Latest news bulletin | March 26th – Morning

  • 6 months ago
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.


00:00 Three more suspects were placed under arrest in Russia for the deadly terror attack in
00:04 Moscow Concert Hall, which left at least 137 dead.
00:10 The United Nations Security Council issued its first demand to halt the fighting in Gaza,
00:16 calling for a ceasefire during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
00:20 While climate change dominated the debate in the EU elections five years ago, it is
00:24 no longer the top priority, according to an exclusive Ipsos poll.
00:30 Despite the cost of participation, thousands of volunteers gather in Paris to start Olympics
00:36 training.
00:47 Three more suspects were placed under arrest in Russia for the deadly terror attack in
00:52 Moscow Concert Hall, which, at the latest count, left at least 137 dead.
01:00 Four suspects were charged earlier, appearing Sunday in court with visible signs of abuse
01:05 or torture.
01:06 Only two of them admitted guilt, although it wasn't clear if it was under duress.
01:11 "We appeal to the Russian authorities not to use the terrorist attack in Moscow as a
01:19 pretext to increase the illegal aggression against Ukraine, and also not to use it as
01:30 a pretext to increase internal repression against the regime's criticism of Russia."
01:38 French President Emmanuel Macron said all signs indicate that the Islamic State carried
01:43 out the attack.
01:45 It would be cynical and counterproductive for Russia to blame Ukraine, he said.
01:50 Italy's interior ministry is increasing security ahead of Easter following the terror attack
01:55 in Moscow.
01:57 The National Security Council said both surveillance and checks will be increased.
02:03 Members of the UN Security Council took a moment of silence on Monday to honor the victims
02:08 of the Russia Concert Hall attack.
02:10 Meanwhile, Russia's Foreign Ministry spokesperson called into question assertions by the U.S.
02:16 that the Islamic State was behind the attack.
02:20 The two 14-year-old schoolboys who helped evacuate people from Russia's Krakow City
02:25 Hall received awards from Russia's children, Ombudswoman.
02:33 "Will those in favor of the draft resolution contained in document S/2024/20054 please
02:47 raise their hand.
03:01 Those against.
03:05 Abstention.
03:14 The result of the voting is as follows.
03:17 14 votes in favor.
03:19 Zero votes against.
03:21 One abstention.
03:22 The draft resolution has been adopted as resolution 27/28/2024."
03:39 The campaign for the European elections in 2024 will not be the same as that of 2019.
03:47 While the climate issue dominated the debate five years ago, it is no longer a hot topic
03:51 today.
03:54 According to an exclusive Ipsos poll conducted for Euronews, the fight against climate change
03:58 is a priority for 52% of respondents.
04:02 According to the same survey, 54% of Europeans believe that purchasing power is more important
04:09 than the climate.
04:10 Yet, the fight against global warming remains a priority for the next European Commission.
04:16 "Politically, the situation is going to be very different, but the climate issue remains
04:21 a top issue for the European Union and for the world simply because even if we are distracted,
04:28 the climate crisis remains and will unfortunately roll out its impacts on Europe in the coming
04:36 years as well."
04:39 The COVID-19 pandemic, the energy crisis, the war in Ukraine and the reinforcement of
04:44 defense capabilities have shaken up the European Union's climate agenda.
04:48 However, geopolitical emergencies do not necessarily mean there will be a European Green Pact.
04:55 The Commission's flagship project is expected to enter a new phase during the next legislature.
05:00 "It's not the environmental concern, maybe the driver anymore.
05:05 It's more competitiveness, it's more security.
05:09 The good news is that the Green Agenda is for Europe good for both competitiveness and
05:14 security because for a continent like Europe that needs to import 90% of the oil and gas
05:19 it consumes, green solutions are the way to become secure from an energy perspective and
05:26 avoid the situation we have had over the last three years.
05:29 And it's the way to structurally reduce energy prices moving forward for all citizens as
05:34 well."
05:38 The Green Deal remains one of the central responses to strengthen European sovereignty
05:43 and reduce energy bills.
05:45 Yet the fight against climate change is a long-term battle for which Europeans must
05:50 prepare for the coming decades.
06:00 Roughly 45,000 volunteers descended on the Paris-L'Effrance arena over the weekend to
06:06 kick off their involvement in the 2024 Paris Olympic and Parapolympic Games.
06:16 Passionate individuals from varying professions and parts of France attended the Saturday
06:20 training conference for the mid-year event.
06:23 "I had to participate in the Olympics my way.
06:27 I've been waiting for this for so long.
06:29 I hoped we would have them in 2012.
06:31 We had to wait another 12 years, but here I am, I'm very happy."
06:35 Some said they never imagined taking part in the Olympics, while others were concerned
06:40 about the costs involved.
06:41 One woman said she has to stay with friends to afford volunteering.
06:44 "I don't know if it would have been possible.
06:46 I think the cost is prohibitive for a lot of people that I know that are looking for
06:50 accommodation right now.
06:52 So I hope they do find a solution because I'm really glad, I'm honoured that I get to
06:57 do this."
06:59 One swimming teacher from the Meuse region said she is disappointed to pay for all the
07:03 train journeys, but refuses to give up the job.
07:06 "I must admit I'm a little disappointed.
07:09 What I would have liked them to take care of is the transport to the convention.
07:14 The cost of transport to come to our place, the site where we volunteer.
07:21 That's the minimum that should be taken care of for the volunteers."
07:27 Participants get one free daily meal and free public transport travel in Paris.
07:33 The Olympics start on July 26.
07:40 The European Union's regulatory authorities opened investigations into Apple, Google and
07:44 Meta on Monday for non-compliance with the Digital Markets Act.
07:50 These are the first prosecutions under the new law, which came into force earlier this
07:54 month, designed to make digital markets fairer and more contestable by preventing big tech
08:00 companies from dominating these markets.
08:03 The aim is to make them fulfill a set of obligations and duties under the threat of heavy financial
08:08 penalties or even the dismantling of their companies.
08:14 Economic instability, high prices, shrinking social protection.
08:25 Demand for a more social-orientated Europe is rising across the EU, according to an exclusive
08:31 Euronews Commission poll.
08:33 It is the first survey of its kind to be carried out in 18 European countries.
08:39 Polling by Ipsos and Euronews found the Portuguese are the most concerned by the rising cost
08:44 of living.
08:46 On average 68% of Europeans want the EU to tackle price increases.
08:52 Only 7% of the electorate say inflation is not a priority at all.
08:57 Finns are the least worried about the cost of living.
09:02 In a time of crisis, EU citizens say they feel impoverished.
09:06 64% of people want the EU to defend their social rights and reduce social inequalities.
09:13 Only 8% would be against this.
09:16 The Portuguese are on top again.
09:18 The polls, meanwhile, are less concerned.
09:24 The third priority of voters is economic growth.
09:27 62% of respondents want EU legislators to implement measures to boost economic growth.
09:34 Unemployment came in fourth just behind the fight against illegal immigration.
09:38 The Dutch are the least inclined towards EU intervention to boost the economy.
09:44 Social issues are not only priorities for left and centre-left orientated voters.
09:49 Moderates, conservatives, centrist liberals and right-wing voters are also demanding more
09:54 social and economic intervention by Brussels compared to previous elections.
09:59 A robust majority of the conservative ECR group and far-right ID group ask for measures
10:05 against inflation.
10:06 Still, when it comes to inequalities and social protection, the left is more demanding.
10:12 The majority of the grand coalition voters are asking for more EU legislators assertiveness
10:17 when it comes to taking measures sparking economic growth.
10:20 Social and economic issues are trans-political concerns spanning left and right.
10:25 The polls suggest that EU leaders could need to boost public spending, devise policies
10:30 that reduce economic gaps and better protect rights to meet people's demands.
10:41 Almost 200 people have been arrested and kilos of illegal substances seized in French anti-drug
10:48 raids at the beginning of the week.
10:50 Police started the campaign a week ago in Marseille, with searches on Monday moving
10:55 up the country's north.
10:56 "Since the beginning of the week, we have already had more than 190 arrests.
11:02 We have seized 25 kilos of cannabis, more than a kilo of cocaine and each time, we have
11:09 had many operations, many small arrests on many people.
11:13 So the impact is important and the impact is on the whole department."
11:19 President Emmanuel Macron dubbed their efforts as "XXL clean-up" on social media and said
11:24 there were at least 10 more searches planned.
11:27 Interior Minister GΓ©rald Dermanant said officers raided buildings and conducted checks in Lille,
11:33 Villeneuve-des-Caen and Roubaix.
11:38 In the first three days of the clampdown, 22 kilos of drugs, almost 400,000 euros and
11:44 four weapons were seized.
11:45 (whooshing)
11:48 (whooshing)
