Pasokan Gas Alam Turun, LNG Jadi Solusi Industri

  • 6 months ago
Penurunan pasokan gas pipa dari sejumlah lapangan minyak dan gas bumi (migas) perlu disiasati dengan pemanfaatan sumber gas bumi lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri dalam negeri. Salah satunya, seperti gas alam cair atau liquefied natural gas (LNG). Belakangan ini, pasokan gas pipa di Indonesia bagian barat yang mencakup Sumatra bagian tengah, Sumatra bagian selatan, dan Jawa bagian barat dilaporkan mengalami defisit. Hal ini seiring produksi gas dari sejumlah lapangan migas mengalami penurunan alami (natural decline) lantaran kondisi lapangan yang sudah tua.

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif mengakui adanya defisit pasokan gas di wilayah barat. Pemerintah pun tengah mendorong percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur pipa gas untuk dapat mengalirkan pasokan gas di Jawa Timur yang berlebih ke wilayah Indonesia bagian barat. Untuk itu, alternatif yang paling memungkinkan saat ini guna menambal defisit pasokan gas untuk industri di wilayah barat adalah dengan memanfaatkan LNG. Rencananya, pemerintah akan menambah pasokan LNG sebanyak 11 kargo untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri di wilayah barat. Tambahan gas alam cair itu bakal ditarik dari kilang LNG di lapangan gas Tangguh, Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat.


00:00 [Music]
00:15 Hello viewers, how are you today?
00:17 Back again with me, Prasetyo Ibo
00:19 in the Market Review program
00:21 and let's start the full Market Review.
00:24 [Music]
00:32 Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
00:35 admitted that the pipe gas supply in West Indonesia
00:38 which covers Central Sumatra,
00:40 then South Sumatra,
00:42 West Java,
00:44 reported to be in deficit.
00:46 The condition needs to be investigated
00:48 by using other natural gas sources
00:50 to meet the needs of domestic industry.
00:53 One of them is natural gas or liquefied natural gas.
00:58 [Music]
01:02 The decline of the pipe gas supply
01:04 from a number of oil and natural gas fields
01:06 needs to be investigated by using other natural gas sources
01:09 to meet the needs of domestic industry.
01:12 One of them is natural gas or liquefied natural gas.
01:16 Recently, the pipe gas supply in West Indonesia
01:20 which covers Central Sumatra,
01:22 South Sumatra,
01:23 and West Java,
01:24 reported to be in deficit.
01:26 This is due to the gas production
01:28 from a number of natural gas fields
01:30 experiencing natural decline
01:31 due to the old field conditions.
01:34 Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Alif Fintasrif,
01:38 admitted that there is a deficit of gas supply in the West.
01:41 The government is also pushing for the acceleration
01:44 of the construction of a gas pipeline infrastructure
01:46 to be able to flow gas supplies in East Java
01:48 which exceeds the West Indonesia region.
01:52 For that, the alternative that most likely
01:54 to increase the deficit of gas supplies
01:56 for the industry in the West
01:58 is by using LNG.
02:00 The government plans to add LNG supplies
02:03 as many as 11 cargo
02:05 to meet the needs of the industry in the West.
02:07 The addition of natural gas is pulled from LNG pipeline
02:11 in the Tanggu gas field,
02:12 Teluk Bintuni, West Papua.
02:14 [music]
02:22 Okay, the chairman wants to discuss
02:23 what we are interested in today,
02:25 the LNG natural gas team
02:26 as an industry solution.
02:28 Yes, it has been connected through
02:29 with Mr. Ahmad Wijaya,
02:30 Deputy Chairman of the Forum for the Industry of Earth Gas.
02:33 Yes, hello, good morning, Mr. Awe.
02:35 Good morning, everyone.
02:38 Okay, good morning too, Mr. Awe.
02:39 It has been said earlier
02:40 that there are indeed obstacles
02:41 such as gas supply.
02:43 There is a slight decrease or deficit
02:46 of alternative use
02:48 from the natural gas side,
02:51 which will be added
02:53 by the government or the operator.
02:55 How is your review of the condition
02:58 of the industry using gas?
03:00 Mr. Awe, please.
03:02 Good morning, everyone.
03:06 And for us as users,
03:10 we are not surprised
03:12 about the lack of business.
03:14 Because the SSWG wells
03:16 from several years ago
03:19 have also been known
03:21 that there will be a decrease
03:24 in the main supply of SSWG
03:27 for all industries in Java and Sumatra.
03:29 Okay.
03:30 Now, this management pattern
03:32 has always been an internal problem
03:35 of the government,
03:37 namely upstream, midstream, and downstream.
03:40 The upstream position
03:42 is always considered
03:44 by the government
03:46 as always losing, always having problems,
03:50 always doing things
03:52 that are very heavy in investment.
03:55 But in the midstream,
03:57 it is also not carried out properly.
04:00 Such as liquid faction,
04:02 then CNG,
04:04 and pipanization in terms of infrastructure
04:07 to small industrial industries,
04:10 in the middle, everything hasn't gone well.
04:12 This is the midstream.
04:13 Then downstream,
04:15 all this time, we know
04:17 that what the industry gets
04:19 for the price of the SSWG
04:22 has contributed to the government
04:25 according to the report of the 7th DPRRI Commission
04:28 around 27 trillion.
04:31 But in the upstream, it was -45.
04:34 So this is a management error,
04:37 meaning in the upstream to downstream.
04:42 As I said earlier,
04:44 the condition of the HGPT has been running for years.
04:48 Studies have been carried out.
04:51 So the government should not say
04:54 that there is surplus, there is deficit,
04:56 or there is a mistake in gas allocation
04:59 from where to where,
05:01 until in the end,
05:03 must bring LNG,
05:05 the transportation is so expensive
05:07 from the end of this republic
05:12 to the industrialization in Java and Sumatra
05:16 to be added to the surplus,
05:20 the position that we will use.
05:23 But the economy is supported by the industry.
05:27 The government cannot do things
05:30 that are only ad hoc,
05:33 which is called one or two years, it cannot.
05:36 It has to be done in a total comprehensive way.
05:41 That is also unfortunate,
05:43 when this press conference was not explained
05:47 in detail and comprehensively
05:50 about the issue of Indonesia's energy security,
05:54 especially in the future of land gas or LNG.
05:58 The natural gas condition that we already know
06:01 will not be able to support it in the long run.
06:06 While we have Bontang, we have Tanggu,
06:11 and we have Marcela on the way
06:13 and several strategic projects
06:15 that have been informed by the SDM.
06:17 But how far has the exploration gone?
06:20 The original goal and position
06:24 rather than a good comprehensive plan
06:28 for Indonesia's energy.
06:30 We have not conditioned the entire industry
06:33 of PLN to use it.
06:35 Because PLN still has a mixed use of several energies,
06:39 such as coal, gas, solar.
06:44 If you say everyone wants to be gas,
06:46 it's not enough.
06:48 Mr. Wei, if we talk about gas,
06:54 it was said that the eastern region is more abundant.
06:57 Is the transmission itself actually already
07:00 a network that is quite adequate
07:03 for the transmission from the area
07:05 where there is an oversupply
07:07 to the area that needs gas supply for the industry?
07:11 That's the PR of Pertamina as a holding
07:16 and the sub-holding is PGN.
07:19 If the PGN itself does nothing,
07:22 only as a transmitter in the west,
07:26 it means it must come from the midstream of Pertamina
07:31 or the holding of Pertamina.
07:33 Because PGN has always considered itself
07:37 as a transmitter, not doing anything.
07:40 But the pipanization provided until PGN today
07:45 as much as the TBK, as much as the investors are there,
07:50 the pipanization also comes from the investment of APBN
07:54 a long time ago.
07:56 So, if this condition is already a transmitter,
08:00 what strategy does the holding have in the future
08:03 to keep it midstream until the PGN side?
08:09 The use of other natural gas such as LNG,
08:16 will it finally meet the needs?
08:20 Or is there anything else that might have an impact on the LNG use?
08:25 LNG, as far as we know,
08:29 we have heard it in a big way,
08:32 that it was brought from Tangguh to Aceh
08:35 or Arun for regasification,
08:37 then it was used,
08:39 only at a glance, but there was no total plan.
08:43 There was no good plan
08:46 whether it becomes a supporter, a successor,
08:49 or a substitute, or whatever.
08:53 We as users,
08:55 we do not have any guideline that we accept,
08:59 what is next?
09:01 If there is no natural gas,
09:03 next for LNG, we will do regasification,
09:06 then it will be injected or injected into
09:10 or substituted by natural gas pipanization.
09:14 This is totally no plan,
09:16 if you want to tell it in a big way.
09:21 The government itself also through ESDM,
09:24 there is SKK Migas, there is Dujan Migas,
09:26 they also have to have total planning
09:28 that must be communicated to the PGN side.
09:33 Because we are not directly related to SKK
09:38 or ESDM,
09:40 we are related by the condition.
09:44 So the HGBT that will be determined is
09:47 whether the HGBT affects the APBN,
09:50 income tax, or the reduction of the country.
09:53 All of this is a total political decision
09:57 that we cannot say that the distributor is wrong
10:02 or comes from ESDM.
10:05 This is a total package.
10:07 Total Pertamina Holding
10:09 which is part of the Energy Company
10:13 as a BUMN total.
10:15 Because it is impossible for us as users,
10:18 if we enter into a discussion,
10:20 we have to be in touch with BUMN,
10:23 which is called PGN.
10:25 We have to be in touch with ESDM,
10:27 the Minister of Energy.
10:28 Our domain is the Minister of Industry.
10:32 Then, back to Pertamina,
10:35 Pertamina is holding 500 international companies
10:40 that are so huge.
10:42 So where are we going to discuss?
10:45 We don't have a guideline.
10:48 Okay, any strategy that we can think of
10:50 to overcome the energy needs for the industry,
10:55 we will discuss in the next segment.
10:57 We will take a break.
10:58 And we will be back soon with the next conversation.
11:02 (Music)
11:17 Thank you for joining us in Market Review.
11:20 In the next segment, we will present a number of data
11:22 related to the value of LNG export products
11:24 and gas pipeline in Indonesia.
11:26 As you can see on your television screen,
11:29 we will compare the value of LNG export products
11:33 in 2021 and 2022.
11:36 Then, the value of gas pipeline in Indonesia
11:38 is 4.6 billion US dollars.
11:40 In 2021, it increased to 6.6 billion US dollars
11:44 in the following year.
11:46 And then, projection of energy consumption
11:49 per barrel of oil per day.
11:53 In 2025, it reached 7.49 million barrels of oil per day.
12:01 Then, in 2050, it reached 18.74 million barrels of oil per day.
12:11 Those are some data related to the value of LNG export products
12:13 and also projection of energy consumption in Indonesia.
12:16 Let's continue our discussion with Mr. Ahmad Wijaya.
12:19 Mr. W, we will continue this.
12:22 We have talked about some data.
12:24 It seems that the value of LNG export products
12:26 has increased and the projection of energy consumption
12:28 has also increased.
12:30 If we look at the needs that are still in need,
12:36 what do you think about the potential for the industry,
12:39 and the gas supply in Indonesia in the future?
12:45 If the consumption of LNG, energy consumption,
12:52 in general, especially in solar,
12:55 if the industry is like ours,
12:57 it is impossible for us to go back to LNG or solar.
13:01 We have a total planning,
13:05 hoping that if the gas supply in the nature has declined,
13:11 in terms of natural resources,
13:14 it will have a total planning for LNG.
13:18 The transportation of LNG main materials from east to west,
13:24 all of them cannot be transported by vehicles,
13:28 it has to be by ships.
13:30 The ships that transport LNG,
13:34 until now, it is not yet seen that
13:36 the government has a total planning in the SDM
13:39 or in the holding of Pertamina
13:41 to provide vessels for LNG to be regasified.
13:49 So the infrastructure is what is a hindrance,
13:54 maybe in the future, if one day we don't have things like this,
13:59 the opportunity to import must be opened.
14:02 It means that as a country that produces energy
14:07 in two places that have been in the gutter and in the tank,
14:12 brought to Java, what next?
14:16 That's the English language, right?
14:18 While the infrastructure to meet
14:21 comprehensively in the industrialization
14:26 in Sumatra, Java,
14:28 we use about 3,000 to 4,000 mmscfd.
14:36 This condition has guaranteed outside the PLN industry.
14:41 It means 7,000-8,000 mm is definitely there.
14:45 This calculation will definitely increase,
14:48 and the industry, although PLN cannot be ordered to use solar,
14:52 more than gas forward.
14:54 While the number we saw earlier,
14:57 that the number or table shown in the graphics,
15:01 it seems that our oil is constantly growing,
15:04 constantly increasing, not the gas.
15:06 It means that in the future we expect it to be blue sky or dark.
15:12 That's it.
15:13 While in the future we have to hope for more blue and more go green, right?
15:19 If there is no PLN, it means we will return as the Republic of Indonesia
15:24 back to solarization,
15:27 not in the solar panel, solar industry, that means.
15:32 While the solar panel is go green.
15:35 That's the condition of our LNG that really needs to be demanded
15:39 to immediately implement a total comprehensive plan.
15:43 For us to move forward in 5 years,
15:45 we know that gas will be finished,
15:49 it will be a substitute for LNG.
15:52 The infrastructure is not our responsibility as users,
15:55 the government has to lay down and inform us.
15:59 So that we are ready,
16:02 "Oh, HGPT can't do it anymore, the price is so high because there is a substitute for LNG."
16:06 This is not clear,
16:08 the industry will still demand that HGPT that has been done,
16:12 6 dollars, go.
16:14 Mr. Awe, if we talk about energy use itself,
16:18 do you see the effectiveness of natural gas or LNG
16:22 is actually the same or not, based on the production process in the industry itself?
16:27 For us, the end user,
16:32 we don't need to know that it's mixed,
16:35 or where it comes from.
16:37 What we know is that when we turn on the pipe,
16:41 like we use a pump,
16:43 we only know that the water source is this, the gas is this, the oil is this, that's it.
16:47 Like we come to a gas station,
16:49 we only know that there is solar,
16:51 solar is no longer a subsidy,
16:53 solar has entered the tax.
16:55 It's done, we don't need to know where it goes.
16:57 But there is a certainty.
16:59 Just like the industry,
17:01 the industry also hopes that,
17:03 if it happens,
17:05 there is a substitution,
17:07 or a mixture,
17:09 or there is any action in LNG that becomes natural gas,
17:13 or the gas enters the pipe,
17:15 we don't need to know.
17:19 We don't need to ask,
17:21 but we need to know that the government's total planning,
17:25 in the future,
17:27 what will really be the total usage like we use.
17:31 Like we go to a gas station,
17:33 we already know that now we change the deck, it's done.
17:35 We don't need to know that it will be from a certain bio to a certain bio.
17:40 Mr. Awey, from the strategy of businessmen,
17:44 especially the industry that uses natural gas,
17:47 what is the condition like this?
17:49 That's the answer, Mr. Awey. We will be back in a moment.
17:51 And the audience, stay with us.
17:53 Okay, we will continue this interesting discussion with Mr. Ahmad Widjaya,
18:13 the vice chairman of the forum of the industry that uses natural gas.
18:16 Mr. Awey, this is interesting. So, what strategy will be found
18:20 from the industry friends that uses natural gas to deal with the current condition?
18:25 Is the most important thing is that the team is there,
18:29 the need for the production process can also see the industry activity again?
18:34 The first strategy that we expect from the government is,
18:40 first, certainty.
18:42 Second, or later it will be NLNG to natural gas,
18:48 we don't need to know that,
18:50 but we need to know that the fixed price that will be determined after blending,
18:55 how much is it really,
18:57 if the HGBT is lost, it can't be part of the industry's incentive.
19:03 That's number two.
19:04 Number three, the real condition of the HGBT that still enters the SSWJ,
19:11 or natural gas that we have been using for so long,
19:16 is it still part of the subsidy price that does not burden the APBN?
19:22 Let's not burden the country,
19:25 but on the one hand, the industry's contribution to the economy is also increasing,
19:30 but not as much as, we need to know that strategically.
19:33 Will it not be 6 in the future,
19:36 it will be 7 or 8 or whatever,
19:40 we need to know the condition,
19:42 as long as, with the note that we have to use it again,
19:47 so many thousands of MM must be granted.
19:51 Number four, we really hope that we, as users,
19:57 please be called and invited by the government,
20:01 let us know in total,
20:05 from this year, entering the new political year,
20:09 to the next 5 years, until the president is appointed,
20:13 in the future, we have fixed what will be the energy in the future that will not change.
20:18 Don't let there be any changes later,
20:21 because there will be an appointment in October,
20:24 after the appointment, the next 5 years,
20:27 according to our budget for 5 years,
20:30 even in investment, industry expansion,
20:34 macroeconomic contribution, or the government's micro,
20:38 we need to go along with the government in this energy position,
20:44 not changing,
20:46 don't let it be made a campaign again,
20:49 the campaign continues to be discussed,
20:52 and the study is not clear,
20:54 that's it, Mr. Ji, the conditions we expect.
20:58 Because ESDM and other domains are not in sync,
21:04 because our MNKO has to do these things,
21:08 the conditions that have not yet happened.
21:11 Okay, that's it, certainty, then fixed price,
21:14 and also how the condition or continuation of HGBT itself.
21:17 What do you think,
21:19 are the previous incentives still needed by the industry,
21:22 if we talk about the use of gas as a production engine?
21:27 Well, if the HGBT incentive is needed to be continued,
21:33 because our inflation is quite high right now,
21:37 actual inflation, not index inflation,
21:40 so our actual inflation,
21:43 like BBM, we already know that we have risen from 7,000, 10,000,
21:47 now 15,000,
21:49 it has burdened our competitiveness in the industry logistically.
21:54 Now, in terms of producers,
21:57 we are the ones who do all the manufacturing production,
22:01 there needs to be an incentive that is indeed continuous,
22:04 if given by the government,
22:06 it can help,
22:08 because the gas prices or LNG in the world do not rise,
22:13 until today it has not risen so much,
22:17 it is stable, just stable, overall.
22:20 So, the LNG price internationally or gas internationally,
22:25 does not continue to rise like the oil.
22:30 So, especially we have a lot of land gas or LNG in Indonesia,
22:38 we should have a big plan to deliver and to inform us as users,
22:45 like total users, the number of users, the number of explorations,
22:50 everything is made into a good plan, we will accept it.
22:53 Don't wait, that's the problem in our republic,
22:59 many people are waiting, then as soon as they wait,
23:02 there is no certainty,
23:04 the best Indonesian language in the government is "Kajian",
23:07 "Kajian" has never been good.
23:09 Okay, that's it,
23:11 there are still challenges that must be solved together,
23:15 and maybe we should sit together to find a solution for the continuation of the industry,
23:20 especially the gas users in Indonesia.
23:22 Mr. Awe, thank you very much for your time and sharing that you have conveyed to the audience today.
23:27 Congratulations on continuing your activities again.
23:29 Good health, Mr. Awe. Thank you.
23:31 Good health.
23:32 Yes, audience, don't hesitate to come to your place,
23:35 because we will be back with other interesting topics,
23:38 about THR, promoting the increase in purchasing power and consumerism.
23:42 Thank you.
23:44 Thank you.
23:46 Thank you.
23:47 (Music)
23:54 (Music)
