• 7 months ago
Diamond Select Marvel Legends in 3D Magneto 1/2 Scale Limited Edition Bust


00:00 Eric Lensher gets a three-dimensional look. Here's your look at the brand-new
00:04 Diamond Select Marvel Magneto 1/2 scale resin bust.
00:09 Magneto was right. Show your allegiance to the one-time villain former leader
00:26 of the Brotherhood now X-Men with this 10-inch bust digitally sculpted in
00:30 approximately 1/2 scale. This legends in 3D bust sits atop a detailed base
00:34 featuring the rubble of the Xavier Institute and is limited to only 1,000
00:38 pieces. It comes packaged with a certificate of authenticity in a full
00:42 color box designed by Joe Allard, sculpted by Sandro Luis Sanpeo. If you
00:47 are a fan of the Master of Magnetism perhaps this review will pull you in the
00:51 direction of wanting to get this one for yourself. The legends in three dimensions
00:55 Magneto 1/2 scale limited edition bust is available right now online. The price
00:59 in which most of the sites seem to be listing this at is $159.99 so it's about
01:03 $160. I'd like to thank the folks over at Diamond Select of course did provide
01:07 this sample we could have a look at. The limited edition bust of Magneto is
01:11 actually 10 and a half inches in height or it's about 16 and a half centimeters
01:15 tall. For those familiar with Diamond's bust then you know that you get yourself
01:19 a certificate of authenticity. Generally is the case the certificate on one side
01:23 features an image of what the statue actually looks like and then on usually
01:27 the other side you get yourself a breakdown telling you that this is an
01:29 authentic Diamond Select release. In this case Magneto the 1/2 scale resin bust
01:33 is limited to only again 1,000 pieces worldwide. The one that we're looking at
01:37 in this review happens to be 282. As already described in the intro of this
01:43 review Magneto has actually perched the top of what's left behind of Xavier's
01:47 school for the gifted. What you can see of it at least will probably be a little
01:51 bit easier to show you if I actually pick the statue up. I will say though of
01:55 the other limited edition Legends in Three Dimensions statues that we've
01:58 looked at, Magneto tends to lean more to the heavier side of things. It may have
02:03 something to do with the fact he now has an additional cape on the back where
02:06 generally busts don't tend to have that. As again already stated you can see that
02:10 on the bottom here is what's left behind of Xavier's school. You can see
02:14 there's the X, the crest that's on the front of the school and then just again
02:17 twisted metal all around it. There is one area that you have to be a little
02:21 careful of. It's this cog right here. The other one on the back is so close to the
02:25 rest of the remains that you don't really have to worry about snagging this
02:28 but this sticks out just enough that if you're not careful picking the statue up
02:31 you really don't want to put pressure against this section just in case this
02:34 might actually buckle. But the detailing done to the base is exceptional. I like
02:39 the additional wash that they've added. Add a little bit of rusting on obviously
02:42 to the girders there. You can see again all the little riveted areas here and
02:46 what's left behind of the rubble. Again you got all the rock facing down below
02:49 here. It's a really interesting looking display base. Carefully picking it up and
02:53 at least spinning it around so the bottom you can see. On the bottom it does
02:57 actually have four rubberized feet. Not only I've said this when we looked at
03:01 these usually bust reviews that not only does the rubberized feet prevent
03:05 scratching on surfaces but it also as well ensures that the the number the
03:10 number that they actually write on the bottom doesn't in the process of moving
03:13 the statue around doesn't get worn away. The feet are only giving you just that
03:17 much clearance but it's just enough again like if you're moving this around
03:20 on tabletops you really don't want this number to wear away in the process. But
03:24 the base itself looks fantastic. It is fitting of course for a character like
03:28 Magneto, formerly a villain, depending on again when you really read the comics
03:32 where he appears. Sometimes he's even still a villain but I do think that
03:35 that's really an exceptional touch to include again what's left of Xavier's
03:40 school. The actual base itself from there of course we'll then look to the head
03:44 sculpt here of Magneto. I would say right away one thing it kind of reminds me of
03:48 is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Maybe you can see a little bit of that as well. The way
03:52 they've grimaced the teeth and certainly the musculature to his face does bear a
03:55 little bit of likeness I feel to Arnie. They decided also as well to not paint
03:59 the eyes. Depending on how you feel about that I think the pupils certainly would
04:04 have helped but I do like that it kind of gives them a little more of a
04:07 craziness by not actually painting those parts in. I think one thing that
04:11 certainly would have also helped as well if you're not going to take the time to
04:13 paint the pupils I think by also adding a nice dark shadowing underneath would
04:18 really also convey as well that the helmet of course is going to sit a little
04:21 further forward. Having just a shadow going across his eyes and also then only
04:26 just seeing his whites of his eyes I think would have added a much more
04:29 sinister look to the figures the characters face. But what they've added
04:32 at least nicely done is they've added a darker coloring you can see like where
04:36 his skin tone is more generally a lighter shade they have at least dark in
04:40 the areas right here but man I would have gone all out I would have just made
04:43 this completely really dark so all you can then really see is maybe like this
04:47 section of his eyes and then all the rest would be like very very dark and
04:50 then you see of course this teeth down below. It's a good-looking head sculpt I
04:53 will say but some people might be a little turned off by the idea that they
04:56 actually didn't take the time to paint the pupils. How do you guys feel about
04:59 that? Let me know down below in the comment section. But if we spin this
05:02 around one thing I will say to Diamond's credit is they've painted this so
05:05 immaculately. Of course the trim that he has around the helmet isn't even just
05:09 painted onto it they've actually sculpted this so all of the additional
05:13 all the additional sculpting that he has here on his helmet is all actually in
05:17 fact raised. They painted that of course in the metallic purple but then all left
05:21 behind the rest of the metallic red to get the job done for the helmet. The
05:25 helmet looks again stellar. The metallic actually only seems to be in that place.
05:29 If you look at everything else on the actual bust he has kind of more like the
05:34 red down below but the red is washed away with all this additional darker
05:37 wash that they've added. I kind of actually like having the two different
05:40 colors being separate like this. I mean obviously in the comics he generally
05:44 would not have had like the metal look down below here for this lower half of
05:47 his body. I'm glad that they actually stuck it and kept it only just to the
05:51 helmet and left everything else kind of more to more kind of more simpler comic
05:55 colors. Again you got the lighter purples here for the what would be the top
05:58 of his body and of course the trim that goes all the way around with the large
06:01 half orbs that he has to hold the cape in place. This is nicely done also
06:05 as well by using a purple that's not quite the same purple for the helmet but
06:09 I'm glad that it isn't the same color. And of course if we spin this around you
06:13 don't get the full effect of seeing an entire cape because of course like the
06:16 rest of the cape is only just gonna be a bust so like this part gets cut off
06:19 completely. Now they could have either painted this down below here in a
06:23 matching color to the purple where it would have just given us a complete you
06:26 know one contained look to the cape but I'm kind of glad actually that they use
06:29 the color of black because it also works really well with the side of the bust.
06:33 The whole idea really generally with these busts is that you're not gonna
06:36 have where it just looks like like if this was say the section here on the
06:39 front with the red you really wouldn't want I don't feel at least you wouldn't
06:42 want this side to be also right as well. I think the black by giving it the way
06:45 they've done it gives a nice little sort of finished trim to the statue. The cape
06:50 looks fantastic though I really like the way they've sculpted the cape. There
06:53 really isn't a lot of purples really at play here. There seems to be kind of more
06:56 of a darker purple and then kind of in between the creases here I don't know if you
06:59 guys can actually see this or not there seems to be one other shade of purple
07:03 like I said they kind of just airbrushed in there. You can also see as well there's
07:06 he's sporting a little bit of hair on the back of his helmet what's little of
07:10 course what you can't see sticking out the bottom and again it just adds a
07:13 little more to the realism of this even though really like the bust itself if I
07:16 actually put it down here for a second the bust itself really is very much more
07:20 rooted in the comic realm but again I really like the statue the only thing I
07:23 would say though is you know again like with the grimaced face like this and
07:26 giving him the decision of going with the pupilless eyes I feel like maybe
07:31 they should have probably enhanced that by darkening the shadowing around here
07:34 because again I think it draws more attention to the eyes not being painted
07:38 but if they really wanted to go with a more sinister look for Magneto I think
07:41 if anything painting that section not even doing away with kind of like the
07:45 colors that they did here now I mean but if they had just cut this section here
07:49 cut the section here and made that just all completely dark not completely
07:53 stark black but at a really dark grade where it really would then make the
07:57 people stand a little bit more I think that would also really up the ante I
08:01 feel for what would be in well it is already a cool-looking statue but again
08:05 it's just a little details that I think would have also helped to enhance the
08:08 look of Magneto if you have this guy displayed on your shelf depending on
08:11 when you jump into the X-Men timeline may then dictate how the master of
08:15 magnetism is portrayed either as a big baddie to the X-Men or as a mentor I've
08:20 always preferred more classic villain look to Magneto always being a foil to
08:23 Charles Xavier so this statue is right up my alley giving him a big metallic
08:27 medieval style helmet and a big long flowing cape although with this only
08:31 being a bust you don't get the full effect of it being a flowing cape but at
08:34 least what we do get of it it's nicely sculpted I would say head to toe but
08:38 it's only really head to shoulders it's a nice-looking Magneto I don't know
08:42 whether again some inspirational cues were added in there to give them a little
08:46 more of a likeness bearing some resemblance to Arnold Schwarzenegger but
08:49 even if that's the case I think it's a head sculpt that works really well for
08:52 the statue now whether you be on the side of a pupil version of Magneto or
08:56 you prefer the pupil is look the people this look I think works well for the
09:00 statue but I think to really enhance the idea that he has no pupils I think by
09:04 shadowing the sections around his eyes would have really given him that all
09:08 fully evil Magneto other than that though I think it's a really nice
09:12 looking statue again if you are a big fan of Magneto and the X-Men especially
09:16 with now X-Men 97 out anybody has had the chance to watch X-Men 97 what you
09:21 guys think of it let me know down below I've only really seen the first was it
09:24 the first two episodes I guess that's all that's the only thing that's really
09:27 out right now first two episodes I'm in and I'm loving this series so far
09:31 granted we don't have an evil Magneto but the fact that we have like again all
09:35 those characters based on the original 90 series all sort of coming back
09:38 similar style same voice actors it's a good time to be an X-Men fan if you guys
09:43 are again interested to get the legends in three dimensions Magneto it is
09:46 available right now online for $159.99 so he's about a hundred and sixty dollars
09:51 at least from the two places that I checked out but being that he's also
09:54 limited to 1,000 pieces it's not one that you really want to wait it out for
09:58 just kind of say I don't know I'm looking at my shelf right now do I need
10:02 a Magneto well I can kind of move those ones around I've got this statue maybe I
10:05 can give that away no no don't wait it out because a thousand may seem like a
10:09 high number a thousand can sell it sell out really fast though big thank you
10:13 once again to the folks over at Diamond Select that provide the sample of new
10:16 legends in three dimensions X-Men whether you want to be an X-Men or leader
10:20 of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants I preferred more of the latter we were
10:22 looking at the legends in three dimensions Magneto nice-looking statue
10:26 if you guys did enjoy this video I want to throw it a like if you guys are
10:29 loving the content you guys are seeing and certainly do want to stick around
10:31 for more we will be looking by the way at more Diamond Select statues yes so if
10:36 you guys are looking forward to seeing more of those don't worry more will be
10:38 coming your way but making sure yes don't overlook hitting that subscribe
10:42 button certainly don't overlook turning on the bell notification and most
10:45 importantly don't overlook coming back here on a regular basis as always guys
10:49 thanks for watching see you guys next time
10:54 you
10:56 you
