IHSG Sesi I Ditutup Melemah ke Level 7.344

  • 6 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup turun pada perdagangan sesi pertama Selasa (26/3/2024). Indeks ditutup turun 0,44% atau 32,76 poin ke level 7.344.

Siang ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 9,22 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp6,12 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 547.588 kali. Adapun, sebanyak 335 saham harganya terkoreksi, 230 saham harganya naik dan 206 saham lainnya stagnan.


00:00 Let's go to the index of joint share prices where the IHSG is monitored in the first trading session,
00:04 it moves back to a weak level at 7344 or weak 0.44%.
00:10 The index of joint share prices has weakened since the opening of trading in the Selasa trading.
00:15 6.12 trillion rupiahs were booked by the market players,
00:18 335 shares weakened, 230 shares strengthened, and 206 other shares stagnated.
00:23 Year-to-date, the IHSG has booked a strengthening of 0.99%.
00:28 In contrast to other trading indicators,
00:30 namely the exchange rate of US dollars,
00:32 this is not far from the level that was previously broken at 15,800,
00:37 where in today's afternoon session,
00:40 the rupiah moved at around 15,779 USD,
00:44 or still in the weak zone,
00:48 although it has decreased compared to the previous level that broke 15,800 USD.
00:55 Next, we look at some data from the first trading session,
01:00 the shares that are in the top gainers and top losers category.
01:04 As the next, we go to the top gainers.
01:08 The shares are as follows,
01:11 there is Gotoh which strengthened 1.45%,
01:13 TPIA increased 1.68%,
01:15 Adaro strengthened 1.5%,
01:17 BBYP increased 6.99%.
01:19 Then the top losers,
01:21 there is Telkom,
01:22 it dropped 2.41%,
01:24 Aman Mineral dropped 1.41%,
01:25 Astra International corrected 1.4%,
01:28 and PNLF dropped 4.06%.
01:31 Meanwhile, for the sector,
01:32 there is Energi Technology,
01:34 which strengthened 0.39% and 0.38%.
01:37 Meanwhile, Transportation and Logistics,
01:39 as well as Property,
01:40 weakened 3.1% and 0.79%.
01:44 Nice.
01:47 [Music]