• 6 months ago


00:00:00 Growing up with a single mum and two sisters,
00:00:05 they've definitely shaped me in a positive light.
00:00:08 I know what not to do in a relationship.
00:00:13 When I was a teenager, there would be arguments between mum and, like,
00:00:17 stepdads and stuff, and it's not something that I wanted my sisters to be around.
00:00:21 So I would always go and put them in their room and put the music on
00:00:25 so they never had to hear it.
00:00:27 (SOMBRE MUSIC)
00:00:34 Jeez, you got me here, didn't I?
00:00:37 Yep.
00:00:45 I'll cook. It's my sisters, you know. Of course it does.
00:00:52 You never want them to be in a bad situation.
00:00:55 (SOMBRE MUSIC)
00:00:57 Oh, God.
00:01:01 Yep.
00:01:05 Because of my upbringing, I know that women should all be treated with respect.
00:01:11 I want a lifelong partner, and I'll always make sure, you know,
00:01:16 is there some way that I would want my sisters to be treated.
00:01:19 How are you going? Or my mum.
00:01:22 (SOMBRE MUSIC)
00:01:27 The 2022 Married at First Sight experiment has officially launched.
00:01:33 First one here.
00:01:35 And as Jackson anxiously waits to meet the other grooms
00:01:38 for the traditional Bucks party...
00:01:40 Oh, Laura. (HOWLS)
00:01:44 ..our first bride-to-be is making her way to this year's Hens Night.
00:01:49 Bro, slightly shitting myself because I'm getting married to a stranger.
00:01:54 Like, that's mind-blowing.
00:01:56 -Dre, come on. -Oh, my God.
00:02:00 And what's here? Who's this lovely person we're talking to?
00:02:03 -Your daughter. -Oh.
00:02:05 Can we please move that windex that's on the...
00:02:07 -Oh, (BLEEP) -Hang on.
00:02:09 -I'm not moving nothing for nobody. -Wow.
00:02:12 I'm Italian, and I guess it's kind of built in me
00:02:16 to emulate what my parents have and be with someone that long
00:02:19 and have a life and create something.
00:02:21 That's all I've wanted.
00:02:23 I'm marrying a stranger.
00:02:25 Can I just leave the room for five minutes?
00:02:28 -What? -Why?
00:02:30 Oh, my God, Dominica.
00:02:33 (SCREAMS)
00:02:35 The hardest decision I've ever had to make in my life was ending my marriage.
00:02:43 We were together for four years, and we were married for just over two months.
00:02:48 It took me a long time to accept that I'm 28, I'm divorced,
00:02:53 because in Italian culture, being divorced is a big deal.
00:02:58 And I got judged really heavily for that.
00:03:02 I lost relationships with friends that I've had for 15 years.
00:03:06 But I'm allowed to decide what I want out of my life.
00:03:12 And I'm so ready to fall in love again.
00:03:15 That's all I want.
00:03:18 With Dominica being the first guest to arrive,
00:03:23 this year's Hens night is now underway.
00:03:27 I'm always early to things, but I'm never the first one.
00:03:38 It's even worse when there's no bartender.
00:03:41 Where are all my friends?
00:03:46 -Hi! Nice to meet you. -Celine.
00:03:51 I'm Dominica.
00:03:53 -Dominica. -Dominica, yeah.
00:03:56 -Are you Italian? -I'm Italian, yeah.
00:03:58 -I'm Wog. -I'm assuming Wog.
00:04:00 -Turkish, yeah. -Is it Celine?
00:04:02 -It's Celina. -It's Celine?
00:04:04 Celine.
00:04:07 I instantly clicked with...
00:04:09 -Celine? -Celine?
00:04:12 -Hi! -I'm Sam.
00:04:14 And then there's the blonde girl with the blonde hair.
00:04:17 -She's the best. -Sam?
00:04:20 -Is it Sam? -Yeah.
00:04:21 -Sam. -I'm Celina. Nice to meet you.
00:04:24 -Celine. -Celine.
00:04:27 This is going to get confusing. Celina?
00:04:29 Oh, my God. I'm so bad with names.
00:04:34 I feel like we're all really good catchers here.
00:04:36 -I don't know how you girls are. -I know.
00:04:38 It's like, "What's wrong with us? Why are you coming here?"
00:04:41 No, this is what I think.
00:04:43 When I was at school...
00:04:46 mostly I just remember being by myself.
00:04:50 I was kind of, like, invisible.
00:04:54 Or I was picked on.
00:04:56 I'm part Chinese.
00:04:59 And my parents were both born in Cambodia.
00:05:02 I think I could speak for a lot of Asian cultures
00:05:06 that parents show their love
00:05:09 through shelter, education and food.
00:05:14 When I told them I not only wanted to be a hairdresser
00:05:18 but I wanted to leave school,
00:05:20 they were definitely not happy or supportive.
00:05:23 And I felt like such a disappointment.
00:05:30 Have a bit of tea.
00:05:33 They have these high expectations,
00:05:35 so love is very conditional.
00:05:38 So...
00:05:40 You know how in our culture
00:05:43 having an arranged marriage is quite a normal thing?
00:05:47 Well, there are three experts that have found me my soul mate.
00:05:55 But I haven't met him yet.
00:05:58 We're going to get married.
00:06:00 So do I have your approval?
00:06:06 Actually, not 100% approval for you.
00:06:10 Because when we arrange marriage,
00:06:15 we know each other first.
00:06:17 But for you, if you don't know each other first,
00:06:19 it's a little bit hard.
00:06:26 If my mum could pick me the perfect husband,
00:06:29 he would look like Kim Jong-il
00:06:32 and have a multi-million dollar company in China.
00:06:35 "Oh, you no doctor, you no lawyer, OK, no worry.
00:06:38 "You just go marry one. You marry rich men, OK?"
00:06:42 So it's at that level now.
00:06:45 Apparently I won't make it in life until I marry a rich man.
00:06:50 - Hey, mate. - Hey, how are you going?
00:06:52 - Good, you? - Yeah, really good.
00:06:54 - Jackson. - I'm Andrew.
00:06:56 - Nice to meet you as well. - How are you?
00:06:58 - Good. - You the first one?
00:07:00 I am from the deep south. I'm from Dallas, Texas.
00:07:03 - Cheers, by the way. - Cheers, mate.
00:07:05 But I have been living in Australia for the last five years.
00:07:08 - Have you been married before at all? - No.
00:07:10 This is jumping in the deep end.
00:07:12 I've been married twice before already.
00:07:14 - Oh, yeah? - Yeah.
00:07:16 I really, really want this to work out.
00:07:18 Because I've been married twice previously,
00:07:20 I've learned a lot of lessons when it comes to love and relationships.
00:07:23 - Hey! How you doing? - Good. How about you two?
00:07:27 - Cody. - It's a pleasure, mate. How are you?
00:07:29 - Have I missed anything? - Hey!
00:07:31 - Oh, hi, mate. - Brent.
00:07:33 - Pleasure to meet you. - How are you doing, guys?
00:07:35 I need the experts' help because I've been struggling
00:07:39 to find a relationship that's long-term.
00:07:41 - How are you feeling? - Really good, man. I'm excited.
00:07:44 I do believe that life is meant to be experienced
00:07:47 with another human being,
00:07:49 and I want to be that person for somebody as well.
00:07:51 How'd you end up in this situation to even do this?
00:07:55 - That's a very long story, you know? - Same, man. That's what I'm saying.
00:07:59 - Just get comfortable. - We're going to need a lot more beer,
00:08:01 but we'll start.
00:08:03 For the last seven years,
00:08:07 I had a really big and successful business,
00:08:10 and that's where my focus has been.
00:08:12 But in the process, I lost myself.
00:08:15 My personal life suffered,
00:08:17 and it's one thing building a business,
00:08:19 but it doesn't feel right if I don't have someone to share it with.
00:08:22 I reckon in the first week,
00:08:24 I'm going to be the guy that's full of big spoon,
00:08:27 little spoon as well.
00:08:29 I am not going to lie to you.
00:08:31 I would definitely like to be the little spoon sometimes,
00:08:33 and any guy that pretends like he doesn't is lying.
00:08:36 Both legs and arms wrapped at the same time.
00:08:39 Wild air approach.
00:08:41 - How old are you, Brent? - I'm 33.
00:08:43 I'm an old buck.
00:08:45 I wonder if we'll get a baby come through, like a 24-year-old.
00:08:48 - I hope so. I hope so. - I know.
00:08:50 Here we go.
00:08:53 - I'm ready for the fuck's party. - Let's do this.
00:08:56 I think the other gringos will love me. Everybody loves me.
00:08:59 Boom, boom. Looking good, Ellen.
00:09:04 I describe myself as someone who loves to party,
00:09:08 lives life on the edge.
00:09:10 I'm half Malaysian, half Australian,
00:09:12 and I guess that's why girls love me so much.
00:09:15 If I had to give myself a rating out of ten, it'd be 11.
00:09:18 Do you have any insecurities?
00:09:20 Ooh.
00:09:24 Insecurities?
00:09:29 Probably my legs.
00:09:33 Yeah, that aren't as, like, muscly as I want them to be.
00:09:36 Yeah, my insecurities are probably my legs.
00:09:41 Is that a good answer?
00:09:43 - Hey, here he is. - Hey, lads.
00:09:46 - How are you doing? - How are you doing?
00:09:48 - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.
00:09:50 There's the baby we were talking about.
00:09:52 I can't grow facial hair.
00:09:54 Don't worry, mate, I'm 30 and still can.
00:09:56 I can't believe we're getting married, boys.
00:09:59 - I'm excited. - We are getting married.
00:10:01 Because, actually, I've never been in a relationship before.
00:10:04 - You're joking. - Oh, really? OK, OK.
00:10:08 - This is gonna be my first... - You're getting married straight off the bat?
00:10:11 - What? - And my first girlfriend.
00:10:13 That's amazing, man.
00:10:15 You're going from, like, one extreme to the other, mate.
00:10:17 I'm jumped in a deep end. I like to run before I can walk.
00:10:20 - Listen, listen, we're here for you. - Thanks, boys.
00:10:23 All right, man, we got you.
00:10:25 I never thought in a million years
00:10:31 that I would be 36 without a husband and a baby.
00:10:37 And it's scary thinking you might miss out.
00:10:41 Because I'm on a timeline
00:10:44 and I don't have the fertility of a...
00:10:48 26-year-old.
00:10:51 Being a wife and a mother means so much to me.
00:10:56 It's perhaps the most important thing to me.
00:10:59 - Oh, hello! - Hi!
00:11:01 - Hi! - Hi.
00:11:03 - Holly. - Holly.
00:11:05 I'm so excited to be a mother and I want it so badly,
00:11:08 I'm willing to try anything.
00:11:10 Tell us about you. Tell us.
00:11:12 I'm just looking for a man
00:11:14 who wants me to be their forever person,
00:11:17 who, you know...
00:11:19 I'm 36, so I really want a baby.
00:11:22 - Yeah, but I... - You want to be a mama?
00:11:25 I do, I do. You know, I'm ready for it
00:11:28 and I just... I'm hoping for a man
00:11:31 that wants the same things at the same time as me.
00:11:34 - That's a good part. It's going to be great. - Yeah.
00:11:36 We've got another girl!
00:11:43 - Whoo! - Hey, Queen!
00:11:45 Hey, Queen!
00:11:47 - Henside! - Holly, I'm Ella.
00:11:50 It still feels surreal.
00:11:52 I just want to meet my man.
00:11:54 I haven't been in love in nine years and I'm just ready.
00:11:57 And now it's like, screw the boyfriend, we're past that moment.
00:12:00 - Let's call in my husband. - 100%. Like, I'm in.
00:12:02 I just keep imagining, fantasising.
00:12:05 The moment that he turns around,
00:12:07 the first thing I say is...
00:12:09 - Yes! - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:12:11 - Hi! - I'm Tamara.
00:12:14 - Hi, I'm Ella. - Nice to meet you.
00:12:16 The girls seem diverse,
00:12:19 which I love.
00:12:21 I have a little boy. He's 2½.
00:12:25 - 2½ and... - Oh, my God!
00:12:27 - Oh, my God, I do! - He's, like, got the curly hair.
00:12:30 - Oh, my God!
00:12:32 Yeah, it's a really perfect batch of women.
00:12:37 What are you hoping for?
00:12:39 I hope that he's more mature
00:12:41 than most of the guys that I've dated in the past.
00:12:44 If I have to define who I am,
00:12:52 I'm a father.
00:12:54 Everything I've done in my life,
00:12:57 my daughter is my ticket into heaven.
00:13:00 The dream is to find the love of my life.
00:13:03 I'm definitely an old-school romantic.
00:13:06 I'll hold the door open.
00:13:08 I'll always pay whenever we go out for dinner.
00:13:11 In this experiment, they're gonna get absolutely 100% of me.
00:13:15 We're not just husband and wife.
00:13:17 We're a team.
00:13:19 You support each other, you care for each other,
00:13:21 you tend to each other.
00:13:23 We're a partnership.
00:13:25 Ride or die, we're in this together.
00:13:27 - Brent, Anthony, Andrew. - Nice to meet you.
00:13:30 'Cause it's the only thing that's missing in my life.
00:13:33 How about you? Why this experiment?
00:13:35 - I don't live in the moment, so... - Yes.
00:13:37 I'll let somebody else take control for a while
00:13:39 instead of, like, me always being in control.
00:13:42 What's that big thing you're looking for?
00:13:44 Like, for example, for a girl walking down the aisle from me,
00:13:46 I want to see a big, like, cheesy smile.
00:13:48 - Same. Yeah, same. - Yeah!
00:13:50 How romantic? If you do turn around, all of a sudden,
00:13:52 you just see somebody just, like, knocks you off your feet.
00:13:54 You want to have that excitement. I think it is.
00:13:56 - Yeah. - I want to feel loved.
00:13:58 I want to know what it feels like to be loved.
00:14:00 - Genuinely. Genuinely. - Come here, buddy.
00:14:02 - Come here, buddy. - I'm here for you.
00:14:04 (laughing)
00:14:06 I'm loving Buckstein tonight.
00:14:08 I met all the boys, met a few different characters.
00:14:10 That's hilarious.
00:14:12 - Hey, look at that one. - Gentlemen.
00:14:14 - Hey, mate. - Who have we got?
00:14:16 I'll try and remember the names.
00:14:18 - Jack. - Alan.
00:14:20 Along with everyone, hey, all the dudes are good-looking.
00:14:23 - I mean, like... - My new wife, she's gonna love me.
00:14:27 - Yeah, it's all very... - Because...
00:14:30 I'm the best-looking guy in the room.
00:14:32 I don't think I'm any more attractive
00:14:46 than the next guy that walks by.
00:14:48 Good looks or attractiveness, however you want to put it,
00:14:51 is very subjective.
00:14:53 Very much my own person.
00:14:55 I don't think I fit into any particular stereotype or category.
00:14:59 I love my alone time.
00:15:01 I'd rather just keep to myself.
00:15:04 So I'm pretty nervous about going on this experiment.
00:15:07 But the reason that I'm here is to be vulnerable,
00:15:10 is to let my walls down,
00:15:12 and hopefully fall in love.
00:15:14 - Ah, hello again. - Hello.
00:15:18 - How are we doing? - G'day, boys.
00:15:21 - Oh, look at this guy. - Hi.
00:15:23 - Pleasure. - Beautiful.
00:15:24 - What's happening? - Mitch.
00:15:26 - Brent. Nice to meet you, mate. - Nice to meet you, Brent.
00:15:28 - Nice to meet you. - Cody. Pleasure.
00:15:29 - Nice to meet you. - Jackson.
00:15:30 Mitch is an attractive guy, and he's got a very strong look to him.
00:15:34 So what's your deal, then?
00:15:36 I thought of, like, settling down and just having, like, a long-term thing.
00:15:40 Someone that you can grow with and build with is an awesome thing,
00:15:43 but I just haven't found the right person.
00:15:46 Mate, look at ya.
00:15:48 He's a bloody good-looking guy.
00:15:50 100% man.
00:15:52 Mitch is a cool dude.
00:15:54 It's better looking you, Mitch.
00:15:56 I'm better looking. I'm better looking for sure, yeah.
00:16:00 My heart.
00:16:05 I have a lot of insecurities.
00:16:09 And they definitely stem from being overweight.
00:16:15 When I was a teenager, I was about 95 kilos,
00:16:20 and I tried to be as confident as I possibly could on the surface.
00:16:24 But deep down, I knew, like, everyone's staring at the fat girl
00:16:27 trying to fit into a skirt.
00:16:29 I think my relationship with men
00:16:32 and the way that I've allowed myself to be treated
00:16:35 revolves around my weight and how that made me feel about myself.
00:16:40 I felt like I had to settle for whatever I could get,
00:16:44 and I did.
00:16:46 I settled for what I thought I deserved,
00:16:48 which is awful, cos I definitely deserved a lot better.
00:16:51 When I was 22, I had the gastric sleeve surgery.
00:16:57 I lost a lot of weight, and that gave me a little bit more confidence.
00:17:02 But I never feel truly comfortable in anything that I wear
00:17:07 or how I present myself or even the way I interact with people.
00:17:12 Hi.
00:17:14 - Oh, mum's here. - Grab a glass.
00:17:16 Drink. I'll be back.
00:17:18 Because I think I'll always deep down be the little chubby girl.
00:17:22 I just really hope that my husband accepts me the way that I am.
00:17:27 - Nice to meet you. - Holly.
00:17:29 - Holly. - Holly.
00:17:30 Oh, my goodness.
00:17:32 - That is such a gorgeous colour. - Thank you.
00:17:37 I definitely felt very...
00:17:41 ..insecure coming into tonight.
00:17:44 In that I'm wearing quite a skimpy dress for what I would usually wear.
00:17:51 I was definitely sizing myself up compared to the other girls.
00:17:55 I'm thinking I'm the biggest girl here.
00:17:58 - This is seriously my life. - Well, last night as a single girl, right?
00:18:02 All of this year's participants have now arrived.
00:18:06 If my wife can recite movie quotes, I'm telling you now I'll be in love.
00:18:10 It's going to be so weird seeing each other after the honeymoon.
00:18:14 I know! And then with our husbands and, like, who you got? Oh, my God.
00:18:18 Yeah.
00:18:19 And it's time for the experts to formally commence the proceedings
00:18:23 to this year's experiment...
00:18:25 How are we, gents?
00:18:28 ..as they welcome the hopeful singles
00:18:30 and help prepare them in their quest for love.
00:18:33 - Ladies! - Oh!
00:18:36 - Look at that! - Yay!
00:18:39 - Is anybody nervous? - Yes.
00:18:41 I feel like now we're not.
00:18:43 Now, ladies, we know finding your soul mate is never easy.
00:18:47 And there is no question, over the last couple of years,
00:18:52 dating has been more difficult than ever, right?
00:18:55 - Yes. - Amen.
00:18:57 But for you ladies, that is all about to change.
00:19:01 - Yay! - Woo!
00:19:03 Mel, Alessandra and I have been very busy over the last few months
00:19:08 getting to know all of you,
00:19:10 which has helped us find what we believe
00:19:14 to be your most compatible matches.
00:19:16 You're all here right now because you want the same thing -
00:19:23 to find that one person who will love you
00:19:26 passionately and unconditionally.
00:19:28 And we are confident that we have found them.
00:19:31 Thank you.
00:19:33 Woo! Exciting, huh?
00:19:35 The next two and a half months
00:19:38 is going to be one of the most intense experiences of your lives
00:19:43 as you face genuine relationship challenges
00:19:47 that couples normally experience over several years.
00:19:50 If you truly commit to this experience,
00:19:54 I promise it will be worth it.
00:19:57 Have a happy, happy Hemp's Night and enjoy the ride.
00:20:01 - Woo! - Yay!
00:20:03 Cheers! Enjoy your night.
00:20:06 - Have fun! - Have fun, ladies.
00:20:08 - Much love. - Enjoy this last hurrah
00:20:11 and have a great Bucks night.
00:20:13 - Good luck, guys. - Cheers!
00:20:15 - Cheers! - Cheers!
00:20:17 I'm just excited to see her walking down the aisle.
00:20:22 I want to see that smile on her face.
00:20:24 And hopefully find true love.
00:20:27 So what don't we want in a guy?
00:20:33 Rude to wait staff.
00:20:35 Oh, I hate that.
00:20:37 What do you mean by rude to wait staff?
00:20:39 Like when he's just rude and sends everything back.
00:20:42 Sometimes you need to say if the food's not very good.
00:20:45 No, but I can do that without being rude.
00:20:47 - Yeah. - Yeah, you can.
00:20:51 How would you go with a really shy guy?
00:20:54 Fine.
00:20:56 How about you? Do you think you need someone like a leader or...?
00:21:01 I have a lot of masculine energy for a female.
00:21:03 Like, don't want to be matched with a shy guy.
00:21:06 Like, that's just not my need to be bouncing off someone.
00:21:09 I'll break a guy. Honestly, if he's too weak, I'll break him.
00:21:12 Oh!
00:21:14 My first impressions of Tamara...
00:21:17 She seems a bit sassy.
00:21:19 Yeah, I think she'll be a bit of a, like, firecracker.
00:21:22 If they put a guy that was really fragile with me, it would be amazing.
00:21:26 I think Tamara might not cope if her husband is not exactly what she's looking for.
00:21:33 I'd be a bit worried for whoever gets matched with her.
00:21:38 It could very easily not even implode, just explode.
00:21:42 Next...
00:21:46 I am used to getting what I want.
00:21:49 Tamara's getting married.
00:21:51 I hope he suits, nicely ironed.
00:21:53 I hope he doesn't have dirty fingernails.
00:21:55 And her husband's in for one hell of a ride.
00:21:58 I hope he's got a fresh haircut.
00:22:00 He's good-looking, muscly.
00:22:02 Some career goals, passions of his own.
00:22:05 Someone who can stand on their own two feet.
00:22:07 I need a real man.
00:22:09 Plus...
00:22:11 a fairy tale comes to life.
00:22:13 I'm hoping today that I do meet the man of my dreams and we do fall in love.
00:22:17 As the first two weddings of the season...
00:22:19 I've got butterflies in my stomach.
00:22:21 ...are unveiled.
00:22:22 This moment is a moment to remember.
00:22:24 Over the last few months, our experts have been analysing tens of thousands of applicants.
00:22:38 And based on a range of scientific and psychological testing,
00:22:42 they're now ready to unveil the first two matches.
00:22:46 Well, here we are.
00:22:48 It has been 12 months since we were at this table
00:22:52 and we can now finally have a look at the matches that we've made.
00:22:56 I think this year we have some of the strongest pairings we've ever seen.
00:23:00 It is a lengthy process for us, this.
00:23:02 We get to interview them, we watch their application,
00:23:05 we're then analysing their test results
00:23:08 and we're really putting a lot of time and effort into getting this right.
00:23:12 And of course it's an unusual year, isn't it?
00:23:15 Yes.
00:23:16 Everyone, due to the pandemic and lockdown, has not been dating,
00:23:19 let alone starting relationships.
00:23:21 So this year, more than ever, people really need love.
00:23:25 Not only have they not been able to date,
00:23:27 but they're really needing to find somebody with whom they can form that very deep bond.
00:23:32 To find somebody with whom they can form that very deep connection.
00:23:35 And these guys, I think, are all very ready for love.
00:23:38 So let's take a look at our first couple.
00:23:41 Celine and Anthony.
00:23:43 They are an older couple, so they bring more experience into the experiment
00:23:48 and I think their stage of life is very important.
00:23:51 They want the happily ever after.
00:23:53 What I love about Celine's story is she's been investing all her time into her child
00:23:59 and now this is her opportunity to step up and say,
00:24:02 "I deserve love and it's my turn."
00:24:05 My whole life, he is my son, Roman.
00:24:09 There's no words to describe the love for your child.
00:24:12 He means the world.
00:24:13 I don't know how else to put it.
00:24:15 Yeah, he's the light of my life.
00:24:17 But it's hard being a single mum.
00:24:21 I was previously married.
00:24:26 We had that picture perfect family,
00:24:29 but the marriage fell apart when I was betrayed in the worst way possible.
00:24:35 He broke my heart.
00:24:37 It wasn't easy to walk away when my son was so young.
00:24:45 But I couldn't sit there and play the role of a happy wife because I wasn't.
00:24:51 I haven't been dating since my ex,
00:24:53 so when your heart's broken, you do kind of shut off.
00:24:56 And I have put myself out there because of the past.
00:24:59 I also have Roman to think about,
00:25:02 so I did think it was selfish while I have a young son to go out and date.
00:25:07 I'm from a very close-knit Turkish family.
00:25:17 I live with my mum and dad and Roman.
00:25:21 We speak Turkish fluently.
00:25:23 I think Elif needs help with chopping that leg.
00:25:25 No, listen, I'm here for the look.
00:25:26 You need looking glasses, that's what you need.
00:25:28 We maybe speak too loud, people think we're fighting.
00:25:31 But, you know, we probably do fight as well.
00:25:34 Where's your wedding rings?
00:25:36 I got too fat over COVID.
00:25:38 Definitely proud of my culture, yeah, 100%.
00:25:41 I hope he's a very good man to interview with.
00:25:44 The main thing is you are happy.
00:25:46 I know.
00:25:47 That's all it is.
00:25:48 Family means everything to me.
00:25:49 Cheers!
00:25:51 I look up to marriages within my family, especially my grandparents.
00:25:55 I understand your grandparents had an arranged marriage.
00:25:59 Yeah.
00:26:00 What did you learn from that?
00:26:01 Is that something that you see as having been positive?
00:26:04 Yeah, no, absolutely.
00:26:05 I mean, I think it's a beautiful thing.
00:26:07 They were very much in love.
00:26:10 When my grandfather passed away, my grandmother didn't remarry.
00:26:13 She was still quite young and she raised all the kids on her own.
00:26:17 And I feel like, you know, that was her soul mate, so he couldn't be replaced.
00:26:20 So I admire that.
00:26:22 It is my goal to have a family again.
00:26:25 I would love for someone to want kids or even have kids of their own at the moment.
00:26:29 I think I'd be a great step-mom, hopefully.
00:26:32 But also, you know, the time has come to put the barriers down and open myself up.
00:26:36 But I don't know how to get back into the dating scene.
00:26:40 I can't do that by myself.
00:26:42 So I'm trusting the experts with my future.
00:26:46 I love old-school romance.
00:26:48 And I hope my future partner will be that old-school gentleman.
00:26:51 And hopefully, I will fall in love.
00:26:54 I'll hold the door open.
00:26:57 I'll always pay whenever we go out for dinner.
00:27:00 I always lead when we dance.
00:27:02 Yeah, I'm definitely an old-school romantic.
00:27:04 And I'm not afraid to show that.
00:27:06 Because if you're in a relationship, you want to feel needed.
00:27:11 You want them to feel loved.
00:27:14 But if I have to define who I am, I'm a father.
00:27:18 My little girl is Gabriella, and she is nine years old.
00:27:23 She means the absolute world to me.
00:27:26 My daughter is on the spectrum.
00:27:28 She sees the world in her own beautiful way.
00:27:31 But rather than say, like, "That's because she's autistic,"
00:27:35 I say, "No, that's because she's Gabby."
00:27:37 And that's how she is.
00:27:39 And it's about embracing those needs in the world that she lives in
00:27:43 that makes her just so special.
00:27:45 Everything that she does and everything that she touches
00:27:47 just turns to gold for me,
00:27:49 and I just wouldn't have her any other way.
00:27:52 Oh, my God, man, I feel like crying now, talking about my daughter.
00:27:56 She's amazing.
00:27:57 When I'm not being a dad, I am zero to 100.
00:28:01 By day, I work in sales, but by night, it changes.
00:28:08 I'm a pro wrestler.
00:28:10 I love wrestling because it just gives you that creative outlay.
00:28:13 You get a blank canvas, and you can create whatever you want out of it.
00:28:17 Even if it is a little bit silly, it's a passion.
00:28:21 I want to go on that journey with somebody, partner in crime.
00:28:29 Two people ride or die into the sunset together.
00:28:33 It doesn't get any better than that.
00:28:35 I'm looking for a chance to start my own family
00:28:38 with somebody who's caring, kind,
00:28:42 somebody who wants that family vibe with me.
00:28:44 Meeting people isn't the hardest thing in the world.
00:28:47 It's meeting the right people that's the hard thing.
00:28:49 I've made the effort.
00:28:51 I've put myself out there a bunch of times,
00:28:53 but it hasn't worked for me so far,
00:28:55 so I might as well give somebody else a chance at picking for me.
00:28:58 I like these two.
00:29:00 They're very genuine and authentic,
00:29:02 and they're also--both of them really prepared
00:29:04 to get out of their comfort zone.
00:29:06 So this experiment is absolutely ideal for them.
00:29:09 And one of the things I really like about Anthony
00:29:11 is his level of emotional maturity.
00:29:14 She certainly said that she was wanting a gentleman.
00:29:17 And I think he's able to bring that.
00:29:19 And he's also playful.
00:29:21 I'm very hopeful for Celine and Anthony.
00:29:24 Well, I'd love to talk about Tamara and Brent.
00:29:28 Now, here we have two really driven, ambitious people.
00:29:32 Two people with very strong personalities,
00:29:34 but who are also at the stage in their life
00:29:37 where they're ready for love.
00:29:38 Yes. Now, Brent, you know, has achieved a lot in his life
00:29:42 in terms of international event management,
00:29:44 but unfortunately his high-flying professional life
00:29:47 came crashing down around him this past year.
00:29:51 Yeah.
00:29:53 [music]
00:29:57 [music]
00:30:00 Running events in Dubai was a whole different life.
00:30:25 It was mayhem in some parts,
00:30:27 but it was also a lifestyle you didn't think was possible.
00:30:30 And it escalated into a full-blown agency.
00:30:32 Photography, videography, advertising, marketing for major hotels.
00:30:37 There wasn't anything involved in hospitality.
00:30:39 We weren't doing. We did well.
00:30:41 And then this pandemic hit.
00:30:44 It's a health emergency that has already killed 41 people in China.
00:30:47 A rapidly spreading virus has reached Australia.
00:30:49 Authorities just don't know how widespread this could become.
00:30:53 Well, the hospitality industry completely shut down.
00:30:57 I lost up to six figures and then lost my businesses.
00:31:01 And then I had to come home.
00:31:04 Having my work taken away from me was,
00:31:06 was like taking a chunk out of me as well.
00:31:09 It was a hard transition because coming back here to Sydney,
00:31:16 I felt like a stranger in my own home,
00:31:18 and I withdrew.
00:31:20 Everything about me withdrew.
00:31:22 And then confidence died out a little bit.
00:31:25 And by a little bit, I mean a lot.
00:31:28 Especially with women.
00:31:30 So then what's the dating going like for you?
00:31:33 I went from being such an out there person,
00:31:35 and I turned into a hermit.
00:31:37 And me being able to meet someone now...
00:31:40 Yeah, it's good.
00:31:44 But if I don't get through this fear, I may never get it back.
00:31:50 It's gotten to a point where I haven't really gotten close enough
00:31:53 to a female in a while, you know, at an emotional level.
00:31:57 It's a hard thing to cope with.
00:32:00 I think being in love is the most important thing in life.
00:32:08 Without love, there's no point of us even being on Earth.
00:32:12 That kind of a connection's rare.
00:32:14 Very rare.
00:32:16 So, of course.
00:32:18 Of course I want that, yeah.
00:32:20 My dad's advice is the same from coming onto the experiment
00:32:24 to life in general.
00:32:26 Always be honest.
00:32:28 Be respectful to everyone that you meet,
00:32:30 especially, you know, to a woman.
00:32:32 Because they can cause the most pain.
00:32:34 It means they can also cause the most happiness.
00:32:37 And I got that because I've experienced breakups,
00:32:40 heartbreak.
00:32:42 I've gone through it all.
00:32:44 And he was right.
00:32:45 I think if you respect your surroundings, they'll respect you.
00:32:49 I think it's very scary,
00:32:51 the thought of knowing there's someone out there for you.
00:32:54 I mean, I took off to another country knowing no-one.
00:32:57 That was scary.
00:32:59 But once I've decided something,
00:33:01 I seem to find something a little bit more extraordinary out of life.
00:33:11 I grew up in Ballarat, which is a country town in Victoria.
00:33:16 I decided to move to Queensland five years ago,
00:33:20 completely on my own, not knowing anyone.
00:33:23 The first year or so was really hard.
00:33:26 It was really lonely.
00:33:28 And there were so many times I was going to go home.
00:33:30 But I didn't give up.
00:33:33 And now I'm an operations manager in a real estate IT company.
00:33:39 I am very career-driven.
00:33:41 I love my job.
00:33:43 I love being the boss.
00:33:45 It's just naturally me.
00:33:46 OK, that would be great. Thank you.
00:33:48 If you could do that as soon as possible.
00:33:50 I've been with this company for four years.
00:33:53 The amount of staff that we've hired has tripled.
00:33:56 The amount of real estate agents that we have has doubled.
00:33:58 In my career, I'm achieving goals.
00:34:01 But my relationships are failures.
00:34:07 When it comes to myself and the people that I date,
00:34:11 for some reason I just am not a good judge of character.
00:34:15 I definitely envy people in good, healthy relationships,
00:34:19 because I honestly don't know what that's like.
00:34:22 I don't think I've ever been in a healthy relationship.
00:34:26 I don't give all of myself to people when I first meet them.
00:34:31 It's just a way that I've protected myself, I think.
00:34:35 Tell me about your upbringing.
00:34:37 Did you have any tough times growing up?
00:34:39 Yeah, definitely.
00:34:41 My parents did split up when I was about ten.
00:34:45 It was hard for everyone.
00:34:47 It was just a bit, I guess, lonely and upsetting.
00:34:54 I was old enough to remember all of that,
00:34:57 and I think I'm a little bit broken from that.
00:35:00 Did it get chaotic at times?
00:35:02 I did have to look after my brother,
00:35:04 because I was understanding everything that was happening,
00:35:07 and my brother was younger than me, so I wanted to protect him.
00:35:11 Kind of bring control into that chaotic situation.
00:35:14 Yeah.
00:35:16 That's something you're very good at. It comes naturally.
00:35:19 But I do have a wall,
00:35:21 and I do always like to be in control of things.
00:35:24 It's kind of sabotaging you a bit now.
00:35:27 It is, yeah. I'm too old for it now.
00:35:29 And that's why--
00:35:30 No, I'm too old. Not you.
00:35:32 That's why I'm not dating, because I know
00:35:34 that I'll probably just do the same thing again
00:35:36 if I was to date on my own.
00:35:38 And so this experiment is fantastic
00:35:40 for essentially shaking you up.
00:35:42 Yeah.
00:35:44 Yeah.
00:35:46 I'm ready for it.
00:35:48 I actually want to do this experiment
00:35:51 because I enjoy the psychology side of it.
00:35:53 I want to learn more about myself, open up a bit more.
00:35:57 But one of the most important things is
00:35:59 I want to know what it's like to be in a healthy relationship.
00:36:03 So I do want to find a guy who is ambitious,
00:36:07 someone who is driven, motivated,
00:36:11 someone who has achieved something in life,
00:36:13 because that's what I've done.
00:36:16 So I want to meet someone who matches that with me.
00:36:21 You know, some of the things I like about these two,
00:36:23 you know, they're both sociable.
00:36:25 You know, they are an attractive couple,
00:36:27 and I think they're particularly the way that they communicate
00:36:30 in that they are outspoken.
00:36:33 They don't let issues simmer.
00:36:35 They will throw things out on the table early.
00:36:38 And that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to agree on it,
00:36:40 but at least we're going to know what those issues are.
00:36:43 Relationships are so much about really working to make it work
00:36:47 that there's a parallel that's interesting
00:36:49 with the way that they both have already been able
00:36:52 to embrace their careers and really prioritize
00:36:55 and work through that.
00:36:57 So I think that if they take some of those skills
00:36:59 and bring them into the relationship,
00:37:01 they have a lot of potential.
00:37:03 Our first two couples, Tamara and Brent,
00:37:06 and Celine and Anthony, have been unveiled.
00:37:09 And with these pairings, it's time to kick off
00:37:12 this year's experiment and begin the journey to find love.
00:37:17 Coming up...
00:37:19 I feel my heart. It's going to come out of my chest.
00:37:22 For mum Celine, is her fairy tale about to come true?
00:37:25 I've put a lot on the line to be in this experiment.
00:37:28 I'm leaving my child, so he just has to be worth it.
00:37:32 Plus, will Tamara's groom live up to her high standards?
00:37:36 I hope he's got a fresh haircut.
00:37:39 Must leave, because average just isn't for me.
00:37:42 And later...
00:37:43 Can we go first, please?
00:37:45 ..will Tamara's nitpicking...
00:37:46 You don't seem to know much about your colouring.
00:37:48 ..prove too much for Brent?
00:37:50 My way has to be the right way.
00:37:52 I think tonight's going really well,
00:37:54 and by well I mean, um...
00:37:56 ..my wife's a psychopath.
00:37:58 It's the first two weddings of Married At First Sight,
00:38:10 and the brides and grooms are getting ready
00:38:12 for the biggest day of their lives.
00:38:15 But for Celine, it comes with a degree of uncertainty.
00:38:20 I don't think I'd be ever in this position,
00:38:29 because I've been busy looking after my son.
00:38:32 So I haven't really had the time to think of myself
00:38:35 or even get on a date.
00:38:37 And it's a date where I'm getting married.
00:38:40 So it's not just meeting someone and see if I like them.
00:38:44 This is the real deal.
00:38:46 Last night I was tossing and turning,
00:38:52 just thinking about what my future husband is going to be like.
00:38:56 Is he going to accept my son?
00:39:02 Does he want a family?
00:39:04 Is he going to be able to be that role model that my son needs?
00:39:12 I am very excited.
00:39:15 Yeah, today could be the first day of the rest of my life.
00:39:19 But I'm missing my daughter hugely.
00:39:23 So I'm super disappointed she can't be here.
00:39:27 Hey, mate, how are you?
00:39:29 Heavy-hearted that his daughter can't attend his wedding,
00:39:32 Anthony's brother and best man Alex
00:39:35 arrives just in time with an important message.
00:39:38 I do have something special for you.
00:39:41 I'm a very special person.
00:39:43 Here you go.
00:39:45 I miss her, man.
00:40:00 I know, mate.
00:40:02 She misses you a lot.
00:40:04 I'd love Gabriella to be here.
00:40:07 I'd love Gabriella to be here with me
00:40:09 and just sprinkle a little bit of that magic giver dust on me for luck.
00:40:14 At the very least, I've kept that right here in my pocket,
00:40:17 so she'll be with me today, so I won't be alone.
00:40:21 Knowing that these are my final moments as a single woman...
00:40:32 ..feels emotional, you know?
00:40:35 Gosh, I miss my family so much.
00:40:38 We spend every day together.
00:40:44 To not have them here with me is really tough.
00:40:48 I'm from a Turkish family and, you know,
00:40:52 our weddings are a minimum about 300 people,
00:40:55 so it is going to be very different not having everyone there.
00:40:59 But luckily for Celine,
00:41:01 her favourite auntie is here to represent the family
00:41:04 and attend her special day.
00:41:06 Oh, my God!
00:41:10 What do you think?
00:41:12 Oh, you look beautiful.
00:41:14 Oh.
00:41:16 I'm so sorry. OK.
00:41:20 My auntie, Gonja, she was at my birth.
00:41:25 It does feel like a mother to me.
00:41:29 I do hope my auntie will reassure me and have that motherly touch.
00:41:33 I think I need that.
00:41:35 I'm so proud of you.
00:41:37 I am so, so proud of you for taking this chance
00:41:39 and just be true to yourself.
00:41:41 It's an experience.
00:41:43 Open heart and open mind.
00:41:45 Even though this is a challenge to do this today,
00:41:49 I'm hoping that it's going to change her life
00:41:51 and it's going to be for the better,
00:41:53 that she's going to find the right person.
00:41:57 I want her to be super happy.
00:41:59 I thought it was quite selfish to look after my own emotions
00:42:05 and go out there and meet someone.
00:42:07 But now is the right time.
00:42:10 I have a lot to give.
00:42:19 And I think I deserve to be loved.
00:42:24 I'm hoping today that I do meet the man of my dreams
00:42:31 and we do fall in love.
00:42:33 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:42:42 (BIRDS CHIRP)
00:42:44 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:42:48 Oh, wow. This is beautiful.
00:42:54 It's gorgeous. It is stunning.
00:42:57 Yeah. Hi, how are you? I'm Chris.
00:43:01 Gonja. Gonja. Yeah.
00:43:04 Is the bride your daughter? My niece.
00:43:06 Your niece? Yeah. Well, the groom's our niece.
00:43:08 Our nephew. Oh, fantastic.
00:43:11 Hello. Hello. Nice to meet you.
00:43:13 I can't wait to see the bride.
00:43:15 Oh, that's beautiful.
00:43:17 Can't wait to see the bride. Yeah, me too.
00:43:19 And he's handsome. (LAUGHS)
00:43:21 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:43:24 I believe in true love.
00:43:28 I want somebody to adore.
00:43:31 Somebody who I can celebrate all that she has to offer
00:43:35 and all that she is.
00:43:37 Somebody to share the rest of my life with.
00:43:40 Being loved, I don't even know what it feels like anymore, to be honest.
00:43:46 I just really hope we do have a nice connection and he feels the same way.
00:43:50 I've been single for three years,
00:43:53 so I feel like I'm brand new to all this.
00:43:56 I do have some self-doubt.
00:43:58 I'm not sure how it's gonna go.
00:44:01 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:44:06 I'll do my absolute best to be a gentleman,
00:44:10 because my new bride needs to know that I'm always there for her.
00:44:14 I am willing to give absolutely everything.
00:44:19 I'm going into this open and vulnerable,
00:44:25 willing to walk a tightrope without a safety net.
00:44:29 I've been waiting my whole life to find that one person.
00:44:34 So here I am, ready to find love.
00:44:37 It's that last missing piece out of my life that sort of makes you whole.
00:44:42 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:44:44 (SIGHS)
00:44:54 Everybody nervous?
00:45:01 We are. We're more nervous for you. (LAUGHS)
00:45:05 Imagine when she's going through this.
00:45:08 I know. What is she gonna be like?
00:45:10 Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.
00:45:15 I feel my heart. It's gonna come out of my chest.
00:45:26 I don't know who this person is.
00:45:30 I don't know what he's like.
00:45:32 I don't know who his family is.
00:45:34 I know nothing about him.
00:45:36 I've put a lot on the line to be in this experiment.
00:45:40 I'm leaving my child.
00:45:42 So the man at the end of the aisle, he just has to be worth it.
00:45:46 I'm hoping that we lock eyes and all my doubts and worries just fall away.
00:45:56 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:45:58 Oh, God.
00:46:03 (GASPS)
00:46:12 Hi. Hey.
00:46:20 How are you? Hi, Celine.
00:46:24 Anthony. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.
00:46:27 Welcome. Thank you.
00:46:30 Wow. She is my bride.
00:46:34 I must have died and gone to heaven.
00:46:39 Can't take my eyes off her.
00:46:42 Hi. Hi. How are you?
00:46:45 This is my family. Thank you.
00:46:47 It's your family. (BOTH LAUGH)
00:46:49 (EXHALES) Happening. It's happening.
00:46:52 We're good on that. We're gonna do it. I know.
00:46:55 Seeing his kind eyes means everything.
00:46:59 Immediately, I feel that spark.
00:47:01 You're beautiful. Thank you.
00:47:03 You look handsome. Very tall.
00:47:06 How tall are you? I'm 6'3". Oh. 6'3". OK.
00:47:09 Is that not tall? That's tall. Yeah? Yeah. OK, cool.
00:47:12 Maybe tall with heels on too. Yeah. (BOTH LAUGH)
00:47:16 Cute little Jacks. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:47:20 Dad Jacks. (BOTH LAUGH)
00:47:22 Are you a dad? Yeah.
00:47:24 Oh, good. Yeah. I'm a mum.
00:47:26 Oh, wow. There you go. There you go.
00:47:28 That's awesome. High five to that. High five. (BOTH LAUGH)
00:47:32 That's awesome. It's really good to know. Yeah.
00:47:36 Got my little letter from my daughter in my pocket here.
00:47:38 Oh, that's awesome. What's your name?
00:47:40 Well, my son's too young for that, but 2½. 2½?
00:47:43 You just got a daughter? Yeah, 9-year-old.
00:47:45 Oh, beautiful. Gabriela.
00:47:47 What's your boy's name? Roman. Roman.
00:47:49 Oh, that's pretty cool. Yeah.
00:47:51 First impressions, he seems really nice and warm, good-looking.
00:47:56 And he's a family man as well.
00:47:58 So it was a really nice connection, I feel.
00:48:00 So now the couple are gonna exchange vows.
00:48:03 To my wife, my partner, my best friend, first things first,
00:48:09 it's nice to meet you.
00:48:11 (BOTH LAUGH)
00:48:14 I'm here today because in life and love, I am zero to 100.
00:48:19 I'm all in or not at all, and that's what's brought me here today.
00:48:23 I'm open to this experiment being the beginning of our forever.
00:48:28 This experiment, to me, is a chance to find my partner in crime,
00:48:33 someone to push me forward, someone to inspire me
00:48:36 and someone willing to evolve with me.
00:48:42 You will get a husband, a father, a wrestler.
00:48:44 I'm gonna fill you in on that later. (BOTH LAUGH)
00:48:47 I was gonna say! (BOTH LAUGH)
00:48:50 A gentleman who always holds the door open,
00:48:54 a man who can lead a dance,
00:48:57 someone who remembers the little things that make you unique.
00:49:00 Nice.
00:49:01 You will get all of me,
00:49:03 and I hope that's enough for you to give me all of you in return.
00:49:07 I love that. Thank you.
00:49:09 Looks so good.
00:49:11 OK, so, "Dear Anthony, and hopefully the love of my life,
00:49:16 "I'm a strong, independent woman
00:49:19 "and have always been this way since I can remember.
00:49:22 "I may be independent, but I'm looking for a team-mate,
00:49:25 "a partner in crime, where we can shape our own family future together.
00:49:29 "I love old-school love, and I love an old-school gentleman.
00:49:33 "We are two people walking the same path, coming from different directions.
00:49:39 "We have the same goal, and at the end of it all,
00:49:42 "I hope we can stand together strong, committed and in love."
00:49:46 Aw. (APPLAUSE)
00:49:49 Well done.
00:49:54 "Celine." "Celine."
00:50:00 "I place this ring on your finger..."
00:50:02 "I place this ring on your finger..."
00:50:04 "..as a symbol of my love and commitment to you."
00:50:06 Thank you.
00:50:08 "Anthony." "Anthony."
00:50:10 "I place this ring on your finger..."
00:50:12 "I place this ring on your finger..."
00:50:14 "..as a symbol of my love..." "As a symbol of my love..."
00:50:16 "..and commitment to you." "..and my commitment to you."
00:50:18 Get it? There we go. (LAUGHTER)
00:50:20 "Gina." (LAUGHTER)
00:50:25 "Dearest friends and family, it is with much pleasure
00:50:31 "that I now pronounce Anthony and Celine
00:50:34 "as husband and wife.
00:50:36 "Anthony, you may kiss your bride." (LAUGHS)
00:50:39 (APPLAUSE)
00:50:42 I can't believe it. I can't believe he's my husband.
00:50:47 Yeah! Whoo!
00:50:49 Anthony is better than what I expected.
00:50:51 The way he speaks and carries himself
00:50:53 definitely made me feel comfortable.
00:50:55 (APPLAUSE)
00:50:57 I've got butterflies in my stomach.
00:51:00 This moment is a moment to remember.
00:51:03 A moment to remember.
00:51:05 It's the morning of Tamara and Brent's wedding,
00:51:15 and a very relaxed Tamara is hoping the experiment
00:51:18 will be an improvement on her past dating experiences.
00:51:22 I am not interested in guys who just slide on into my DMs.
00:51:26 This is one of the most recent.
00:51:28 I like that Bruno Mars song that goes like,
00:51:31 "I think I want to marry you."
00:51:33 Meaning to marry you, but he's trying to be funny,
00:51:36 and it's really not funny.
00:51:38 Who does that work on? I don't know, but obviously someone,
00:51:40 if he's going around doing that.
00:51:42 Hi!
00:51:44 Hello! Oh, you look gorgeous!
00:51:46 I've got Kelly coming to my wedding today.
00:51:48 She's one of my really good friends.
00:51:50 The colour looks so good on you. Thank you.
00:51:53 She grounds me a lot.
00:51:54 She's much more calmer than I am, much more of a gentle soul.
00:51:58 I can't believe today's the day.
00:52:00 I know. Like, hurry up.
00:52:02 Like, yeah, just get it over with, don't you think?
00:52:04 Yeah. Are you excited? I am.
00:52:07 Tamara doesn't really wear her feelings on her face.
00:52:12 She's just so well-controlled.
00:52:14 I just want to hurry up and meet him so he can be like,
00:52:17 "Oh, that's what you look like, that's how you are!"
00:52:20 Because in my mind, I have no idea.
00:52:22 I don't know, like, if I'm a pushover guy
00:52:25 that has, like, no personality, that would be not what I'm after.
00:52:28 I hope he's got a fresh haircut.
00:52:30 I hope he doesn't have dirty fingernails.
00:52:32 I hope his suit's nicely ironed.
00:52:35 He's good-looking, muscly.
00:52:37 Some career goals, some passions of his own.
00:52:40 Someone who can stand on their own two feet.
00:52:42 I want a lot of things. Yeah.
00:52:44 I'm very fussy.
00:52:46 Yeah. Yeah.
00:52:48 I wish I could make my own husband.
00:52:50 Build a husband.
00:52:52 Tamara, if she doesn't like his looks...
00:52:57 He's quite weird. ..or his career,
00:53:00 I think it might be hard for her to look past that.
00:53:03 I doubt he would be disappointed in the way that I look.
00:53:08 Oh!
00:53:10 I'm putting a lot of effort into what I'm wearing.
00:53:12 You look stunning!
00:53:14 You look like a classic movie star.
00:53:16 Oh, my God!
00:53:18 So I do hope that he's taking the time
00:53:21 and spending some money to look really good,
00:53:24 because I'm going to be seen next to him.
00:53:26 And I want him to look really good next to me.
00:53:28 OK, let's go get you married!
00:53:30 I know that I have asked the experts for a lot,
00:53:34 but I am used to getting what I want.
00:53:38 And, yeah, it will be a little bit challenging if I don't.
00:53:42 With Tamara's expectations sky-high,
00:53:46 husband-to-be Brent is weighing up the enormity
00:53:49 of this life-changing day.
00:53:51 I spend too much time in Dubai
00:53:53 focusing on business and focusing on trying to make money.
00:53:57 In the process, you know, I lost myself.
00:53:59 My personal life suffered.
00:54:01 And if I ever came close to dating and anything like that,
00:54:06 I've found my way out of it, avoided it.
00:54:09 And if I keep doing that, I could definitely end up alone.
00:54:12 Now that I've got the opportunity with this experiment,
00:54:16 I'm excited to jump in and test myself.
00:54:19 As Brent mentally prepares for the big day ahead,
00:54:22 Flip it. Flip it up.
00:54:24 best man Levi wants to know if he's ready to face his biggest phobia.
00:54:29 What happens if she walks down the aisle
00:54:33 and you guys hop into bed and then you see her feet
00:54:36 and they're just disgusting?
00:54:38 Oh, why would you paint that picture now?
00:54:41 Dirty or unlooked-after feet?
00:54:44 Fair question. You know that's going to freak me out.
00:54:47 Sorry, I...
00:54:49 That's more of a phobia than it is just something I don't like.
00:54:52 I know how much you love feet.
00:54:54 I don't know why. I'm just really uncomfortable around feet.
00:54:58 God, I just hope I don't see it, cos you know what I'll do?
00:55:01 I'll obsess over it.
00:55:02 It freaks me out. Completely.
00:55:04 Now we all know what I'll be looking at when she comes down the aisle.
00:55:07 I'm going to forget what the face looks like.
00:55:09 You don't really have a choice. You're married to her, aren't you?
00:55:12 LAUGHTER
00:55:15 Thanks, man. Thanks, man.
00:55:17 We're a real pillar of support here.
00:55:20 Oh, man.
00:55:22 # We're on our way to get married... #
00:55:26 You see, I'm not even nervous.
00:55:28 Like, my hands aren't even sweaty or anything.
00:55:30 It's so weird. I should be nervous.
00:55:32 I'm quite confident in the decisions that I make in everyday life,
00:55:36 except for when it comes to relationships.
00:55:38 I'm sick of dating immature little boys.
00:55:41 When I become their mother,
00:55:43 that's the kind of unhealthy relationship I'm in.
00:55:46 It's the unhealthy relationship that I fall into.
00:55:49 I actually feel excited about marrying a stranger.
00:55:52 I just hope he's going to be good enough.
00:55:55 Try your best to not judge him at the first moment that you see him.
00:55:59 It's hard for me to not be judging, but I'll try.
00:56:02 I think we all have insecurities.
00:56:05 Especially when you meet new people.
00:56:09 When I lost my businesses, my confidence died out a lot.
00:56:13 I've just avoided dating altogether.
00:56:16 So I need this because I have sat back for too long.
00:56:20 Now it's time to put love first.
00:56:23 But it's not just insecurities surrounding his lack of confidence
00:56:28 that are plaguing his thoughts.
00:56:30 If she's got bad feet, man,
00:56:33 I think it'd be one of the biggest deal-breakers.
00:56:36 It's just like a phobia that sticks in my mind.
00:56:39 I can't... I can't really get past it.
00:56:42 I hope he likes giving foot rubs.
00:56:44 Because I like getting foot rubs.
00:56:46 What if he has a foot phobia?
00:56:48 HE LAUGHS
00:56:50 I wonder if he'll have a foot scrubber and then foot masks.
00:56:54 Oh!
00:56:55 Oh!
00:56:56 HE SNIGGERS
00:56:58 HE SIGHS
00:57:00 MUSIC PLAYS
00:57:02 HE SIGHS
00:57:06 HE SIGHS
00:57:31 How you doing, Levi? Hi, I'm Kelly.
00:57:36 Are you nervous for your friend?
00:57:38 Um, we were pretty chilled this morning, like getting ready.
00:57:41 My mate's very nervous.
00:57:43 Is he? Very, very nervous.
00:57:45 Aw!
00:57:46 Today's very important.
00:57:49 It could potentially be the start of something very beautiful.
00:57:57 It could also be the start of something
00:57:59 that could honestly flourish into something really good.
00:58:02 We could actually fall in love.
00:58:05 But I've been by myself for so long
00:58:13 that conference took a nose-dive.
00:58:16 Hi. Hi. Good, how are you?
00:58:19 I'm scared of being rejected.
00:58:23 I'm so nervous.
00:58:25 How do you think I feel?
00:58:27 HE SOBS
00:58:29 I'm scared of not living up to her.
00:58:34 I'm scared of her not living up to my expectations.
00:58:38 I don't have a specific look of what I'm expecting.
00:58:43 I think I'm just hoping that I'm attracted to her,
00:58:47 but at the same time, I am praying that she has nice feet.
00:58:51 MUSIC PLAYS
00:58:53 I think my groom will like what he sees,
00:58:59 but my biggest fear is that I won't like him
00:59:05 and that we won't get along.
00:59:07 I was very honest with the experts about what I wanted,
00:59:11 and it would be disappointing
00:59:14 if it was anything less than what I've asked for.
00:59:18 I can't believe she's actually doing this.
00:59:21 I hope at the end of the aisle I see someone handsome,
00:59:26 career-driven, someone who has goals,
00:59:30 past dating, immature boys.
00:59:33 I need a real man.
00:59:35 HE SIGHS
00:59:46 Hello. Hi. Nice to meet you. How are you doing?
00:59:50 Nice to meet you. Brent.
00:59:52 Hi, Brent. I'm Tamara. Nice to meet you, Tamara.
00:59:55 Yeah. I'm happy.
01:00:00 He's really handsome. HE CHUCKLES
01:00:02 HE SIGHS
01:00:04 Are you nervous? Oh, yeah.
01:00:06 Yeah, how about you? Your suit looks good.
01:00:09 Thank you. You look amazing.
01:00:12 Thank you. I tried.
01:00:14 Hello. How are you doing?
01:00:16 HE SIGHS
01:00:18 My first thought was, "God, wow."
01:00:21 To see this beautiful human walking down,
01:00:24 very, very beautiful girl.
01:00:26 I'm happy with the woman I'm about to marry.
01:00:29 You have really nice eyes. Thank you.
01:00:32 You know...
01:00:34 Luckily, I was captivated by her beautiful eyes first,
01:00:38 but the thought was in the back of my head,
01:00:41 "Don't look down. Don't look down."
01:00:44 OK. "Don't look down."
01:00:46 We're here now. We are.
01:00:48 You OK? Yeah.
01:00:54 HE LAUGHS I'm good. I'll manage.
01:00:56 I'm not going to lie. I did look down.
01:00:58 Dress was covering her feet.
01:01:00 So, can go that way, can go that way.
01:01:03 We'll see how we go.
01:01:05 Ladies and gents,
01:01:07 we're gathered here today to witness the joining
01:01:10 of Tamara and Brent together in marriage
01:01:14 and to celebrate the making of this commitment to each other.
01:01:17 On that note, we're going to begin with our vows.
01:01:20 Go ahead. Thank you.
01:01:23 I first want to say thank you for taking this huge risk
01:01:30 and walking down the aisle to marry a total stranger.
01:01:33 Believe me when I tell you
01:01:35 I know the courage it takes to do this
01:01:37 because I'm struggling to stay upright on my feet.
01:01:40 I'm definitely not perfect, but I was raised right.
01:01:44 And being raised right means I'm a man of integrity,
01:01:47 honesty and respect.
01:01:49 So I'd like to make you some promises.
01:01:51 I promise to treat you with respect,
01:01:53 be there for you in hard times,
01:01:55 help you face your fears
01:01:57 and be completely open about my life,
01:01:59 my struggles and my feelings.
01:02:01 Some other crucial things I should promise you.
01:02:04 We will be laughing a lot.
01:02:06 I will annoy you at some point,
01:02:08 but it's only so we can spend as much time as possible
01:02:11 having fun and bringing happiness into this journey.
01:02:13 My only hope is that when I try to stir you,
01:02:15 you dish it right back out to me.
01:02:17 [laughs]
01:02:19 Which I have a feeling you will.
01:02:21 In return, all I ask is that we have each other's backs,
01:02:24 make the most out of this crazy opportunity
01:02:27 and always respect each other's feelings
01:02:29 and enjoy every moment together.
01:02:32 Thank you. That was really good.
01:02:34 Thank you.
01:02:36 Maybe you've made your match.
01:02:38 Game on. Game on.
01:02:42 Ooh.
01:02:44 My wife's got spice,
01:02:46 and I like it.
01:02:48 It's good.
01:02:50 Where are you from?
01:02:52 Queensland. What about you?
01:02:53 Sydney.
01:02:54 Oh, you're from here?
01:02:55 Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
01:02:57 Where do you work?
01:02:58 The new bar, restaurant and club.
01:03:01 That's in Sydney.
01:03:03 Okay.
01:03:06 Yeah, I do a few things for them, for the company.
01:03:09 Mm-hmm.
01:03:11 Yeah.
01:03:13 We've got a lot to catch up on, so I'm sure we'll get to the details.
01:03:19 Cool, cool.
01:03:25 Tomorrow?
01:03:26 Yes.
01:03:28 Yes.
01:03:30 Why does he work in a nightclub?
01:03:34 I stand here before you today thinking,
01:03:36 "How did I get myself into this situation?"
01:03:38 That does kind of worry me a little bit
01:03:40 because I don't want to date another party boy.
01:03:42 That's not appealing.
01:03:44 I want an honest marriage, a forgiving marriage and a fun marriage.
01:03:47 I work for a big corporate company,
01:03:49 like I'm busy every day, Monday to Friday,
01:03:51 and I want someone who has achieved something in life.
01:03:55 That's what I've done.
01:03:56 I will always be honest and give my advice,
01:03:58 even when it's not wanted.
01:04:00 I'm just concerned that he's not, like, a forever kind of guy,
01:04:05 not marriage material.
01:04:06 I'm hyperactive, I'm over-opinionated,
01:04:08 bossy with a touch of OCD.
01:04:10 I am, like most things, difficult, worth it in the end.
01:04:14 Thank you.
01:04:18 What the hell?
01:04:22 So, ladies and gentlemen,
01:04:24 I now declare Tamara and Brent as husband and wife.
01:04:29 Brent, you may kiss the bride.
01:04:32 Wifey, am I now to kiss the bride?
01:04:35 You can have a little kiss.
01:04:39 Yay!
01:04:45 Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you as husband and wife,
01:04:48 Tamara and Brent.
01:04:50 Yay!
01:04:53 He doesn't appear to be what I've hoped for.
01:04:57 Maybe he's not as much of a man as what I did ask for.
01:05:01 So, he does seem like your average kind of guy.
01:05:05 And...
01:05:07 ..um, average just isn't for me.
01:05:10 I'm not average. I don't do average.
01:05:12 In Sydney...
01:05:19 And smiling Brent for me.
01:05:21 ..career-driven Tamara seems disappointed
01:05:23 to think her new husband works in a nightclub.
01:05:26 My hands are freezing.
01:05:28 I know. Sorry.
01:05:30 And the ambitious bride is still harbouring questions
01:05:33 about her groom's job title.
01:05:35 Great.
01:05:37 The fact that he works in a nightclub scene,
01:05:39 like, I just don't understand that.
01:05:41 That's great. Thanks, guys. Smiling.
01:05:43 He's good-looking, don't get me wrong,
01:05:46 but, yeah, I'm judging his career because I judge everyone.
01:05:51 Unintentionally, but, like, I just...
01:05:54 It's just a natural thing.
01:05:56 I just meet people and I form an opinion.
01:05:59 When you tell me... Mm-hm?
01:06:01 ..when you tell me that you work in a nightclub, what do you do?
01:06:04 I don't work in a nightclub. I work in hospitality.
01:06:06 I'm a hospitality specialist.
01:06:08 OK. I run events.
01:06:10 I've been living in Dubai for seven years.
01:06:12 I opened up a corporate business, but it's really in-depth.
01:06:15 Like, design, photography, videography, advertising and marketing,
01:06:18 everything top to bottom.
01:06:20 Oh. Mm. So...
01:06:23 Cos I said the fact that you work in a nightclub isn't really great.
01:06:26 Yeah, you should have asked first.
01:06:28 This is why questions are always better.
01:06:30 I sound like such a bitch.
01:06:32 I bet you did.
01:06:33 Oh, shit. I thought that he was, like, a party boy.
01:06:36 I thought he was younger than me.
01:06:38 I just had an image in my head and I just made it up.
01:06:40 It was pure judgmental. I was completely wrong.
01:06:43 In case you think I'm just a clubby boy...
01:06:46 She definitely judged me, but I knew she did.
01:06:48 I think she doesn't know who I am yet.
01:06:51 She's taken what I do the wrong way,
01:06:53 without context behind it, obviously.
01:06:55 But I'm not deterred by that,
01:06:57 cos I know when you get to hear the whole story, it all makes sense.
01:07:00 Just need a little wedding kiss for these photos.
01:07:02 But if for some reason there's an attitude that continues on,
01:07:05 after finding everything out, then we know we have a problem.
01:07:09 As Brent puts Tamara's fears about his job to rest,
01:07:13 Brent's own deepest nightmare becomes a reality.
01:07:16 We might just go for a full Cinderella moment.
01:07:20 Oh.
01:07:21 If you can sort of be down like that and put your foot up on his knee.
01:07:25 Not perfect.
01:07:26 It's freaking me out.
01:07:28 I honestly don't know if my pants will make me do that.
01:07:30 I'm not going to lie to you, but I'm going to try.
01:07:32 Yes, sir.
01:07:34 You're in a good spot there, Brent, to do it, yep.
01:07:37 Um, if you hear a split, this is going to get awkward real quick.
01:07:41 All right.
01:07:42 So far, I haven't had a good enough glimpse to know what I'm working with.
01:07:47 Is this going to be bad?
01:07:49 I am praying that she has nice feet.
01:07:51 How do I put my leg up?
01:07:53 I'm sure he can guide you there.
01:07:54 Do you want to come in?
01:07:55 Oh, God.
01:07:57 I am freaking out.
01:07:58 Is that OK?
01:08:01 You want to check that the shoe's fitting?
01:08:05 Just a...
01:08:06 See if you can hold the shoe.
01:08:07 Oh, now I'm going to have to play with the shoe.
01:08:11 Yep.
01:08:12 Should I grab the shoe or grab the ankle?
01:08:15 Grab the shoe, I think.
01:08:17 The shoe?
01:08:19 Yep.
01:08:20 There it goes.
01:08:22 Brent, it's been a very long day for Portamara.
01:08:26 Do you think she deserves a foot rub tonight?
01:08:34 I'm about to fall over.
01:08:36 No, I got you.
01:08:37 A hundred and ten plus five percent
01:08:41 that I will not be rubbing my wife's feet.
01:08:43 And looking at each other, guys.
01:08:45 How fun.
01:08:49 It's not happening.
01:08:52 Not now.
01:08:53 Not ever.
01:08:54 That's great.
01:08:55 As Tamara and Brent get off on the wrong foot,
01:08:59 Selene and Anthony appear to be the perfect fit.
01:09:03 And glancing back, guys, for me.
01:09:05 That's great.
01:09:06 Partner in crime, eh?
01:09:08 He is this sexy man.
01:09:11 He is tall, dark and handsome.
01:09:13 That's great.
01:09:14 He seems charming, like he cares about me.
01:09:17 Thank you, Tam.
01:09:18 Thank you.
01:09:19 Makes me feel good.
01:09:20 Maybe a little bit of a kiss there for me.
01:09:22 As far as the first kiss goes,
01:09:27 yeah,
01:09:29 it was something.
01:09:30 And again, one, two, three, and...
01:09:33 I do think there was some chemistry going on there.
01:09:35 I think that's what you call a spark.
01:09:37 My cheeks are sore.
01:09:40 Being unaware of her husband's highly successful career,
01:09:51 Tamara is feeling she may have underestimated her groom.
01:09:55 I definitely judged a little bit.
01:09:57 But he'll learn very quickly that
01:09:59 it's just who I am.
01:10:01 Who I am?
01:10:02 Hello!
01:10:04 Hello.
01:10:06 The bride and the groom.
01:10:07 Welcome.
01:10:09 Oh, thank you.
01:10:10 That photoshoot was a lot like a horror movie for me.
01:10:14 Thank you.
01:10:16 Tamara definitely judged me.
01:10:18 But what I'm waiting for is a proper sit down.
01:10:23 Have a drink, have a laugh.
01:10:24 Mr and Mrs.
01:10:25 Mr and Mrs, alright.
01:10:28 Once you start bringing people's walls down
01:10:30 and get them a little bit comfortable,
01:10:31 that's when you can read someone a little bit better.
01:10:33 And that's what I'm waiting for with Tamara.
01:10:35 So what did you guys think of each other?
01:10:38 Mm.
01:10:39 When you saw each other.
01:10:40 What did you think of me again when we first...
01:10:42 What?
01:10:44 Who you judged?
01:10:45 I'm a bartender in her eyes,
01:10:47 so I think we're going to have to get past that first.
01:10:49 I was really hungry at the time you told me.
01:10:51 I couldn't think straight.
01:10:52 Too busy judging, right?
01:10:54 Yeah.
01:10:57 I'm a judge, I'm trying to work on that.
01:10:59 So what happens if I worked at a toy store?
01:11:03 Would you not want to talk to me?
01:11:07 No.
01:11:11 You wouldn't be very ambitious to me.
01:11:13 I asked for someone who was ambitious.
01:11:15 I'd want someone who has those same values that I have.
01:11:20 And not because I think that working in those kinds of industries is bad.
01:11:25 It just means that they're not ambitious.
01:11:27 Well, if that's your goal,
01:11:32 is just to stay in a retail job for the rest of your life
01:11:35 and not progress...
01:11:37 So if someone needs money but they have no other way of getting it...
01:11:40 That's fine.
01:11:41 Good on them.
01:11:42 That's just not me.
01:11:44 If that's you and that's your goal for where I'm going,
01:11:47 that doesn't meet my lifestyle,
01:11:49 so we just wouldn't get along.
01:11:51 Working in the toy store doesn't align with me
01:11:53 and that would pull me back.
01:11:55 What's wrong with working in a toy store?
01:11:57 Like...
01:11:59 That is being superficial.
01:12:02 So you feel like someone who worked in retail
01:12:04 would be a step down for you?
01:12:06 Um...
01:12:10 No.
01:12:11 That's what you just said, it would pull you back.
01:12:13 I get stressed.
01:12:14 I'm busy all the time
01:12:15 and I just feel like someone else wouldn't understand that.
01:12:18 I feel bad because I felt like I kind of handed her the shovel
01:12:21 because, like, I want the best person for Brent.
01:12:24 Brent's a really nice guy.
01:12:26 As bad as this is, I did date this one guy.
01:12:29 He actually did work in a retail shop.
01:12:31 And I was embarrassed to sort of, like, introduce him to people
01:12:34 cos I was like, well, he doesn't really compliment me very well either.
01:12:38 Like, that doesn't compliment who I am.
01:12:41 I know what I want and what I deserve
01:12:46 and so it would be strange to date a guy that worked in a toy store
01:12:50 and I'm definitely not apologetic for that.
01:12:53 Do you feel like maybe you have a checklist of things that guys can't?
01:12:59 Mine goes like this.
01:13:01 (BOTH LAUGH)
01:13:03 It's like a novel.
01:13:04 I need someone that's going further in life
01:13:06 than just working in a toy store.
01:13:09 Fair enough.
01:13:10 Yeah.
01:13:12 Tamara is spoiled.
01:13:14 Spoiled and pretentious and entitled.
01:13:17 Her views on people that work in retail are horrible.
01:13:21 She's got a very slumbish way of looking at things.
01:13:25 The way that she's already judged me and anyone below her.
01:13:29 So it looks like it's going to be a clash of heads.
01:13:32 We're in for a bit of a rocky road, I've got a feeling.
01:13:37 (GENTLE MUSIC)
01:13:39 You will have.
01:13:50 (BOTH LAUGH)
01:13:52 Here comes the lovely bride and groom.
01:13:54 (ALL CHEERING)
01:13:56 There you go.
01:13:59 Thank you.
01:14:01 Yeah, tick, tick.
01:14:02 We really like the groom.
01:14:04 He's old school, a gentleman.
01:14:06 You're setting the standard for other people on the table.
01:14:09 That's fantastic, yeah.
01:14:11 It's a beautiful thing.
01:14:12 If you need anything, tell me.
01:14:14 OK, thank you.
01:14:15 Plus that much for me to make it up to you.
01:14:17 They've got great chemistry.
01:14:19 I'm quite hopeful, actually.
01:14:21 Yeah.
01:14:22 Welcome to our families.
01:14:23 Welcome to our families.
01:14:24 Welcome to ours as well.
01:14:25 Yes.
01:14:26 I think she's happy.
01:14:27 I think it's a good thing for him.
01:14:29 Hopefully if they can get the personality connection right,
01:14:32 I think there's a future for them.
01:14:34 What's the zero to 100?
01:14:37 So I do pro wrestling.
01:14:39 Mm.
01:14:40 So for me, it's that little outlet.
01:14:42 And Gabby sits in the crowd and she cheers me along.
01:14:45 That's always cute.
01:14:46 That's nice.
01:14:47 I like that.
01:14:48 Good she gets involved.
01:14:49 Yeah, it's great.
01:14:50 It's great.
01:14:51 I love the way he talks about his daughter.
01:14:53 Beautiful.
01:14:54 We bought, like, superhero outfits.
01:14:56 So we did our shopping dressed as superheroes.
01:14:59 So I had the mask on and the big cape.
01:15:02 That's cool.
01:15:04 I like that.
01:15:05 He has a lot of great qualities that I have wanted in a man.
01:15:09 He's nice and gentle and kind.
01:15:11 And he is a family man.
01:15:13 It is definitely reassuring.
01:15:15 And you have a child?
01:15:17 I do, yeah.
01:15:18 A two and a half year old son named Roman.
01:15:21 Mummy's boy?
01:15:22 Mummy's boy.
01:15:23 Of course, of course.
01:15:24 100% mummy's boy.
01:15:26 So hopefully he'll be excited to hopefully see someone love me
01:15:29 and be a good Roman.
01:15:31 I'm getting a really good vibe off her.
01:15:33 She's got a really sort of calming nature about herself.
01:15:36 You don't expect to have something outside of what you know
01:15:40 to love so much.
01:15:42 She sounds like a very caring, loving mum.
01:15:45 And that's very important to me.
01:15:48 As Celine and Anthony's attraction intensifies,
01:15:52 Tamara has noticed that Brent's table manners aren't quite up to her high standards.
01:15:58 Could you go first, please?
01:16:00 Using your rung fork.
01:16:02 From the outside.
01:16:04 You don't like that.
01:16:06 Also, left hand and with this one.
01:16:10 Mm.
01:16:12 You're left handed.
01:16:13 Yes, but see that they're placed...
01:16:14 And I'm right handed.
01:16:15 It doesn't matter.
01:16:16 They're placed on the left and the right.
01:16:18 Mm-mm-mm-mm.
01:16:19 Yes.
01:16:20 If you think in a split second I'm going to change my whole way of how I use a fork,
01:16:24 it can't happen overnight.
01:16:25 Come on.
01:16:26 His right hand was just stabbing at his food.
01:16:29 It was just a bit like caveman-ish.
01:16:32 And that's not OK.
01:16:34 Around like that.
01:16:35 If he gets any breath.
01:16:36 He will learn how to use his knife and fork properly
01:16:38 because I'll pick up on everything he does incorrectly.
01:16:41 I'll teach him to be a better person from it.
01:16:43 They're placed on the left and the right.
01:16:45 That's how you eat.
01:16:46 Does that empower you?
01:16:47 I don't know.
01:16:48 I don't know much about your colouring.
01:16:51 I like a girl that takes charge.
01:16:53 I don't mind it.
01:16:54 I like being told what to do sometimes.
01:16:56 But you're not telling me what fork I'm going to use.
01:16:58 I do what's comfortable.
01:16:59 Not what makes me look proper.
01:17:02 You're probably right, Tamara, but I am right.
01:17:06 I'm not often wrong.
01:17:11 Like you might like things one way and I like them the other way.
01:17:15 But my way has to be the right way.
01:17:23 Anyway, sorry, girls.
01:17:25 Would you ladies excuse me, please?
01:17:27 Sorry.
01:17:28 You're it, sis.
01:17:29 Tamara's going to be a lot of work in the sense that
01:17:33 she's one-sided and narrow-minded in her way of thinking.
01:17:37 I don't get along well with people like that.
01:17:40 Neither would Levi.
01:17:42 I need to understand what I'm getting into.
01:17:45 What's your thoughts on everything?
01:17:47 I think that she is going to challenge you.
01:17:52 Look how it's playing out now.
01:17:53 We're sitting there talking about,
01:17:54 we've got to look at a toy store and which fork I'm supposed to use.
01:17:58 That kind of pretentious way of thinking is not healthy.
01:18:03 I think it's going to be a big learning curve for both of you.
01:18:07 What do you think of him?
01:18:08 I do think he was a bit short.
01:18:10 That's what I said.
01:18:12 He's struggling to date like anyone.
01:18:14 He is a short man.
01:18:16 I've never had to sacrifice you.
01:18:18 It can go two ways.
01:18:20 It's either going to be we come to some sort of agreement
01:18:23 and meet halfway or we clash completely
01:18:26 because I'm not letting anyone tell me which hand to use.
01:18:30 To eat dinner.
01:18:31 To eat dinner and what fork to use.
01:18:34 My ring's cute and sparkly.
01:18:36 It's real gold.
01:18:37 It is.
01:18:38 It must be one of those ones that makes you finger green.
01:18:40 It actually says 18-carat gold on it.
01:18:42 Obviously don't roll over,
01:18:44 but I feel like she likes to have the power.
01:18:47 Yeah, and I'm not going to give it.
01:18:49 He'll learn very quickly that I always wear the pants in a relationship.
01:18:54 But I'm excited. I don't know what it is.
01:18:56 The fact she's like that makes me want to go,
01:18:57 "All right, game on. We'll play this game."
01:19:00 We'll see who wins.
01:19:02 We have different ways of thinking in this,
01:19:05 but I came to the conclusion that I'll be a gentleman,
01:19:09 but I'm going to have fun with this.
01:19:10 This is game on now.
01:19:11 I'm not the hottest average.
01:19:13 [laughs]
01:19:14 I'm almost excited.
01:19:16 It's on like Donkey Kong.
01:19:18 With their wedding reception in full swing--
01:19:27 Here we go.
01:19:28 [cheers]
01:19:29 [laughs]
01:19:31 --Cin and Anthony are already settling into marital bliss.
01:19:35 Can you believe it?
01:19:36 No.
01:19:37 You're married?
01:19:38 I know.
01:19:39 [cheers]
01:19:41 It's nothing I ever would have imagined in my wildest dreams
01:19:44 to be married to someone who is a perfect match.
01:19:48 In his vows, he did say he's an old-school gentleman,
01:19:51 and he's showed that.
01:19:52 So, excuse me. I'll be back.
01:19:55 So now we're at a point where it is time for me to take the lead
01:19:59 and show him a little bit of the Turkish culture.
01:20:02 [music]
01:20:05 [cheers]
01:20:07 [applause]
01:20:10 As I was growing up, we'd always belly dance.
01:20:13 It'd be nice for Anthony to embrace that part of my Turkish background.
01:20:17 Put this around my waist, okay.
01:20:19 Oh, my God. That took me way off guard. Wow.
01:20:22 Shake in a circle.
01:20:24 She's got some great moves.
01:20:26 She's talked about her family and her Turkish background
01:20:29 and her culture and all that sort of stuff,
01:20:31 so it was really cool to experience that.
01:20:34 She's got this beautiful energy about her.
01:20:38 She seems like she's got a beautiful soul.
01:20:40 It's such an exciting, sort of nerve-wracking feeling
01:20:44 that I'm going through right now.
01:20:46 We could fall for each other.
01:20:48 This could be it.
01:20:50 Jimmy, come on. You guys get up, too.
01:20:53 Today has been just amazing.
01:20:55 Everything was just perfect.
01:20:57 Definitely feels like the start of a fairy tale.
01:21:00 You've just got to shake. Shake your bum.
01:21:02 Getting to know each other's families, it's a beautiful thing.
01:21:05 This is just the start.
01:21:07 I can see Anthony and I building a future,
01:21:10 building a family together.
01:21:12 He's everything I hoped for.
01:21:14 After contending with his wife's unrelenting high standards
01:21:20 and controversial opinions,
01:21:22 Brent is trying to turn things around.
01:21:25 My lovely wife, would you like to join me for cutting our cake, please?
01:21:28 Ah, cutting the cake. Please.
01:21:30 So far, it's a bit of a rollercoaster.
01:21:33 Tomorrow, I wouldn't say I don't like my bride.
01:21:36 I'd like to say I'm working out my bride.
01:21:39 Yeah? She's got tendencies I don't like,
01:21:41 but I am going to be the gentleman in the case
01:21:43 that I am going to be the better man and let it play out.
01:21:46 Go right there.
01:21:48 It's so hot.
01:21:51 You want a shake?
01:21:53 What do you think of Brent?
01:21:55 I'm pleased that I've been matched with Brent.
01:21:57 The more that I've got to get to know him,
01:21:59 the more that I can understand why we have been matched.
01:22:02 Oh!
01:22:04 Try to stab like that way. Go like that.
01:22:06 OK, yeah. Push and bring it down.
01:22:09 Cut it.
01:22:11 Sorry, guys. Hold on. I'll get that.
01:22:13 You want to do it? How about I do it from here? Make a bigger one.
01:22:15 Oh, my God, I was cutting with the knife upside down.
01:22:17 (SPLUTTERS)
01:22:19 Do you want a plate? Do you want a plate or something?
01:22:21 Listen, I think me and you are going to be way more effective
01:22:24 if we work together with pretty much everything that we do.
01:22:26 What do you reckon?
01:22:28 No, I'm doing a really good job.
01:22:30 Are you saying I'm not doing a good job? I'm doing a really good job.
01:22:32 Did you see where that went? Like, technically, no. Move away.
01:22:35 I'm doing a good job.
01:22:39 It was because you passed me the knife upside down. Own it.
01:22:41 It's your fault.
01:22:43 Yeah, no, for sure.
01:22:45 Clarity.
01:22:47 You passed it to me upside down.
01:22:49 I look like an idiot cutting it this way.
01:22:51 He gave me the knife the wrong way around.
01:22:53 Just say, "I passed the knife to you upside down. It's my fault."
01:22:56 So you handed Tamara the knife the wrong way.
01:22:59 That.
01:23:01 Me handing the knife to Tamara the wrong way is a speculation,
01:23:04 and I will be checking this.
01:23:06 You're not saying, "I'm sorry, I passed the knife upside down"?
01:23:08 I just think that the way that you're cutting this cake looks amazing.
01:23:10 No, but, like, it would have been cut perfectly
01:23:12 if you had given me the knife this way, not that way.
01:23:14 Because when I told her to stab it and go down, it cut.
01:23:17 So I think she's just lost it.
01:23:19 No, but is that not a fact? Wait, hold on.
01:23:21 You gave me the knife the wrong way around.
01:23:23 Why don't you just say sorry for that?
01:23:25 I think, well, whatever you're doing now...
01:23:27 You're not gonna say it, are you?
01:23:29 I am not gonna say it. Okay.
01:23:31 I think it's a test.
01:23:33 I think she's testing to pull that sorry out of me
01:23:35 to know that she has me agreeing with her at every step.
01:23:38 Why can't you just say sorry for passing it the wrong way?
01:23:40 I want him to understand that I always wear the pants in a relationship.
01:23:43 So if he does something wrong, just accept it.
01:23:47 It's not gonna happen. No way.
01:23:50 You need to learn to just let things go.
01:23:52 You need to learn to just say sorry I'm wrong.
01:23:55 I get it's not a big deal, but he wouldn't just say...
01:23:58 Anyway, I want a piece of it.
01:24:01 I'm worried about later on, there may be things that he does wrong
01:24:05 that he's not gonna say sorry for if he can't say sorry
01:24:08 for handing a knife upside down.
01:24:12 (LAUGHS)
01:24:14 With the weddings drawing to a close...
01:24:28 It's time for the first dance.
01:24:30 ..has Tamara finally moved on from knife-gate.
01:24:33 First dance.
01:24:35 Doesn't matter, you haven't said sorry to me.
01:24:37 She doesn't know how to dance because I haven't said sorry?
01:24:40 You can't say sorry, can you? You can't, can you?
01:24:43 If it's for something serious, I'll say sorry. If not...
01:24:46 I'm mad at you, Bart.
01:24:49 You can be mad at me later, OK? This is how things work.
01:24:52 I think tonight's going really well.
01:24:55 And by well, I mean, um...
01:24:58 ..my wife's a psychopath.
01:25:00 You just passed it to me upside down, though.
01:25:02 I don't know, I can't see the knife.
01:25:04 Why are you so worried about the knife?
01:25:06 Let me sit back, please. Sorry I passed you the knife upside down.
01:25:09 Then I'd be so happy. Yeah, maybe.
01:25:11 I am never going to apologise.
01:25:13 You can always argue later.
01:25:15 Don't have to argue at the time. We can enjoy...
01:25:17 No, but she's just said sorry, so we could have moved on.
01:25:20 Would that have made you happier? Yeah.
01:25:22 Just remember that.
01:25:23 I will not apologise to Tamara
01:25:25 over some sort of upside-down knife that she thinks I gave her
01:25:28 because she couldn't cut a cake.
01:25:31 It was a simple thing, it annoyed me,
01:25:33 and it just makes me feel bad, I'm so sorry.
01:25:35 How does one human being think
01:25:37 that an upside-down knife is worth a whole night of drama?
01:25:41 I...I'm sorry, is this the bold and the beautiful?
01:25:44 Like, what just happened?
01:25:46 Does all your younger boys say sorry every time you ask them to?
01:25:49 Yes, they f***ing do.
01:25:51 It's a requirement.
01:25:52 And then what happens after those young boys?
01:25:54 You get bored of them? I don't know.
01:25:56 I'm not going to get bored of you for saying sorry to me.
01:25:58 That's not what I get bored of. Uh-huh.
01:26:01 I think my feelings towards her is like...
01:26:03 ..I'll say it straight out, I like her.
01:26:06 It's kind of funny. She's a bit of a dick.
01:26:08 We're going to meet halfway about stuff, OK?
01:26:11 But it's time to get a little bit playful.
01:26:14 And I know she's enjoying part of this as much as I am.
01:26:17 (LAUGHS)
01:26:19 I hope that Brent is feeling some kind of connection with me.
01:26:22 Like, I do like him, I think he's a cool guy
01:26:24 and I think that we'll have fun, but he probably thinks I'm crazy.
01:26:28 We're going to have to learn a halfway medium between things.
01:26:31 Pass me the knife upside down. I'm not over it. I'm not over it.
01:26:34 Yeah, I can see that.
01:26:36 I do think there's a little bit of flirting there.
01:26:38 I've still got to dance out of you.
01:26:40 Oh! Well played. You see how things work?
01:26:43 And she does have some traits that I do like.
01:26:46 She's a beautiful, beautiful girl.
01:26:48 I mean, we can't go past that.
01:26:50 And she's very strong-willed, and I like that.
01:26:53 Come on, my lovely wife.
01:26:55 That's good.
01:26:57 But I do think tomorrow may bring some drama to our relationship.
01:27:00 That's going to be a lot of work.
01:27:02 I am up for this challenge.
01:27:04 -Cheers! -Cheers!
01:27:06 But I promise you right now, no one's getting a full wrap.
01:27:10 Let me tell you something right now.
01:27:12 It's not happening. Not now. Not ever.
