.
40:56 I do want to point out as well because I imagine some of our American viewers will be confusing.
41:01 It's a different word for us.
41:03 [Laughter]
41:04 It sure is.
41:09 It's a different word for us.
41:11 That is in fact correct.
41:12 Doesn't mean bum.
41:14 That's the level 2s.
41:17 That's good booking.
41:18 There you go.
41:20 Good booking.
41:21 Love to see it.
41:22 Great.
41:23 44,000 fans.
41:24 Very nice.
41:25 Solid stuff.
41:26 There you go again.
41:27 100 grand.
41:28 Love that.
41:29 Nice work against Ronda.
41:30 Look at all this social media feedback.
41:32 Fanny calling out Ronda tonight and hitting the target.
41:34 Good promo.
41:35 Nice work Ronda.
41:36 You need to step it up against me.
41:38 Her name is Fandemonium.
41:39 That's brilliant.
41:41 Love that for me.
41:43 Alright.
41:45 Cool.
41:46 Yeah.
41:47 Solid.
41:48 Becky and Tamina are an incredible tag team.
41:51 Io and Tiffany have absolutely no chemistry as a tag team.
41:54 Love that.
41:55 And they're the champs.
41:56 They got just almost just as many fans as we did.
41:58 Yeah.
41:59 Wild.
42:00 Crazy.
42:01 How many assets did we get from that?
42:03 So we got our Get Schooled, earned a power card, did our commissioner goal.
42:08 And that means we can get 30 XP to someone next week.
42:11 That's cool.
42:12 Which is great.
42:13 Still number one.
42:14 Still number one.
42:15 By about less than 20.
42:16 Yeah.
42:17 15 or so.
42:18 15 or so.
42:19 Something odd fans.
42:20 Yeah.
42:21 101 grand.
42:22 Solid.
42:23 Alright.
42:24 Here we go.
42:25 Lafayette.
42:26 Week three.
42:27 Just another caution.
42:28 Rose has stamina below 40.
42:29 He can be injured.
42:30 I don't know if you see it.
42:31 In the game, he has a stamina level below 40, which means he can be injured.
42:35 Alright.
42:36 I didn't know.
42:37 Superstars who are completely ready to recover.
42:40 12.
42:41 Cool.
42:42 Those who recover.
42:43 Probably recover 6.
42:44 Makes sense.
42:45 That loser Mahan attacked me during last night.
42:46 I'm going to stand for garbage like that.
42:47 I'm going to settle things in the ring with him within the next three weeks.
42:48 Sure.
42:49 Makes sense.
42:50 Give him a tag match.
42:51 No problem.
42:52 Yeah.
42:53 Yeah.
42:54 Small increase.
42:55 You mess with Briggs, you pay the price.
42:56 Sure thing, buddy.
42:57 Have at least one submission match this week.
42:59 That seems a bit of fucking unfair.
43:00 We can't unlock it yet.
43:01 I think we can.
43:02 I think we have submission.
43:03 Do we not?
43:04 Yeah, we got it.
43:05 We got it.
43:06 We got it.
43:07 Also, show logistics has a star next to it.
43:10 What does it mean?
43:11 Two assets.
43:12 Oh, that means we can unlock stuff.
43:13 That's what it means.
43:14 That's what the star is.
43:15 Alrighty.
43:16 How nice.
43:17 So we can lock one.
43:18 And so now you could have Rokru basic effects.
43:20 We could have Rokru special effects or advertising, and they will get us closer to different match
43:26 types.
43:27 So depending on what your priority is.
43:29 Yeah, they will unlock a couple of new things for us.
43:32 Yeah.
43:33 So let's have a look at what these could be.
43:36 So say if we wanted to do...
43:38 So force count anywhere would be crew.
43:40 It would be crew tier two.
43:41 That's actually the only one we could...
43:42 And steel cage.
43:43 Steel cage is quite important, actually.
43:44 I'd say you want to get steel cage.
43:45 Because that you can blow off gravel, he's not on PLEs.
43:47 Let's get steel cage.
43:48 So which was what?
43:49 That was...
43:50 I forgot, I didn't actually look.
43:51 Special effects.
43:52 Special effects, that makes sense.
43:54 Special effects.
43:55 So special...
43:56 That's that one.
43:57 That's that one there.
43:58 Yeah.
43:59 Special effects, tier two, which is fog effects.
44:02 Whoa.
44:03 So...
44:04 Two assets.
44:05 Now, if we went to this...
44:07 We can book a steel cage.
44:08 Steel cage, it's open to us.
44:10 There it is.
44:11 Delightful.
44:12 Delightful.
44:13 Right, okay, well first off we want to do a call out promo of...
44:16 Where is he?
44:17 Bron Breakicorn, now Cody.
44:18 Yep.
44:19 Rest Cody for the week.
44:20 Absolutely, makes sense.
44:21 Does that mean we're going to have to have Fanny in a match?
44:24 We may have to have...
44:26 Let's book him in the mid card.
44:28 Oh, yes, it's not going to be the opener.
44:30 Fanny versus Ronda.
44:31 Nice, love that.
44:32 Hobbs.
44:33 Main event.
44:34 Let's do a triple threat.
44:36 Ooh, big.
44:38 Extreme rules.
44:42 Whoa, alright.
44:43 Of...
44:44 Roman Reigns.
44:46 Uh-huh.
44:47 And...
44:48 Randy Orton.
44:49 Uh-huh.
44:50 And...
44:51 Jerry.
44:52 Jerry, sweat!
44:53 Let's get Jerry in there.
44:55 13 popularity, he'll carry this match for the world title.
44:59 Let's go Jerry.
45:00 Let's go Jerry.
45:01 Ooh, let's play our power card this week, why not?
45:03 The 30 XP.
45:04 Ooh, that's a good idea.
45:05 Get schooled.
45:06 Let's play that on someone.
45:07 On Jerry.
45:08 To immediately gain 30 ring XP.
45:11 That'll like shoot him up like massive.
45:13 That'll be a few levels, one would think.
45:15 Yeah, should we do it on Jerry?
45:16 Why not?
45:17 Or do we like make one of these guys like...
45:19 Really good.
45:20 Legendary.
45:21 Let's get...
45:23 I don't know.
45:24 Let's do it on Jerry.
45:25 Let's do it on Jerry, see how many levels it gains.
45:27 Level 6!
45:28 Oh, yeah!
45:29 Yeah!
45:30 That's my boy right there.
45:31 Did you get it?
45:32 Manage roster, it's got a star.
45:33 Go on it.
45:34 Go on Jerry, sweat.
45:35 Because now we can unlock a new perk decision.
45:37 So, backstage brawl or special guest ref, he can be a specialist.
45:41 Amazing.
45:43 That's great.
45:44 So, let's do special guest ref.
45:47 Mm.
45:49 We haven't unlocked the match type yet.
45:51 But when we get there...
45:52 I don't like backstage brawl either.
45:54 But when we get there, Jerry's gonna be really good at them.
45:56 Jerry sure is.
45:57 Love that.
45:58 Well done, bud.
45:59 Great.
46:00 I could've done it on Fanny, I suppose.
46:02 [Laughter]
46:04 Yeah, really.
46:05 Ah, well.
46:06 Live and learn.
46:07 Let's do tag match.
46:11 Tag team tables?
46:12 Tag team tables.
46:13 Why not?
46:14 With Vimohan and Scripps versus Wrecking Wild.
46:16 Tag titles on the line.
46:18 Huge.
46:19 And we've got one more match to do.
46:21 We should probably move this, I guess.
46:23 Yeah, move that to the opener.
46:24 Why not?
46:25 And then, because this one will probably be...
46:27 Elia versus Adrian Williams.
46:29 Sure is gonna be that.
46:31 Yep.
46:32 Yep.
46:33 Okay.
46:34 Huge.
46:35 Massive.
46:36 Love that.
46:37 And then let's do training for Maxine.
46:39 Huge.
46:40 She is a specialist in casket matches.
46:43 Hm.
46:44 The more you know.
46:46 Yeah.
46:47 Yeah, because a lot of them, like, you know, especially Tornado Tag, it tells you up front what they are.
46:52 Force Ganymede, TLC.
46:54 Yeah, that's really cool.
46:56 Backstage Brawl, Special Guest Referee.
46:59 Which we just chose.
47:00 Which we just did.
47:01 Yeah, and the reason Elia...
47:02 Sorry, the reason Adrian Williams doesn't have one is because he's level zero.
47:05 That's right.
47:06 Once he gets to level five, he can unlock one.
47:08 I was wondering if we could have a thingy for Randy Orton, but no.
47:13 Cool, right.
47:14 That's our show then, I guess.
47:16 Yeah, I think so.
47:17 There was something else I was going to check, but I can't remember.
47:19 Oh, what's our commissioner goal this week?
47:21 It was have at least one submission match.
47:24 Which we could do.
47:26 We could do.
47:27 Pre-match physio.
47:28 Let's do that for...
47:30 Do it for these guys.
47:31 This one.
47:32 Why not?
47:33 Submission.
47:34 We can't.
47:35 We don't have enough money.
47:36 Oh, let's not do that then.
47:37 Not worth it.
47:38 I think we'll just have to fail that commissioner goal for this week.
47:40 Yeah, alright, makes sense.
47:41 Yeah.
47:42 I mean, we could have this not be an Extreme Rules match, I guess.
47:44 Unless...
47:45 Come on now.
47:46 I thought you could do a trouble threat submission match.
47:48 No, you cannot.
47:49 Sad.
47:50 You should be able to, but sad.
47:51 Yeah, do we do this as a normal one and then put the other one as a submission?
47:53 Oh, I don't mind.
47:54 Whatever you want to do.
47:55 Yeah, let's do it that way then.
47:56 Alright.
47:57 Let's complete these.
47:59 Alright, cool.
48:00 There you go.
48:01 Nice.
48:02 You can always give it to Cody as well.
48:03 Yeah.
48:04 I've forgotten about our seasonal goals already, but that's fine.
48:07 Oh, yeah.
48:08 It's not the real thing.
48:09 It's not the real thing.
48:10 We don't need to think about that.
48:11 It's fine.
48:12 So this one goes, stimulate this one.
48:14 Here we go.
48:15 A tables match.
48:16 New champs.
48:17 Nice.
48:18 Three stars.
48:19 Fuck's sake, lads.
48:20 Well, you know.
48:21 Level three.
48:22 Goes to three.
48:23 Nice.
48:24 Very nice.
48:25 Here we go.
48:26 Fanny and Rhonda.
48:27 Come on, Fanny.
48:28 Come on, Fanny.
48:29 No.
48:30 Rhonda wins.
48:31 Two stars.
48:32 No rivalry.
48:33 Training for Maxine Dupree.
48:34 Five.
48:35 Very good.
48:36 Very nice.
48:37 You're dragging off in a submission match against Adrian Williams.
48:40 Whoa.
48:41 Williams wins.
48:42 Adrian.
48:43 He's got a level two.
48:44 Level two, though.
48:45 Jump straight to level two.
48:46 Nice.
48:47 Very nice.
48:48 Look at that.
48:49 The next one will not be dull.
48:50 Here we go.
48:51 Roman Reigns.
48:52 Roman Reigns wins the belt back.
48:53 Three and a half stars.
48:54 And a level three rivalry.
48:55 Nice.
48:56 Very lovely.
48:57 Look at that.
48:58 Hazen Dijak.
48:59 Should we just simulate the whole show?
49:00 Yes.
49:01 Absolutely.
49:02 I don't care about them.
49:03 Yeah, don't care about them.
49:04 All right.
49:05 So we beat them again in terms of match quality, apart from that mid-card match, Ox.
49:11 What went wrong there, eh?
49:13 It was dull.
49:14 But at least they're level two now.
49:15 So now the next one won't be.
49:16 Look at that.
49:17 Pretty good show overall in terms of growing things.
49:20 Not bad at all.
49:21 These are still on one, obviously.
49:23 Yep.
49:24 Cool.
49:25 Solid stuff.
49:26 42,000.
49:27 That's about right.
49:28 69 grand.
49:29 Nice.
49:30 Nice.
49:31 I already missed that Dragunov was a good guy.
49:36 I don't.
49:37 He's so much better right now.
49:38 Ronda Rousey on a great run.
49:39 How long can she keep this up?
49:40 She is undefeated.
49:41 Yeah, that's true.
49:42 I mean, the match felt different.
49:43 Rembrandt still has the score.
49:44 Start strong, end strong.
49:45 And the Scripps have the new champs.
49:46 Sorry, I left one down.
49:47 Sorry, Jay Sweat.
49:48 Jay Sweat.
49:49 Cool.
49:50 Right.
49:51 Nice.
49:52 Nice.
49:53 And anything else here?
49:54 Oh, we don't care about them.
49:55 46,000 somehow.
49:56 Big week for them.
49:57 Yeah.
49:58 I think they must have done a charity promo or something.
49:59 Yeah.
50:00 So we've got a pre-match physio from that one.
50:01 Pre-match physio, very nice.
50:02 Still number one.
50:03 Still number one.
50:04 By the way, I'm not sure if you can see this, but I'm going to have to go back and look
50:05 at the stats.
50:06 But yeah, so we've got a pre-match physio from that one.
50:10 Still number one.
50:11 Still number one.
50:12 By loads.
50:13 By 9,000.
50:14 It's so many fans.
50:15 So many fans.
50:16 So many.
50:17 So there we are.
50:18 That is first impressions of My GMO.
50:21 We played three weeks of the game.
50:24 What do you make of it?
50:25 Good.
50:26 Yeah.
50:27 I really like some of these changes.
50:28 The unlocking match types through logistics and stuff like that, I think is really, really
50:31 interesting.
50:32 I think they've just kind of taken everything that was good about last time and just built
50:35 on it.
50:36 I'm well excited for Monday Night War.
50:38 Speaking of unlocking things, I like the tier system thing.
50:43 Yeah, I like the experience.
50:45 It means that you're not waiting for a certain week to unlock something, so everyone can
50:50 unlock it at the same point.
50:51 It means that if you're playing this competitively with friends like we do, it means that you'll
50:56 be unlocking things at different times.
50:58 Yeah, exactly.
50:59 And actually, it's about the choices you want to make as opposed to, "It is week five, therefore
51:03 this one is available and you probably should buy it because they're going to get it."
51:07 Yes, exactly.
51:08 Whereas you might get a bigger arena and be like, "Okay, I now need to work in order to
51:12 get the next big arena."
51:13 And maybe I'll be like, "Ha ha ha, I bought this new arena this week."
51:16 And you're like, "Ah, but next week I'm going to get tier five of this other thing that
51:21 I hadn't even considered yet."
51:22 You might have a different plan.
51:23 I've been putting all of mine into special effects.
51:25 Exactly.
51:26 And that's going to boost up my show either way.
51:27 So I think that adds a little bit more tactics to the game, some more tic-tacs.
51:30 So I really, really appreciate that.
51:32 The scouting thing, I think is quite cool as well.
51:34 I don't think we explored that enough.
51:36 Maybe because of Buddy Bischoff blocked us.
51:38 Yeah.
51:39 So we will have another look at that.
51:40 Yes.
51:41 Which we will be doing over on our Patreon page because we're going to be playing a few
51:44 more weeks of this.
51:45 We're going to do weeks four and the pay-per-view and seeing what this Superstar Shake-Up looks
51:50 like because we've heard a few things about what Superstar Shake-Up looks like.
51:53 So we're going to be doing that over on our Patreon page, patreon.com/rustlock.
51:57 Go and sign up and you can go watch that video right now.
51:59 Thank you all so much for watching.
52:01 Leave a comment down below.
52:02 What do you make of the new changes to My GM Mode and let us know your excitement levels
52:07 for the new series of the Monday Night War.
52:10 Until then, I've been Luke Owen, DAD, representing Monday Night Raw.
52:15 I've been Pete Quinnell, representing Monday Night Smackdown.
52:18 And this has been My GM Mode on WWE 2K24.
