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WWE 2K24 MyGM Mode: DRAFT DAY! | Monday Night War Season 4
Who do you think had the best draft? Let us know in the comments!
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WWE 2K24 MyGM Mode: DRAFT DAY! | Monday Night War Season 4
Who do you think had the best draft? Let us know in the comments!
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00:00 [Music]
00:21 Welcome to the Monday Night War Season 4.
00:25 We are back and I am Luke Owen, DAD, representing Monday Night Raw.
00:30 I am Pete Quinnell, representing Monday Night Smackdown.
00:33 And I am Dan Layton, representing...
00:37 NXT 2.0.
00:42 Truth.0 is back.
00:44 Just when you thought you had all the answers,
00:46 we have changed the question by adding a third player to this season of the game.
00:51 I earned it. I won it. I earned my right to be here and school these two old men.
00:57 I'm younger than you.
00:59 That is factually...
01:01 Correct. It's fact. It's in fact correct.
01:05 I am youthful. I'm in my late twenties.
01:08 Plus ten.
01:10 I'm in my late twenties. My twenties died. They are late. Thus I am in my late twenties.
01:15 We are playing through My GM mode on WWE 2K24.
01:21 The brand new My GM mode for this.
01:23 There are some things that are very different from the last game.
01:26 And this episode is sponsored by WWE 2K24.
01:29 Get your copy of WWE 2K24 using the links in the video description down below.
01:34 As Pete said, there are a lot of changes to this version of My GM.
01:38 And we are excited to get into all of them.
01:41 You can check it out yourself at home by getting your copy of WWE 2K24 available on all gaming platforms.
01:48 I'm a bit nervous about all the changes.
01:50 Because I was very good at the previous game.
01:53 Ignore the stream. The stream made things different.
01:55 I had a great deal of success at home.
01:58 The thing is, Dan, no one can verify this.
02:01 You keep telling us...
02:02 Unsourced claims.
02:03 You keep telling us I'm really good. You even came in during the last C2B.
02:06 Like, you boys are so bad at this game.
02:08 Then you barely screwed through by being Laurie, who has no idea how the game works.
02:13 I am going to print out screenshots of all the trophies that I won.
02:17 To give you proof and evidence.
02:19 But when you're playing against EZ on the AI...
02:23 You're fine.
02:24 On this, I'm going to play the extreme version at home.
02:28 I'm not.
02:29 There's a lot of stuff that's the same.
02:31 But a lot of stuff that has updated and changed.
02:33 So even I'm going in relatively blind.
02:35 Oh yeah.
02:36 So let's get into this.
02:38 It is draft day and we're going to be signing our wrestlers for this season.
02:43 If you don't know how the game works, my GM mode is we draft a pool of wrestlers.
02:47 We book shows every single week.
02:49 We have pay-per-views every five weeks or PLEs.
02:51 And then whoever has the most fans, the most Hall of Fame trophies at the end of the season is the winner.
02:55 Do you want to give ourselves two and three quarters?
03:00 What's the standard?
03:01 I feel like we'll do it because we could make it easier on ourselves.
03:04 By giving us more money.
03:06 But if we go with the standard, what they're recommending.
03:08 This is how it just opens up.
03:10 There we go. We'll do that.
03:11 We'll go with that.
03:12 And we're doing it in snake order as well.
03:13 That's a change for the show, isn't it?
03:15 Yeah, which I believe Pete means you are going to be drafting first.
03:18 As I was number one.
03:20 I do think that makes sense.
03:22 So yeah, 2.75.
03:23 There will be nine rounds of drafting minimum.
03:26 After the ninth round, all other future drafts are optional.
03:30 So you can have a minimum of nine if you want to.
03:32 But I'd recommend getting more than that.
03:35 Okay.
03:36 Now, everybody is bloody expensive.
03:39 Yeah, they've really upped the price except for Wacking Wild.
03:42 What's up with Trick Williams?
03:44 Wacking Wild's not even available.
03:46 He's busy. He's busy this day.
03:48 What's your tactic, Pete?
03:50 Win. That's my tactic.
03:51 I mean, I meant for drafting people, but...
03:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Win.
03:54 Are you using a board game box as a...
03:55 Yeah, I didn't have time to get myself a new notepad.
03:58 So I've just got a sheet of paper from the printer.
04:00 And you're just drawing on a box.
04:01 And I'm drawing on a box.
04:02 That's outrageous.
04:03 Okay. Jesus.
04:06 That's not great. Okay.
04:09 Just got to be more wise with your money, isn't it?
04:11 Yeah, clearly.
04:13 Let's go here and...
04:16 Hot start.
04:18 Oh, yeah.
04:19 I would have had some idea of what I wanted to do.
04:22 Well, that's why I asked what your tactic was, Pete.
04:23 But I don't.
04:24 Because me and Dan have got grid systems.
04:26 And I find the grid system worked out for me
04:28 in the last three seasons we've done this.
04:30 I've got one.
04:31 And for those at home who wonder,
04:32 I've got sort of all the types down here.
04:35 And I've separated them into baby boys and gorgeous girls.
04:38 See, I wanted to do just M and F,
04:40 but then I actually drew my grid afterwards.
04:42 So I had to write down men and females.
04:47 It's just that male was right there.
04:49 Well, I wrote down M.
04:51 Yeah.
04:52 And then I was like, M's not in the center.
04:53 So I have to write men.
04:55 You could have written male.
04:56 Yeah, but I've already written men.
04:58 And then I was like, that's going to have to be female now.
05:00 For women.
05:01 Yeah, for women.
05:03 Umberto Carrillo.
05:05 Who am I going first?
05:06 You're starting with Umberto Carrillo?
05:08 Yep.
05:09 All right.
05:10 You don't want to get any big hitters or anything?
05:11 No.
05:12 OK.
05:13 Well, maybe I will be a big hitter.
05:14 I'm going to go straight over to the stamina time
05:16 and see who we've got, because that's going to kick me off.
05:18 Interesting.
05:19 Let's just see what the top popularity available is.
05:22 65, OK.
05:23 That gives you a good level of perspective.
05:26 Because I think I'm going to kick things off with True Point 0.
05:30 Yeah, yeah, why not?
05:31 Although, hang on.
05:34 So is this popularity thing on the side is interesting and new to me.
05:38 Because it used to be Star Power.
05:40 No, this is the experience that's on the side.
05:42 Yeah, but it's different now.
05:43 Because where we are, where it says renowned, which also, by the way,
05:46 hilarious, Dan Brown, renowned.
05:48 So he's already got two-- because he's level 10.
05:50 He's got two of the perks unlocked already.
05:52 So he has an Iron Man match specialty.
05:54 And he loses two less stamina when participating in matches.
05:57 That's interesting.
05:58 That's his extra perk.
05:59 And he gets another one when he gets to level 15.
06:01 Satisfied, 60 popularity, 88 stamina.
06:02 That's all quite good.
06:03 However, I feel like for just-- actually, for less money,
06:10 but considerably less popularity.
06:12 But he's already an icon.
06:14 Do you know what?
06:15 Oh, that is good.
06:17 Yeah, we're going to start.
06:18 We're going to do that.
06:19 I'm going to kick off with Logan Paul.
06:21 Logan Paul?
06:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:23 That's what she said.
06:25 And you complained about Humberto Carrillo.
06:27 And you went for Logan Paul first.
06:29 I've got a strategy.
06:30 Yeah, I like it.
06:31 I don't.
06:32 Why?
06:33 You suck.
06:34 That's your strategy.
06:36 Who have you got?
06:37 Shinsuke.
06:38 Are you up for Shinsuke?
06:39 Oh, Shinsuke?
06:40 OK.
06:41 What was he again?
06:42 Fire.
06:43 He'll fire.
06:44 Every time.
06:45 Why did you pick Shinsuke Nakamura?
06:46 Because you nearly picked him.
06:48 Oh, it's me again.
06:49 It's me.
06:50 Oh, yes.
06:51 Oh, no.
06:52 Who have I got next?
06:53 It's stressing me out that you're writing on a box.
06:55 Why?
06:56 Because it might affect the box.
06:57 Bruiser Face is what I'd like next.
07:00 Where's Class?
07:01 There he is.
07:02 Imagine if I just grabbed your child and wrote on her head.
07:06 It's the same thing.
07:07 Yeah, basically.
07:08 I want to say Bruiser Face.
07:09 Yeah.
07:10 Bruiser Face.
07:11 Ooh, Beige.
07:12 Beige is there.
07:13 That's an interesting choice.
07:14 Beige is there.
07:15 Beige.
07:16 A lot of Stam.
07:18 Good amounts of Pop.
07:20 One of my ics is when people shorten words down.
07:23 Do you remember when we had like platyjubes?
07:26 Oh, yeah.
07:27 And the Cosy Lives.
07:28 Cosy Lives.
07:29 Cosy Lives was not anything actual and really sick.
07:31 My friend texted me during the state funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II,
07:36 and said, "Just enjoy my statey fumes."
07:41 And I absolutely lost it.
07:43 English language is broken.
07:44 Well, we had the platyjubes, and then Liz lined up,
07:47 and which was the platyjubes.
07:48 Oh, he's gone with it.
07:49 He's gone with Big E.
07:50 Beige.
07:51 Beige.
07:52 Beige and Nax.
07:53 All right.
07:54 I feel like that is a bit of a raw classic for a Monday Night War.
07:58 What, Beige and Nax?
07:59 Beige and Nax.
08:00 I feel like I always get Nakamura.
08:01 He's an icon.
08:03 He's level 15 already.
08:04 Look at this dork going through the other menus.
08:06 What, thinking about things?
08:08 So his perk three is he can use his class change parameter to swap between a fighter and a specialist.
08:13 Yeah, that's good.
08:14 Which is pretty cool.
08:16 I think that might be a nice little mid card for you, do you know?
08:19 Slamming for our truth.
08:21 I think we'll go with our truth.
08:22 Who else have we got on the fighter front?
08:24 Oh, wait, no.
08:25 Wait, I don't need a fighter.
08:26 I need a bruiser.
08:27 Oh, Dan.
08:29 Almost.
08:30 Uncle Howdy.
08:31 Yeah.
08:32 Oh, Uncle Howdy's here.
08:33 Okay.
08:34 But on the popularity front, I don't know.
08:37 Although, right, let me just look at everybody.
08:40 Would you like to say a full sentence, Dan?
08:42 No.
08:43 Everyone knows.
08:44 Everyone can read between the lines.
08:45 He got so flustered when he played this game last time.
08:47 Put him under time constraints.
08:48 You need to back off.
08:50 I'm going to have my boy.
08:52 I'm just going to get a big hitter in right now.
08:54 Why?
08:55 Just before anyone else does.
08:56 Yeah.
08:57 That is a lot of money.
08:58 They're all just a lot of money.
08:59 Yeah.
09:00 Everyone's well expensive.
09:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
09:02 So is it a question of, like, do you get a few people under the radar, like an Umberto
09:05 Correa?
09:06 Who are you going to follow up Umberto Correa with?
09:07 And then--
09:08 Someone huge, obviously.
09:09 And then, like, do you just push them through and accept that you're going to be lower down
09:12 at the beginning, and then eventually, if you commit, you'll get there?
09:15 Or do you get in just a few big hitters and hope that you can fill them in with your sort
09:20 of rookie talent?
09:21 That's kind of where I'm currently sat at the moment.
09:23 I'm getting some big hitters, and then I'm going to start to look at some lower league
09:27 names-- lower leagues, per se, names.
09:29 Wow.
09:30 There are two baby-faced giant men.
09:33 Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you bought Umberto Correa.
09:35 You could have done a bit of research.
09:37 Yeah, you could have shut the f-- up, but you didn't, did you?
09:41 Got him.
09:42 Fighting sort.
09:43 Goodness me.
09:44 Let's get Braun Strowman.
09:45 He's in.
09:46 You'll do.
09:47 It's you, Pete.
09:48 Oh, it's me again.
09:49 Snake draft.
09:50 I always forget these things.
09:51 Snake, guys.
09:52 Come on.
09:53 I really should use that snake draft to my--
09:54 We all had Nokia 3220s.
09:55 You know how Snake works.
09:56 3210, actually.
09:57 I think it was the 3220.
09:58 Let me write this in before I forget.
09:59 There are a bunch of different ones I could never keep up.
10:00 I could maybe-- because I had a 51 first, a 5110.
10:02 I think it was my first phone.
10:03 What was your first-- was your first phone that?
10:04 Yeah.
10:05 My first phone was-- it was one-- it was my dad's old one.
10:07 It was orange, and it had like a-- I think the phone was an orange-- not orange itself.
10:11 Yeah.
10:12 It was orange the name of it.
10:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:14 And you would open-- it had like a little thin little flippy bit and a thin little aerial.
10:18 You had a 5110, which was the black brick phone from Nokia that had a little aerial
10:22 on the top of it.
10:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:24 But I didn't have one with a little flip down thing.
10:26 I then, when I got my first phone of my very, very own, I remember it as clear as it ever--
10:30 it was Christmas Day in the year of our Lord, 2000.
10:33 And I got-- oh, no, no.
10:35 I don't remember that.
10:37 2001.
10:38 2001 it was.
10:39 And I got a Philips Savvy.
10:40 Ooh.
10:41 Do you want to put a little picture of Philips Savvy next to me there?
10:44 Adam Whitney?
10:45 That's what phones used to look like, kids.
10:47 Yeah.
10:48 Back in the day.
10:49 It sounds like someone's name.
10:50 There actually is.
10:51 I think--
10:52 Wait, it's Philips Savvy.
10:53 Yeah.
10:54 It's a drag name.
10:55 I didn't want to bring it to the stage.
10:56 Philips Savvy.
10:57 There was--
10:58 Shane the Bassler.
10:59 Ooh.
11:00 There is one of my old phones in the Science Museum in London.
11:06 Nice.
11:07 Kensington.
11:08 Right.
11:09 What are you looking for, Dan?
11:10 Well, here's the thing.
11:11 Do I want-- I've got Cody because I wanted to get a Cody.
11:14 I think I want now to find the--
11:19 the sort of-- come back to my special little Logan Paul.
11:29 Let's go with-- do I go with Uncle Howdy?
11:31 I mean, that just feels like-- so we're getting down in terms of money and popularity.
11:36 Logan is 40, 51.
11:39 There's really not that much difference.
11:40 It's not that much of a difference.
11:41 Yeah, but if we put a title on someone, obviously they pop up big time.
11:44 So then there's a massive difference.
11:45 But then do you-- is it hilarious to have Uncle Howdy on my-- on NXT 2.0?
11:50 NXT 2.0.
11:51 I think it might be.
11:52 I think that works.
11:53 And I just spent a lot of money on Cody.
11:55 You certainly did.
11:56 Let me see what you've got for me here.
11:58 Oh, he's optimistic.
11:59 Oh, that's nice.
12:00 He's good at submission matches.
12:01 Gain one random power card at the start of every season while the superstar's on your roster.
12:04 That's--
12:05 Well, you get one.
12:06 That's something.
12:07 That's it.
12:08 I get one random power card.
12:09 Yeah.
12:10 Do you know what?
12:11 Yeah.
12:12 Uncle Howdy.
12:13 Why not?
12:14 What a weird choice I've made.
12:15 Very, very good.
12:16 Right.
12:17 It's also worth noting as well that when you do sign people during the season, you can
12:19 alter how long you signed them for.
12:20 I know.
12:21 I've seen that.
12:22 Yeah.
12:23 You can just change the amount of weeks, which is great.
12:24 Charlotte is a giant.
12:26 Yep.
12:27 Interesting.
12:28 She is quite tall.
12:29 She is tall.
12:30 But I mean, that makes it-- because there were literally two giants in the entire game.
12:31 Yeah.
12:32 I was going to say.
12:33 They needed to make some of them giants because they weren't.
12:34 Do I spend big and get chance?
12:35 Like a Nikita Lyons is someone who could qualify as a giant.
12:36 Sure.
12:37 Yeah.
12:38 Although Bruiser makes more sense.
12:39 Yeah.
12:40 Chelsea Green.
12:41 Yeah.
12:42 Come on.
12:43 You've got to do that.
12:44 Just for the bit.
12:45 You get to say it every day.
12:46 You get to say it every time.
12:47 And do you know what?
12:48 I would do as well.
12:49 Yeah, I know you would.
12:50 You absolutely would.
12:51 And we'd all laugh every single time, wouldn't we?
12:52 Yeah, we would.
12:53 Yeah.
12:55 Wouldn't we?
12:56 Shut up.
12:57 It wouldn't go all fast.
12:58 Chaz for now.
12:59 Chaz is a giant.
13:00 A giant face.
13:01 No, she's not.
13:02 Right.
13:03 So I've got my giant face.
13:04 Now I need a cruiser heel.
13:05 So there's--
13:06 Alexa.
13:07 She's right there.
13:08 Alexa Bliss.
13:09 There's Alexa Bliss right there.
13:10 There's also an EOS Sky right there.
13:11 EOS Sky though, who is way down on the XP stakes.
13:12 Yeah.
13:13 I think that's a good idea.
13:14 Yeah.
13:15 I think that's a good idea.
13:16 Yeah.
13:17 I think that's a good idea.
13:18 Yeah.
13:19 I think that's a good idea.
13:20 Yeah.
13:21 I think that's a good idea.
13:22 Yeah.
13:23 I think that's a good idea.
13:24 Yeah.
13:25 I think that's a good idea.
13:26 Yeah.
13:27 I think that's a good idea.
13:28 Yeah.
13:29 I think that's a good idea.
13:30 Yeah.
13:31 I think that's a good idea.
13:32 Yeah.
13:33 I think that's a good idea.
13:34 Yeah.
13:35 I think that's a good idea.
13:36 Yeah.
13:37 I think that's a good idea.
13:38 Yeah.
13:39 I think that's a good idea.
13:40 Yeah.
13:41 I think that's a good idea.
13:42 Yeah.
13:43 I think that's a good idea.
13:44 Yeah.
13:45 I think that's a good idea.
13:46 Yeah.
13:47 I think that's a good idea.
13:48 Yeah.
13:49 I think that's a good idea.
13:50 Yeah.
13:51 I think that's a good idea.
13:52 Yeah.
13:53 I think that's a good idea.
13:54 Yeah.
13:55 I think that's a good idea.
13:56 Yeah.
13:57 I think that's a good idea.
13:58 Yeah.
13:59 I think that's a good idea.
14:00 Yeah.
14:01 I think that's a good idea.
14:02 Yeah.
14:03 I think that's a good idea.
14:04 Yeah.
14:05 I think that's a good idea.
14:06 Yeah.
14:07 I think that's a good idea.
14:08 Yeah.
14:09 I think that's a good idea.
14:10 Yeah.
14:11 I think that's a good idea.
14:12 Yeah.
14:13 I think that's a good idea.
14:14 Yeah.
14:15 I think that's a good idea.
14:16 Yeah.
14:17 I think that's a good idea.
14:18 Yeah.
14:19 I think that's a good idea.
14:20 Yeah.
14:21 I think that's a good idea.
14:22 Yeah.
14:23 I think that's a good idea.
14:24 Yeah.
14:25 I think that's a good idea.
14:26 Yeah.
14:27 I think that's a good idea.
14:28 Yeah.
14:29 I think that's a good idea.
14:30 Yeah.
14:31 I think that's a good idea.
14:32 Yeah.
14:33 I think that's a good idea.
14:34 Yeah.
14:35 I think that's a good idea.
14:36 Yeah.
14:37 I think that's a good idea.
14:38 Yeah.
14:39 I think that's a good idea.
14:40 Yeah.
14:41 I think that's a good idea.
14:42 Yeah.
14:43 I think that's a good idea.
14:44 Yeah.
14:45 I think that's a good idea.
14:46 Yeah.
14:47 I think that's a good idea.
14:48 Yeah.
14:49 I think that's a good idea.
14:50 Yeah.
14:51 I think that's a good idea.
14:52 Yeah.
14:53 I think that's a good idea.
14:54 Yeah.
14:55 I think that's a good idea.
14:56 Yeah.
14:57 I think that's a good idea.
14:58 Yeah.
14:59 I think that's a good idea.
15:00 Yeah.
15:01 I think that's a good idea.
15:02 Yeah.
15:03 I think that's a good idea.
15:04 Yeah.
15:05 I think that's a good idea.
15:06 Yeah.
15:07 I think that's a good idea.
15:08 Yeah.
15:09 I think that's a good idea.
15:10 Yeah.
15:11 I think that's a good idea.
15:12 Yeah.
15:13 I think that's a good idea.
15:14 Yeah.
15:15 I think that's a good idea.
15:16 Yeah.
15:17 I think that's a good idea.
15:18 Yeah.
15:19 I think that's a good idea.
15:20 Yeah.
15:21 I think that's a good idea.
15:22 Yeah.
15:23 I think that's a good idea.
15:24 Yeah.
15:25 I think that's a good idea.
15:26 Yeah.
15:27 I think that's a good idea.
15:28 Yeah.
15:29 I think that's a good idea.
15:30 Yeah.
15:31 I think that's a good idea.
15:32 Yeah.
15:33 I think that's a good idea.
15:34 Yeah.
15:35 I think that's a good idea.
15:36 Yeah.
15:37 I think that's a good idea.
15:38 Yeah.
15:39 I think that's a good idea.
15:40 Yeah.
15:41 I think that's a good idea.
15:42 Yeah.
15:43 I think that's a good idea.
15:44 Yeah.
15:45 I think that's a good idea.
15:46 Yeah.
15:47 I think that's a good idea.
15:48 Yeah.
15:49 I think that's a good idea.
15:50 Yeah.
15:51 I think that's a good idea.
15:52 Yeah.
15:53 I think that's a good idea.
15:54 Yeah.
15:55 I think that's a good idea.
15:56 Yeah.
15:57 I think that's a good idea.
15:58 Yeah.
15:59 I think that's a good idea.
16:00 Yeah.
16:01 I think that's a good idea.
16:02 Yeah.
16:03 I think that's a good idea.
16:04 Yeah.
16:05 I think that's a good idea.
16:06 Yeah.
16:07 I think that's a good idea.
16:08 Yeah.
16:09 I think that's a good idea.
16:10 Yeah.
16:11 I think that's a good idea.
16:12 Yeah.
16:13 I think that's a good idea.
16:14 Yeah.
16:15 I think that's a good idea.
16:16 Yeah.
16:17 I think that's a good idea.
16:18 Yeah.
16:19 I think that's a good idea.
16:20 Yeah.
16:21 I think that's a good idea.
16:22 Yeah.
16:23 I think that's a good idea.
16:24 Yeah.
16:25 I think that's a good idea.
16:26 Yeah.
16:27 I think that's a good idea.
16:28 Yeah.
16:29 I think that's a good idea.
16:30 Yeah.
16:31 I think that's a good idea.
16:32 Yeah.
16:33 I think that's a good idea.
16:34 Yeah.
16:35 I think that's a good idea.
16:36 Yeah.
16:37 I think that's a good idea.
16:38 Yeah.
16:39 I think that's a good idea.
16:40 Yeah.
16:41 I think that's a good idea.
16:42 Yeah.
16:43 I think that's a good idea.
16:44 Yeah.
16:45 I think that's a good idea.
16:46 Yeah.
16:47 I think that's a good idea.
16:48 Yeah.
16:49 I think that's a good idea.
16:50 Yeah.
16:51 I think that's a good idea.
16:52 Yeah.
16:53 I think that's a good idea.
16:54 Yeah.
16:55 I think that's a good idea.
16:56 Yeah.
16:57 I think that's a good idea.
16:58 Yeah.
16:59 I think that's a good idea.
17:00 Yeah.
17:01 I think that's a good idea.
17:02 Yeah.
17:03 I think that's a good idea.
17:04 Yeah.
17:05 I think that's a good idea.
17:06 Yeah.
17:07 I think that's a good idea.
17:08 Yeah.
17:09 I think that's a good idea.
17:10 Yeah.
17:11 I think that's a good idea.
17:12 Yeah.
17:13 I think that's a good idea.
17:14 Yeah.
17:15 I think that's a good idea.
17:16 Yeah.
17:17 I think that's a good idea.
17:18 Yeah.
17:19 I think that's a good idea.
17:20 Yeah.
17:21 I think that's a good idea.
17:22 Yeah.
17:23 I think that's a good idea.
17:24 Yeah.
17:25 I think that's a good idea.
17:26 Yeah.
17:27 I think that's a good idea.
17:28 Yeah.
17:29 I think that's a good idea.
17:30 Yeah.
17:31 I think that's a good idea.
17:32 Yeah.
17:33 I think that's a good idea.
17:34 Yeah.
17:35 I think that's a good idea.
17:36 Yeah.
17:37 I think that's a good idea.
17:38 Yeah.
17:39 I think that's a good idea.
17:40 Yeah.
17:41 I think that's a good idea.
17:42 Yeah.
17:43 I think that's a good idea.
17:44 Yeah.
17:45 I think that's a good idea.
17:46 Yeah.
17:47 I think that's a good idea.
17:48 Yeah.
17:49 I think that's a good idea.
17:50 Yeah.
17:51 I think that's a good idea.
17:52 Yeah.
17:53 I think that's a good idea.
17:54 Yeah.
17:55 I think that's a good idea.
17:56 Yeah.
17:57 I think that's a good idea.
17:58 Yeah.
17:59 I think that's a good idea.
18:00 Yeah.
18:01 I think that's a good idea.
18:02 Yeah.
18:03 I think that's a good idea.
18:04 Yeah.
18:05 I think that's a good idea.
18:06 Yeah.
18:07 I think that's a good idea.
18:08 Yeah.
18:09 I think that's a good idea.
18:10 Yeah.
18:11 I think that's a good idea.
18:12 Yeah.
18:13 I think that's a good idea.
18:14 Yeah.
18:15 I think that's a good idea.
18:16 Yeah.
18:17 I think that's a good idea.
18:18 Yeah.
18:19 I think that's a good idea.
18:20 Yeah.
18:21 I think that's a good idea.
18:22 Yeah.
18:23 I think that's a good idea.
18:24 Yeah.
18:25 I think that's a good idea.
18:26 Yeah.
18:27 I think that's a good idea.
18:28 Yeah.
18:29 I think that's a good idea.
18:30 Yeah.
18:31 I think that's a good idea.
18:32 Yeah.
18:33 I think that's a good idea.
18:34 Yeah.
18:35 I think that's a good idea.
18:36 Yeah.
18:37 I think that's a good idea.
18:38 Yeah.
18:39 I think that's a good idea.
18:40 Yeah.
18:41 I think that's a good idea.
18:42 Yeah.
18:43 I think that's a good idea.
18:44 Yeah.
18:45 I think that's a good idea.
18:46 Yeah.
18:47 I think that's a good idea.
18:48 Yeah.
18:49 I think that's a good idea.
18:50 Yeah.
18:51 I think that's a good idea.
18:52 Yeah.
18:53 I think that's a good idea.
18:54 Yeah.
18:55 I think that's a good idea.
18:56 Yeah.
18:57 I think that's a good idea.
18:58 Yeah.
18:59 I think that's a good idea.
19:00 Yeah.
19:01 I think that's a good idea.
19:02 Yeah.
19:03 I think that's a good idea.
19:04 Yeah.
19:05 I think that's a good idea.
19:06 Yeah.
19:07 I think that's a good idea.
19:08 Yeah.
19:09 I think that's a good idea.
19:10 Yeah.
19:11 I think that's a good idea.
19:12 Yeah.
19:13 I think that's a good idea.
19:14 Yeah.
19:15 I think that's a good idea.
19:16 Yeah.
19:17 I think that's a good idea.
19:18 Yeah.
19:19 I think that's a good idea.
19:20 Yeah.
19:21 I think that's a good idea.
19:22 Yeah.
19:23 I think that's a good idea.
19:24 Yeah.
19:25 I think that's a good idea.
19:26 Yeah.
19:27 I think that's a good idea.
19:28 Yeah.
19:29 I think that's a good idea.
19:30 Yeah.
19:31 I think that's a good idea.
19:32 Yeah.
19:33 I think that's a good idea.
19:34 Yeah.
19:35 I think that's a good idea.
19:36 Yeah.
19:37 I think that's a good idea.
19:38 Yeah.
19:39 I think that's a good idea.
19:40 Yeah.
19:41 I think that's a good idea.
19:42 Yeah.
19:43 I think that's a good idea.
19:44 Yeah.
19:45 I think that's a good idea.
19:46 Yeah.
19:47 I think that's a good idea.
19:48 Yeah.
19:49 I think that's a good idea.
19:50 Yeah.
19:51 I think that's a good idea.
19:52 Yeah.
19:53 I think that's a good idea.
19:54 Yeah.
19:55 I think that's a good idea.
19:56 Yeah.
19:57 I think that's a good idea.
19:58 Yeah.
19:59 I think that's a good idea.
20:00 Yeah.
20:01 I think that's a good idea.
20:02 Yeah.
20:03 I think that's a good idea.
20:04 Yeah.
20:05 I think that's a good idea.
20:06 Yeah.
20:07 I think that's a good idea.
20:08 Yeah.
20:09 I think that's a good idea.
20:10 Yeah.
20:11 I think that's a good idea.
20:12 Yeah.
20:13 I think that's a good idea.
20:14 Yeah.
20:15 I think that's a good idea.
20:16 Yeah.
20:17 I think that's a good idea.
20:18 Yeah.
20:19 I think that's a good idea.
20:20 Yeah.
20:21 I think that's a good idea.
20:22 Yeah.
20:23 I think that's a good idea.
20:24 Yeah.
20:25 I think that's a good idea.
20:26 Yeah.
20:27 I think that's a good idea.
20:28 Yeah.
20:29 I think that's a good idea.
20:30 Yeah.
20:31 I think that's a good idea.
20:32 Yeah.
20:33 I think that's a good idea.
20:34 Yeah.
20:35 I think that's a good idea.
20:36 Yeah.
20:37 I think that's a good idea.
20:38 Yeah.
20:39 I think that's a good idea.
20:40 Yeah.
20:41 I think that's a good idea.
20:42 Yeah.
20:43 I think that's a good idea.
20:44 Yeah.
20:45 I think that's a good idea.
20:46 Yeah.
20:47 I think that's a good idea.
20:48 Yeah.
20:49 I think that's a good idea.
20:50 Yeah.
20:51 I think that's a good idea.
20:52 Yeah.
20:53 I think that's a good idea.
20:54 Yeah.
20:55 I think that's a good idea.
20:56 Yeah.
20:57 I think that's a good idea.
20:58 Yeah.
20:59 I think that's a good idea.
21:00 Yeah.
21:01 I think that's a good idea.
21:02 Yeah.
21:03 I think that's a good idea.
21:04 Yeah.
21:05 I think that's a good idea.
21:06 Yeah.
21:07 I think that's a good idea.
21:08 Yeah.
21:09 I think that's a good idea.
21:10 Yeah.
21:11 I think that's a good idea.
21:12 Yeah.
21:13 I think that's a good idea.
21:14 Yeah.
21:15 I think that's a good idea.
21:16 Yeah.
21:17 I think that's a good idea.
21:18 Yeah.
21:19 I think that's a good idea.
21:20 Yeah.
21:21 I think that's a good idea.
21:22 Yeah.
21:23 I think that's a good idea.
21:24 Yeah.
21:25 I think that's a good idea.
21:26 Yeah.
21:27 I think that's a good idea.
21:28 Yeah.
21:29 I think that's a good idea.
21:30 Yeah.
21:31 I think that's a good idea.
21:32 Yeah.
21:33 I think that's a good idea.
21:34 Yeah.
21:35 I think that's a good idea.
21:36 Yeah.
21:37 I think that's a good idea.
21:38 Yeah.
21:39 I think that's a good idea.
21:40 Yeah.
21:41 I think that's a good idea.
21:42 Yeah.
21:43 I think that's a good idea.
21:44 Yeah.
21:45 I think that's a good idea.
21:46 Yeah.
21:47 I think that's a good idea.
21:48 Yeah.
21:49 I think that's a good idea.
21:50 Yeah.
21:51 I think that's a good idea.
21:52 Yeah.
21:53 I think that's a good idea.
21:54 Yeah.
21:55 I think that's a good idea.
21:56 Yeah.
21:57 I think that's a good idea.
21:58 Yeah.
21:59 I think that's a good idea.
22:00 Yeah.
22:01 I think that's a good idea.
22:02 Yeah.
22:03 I think that's a good idea.
22:04 Yeah.
22:05 I think that's a good idea.
22:06 Yeah.
22:07 I think that's a good idea.
22:08 Yeah.
22:09 I think that's a good idea.
22:10 Yeah.
22:11 I think that's a good idea.
22:12 Yeah.
22:13 I think that's a good idea.
22:14 Yeah.
22:15 I think that's a good idea.
22:16 Yeah.
22:17 I think that's a good idea.
22:18 Yeah.
22:19 I think that's a good idea.
22:20 Yeah.
22:21 I think that's a good idea.
22:22 Yeah.
22:23 I think that's a good idea.
22:24 Yeah.
22:25 I think that's a good idea.
22:26 Yeah.
22:27 I think that's a good idea.
22:28 Yeah.
22:29 I think that's a good idea.
22:30 Yeah.
22:31 I think that's a good idea.
22:32 Yeah.
22:33 I think that's a good idea.
22:34 Yeah.
22:35 I think that's a good idea.
22:36 Yeah.
22:37 I think that's a good idea.
22:38 Yeah.
22:39 I think that's a good idea.
22:40 Yeah.
22:41 I think that's a good idea.
22:42 Yeah.
22:43 I think that's a good idea.
22:44 Yeah.
22:45 I think that's a good idea.
22:46 Yeah.
22:47 I think that's a good idea.
22:48 Yeah.
22:49 I think that's a good idea.
22:50 Yeah.
22:51 I think that's a good idea.
22:52 Yeah.
22:53 I think that's a good idea.
22:54 Yeah.
22:55 I think that's a good idea.
22:56 Yeah.
22:57 I think that's a good idea.
22:58 Yeah.
22:59 I think that's a good idea.
23:00 Yeah.
23:01 I think that's a good idea.
23:02 Yeah.
23:03 I think that's a good idea.
23:04 Yeah.
23:05 I think that's a good idea.
23:06 Yeah.
23:07 I think that's a good idea.
23:08 Yeah.
23:09 I think that's a good idea.
23:10 Yeah.
23:11 I think that's a good idea.
23:12 Yeah.
23:13 I think that's a good idea.
23:14 Yeah.
23:15 I think that's a good idea.
23:16 Yeah.
23:17 I think that's a good idea.
23:18 Yeah.
23:19 I think that's a good idea.
23:20 Yeah.
23:21 I think that's a good idea.
23:22 Yeah.
23:23 I think that's a good idea.
23:24 Yeah.
23:25 I think that's a good idea.
23:26 Yeah.
23:27 I think that's a good idea.
23:28 Yeah.
23:29 I think that's a good idea.
23:30 Yeah.
23:31 I think that's a good idea.
23:32 Yeah.
23:33 I think that's a good idea.
23:34 Yeah.
23:35 I think that's a good idea.
23:36 Yeah.
23:37 I think that's a good idea.
23:38 Yeah.
23:39 I think that's a good idea.
23:40 Yeah.
23:41 I think that's a good idea.
23:42 Yeah.
23:43 I think that's a good idea.
23:44 Yeah.
23:45 I think that's a good idea.
23:46 Yeah.
23:47 I think that's a good idea.
23:48 Yeah.
23:49 I think that's a good idea.
23:50 Yeah.
23:51 I think that's a good idea.
23:52 Yeah.
23:53 I think that's a good idea.
23:54 Yeah.
23:55 I think that's a good idea.
23:56 Yeah.
23:57 I think that's a good idea.
23:58 Yeah.
23:59 I think that's a good idea.
24:00 Yeah.
24:01 I think that's a good idea.
24:02 Yeah.
24:03 I think that's a good idea.
24:04 Yeah.
24:05 I think that's a good idea.
24:06 Yeah.
24:07 I think that's a good idea.
24:08 Yeah.
24:09 I think that's a good idea.
24:10 Yeah.
24:11 I think that's a good idea.
24:12 Yeah.
24:13 I think that's a good idea.
24:14 Yeah.
24:15 I think that's a good idea.
24:16 Yeah.
24:17 I think that's a good idea.
24:18 Yeah.
24:19 I think that's a good idea.
24:20 Yeah.
24:21 I think that's a good idea.
24:22 Yeah.
24:23 I think that's a good idea.
24:24 Yeah.
24:25 I think that's a good idea.
24:26 Yeah.
24:27 I think that's a good idea.
24:28 Yeah.
24:29 I think that's a good idea.
24:30 Yeah.
24:31 I think that's a good idea.
24:32 Yeah.
24:33 I think that's a good idea.
24:34 Yeah.
24:35 I think that's a good idea.
24:36 Yeah.
24:37 I think that's a good idea.
24:38 Yeah.
24:39 I think that's a good idea.
24:40 Yeah.
24:41 I think that's a good idea.
24:42 Yeah.
24:43 I think that's a good idea.
24:44 Yeah.
24:45 I think that's a good idea.
24:46 Yeah.
24:47 I think that's a good idea.
24:48 Yeah.
24:49 I think that's a good idea.
24:50 Yeah.
24:51 I think that's a good idea.
24:52 Yeah.
24:53 I think that's a good idea.
24:54 Yeah.
24:55 I think that's a good idea.
24:56 Yeah.
24:57 I think that's a good idea.
24:58 Yeah.
24:59 I think that's a good idea.
25:00 Yeah.
25:01 I think that's a good idea.
25:02 Yeah.
25:03 I think that's a good idea.
25:04 Yeah.
25:05 I think that's a good idea.
25:06 Yeah.
25:07 I think that's a good idea.
25:08 Yeah.
25:09 I think that's a good idea.
25:10 Yeah.
25:11 I think that's a good idea.
25:12 Yeah.
25:13 I think that's a good idea.
25:14 Yeah.
25:15 I think that's a good idea.
25:16 Yeah.
25:17 I think that's a good idea.
25:18 Yeah.
25:19 I think that's a good idea.
25:20 Yeah.
25:21 I think that's a good idea.
25:22 Yeah.
25:23 I think that's a good idea.
25:24 Yeah.
25:25 I think that's a good idea.
25:26 Yeah.
25:27 I think that's a good idea.
25:28 Yeah.
25:29 I think that's a good idea.
25:30 Yeah.
25:31 I think that's a good idea.
25:32 Yeah.
25:33 I think that's a good idea.
25:34 Yeah.
25:35 I think that's a good idea.
25:36 Yeah.
25:37 I think that's a good idea.
25:38 Yeah.
25:39 I think that's a good idea.
25:40 Yeah.
25:41 I think that's a good idea.
25:42 Yeah.
25:43 I think that's a good idea.
25:44 Yeah.
25:45 I think that's a good idea.
25:46 Yeah.
25:47 I think that's a good idea.
25:48 Yeah.
25:49 I think that's a good idea.
25:50 Yeah.
25:51 I think that's a good idea.
25:52 Yeah.
25:53 I think that's a good idea.
25:54 Yeah.
25:55 I think that's a good idea.
25:56 Yeah.
25:57 I think that's a good idea.
25:58 Yeah.
25:59 I think that's a good idea.
26:00 Yeah.
26:01 I think that's a good idea.
26:02 Yeah.
26:03 I think that's a good idea.
26:04 Yeah.
26:05 I think that's a good idea.
26:06 Yeah.
26:07 I think that's a good idea.
26:08 Yeah.
26:09 I think that's a good idea.
26:10 Yeah.
26:11 I think that's a good idea.
26:12 Yeah.
26:13 I think that's a good idea.
26:14 Yeah.
26:15 I think that's a good idea.
26:16 Yeah.
26:17 I think that's a good idea.
26:18 Yeah.
26:19 I think that's a good idea.
26:20 Yeah.
26:21 I think that's a good idea.
26:22 Yeah.
26:23 I think that's a good idea.
26:24 Yeah.
26:25 I think that's a good idea.
26:26 Yeah.
26:27 I think that's a good idea.
26:28 Yeah.
26:29 I think that's a good idea.
26:30 Yeah.
26:31 I think that's a good idea.
26:32 Yeah.
26:33 I think that's a good idea.
26:34 Yeah.
26:35 I think that's a good idea.
26:36 Yeah.
26:37 I think that's a good idea.
26:38 Yeah.
26:39 I think that's a good idea.
26:40 Yeah.
26:41 I think that's a good idea.
26:42 Yeah.
26:43 I think that's a good idea.
26:44 Yeah.
26:45 I think that's a good idea.
26:46 Yeah.
26:47 I think that's a good idea.
26:48 Yeah.
26:49 I think that's a good idea.
26:50 Yeah.
26:51 I think that's a good idea.
26:52 Yeah.
26:53 I think that's a good idea.
26:54 Yeah.
26:55 I think that's a good idea.
26:56 Yeah.
26:57 I think that's a good idea.
26:58 Yeah.
26:59 I think that's a good idea.
27:00 Yeah.
27:01 I think that's a good idea.
27:02 Yeah.
27:03 I think that's a good idea.
27:04 Yeah.
27:05 I think that's a good idea.
27:06 Yeah.
27:07 I think that's a good idea.
27:08 Yeah.
27:09 I think that's a good idea.
27:10 Yeah.
27:11 I think that's a good idea.
27:12 Yeah.
27:13 I think that's a good idea.
27:14 Yeah.
27:15 I think that's a good idea.
27:16 Yeah.
27:17 I think that's a good idea.
27:18 Yeah.
27:19 I think that's a good idea.
27:20 Yeah.
27:21 I think that's a good idea.
27:22 Yeah.
27:23 I think that's a good idea.
27:24 Yeah.
27:25 I think that's a good idea.
27:26 Yeah.
27:27 I think that's a good idea.
27:28 Yeah.
27:29 I think that's a good idea.
27:30 Yeah.
27:31 I think that's a good idea.
27:32 Yeah.
27:33 I think that's a good idea.
27:34 Yeah.
27:35 I think that's a good idea.
27:36 Yeah.
27:37 I think that's a good idea.
27:38 Yeah.
27:39 I think that's a good idea.
27:40 Yeah.
27:41 I think that's a good idea.
27:42 Yeah.
27:43 I think that's a good idea.
27:44 Yeah.
27:45 I think that's a good idea.
27:46 Yeah.
27:47 I think that's a good idea.
27:48 Yeah.
27:49 I think that's a good idea.
27:50 Yeah.
27:51 I think that's a good idea.
27:52 Yeah.
27:53 I think that's a good idea.
27:54 Yeah.
27:55 I think that's a good idea.
27:56 Yeah.
27:57 I think that's a good idea.
27:58 Yeah.
27:59 I think that's a good idea.
28:00 Yeah.
28:01 I think that's a good idea.
28:02 Yeah.
28:03 I think that's a good idea.
28:04 Yeah.
28:05 I think that's a good idea.
28:06 Yeah.
28:07 I think that's a good idea.
28:08 Yeah.
28:09 I think that's a good idea.
28:10 Yeah.
28:11 I think that's a good idea.
28:12 Yeah.
28:13 I think that's a good idea.
28:14 Yeah.
28:15 I think that's a good idea.
28:16 Yeah.
28:17 I think that's a good idea.
28:18 Yeah.
28:19 I think that's a good idea.
28:20 Yeah.
28:21 I think that's a good idea.
28:22 Yeah.
28:23 I think that's a good idea.
28:24 Yeah.
28:25 I think that's a good idea.
28:26 Yeah.
28:27 I think that's a good idea.
28:28 Yeah.
28:29 I think that's a good idea.
28:30 Yeah.
28:31 I think that's a good idea.
28:32 Yeah.
28:33 I think that's a good idea.
28:34 Yeah.
28:35 I think that's a good idea.
28:36 Yeah.
28:37 I think that's a good idea.
28:38 Yeah.
28:39 I think that's a good idea.
28:40 Yeah.
28:41 I think that's a good idea.
28:42 Yeah.
28:43 I think that's a good idea.
28:44 Yeah.
28:45 I think that's a good idea.
28:46 Yeah.
28:47 I think that's a good idea.
28:48 Yeah.
28:49 I think that's a good idea.
28:50 Yeah.
28:51 I think that's a good idea.
28:52 Yeah.
28:53 I think that's a good idea.
28:54 Yeah.
28:55 I think that's a good idea.
28:56 Yeah.
28:57 I think that's a good idea.
28:58 Yeah.
28:59 I think that's a good idea.
29:00 Yeah.
29:01 I think that's a good idea.
29:02 Yeah.
29:03 I think that's a good idea.
29:04 Yeah.
29:05 I think that's a good idea.
29:06 Yeah.
29:07 I think that's a good idea.
29:08 Yeah.
29:09 I think that's a good idea.
29:10 Yeah.
29:11 I think that's a good idea.
29:12 Yeah.
29:13 I think that's a good idea.
29:14 Yeah.
29:15 I think that's a good idea.
29:16 Yeah.
29:17 I think that's a good idea.
29:18 Yeah.
29:19 I think that's a good idea.
29:20 I think that's a good idea.
29:21 I think that's a good idea.
29:22 I think that's a good idea.
29:23 I think that's a good idea.
29:24 I think that's a good idea.
29:25 I think that's a good idea.
29:26 I think that's a good idea.
29:27 I think that's a good idea.
29:28 I think that's a good idea.
29:29 I think that's a good idea.
29:30 I think that's a good idea.
29:31 I think that's a good idea.
29:32 I think that's a good idea.
29:33 I think that's a good idea.
29:34 I think that's a good idea.
29:35 I think that's a good idea.
29:36 I think that's a good idea.
29:37 I think that's a good idea.
29:38 I think that's a good idea.
29:39 I think that's a good idea.
29:40 I think that's a good idea.
29:41 I think that's a good idea.
29:43 I'm quickly realising that we just don't have enough people for all the things that I want to do.
29:54 No, I hate it.
29:55 I have six men on my roster.
29:58 I think it's the fact that everyone is so much more expensive is the change.
30:02 Yeah.
30:03 I've got six men on my roster.
30:05 So we have two of those feuding for the world title, two of those for a mid-card title,
30:09 and then I don't have enough for a tag team.
30:11 You know?
30:13 Well, that's it.
30:14 Ooh, who did you get?
30:15 Tiffany Stratton and Blair Davenport.
30:17 Crikey.
30:18 287 grand left.
30:19 Dan, are you drafting again?
30:21 I think I'm going to get one more, but it's a question of who.
30:24 Yeah.
30:25 Okay.
30:26 I think it's going to be a fighter.
30:27 Okay.
30:28 I have only got the one specialist.
30:30 I've got one of each, but the specialist is just so expensive at this point.
30:36 So I might just do some scouting later on down the line.
30:39 I have also got a tasty power card for that purpose.
30:42 So I'm not too worried about it.
30:46 Who else could we get?
30:48 287, but you need to make sure you can book a show.
30:51 Mm-hmm.
30:52 I wouldn't book a show.
30:53 Can you buy any logistics?
30:55 That's what I'm planning for.
30:57 I hate you both for this, by the way.
30:59 Okay.
31:00 Why?
31:01 Look, I'm not going to tell you how to play the game.
31:02 Yeah.
31:03 I mean, I think we should, but...
31:04 You can make your own mistakes.
31:05 It's fine.
31:06 I don't have to book a show with 20 different...
31:09 It's the first show.
31:13 It's your funeral, mate.
31:15 I'm going to play the game the way I've always played the game.
31:18 Badly?
31:21 Dan, it's round 12.
31:22 We've got another episode to film yet, mate.
31:24 Yeah, Carl Anderson.
31:25 Cool.
31:26 Do you want to get Becky Lynch?
31:28 You know, my stance hasn't changed.
31:30 No?
31:31 I don't want to get Becky Lynch.
31:32 Coward.
31:33 Okay, then how about...
31:34 I just want to have fun.
31:35 Are you not having fun?
31:36 No, I'm having fun.
31:37 I'm looking for...
31:38 Can I get...
31:39 Get the Miz.
31:40 I didn't even look at the recommendation the whole time.
31:43 There's three here.
31:45 No.
31:46 Can I get Kevin Owens?
31:47 Too expensive.
31:48 Ridge Holland might be too expensive.
31:50 So it might just be a case of getting Luke Gallows.
31:53 Oh, I split the team up.
31:55 Oh, I wasn't getting Luke Gallows.
31:56 No?
31:57 No.
31:58 Get the Miz.
31:59 Oh, good.
32:00 He's good at casket matches.
32:01 Going to use that all the time.
32:03 Sick.
32:05 Imagine if you got it,
32:07 and then he lost his first casket match,
32:09 and then he's just gone.
32:10 And then he's gone.
32:11 Yeah.
32:12 But you've got that extra star off him.
32:14 That's good.
32:15 Good at steel cages.
32:16 Good.
32:17 That's nice.
32:18 That's helpful.
32:19 Ridge Holland.
32:20 There you go.
32:21 It's your choice, Campy.
32:22 Oh, yeah.
32:23 What is he?
32:24 He's a face.
32:26 We're on to round 13.
32:28 We are.
32:29 And I am calling it there.
32:31 That's probably wise.
32:32 I'm done.
32:33 2-11.
32:34 Stop drafting.
32:35 That's my draft.
32:36 Oh, look at that.
32:37 Ooh.
32:38 Pete, do you want to talk us through,
32:39 what are you excited about here?
32:41 I mean, there's Jinder Mahal.
32:43 I don't know if you've seen.
32:44 And Nikki Cross.
32:45 But Jinder Mahal is right there.
32:46 When did you draft Valhalla?
32:48 Oh, I don't remember you drafting Nikki Cross.
32:50 Yeah, I got Nikki Cross as well.
32:51 Corjay, Shana.
32:52 There's also a Chad Gable and a Drew Gulak
32:55 that you can't see on there.
32:56 And a Zoe Stark.
32:57 It's a pretty good roster, guys.
32:58 It's not bad, mate.
32:59 It's a pretty good roster.
33:00 I have less money than you,
33:02 but I'm actually confident in what that's going to get me.
33:04 Okay.
33:05 So I'm also going to win my draft there.
33:06 I'm also leaving myself a bit of money
33:09 to sign some local talent as well.
33:11 That's it.
33:12 Logistics and all the other stuff.
33:13 I've got you, Cody.
33:14 I've got Cody straight away.
33:15 That's it.
33:16 A lot of my money went on just getting one big-time star.
33:18 Yeah, one big name.
33:19 Actually, I've got two big-time stars in Bailey and Cody.
33:22 And everyone else is of a certain level of popularity
33:24 that my theory of the case is,
33:26 I'll get that money back sooner rather than later.
33:29 See, my thing as well,
33:30 I could afford to draft people with lower popularity
33:32 because my power card boosts popularity of six random people.
33:35 So I will get some of those popularities.
33:38 That's it.
33:39 My power card allows me to sign more people later.
33:42 So whereas you and I might rely on local talent,
33:45 I can probably spend a bit more on known people.
33:48 Luke's still got a hell of money.
33:49 So he can definitely draft at least once more.
33:51 Yeah, well, I might even do two, you know.
33:54 Yeah, there's every chance.
33:55 If you get two cheap people, you can do twice.
33:57 What I'm thinking now, because I've got my world title,
34:00 I've got my women's world title,
34:01 and I've got all my tag team stuff sorted out.
34:03 I need my men's mid card.
34:06 So I was thinking I could just do that with locals,
34:11 or do I just get two lads now and have them do that,
34:15 and then I can build up some local talents
34:17 to then go into that mid card stuff once that's run its course.
34:23 That's what I'm currently thinking.
34:25 And I might do that.
34:27 I've got a bruiser and I've got a heal.
34:28 So if I get a giant and a cruiser,
34:29 or do I get a fighter and a bruiser again?
34:33 Yeah, I might do that.
34:34 So I could get a gallows,
34:36 and I could get a Taz...
34:40 The...
34:42 Are you looking for a pair that will fight?
34:46 Yeah, a fighter and a bruiser,
34:47 but I need the heal and the face thing.
34:49 Yeah, but Sanga's at 230.
34:51 I might slightly out-price him.
34:53 Have you thought about the Miz?
34:55 I've always thought about the Miz.
34:56 Luke never stops thinking about the Miz.
34:59 The Miz lives in Luke's head rent-free.
35:02 It's either going to be Akira Tozawa and theory,
35:06 or it's Akira Tozawa and coffee.
35:11 I mean, Tozawa is fo' sho'.
35:13 267.
35:15 **** my maths.
35:16 It might just be Akira Tozawa.
35:22 Love that.
35:23 No, you could get...
35:24 Yeah, Joe Coffey's 160.
35:26 That leaves me with 100 grand.
35:28 It leaves you with 100.
35:29 103.
35:30 103.
35:31 Joe Coffey.
35:33 There he is.
35:34 Right.
35:35 And the draft is complete.
35:36 The draft is complete.
35:37 I can't do anyone else.
35:39 So that is...
35:41 Look at that roster.
35:43 I know, right?
35:44 Damon Kemp.
35:45 Hold on, let me just write this down.
35:46 It's like showing off all my big people.
35:48 I got Damon Kemp.
35:49 I got Scarlett.
35:51 Akira.
35:52 When Damon Kemp breaks Roman Reigns' record
35:55 for holding the world title for the longest time,
35:57 I want to play this clip back and be like,
35:58 "Who's Damon Kemp?"
36:00 There you go.
36:01 So yeah, there's Bij.
36:02 There's Pete Dunne, Tyler Bate.
36:04 Pete Dunne.
36:05 Pete Dunne.
36:06 Chazzy Flair.
36:07 Chazzy.
36:08 Trick Williams.
36:09 Shinsuke Nakamura.
36:10 This is pretty good, lads.
36:11 Yeah, solid.
36:12 Solid.
36:13 Solid stuff.
36:14 Look at that.
36:15 Look at those rosters.
36:16 Pretty pleased with that one.
36:17 Yeah.
36:18 So interesting.
36:19 So all three have 60 popularity, Luke.
36:21 I was going to say, I've got some popular people.
36:24 But then it drops.
36:25 It goes 60, 60, 60.
36:26 50, 50, 49.
36:28 You know what that says to me, Pete?
36:30 Put some belts on those people.
36:31 [LAUGHTER]
36:34 But unfortunately, the rules are rules.
36:37 And you went over time.
36:41 Any pushback on that?
36:42 No, it's fine.
36:43 [LAUGHTER]
36:44 What was your pushback going to be, out of interest?
36:46 Can you give me a gimme?
36:47 [LAUGHTER]
36:50 No.
36:53 And you can go watch that episode right now
36:55 over at patreon.com/wrestletalk.
36:58 The episode will go out next Monday.
37:01 But that's not all, because also on our Patreon page,
37:03 you can get access to the Patreon booking podcast, where
37:06 the three of us will be sitting down and recording
37:08 a brief podcast where we talk about our thoughts
37:10 and feelings, any behind the scenes stories,
37:12 anything going on behind the scenes at Monday Night War.
37:14 We talk about it in the Patreon podcast.
37:16 Go to patreon.com/wrestletalk to get that today.
37:18 And a massive thank you to the sponsor of this season,
37:21 WWE 2K, go and buy 2K24.
37:24 The link is in the description below.
37:25 You can have some booking nightmares of your very own,
37:28 some stress about the draft.
37:30 Trust me, it's fun.
37:31 I promise.
37:32 It is a lot of fun.
37:33 And I'm really excited for this season.
37:35 The wrinkle for me with this season
37:36 is not knowing the ins and outs of it yet.
37:39 Like, by the time we did Wednesday Night War,
37:42 I had a draft strategy.
37:43 I knew exactly why--
37:44 Where was it?
37:45 I ruled.
37:46 [LAUGHTER]
37:48 You can let some of them go by in the episode.
37:51 Cut the cameras.
37:52 But we will see you on Monday for episode one
37:56 of the Monday Night War.
37:58 Until then, I've been Luke Owen, DAD,
38:00 representing Monday Night Raw.
38:02 I've been Pete Quinnell, representing
38:03 Monday Night Smackdown.
38:04 And I've been Dan Layton, representing NXT Truth Point 0.
38:08 Jam that jam.
38:27 (upbeat music)