Meeting de campagne des Républicains et socialistes pour les Européennes

  • 6 months ago
A la peine dans les sondages, Les Républicains lancent leur campagne européenne samedi avec un premier grand meeting à Paris, avant celui du favori de la gauche Raphaël Glucksmann dimanche à Toulouse.

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00:00 In the wake of the polls, the Republicans launch their European campaign on Saturday with
00:04 a first major meeting in Paris, before that of the left-wing favorite Rafael Glucksmann
00:08 on Sunday in Toulouse.
00:10 Here are the sails where to stay quiet.
00:11 At the Paris Dock, the right and its head of the list, François-Xavier Bellamy, will
00:17 try to give a little breath to a candidacy that has been calmed down around 7% to 8%
00:21 of the voting intentions.
00:22 The Republicans, eliminated in the first round of the 2022 presidential election with only
00:27 4.78% of the votes, must imperatively exceed this time the threshold of 5%, for the sake
00:33 of which they would disappear from the European Parliament, a first.
00:36 Charge to François-Xavier Bellamy to beat the recall of the troops from Aubervilliers,
00:41 where he will conclude his first campaign meeting.
00:43 "This election is the time to start rebuilding together with all those who share
00:49 the values ​​of the right," says the Parisian MEP, who had collected 8.48% in 2019.
00:56 Before his speech, the following will follow from 4.30 pm to the tribune the number 1 of
01:00 LR, Eric Ciotti, as well as the numbers 2 and 3 of the list, the farmer Céline
01:05 Imart and General Christophe Gomart, last recruited in role this week.
01:09 The party's major state will also be mobilized, notably the regional presidents and potential
01:15 candidates for the 2027 presidential election, Laurent Wauquiez and Xavier Bertrand.
01:19 We will also watch the presence of the outgoing MEPs, in particular the former minister
01:24 Sarkozyst Nadine Morano and Brice Hortefeux, who hope to be re-elected, preferably
01:29 in an elected position.
01:30 Beyond these media figures, all the support will be good to take for Republicans
01:35 stuck between the National Assembly of Jordan Bardella, which is around 30%,
01:41 and the Macronist camp led by Valérie Ayé, which is around 18%.
01:45 The wind is blowing.
01:47 The right, however, will not be able to count on the support of the centrists of the UDI,
01:52 linked to Eléa Rosénam and who are about to join the presidential coalition to the
01:55 Europeans.
01:56 Natural choice for their boss Hervé Marseille, who will ask his national council to validate
02:02 this rally in the morning.
02:03 A reinforcement, no doubt not decisive, but welcome for Valérie Ayé, on the bridge
02:08 for only three weeks and still without a crew, the rest of her list "Needs of Europe"
02:13 should not be revealed before April.
02:14 In the meantime, the candidate held a meeting on Friday evening in Bayonne, where she warned
02:20 against the major risk of blocking European institutions by the far right.
02:24 On his side, no less than three ministers, including Bruno Le Maire, who came to conjure
02:28 defeatism and restore the flame of pro-Europeans against the narrowed nationalism of their
02:33 opponents.
02:34 Proof that the executive intends to get involved until the 9th of June scrutiny to make up
02:38 his delay on the RN and keep his lead on the other competitors.
02:41 Because down the line, another candidate is rising in the polls.
02:46 Credited with a two-digit score, up to 13% in some polls, Raphaël Glucksmann can
02:51 confidently address his Sunday meeting at the Tournefeuille lighthouse, Hautes-Garonnes,
02:55 in the Toulouse suburbs.
02:56 A left-wing land where the entourage of the head of the list can be a public place hopes
03:00 to transform the trial and come to disrupt the match Bardella-Ayé.
03:04 If we exceed the majority, the signal would be extremely strong, already excited by a
03:09 socialist candidate.
03:10 Another rather scrutinizes the gap with the ecologist and unsubmissive rivals, convinced
03:15 that a good score from Mr. Glucksmann would beat the cards for the presidential election
03:18 and a new union on the ashes of the ANUPE.
03:20 But no question of hegemonic play, he adds, while socialists have only obtained 6.19%
03:27 of the suffrages five years ago.
