Spontaneity || Acharya Prashant

  • 6 months ago
00:00 Don't sleep at all.
00:01 Don't sleep at all, there would be no problem such as waking up at the right time or missing
00:07 waking up at the right time.
00:09 See you cannot be trained into these things.
00:10 It's a matter of love.
00:12 The thing is that our entire system, education, our neighborhood, the way we are brought up,
00:19 it stifles all spontaneity.
00:21 In fact, we become afraid of our spontaneity.
00:25 More so if I may say as a woman.
00:27 So we want to be educated even in love.
00:29 We want to be trained even in these matters.
00:31 If you know something is right, if you really know something is right, you just do it.
00:37 You don't wait to be trained for it.