Pertumbuhan Transaksi Digital Perbankan Melesat

  • 6 months ago
Bank Indonesia terus mengajak masyarakat, untuk mengoptimalkan pembayaran transaksi non tunai, guna mendukung ekonomi dan juga keuangan digital. Hingga awal tahun ini, transaksi menggunakan QRIS mengalami pertumbuhan yang paling signifikan yaitu mencapai 150% diawal tahun 2024.


00:00 Bank Indonesia keeps encouraging people to optimize payment of non-cash transactions to support the economy and digital assets.
00:08 According to the official, until the beginning of this year, transactions using the QR code of the Indonesian Standard or KRIS,
00:14 the growth has been recorded as the most significant, which reached 150% at the beginning of this year.
00:21 One of them is in the shopping center area that is visited by the people on Eid al-Adha, Tamrin City.
00:27 That's right. Our young reporter visited Tamrin City to see how the transactions using KRIS in Tamrin City.
00:35 Here is the coverage.
00:36 This time I am in one of the shopping centers in the fashion area named Tanah Air, which is Tamrin City.
00:50 This is in connection with Bank Indonesia, which recorded the KRIS transaction or the Indonesian QR standard until March 2024.
00:59 This has experienced a very significant increase, which is more than 160%, far above other electronic money transactions, which only grew by about 4%.
01:09 Here we will see if the transaction uses more cash or has already been KRIS and the reason for choosing the payment.
01:20 Follow me on IDX channel.
01:34 Okay, we want to find out what are the most of the transactions that the buyers in Tamrin City use.
01:40 Hi, ma'am. What's your name?
01:43 Salwa.
01:45 What are you looking for?
01:47 I'm looking for batik.
01:49 For Eid or what?
01:50 Yes, for Eid.
01:52 Usually, do the payers prefer cash or KRIS?
01:56 KRIS.
01:58 Why?
01:59 It's easier, no need to bring cash, it's more convenient.
02:05 It's more practical, right?
02:06 Yes.
02:07 Okay, thank you.
02:08 You're welcome.
02:09 Hi, ma'am. Can you tell us what you are shopping for?
02:19 I'm shopping for clothes for Eid.
02:22 Usually, do you buy it with cash or KRIS?
02:26 KRIS.
02:27 Why do you like KRIS?
02:28 Because it's easier.
02:30 It's easier, you can use cash.
02:32 No need to bring cash?
02:33 Yes, because it's more practical.
02:36 You can't do it for me, ma'am.
02:37 Thank you, ma'am.
02:38 You're welcome.
02:39 It's very easy, ma'am.
02:45 Because in the future, digitalization with UMKM is inseparable.
02:52 To increase UMKM, we really need digitalization.
02:57 So, one of the things you said about KRIS, it's very easy.
03:02 Especially if we use KRIS BRI.
03:04 KRIS BRI only requires ID, ID card or NPWP.
03:10 Of course, we have to open the BRI account first.
03:15 I'm in front of Batik Persih Sir's shop.
03:20 Because we're going to talk to the UMKM business owner here.
03:24 About digital transactions in the Eid period.
03:29 Follow me, Mr. Mirza.
03:31 We're going to talk to the owner of Batik Persih Sir, one of the stores in Tamrin City, Jakarta.
03:50 Hello, sir. How are you?
03:52 I'm fine, thank God.
03:54 What is the usage of digital payment here?
03:59 What kind of merchandise do you use?
04:01 We use BRI now.
04:04 BRI in Tamrin City is easier.
04:07 Why do you prefer BRI? What are the advantages?
04:11 Because it's close.
04:13 We're already familiar with it, so we're often called if there's a problem.
04:20 We're more comfortable.
04:22 Because in Tamrin City, BRI is more dominant.
04:30 So, a lot of people pay using KRIS BRI?
04:35 Yes, more people use it now.
04:40 Because it's easier.
04:42 It's rare that people bring cash.
04:45 How much cash do you have?
04:49 I have 10% or 5% cash.
04:52 It's been a long time.
04:58 Thank you, sir.
05:00 We're talking with one of the stores here.
05:05 About the usage of digital transactions that are very massive.
05:11 I'm Priya Somodhatu reporting from Tamrin City for IDX Channel.
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