Beleid Gas Bumi Dorong Efisiensi Bisnis Manufaktur

  • 2 months ago
Pemerintah memutuskan memperpanjang kebijakan harga gas murah untuk industri. Keputusan ini diambil usai Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengadakan rapat internal dengan sejumlah menteri membahas kebijakan Harga Gas Bumi Tertentu (HGBT) atau harga gas murah, beberapa waktu lalu.

Seperti diketahui, saat ini, tujuh industri mendapatkan harga gas USD6 per MMBtu yakni industri pupuk, petrokimia, oleokimia, baja, keramik, kaca dan sarung tangan karet. Hal itu tercantum dalam Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 121 Tahun 2020 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita mengatakan, kebijakan harga gas murah berdampak pada multiplier effect sebesar tiga kali lipat. Laporan tersebut telah ditunjukkan kepada Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani dan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif.

Karena itu, Agus mengusulkan kebijakan harga gas murah diperluas ke 24 sub sektor manufaktur lainnya. Menko Bidang Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto menyebut, usulan perluasan subsektor industri penerima harga gas murah masih akan dikaji terlebih dahulu.


00:00The government has decided to extend the implementation of a special land gas price incentive policy for the manufacturing industry that has been regulated in the press number 121 of 2020 on the establishment of land gas prices.
00:23The extension is expected to be able to boost the growth of the manufacturing industry in the water.
00:31The government has decided to extend the implementation of a special land gas price incentive policy for the manufacturing industry that has been regulated in the press number 121 of 2020 on the establishment of land gas prices.
00:47The government has decided to extend the implementation of a special land gas price incentive policy for the manufacturing industry that has been regulated in the press number 121 of 2020 on the establishment of land gas prices.
01:06Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said the extension of the implementation of an industrial gas price incentive is the government's support for the growth and development of the manufacturing industry in the water.
01:17In addition to regulating the continuation of a certain land gas price for the manufacturing industry, the HGBT Regulation will also regulate the obligation of the domestic force or DMO land gas as large as 60% for the domestic market.
01:36Yes, viewers, to discuss our interesting topic today related to the land gas bill that boosts the efficiency of the manufacturing business, we have connected via Zoom with Mr. Fahmi Rady, Director of the Energy Economy Department of Gajah Mada University.
01:50Good morning, Mr. Fahmi.
01:52Good morning, Mr. Pras. Thank you, Mr. Yudha.
01:55Okay, thank you for your time. And there is Mr. Adi Luqman, General Secretary of the Food and Beverage Partnership, TOGAPMI. Hello, good morning, Mr. Adi.
02:03Good morning, Mr. Pras. Greetings to all of you.
02:05Greetings to you too, Mr. Adi. Thank you for your time. Let's review first the condition of the manufacturing industry, especially the food and beverage industry.
02:15As far as this is concerned, how, before we discuss it later, related to the bill for the provision of gas or energy for the industry, please.
02:28Hello, Mr. Adi.
02:30Oh, yes. Okay, Mr. Pras.
02:32So, this is one of the good news that the President has agreed to extend it.
02:39But we are still waiting, because according to the PIR Press and also with the last PIR-MEN, SDM-191-2023,
02:49it was stated that the PIR-MEN will be reviewed every year or from time to time according to the economic conditions.
02:57So, if you look at it from there, it means that 2024 should be over.
03:03So, we are very much looking forward to this, because this is very important for the industry,
03:08even though the food and beverage industry has not received the HGBT directly.
03:14But at least there is an oil and chemical industry that is included there,
03:19where it becomes a support industry for the food and beverage industry.
03:24We hope that the PIR-MEN can be issued immediately, according to the existing PIR-PRESS.
03:31And we are also very hopeful, because this is continuously encouraged by the Minister of Industry,
03:36that the food and beverage industry becomes a very important and strategic industry sector that must be improved.
03:44Meanwhile, the food and beverage industry has not yet received the HGBT.
03:48Therefore, we also want to encourage the new PIR-MEN,
03:53that the food and beverage industry can be included in the PIR-MEN.
03:57Not only the seven sectors that have been established so far.
04:01That's right. That's interesting. Let's go to Mr. Fahmi Radi.
04:04Mr. Fahmi, what do you think?
04:06Can the potential of all industries be equal?
04:10Because everyone can feel the price of natural gas, HGBT,
04:15around $6 per MMPTU.
04:17What do you think?
04:18Should it be expanded to only focus on the seven industries?
04:21Or what is it like, Mr. Fahmi?
04:23Yes, the first time the policy set the price of natural gas, $6 per MMPTU,
04:31was on April 1, 2020.
04:35The goal was to improve the competitiveness of the domestic industry.
04:41However, it should be noted that to achieve the $6 price,
04:46under the previous economic price,
04:49the cost is too high.
04:51So, the first thing that has to bear the cost is the government.
04:56The government is willing to pay around $2 per MMPTU
05:01from the received revenue.
05:04This will reduce the non-tax revenue in a large amount.
05:12The second thing is that Hulumigas investors
05:17also have to cut the selling price.
05:20This will also cause a loss
05:23and make the investment in Hulumigas sector not interesting
05:28because the price is set like that.
05:31And the third thing that is also quite painful
05:34is the investors in BGN.
05:43In 2021, due to the implementation of the policy,
05:49it suffered a loss in a large amount,
05:52around $264 billion.
05:58And this will reduce the selling price of BGN.
06:01I mean, the cost is too high.
06:05If it has to be given to 7 industries,
06:09if it is given to PLN in order to lower the tax rate
06:15or the powder factory,
06:17it is still reasonable.
06:19Because this is a kind of subsidy to the industry.
06:22But the cost is too high.
06:25In my opinion, it should not be delayed.
06:31But how big is the cost of the industry?
06:35If we look at the energy component
06:38that can support the operation of an industry,
06:42especially food and beverages, Mr. Adi.
06:45So in the food and beverages industry,
06:47the cost is around 10-20% of the basic price.
06:55It depends on the industry.
06:57For example, the industries that use a lot of heating,
07:01such as coffee industry, etc.
07:05The cost is higher.
07:07There are smaller industries.
07:09This is very helpful.
07:12Especially in this current economic situation,
07:15the situation is not good.
07:18We are competing with the global market.
07:22We want to increase the affordability
07:26of our food products in the country.
07:29The cost is increasing.
07:31If the energy sector can be helped,
07:35of course this is very good.
07:38And what is also important is
07:40the use of gas for a cleaner environment.
07:46So this is also one of the reasons
07:48why we push for more use of gas.
07:51We know that there are costs in the energy sector.
07:54But we also have to see that
07:56Indonesia also sells gas at a low price to other countries.
08:01To our neighboring countries,
08:03we sell it at a lower price.
08:04Of course, the products from those countries
08:07enter Indonesia and compete with Indonesian products.
08:10Therefore, we need to work with the government.
08:14The government should make comprehensive research,
08:17as Mr. Adi said.
08:20What is the cost and benefit?
08:24In the past, there were so many sacrifices.
08:27How much did they get?
08:30So this can fully compensate for the country's income.
08:36Not bisectoral.
08:38So one side is negative, the other side is positive.
08:41Of course, for the country, we have to look at the profit and loss.
08:45Okay, Mr. Fahmi.
08:47So the need for energy is very crucial
08:51to push the wheel of the manufacturing industry in Indonesia.
08:56Meanwhile, as you said,
08:59there are some companies that are pressured
09:03to set a price of $6 per MBTU,
09:06even though they have only reached the industry sector.
09:08What do we need to discuss?
09:10What did Mr. Adi say?
09:12Do you think there needs to be a comprehensive policy
09:16to determine how big the needs are,
09:19and what is the price that can be competitive and even,
09:24in accordance with the needs of the industry in Indonesia?
09:28Yes, I agree with Mr. Adi.
09:31In the macro policy, there should be a cost and benefit analysis.
09:36I mentioned the cost,
09:39and who should make the sacrifice,
09:41and who should enjoy it.
09:44Secondly, Mr. Adi also said that
09:47in the food sector,
09:49the proportion of gas is only 70%.
09:54It means that not only the reduction in the price of gas
09:58can increase the competitiveness,
10:01but it also requires an increase in efficiency.
10:05By providing subsidies to the industry,
10:10it actually does not educate the industry
10:12to do the efficiency efforts
10:15in order to be able to compete
10:17and not to protect their lives
10:21from the government's subsidies.
10:24It actually does not educate the industry.
10:26So, in my opinion, it should be studied first
10:28before making a decision.
10:31Who should make the sacrifice,
10:33how much is the benefit,
10:35and how much is the cost.
10:36If the cost is too high,
10:37as I mentioned earlier,
10:39the cost will be deducted.
10:41Okay, but in your opinion,
10:43with the need for energy and its supply,
10:47is it already adequate?
10:49Because there was a problem yesterday
10:51for the East Indonesia region,
10:53the industrial area also experienced a little problem
10:56related to the gas supply.
10:59The real problem is
11:01the lack of infrastructure.
11:06So, the land gas cannot be transported
11:10by land, air, or sea,
11:14but it has to go through pipes.
11:16Or it has to be gasified first.
11:19This is what Mr. Adi said earlier,
11:21it is cheaper abroad
11:23because there is infrastructure.
11:25Perhaps, what is frustrating is
11:28the government may be able to divert
11:31the subsidy funds
11:33to build infrastructure
11:35that connects the gas sources
11:37that are mostly in Papua, Aceh, and Kalimantan,
11:42while the industry is in Java.
11:44This is a problem that must be addressed.
11:49Is it working with them to build the infrastructure?
11:52No, by providing subsidies
11:54that actually encourage the industry
11:56not to do efficiency for the gas supply.
12:00Okay, but there was also a rumor
12:03that an industrial area
12:05is not allowed to do gasification on its own.
12:08There is even a chance to import gas from abroad
12:12if the needs are not met by the team.
12:17But we will discuss this in the next segment.
12:19Mr. Fahmi Radi and Mr. Adi,
12:21we will be back in a moment.
12:22And Mr. Mirza, make sure you are still with us.
12:41The government announced an incentive policy
12:43for the price of special industrial gas
12:45that will be continued
12:46in order to increase the competitive power
12:48of the industry in Indonesia.
12:50There is also the HGBT policy
12:52that is currently regulated in the press number 121,
12:55the year 2020 on the establishment of the price of natural gas
12:58will end in 2024.
13:01However, the government decided to continue
13:03the global gas policy for the industry
13:06with a special price in 2025.
13:10The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Alvin Tasrif,
13:13admitted that the price of special industrial gas
13:16has an impact on the decrease in the country's income
13:18due to the payment of the exchange rate of the market price and HGBT,
13:22which is set at 6 dollars per MMBTU.
13:26However, the government continues
13:28the implementation of the special industrial gas price policy
13:31because it prioritizes the productivity of the industry
13:35as well as the increase in the competitive power of the industry in the country.
13:41Okay, we will continue this discussion
13:43with Mr. Fahmi Radi,
13:44Economic and Energy Observer from Gajah Mada University,
13:47then Mr. Adi Lukman,
13:49Chairperson of GAPMI.
13:50Okay, Mr. Adi, this is interesting
13:51if some of the information that has been conveyed
13:54is it really a correlation board,
13:57all this time with the HGBT policy
13:59related to the competitive power of the domestic industry?
14:02I think it's very competitive.
14:04Of course, we also want to thank you, Mr. Fahmi,
14:06for mentioning efficiency.
14:08The industry always does efficiency
14:11and the industrial
14:14one rupee, one rupee
14:16the Javanese term is petani,
14:19one by one we do
14:23so that all this supports competitiveness.
14:25We are very weak in the competitive power, Mr. Fahmi,
14:28related to packaging,
14:30related to several products
14:32and we still have to import raw materials,
14:34there are so many things that we have to
14:37fix in this local area.
14:40And of course we hope,
14:42Mr. Fahmi agreed with the study,
14:44we hope that in the old sector there is also openness,
14:48how much money is needed
14:53in the old sector and so on,
14:55so that it can support the downstream sector.
14:57If we look at PGN last year,
14:59the profit was quite large,
15:01more than US$540 million
15:03and of course this is also
15:05one of the national assets.
15:07For that reason,
15:09we want it to be the same,
15:11how we advance our national interest,
15:14we make a comprehensive study,
15:17so that nothing is lost.
15:21The old sector should,
15:23if we go back to the Basic Law 45,
15:26the land and the wealth of Indonesia
15:29should be used as much as possible
15:32for the welfare of the people,
15:34and actually the point is there.
15:36Gas is one of Indonesia's wealth sources
15:40that should also be used
15:42for the welfare of Indonesian people.
15:44So if from upstream to downstream,
15:46we can compact and support each other,
15:50of course we hope Indonesia
15:52can get the national interest.
15:57Maybe that's what I think
15:59should be done together.
16:01We can't do it sector by sector.
16:04Yes, related to the gasification speech
16:06for the industrial sector,
16:07how is it?
16:08Is this a solution
16:09related to the need for energy itself?
16:12Right, I think this is a speech
16:14that I think should be realized
16:15as part of increasing efficiency.
16:18CNG is one of the areas
16:21in the industrial sector and so on,
16:23and maybe we can,
16:25if the research is very comprehensive,
16:27Indonesia's gas products can be exported,
16:30but in certain areas we import.
16:33As long as the infrastructure is not yet available.
16:36For example, in Papua and Aceh,
16:39the infrastructure is very expensive,
16:42maybe in Java we can import first,
16:44but in Papua and so on,
16:46it can be exported.
16:48So the balance as a country
16:50is not lost.
16:51And we are not taboo to import
16:54as long as it benefits the national interest.
16:57That's what I think.
16:59But we have to change the PPP.
17:01Yes, there must be a stronger legal framework.
17:04Yes, a legal framework
17:05so that it can be implemented.
17:06Okay, Pak Pamir Radilanta,
17:08how do you think,
17:09related to what you said,
17:10actually the need is still great,
17:12but you were involved
17:13related to the pipeline network
17:15which is still limited.
17:16Is it possible along the way,
17:17when we build the pipeline network
17:20from Sabang to Merauke,
17:22how can the industry continue
17:24to see the production activities,
17:26but with the solution
17:28to be able to import?
17:31Yes, I agree with Mr. Adi,
17:33that there must be openness
17:35from upstream, mid-term, and downstream.
17:39For both to be open,
17:41how much is it?
17:43So that the price is formed.
17:46It doesn't have to be 6 dollars.
17:48Sometimes it can be cheaper
17:49if they sit together.
17:52For example, like PGN.
17:55PGN is clearly the one
17:57who monopolizes infrastructure,
17:59so it can be as good as
18:01the price.
18:04If it is forced to be 6 dollars,
18:05it will go down.
18:07If it is still profitable,
18:09it means the price is still
18:11worthy for PGN.
18:14But once again,
18:15I agree with Mr. Adi,
18:16they must be open.
18:18That's one.
18:19Then the second,
18:21I think the option to
18:23allow the import industry
18:26at a cheaper price,
18:28I think it will be better.
18:30The cost must not be borne by the government.
18:34If it is borne by the government,
18:36for example, 2 dollars per MBTU,
18:39this is very big.
18:41If Mr. Adi says
18:43the constitution must be
18:45for the people's prosperity,
18:47that 2 dollars will be included
18:51in PGN,
18:52which is also a subsidy for BLT
18:55and so on.
18:56This is also in the name of the constitution
18:59for the prosperity of the people.
19:01But I think two things must be done.
19:04As Mr. Adi said,
19:05they must sit together.
19:08Always open.
19:09Then there must be a certain price.
19:12It doesn't matter to anyone.
19:14Then the second,
19:15allow the import.
19:17So that here,
19:19if the import price is cheaper,
19:21why not?
19:22So this is in accordance with
19:24the market mechanism
19:26that has taken place in this country.
19:29What about the gas pipeline?
19:32Well, in the long run,
19:34this has never been built before.
19:38Or also some private companies,
19:40Bakri's company,
19:43won a tender to build a pipeline
19:45from outside Java to Java.
19:47It was not done
19:49because the cost was too high.
19:51Well, besides PGN,
19:53maybe the government can contribute
19:56to build the pipeline.
19:59It was done in Malaysia.
20:02Well, if the pipeline has been built,
20:04then I'm sure the gas price will be cheap.
20:10Well, the challenge is related to the energy sector.
20:13If we talk about energy sustainability in Indonesia,
20:16on the one hand, we do need it,
20:18but on the productivity side,
20:20is there anything that needs to be discussed?
20:23In your opinion, Mr. Raditya?
20:28The problem faced by Indonesia
20:30is inefficiency.
20:33Whether it's in the sector
20:35in the past,
20:36then in the mid-term,
20:38and also in the long-term,
20:40it's inefficiency.
20:41This is what needs to be pushed
20:43to increase productivity of all parties.
20:46For example, PGN.
20:49In the beginning,
20:50doing this ballot,
20:51it was a loss.
20:52But in my opinion,
20:53now it's a profit.
20:54Maybe it has been efficient,
20:56and in the end, it's a profit.
20:59Well, this is what needs to be opened up
21:02sit together,
21:03and discuss the price.
21:05But if it is forced,
21:07if it is forced to be reduced by $6,
21:09the cost will be high,
21:11and it will be burdened by many parties.
21:13Well, this is what I think is wrong.
21:15So, I think we should just cancel it.
21:17That's it.
21:19Well, Mr. Adi,
21:20what is your expectation,
21:21and maybe your wish,
21:22from the entrepreneurs themselves,
21:23related to the availability of gas supplies,
21:25the ideal price for the industry itself?
21:28Mr. Adi.
21:30First, of course,
21:31we hope that this gas can be cheaper
21:33in terms of visiting the industry
21:34to increase competitiveness.
21:36Then, secondly,
21:37clean energy.
21:40Because we are forced to use
21:42coal and so on
21:44to generate energy
21:46in our respective industries.
21:48Of course, this is also not...
21:50In the long run,
21:52we have to think about
21:53how to make the energy cleaner.
21:55And third,
21:56we hope that
21:57the openness that Mr. Fahmi mentioned earlier,
22:00we sit together,
22:02we have to be open,
22:03we have to think about
22:04how much money
22:05we have to spend
22:06to explore in ULU,
22:09so that we can support.
22:11The most important thing is
22:12how this orchestra can be done by the government
22:15so that it can really advance national interest
22:19not only in one sector.
22:21This is what we think
22:23should be done.
22:25So that we can build
22:27a more comprehensive industrialization
22:31from head to tail,
22:32synchronized like that.
22:33That's it.
22:34It means that we have to sit together again
22:36to determine
22:37what policies will be implemented
22:38to guarantee
22:40the productivity of the industry sector
22:43while we guarantee
22:45the availability of our own energy
22:47at affordable price,
22:48the supply is also not limited.
22:50Even this can be one of them.
22:52Maybe the competitiveness of our industry
22:54will be able to jump further in the future.
22:57Mr. Adi, thank you very much
22:59for your time and sharing.
23:01Mr. Fahmi, thank you for your insight
23:03about the energy sector in Indonesia.
23:05Thank you very much.
23:06Good luck with your activities.
23:08Good health, Mr. Adi and Mr. Fahmi.
23:09Good health, everyone.
23:10Good health.
23:12See you, Mr. Adi.
23:13Yes, see you.
23:14Okay, Mr. Mirsa.
23:15I've been with you in Market Review for an hour.
23:17Keep sharing your information
23:19only on IDX channel,
23:20your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
23:23Don't forget to watch the first season closing program
23:26which will air at 11.30 p.m. WEST INDONESIA.
23:29Because the future must move forward,
23:31I am Investor Saham.
23:33I am Prasetya Wibowo,
23:35with Kerebat Kerja,
23:36your host, Undur Diri.
23:37See you.
23:55Kerebat Kerja.
23:56Kerebat Kerja.
23:57Kerebat Kerja.
23:58Kerebat Kerja.
23:59Kerebat Kerja.
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