" Social Media Aur Wukla Ka Pressure Anay Ki Wajah Se Somoto Howa."

  • 5 months ago
00:00 It is a tricky matter.
00:02 My reservation is in place for investigation.
00:06 We cannot do this.
00:08 We will have to go to the commission or adopt some other method.
00:12 Otherwise, look, the Supreme Court...
00:14 I have given you two examples, the one from the Panama Leaks case and the one from the Arshad Sharif case.
00:19 You can see that they went to the JIT.
00:21 And we would never want a JIT to be formed in this regard,
00:24 that our respected judges are presented before an IG, an inspector or a DIG.
00:29 Then you have no other option but to have a commission of judicial personalities.
00:34 Even then you would not be able to form a commission.
00:36 Sir, it will be formed on the judicial side, if you form a commission.
00:39 That is a commission of the federal government.
00:41 Then the judge will appoint one of his own 15 members.
00:44 No, sir, no.
00:45 You will appoint a judge for everyone.
00:47 Judges will appoint.
00:48 The federal government will not.
00:49 Okay, okay.
00:50 Now the TOR will decide judicially.
00:51 Judiciary will decide.
00:52 Oversight judiciary TOR.
00:53 The federal government will not.
00:54 You see, there is a big difference between the two.
00:56 There is a big difference.
00:57 Now, this will be in their control, instead of being in someone else's control.
01:01 You see in Arshad Sharif, what progress has been made.
01:03 Where is the progress?
01:04 It is a national level case.
01:06 What has happened?
01:07 Nothing has happened.
01:08 I have said this again and again.
01:10 And that is why, listen to me, I have a question for the boys.
01:13 I will come to you now.
01:14 I have no other question.
01:15 No problem.
01:16 The biggest beneficiary of all these pressures is the sitting government.
01:23 All these pressures will be put on Imran Khan's case.
01:27 And if decisions are made against him, then who is his beneficiary?
01:30 Or in someone's favor.
01:31 Now in someone's favor, but his beneficiary is Shabaz Sharif.
01:34 One thing, I will tell you, there has been no such case in the court,
01:41 in which it has been said that this case has been decided due to pressure.
01:46 There is no such thing.
01:47 At least, these six cases.
01:49 Sir, Arshad Malik's video repeatedly points to the Noon League.
01:53 If I ask you today, whether the video is correct or not, you will say that there was pressure.
01:57 Which one?
01:58 Arshad Malik, the deceased.
01:59 Yes, yes.
02:00 That video is not relevant today.
02:03 That is relevant.
02:05 I will ask from inside.
02:07 Yes, from inside.
02:08 What has happened?
02:09 Mr. Rashid, basically, you can see that first a full court hearing took place.
02:13 After that, a commission was made on Justice Tasduk Jolani.
02:17 My sources tell me that when a commission was made on him,
02:21 initially he was told that a full court hearing has been held on your name.
02:26 And therefore, we have decided, I mean, this decision has been made,
02:29 the government has also talked to you that you will do this.
02:32 They also agreed.
02:33 After that, when the news started coming that some judges have objected,
02:40 they asked for minutes of the full court meeting.
02:42 They did not get minutes of the full court meeting.
02:45 When they did not get minutes of the meeting and news started coming in a different way,
02:48 after that they accused.
02:51 But the reasons they have told.
02:53 See, they have told the reasons.
02:54 It is a very serious allegation.
02:55 They have accused.
02:56 They said that the Chief Justice should see this matter at the level of the institution.
03:00 Either Supreme Judicial Council or Supreme Court.
03:02 They have also written that Supreme Judicial Council.
03:03 They have also said that Supreme Judicial Council.
03:04 No, no, sir.
03:05 They said, it would be violative of judicial propriety for me to inquire into a matter
03:09 which may fall within the jurisdiction of a constitutional body,
03:12 which is the Supreme Judicial Council or the Supreme Court of Pakistan itself.
03:18 They said that either one of them can do this.
03:20 I cannot do this.
03:21 My propriety does not allow this.
03:23 Then because of this, they backed off.
03:25 See, they backed off and after that, the sequence of news is exactly like this.
03:28 First, the news came that Askud was noticed and after that the news came that the letter of the judge was not received.
03:33 Pressure, outside pressure of the bar councils, otherwise, does it have any role?
03:37 Definitely, it has a role.
03:38 See, the pressures were of that kind.
03:39 You know, a letter had come from his house, from his son.
03:42 He had rejected the commission.
03:47 Justice Tashruk Jalani's son had sent him a letter.
03:51 Jalani's reputation, he was a judge with a good reputation.
03:56 He thought it appropriate that I should not be in any dispute.
04:00 He separated himself from this.
04:01 It is possible that after that, he may have been contacted by someone else.
04:04 But this matter is such that everyone…
04:06 Right, it is possible that you contacted but no one agreed.
04:09 Imran, the announcement of the Supreme Court was made that in the full court meeting,
04:15 this decision was made, a consensus was developed amongst the majority.
04:19 A consensus was made in the majority that the Prime Minister has to meet Pakistan.
04:23 The situation is very serious.
04:25 And after the meeting, the Prime Minister went.
04:28 Then what happened?
04:29 After that meeting, were not all the judges on board?
04:32 How many were not on board?
04:33 Then what happened?
04:34 Did the Supreme Court have tension on this matter?
04:37 Look, Kashif sir, what you have said, the judges were all on board.
04:46 But the question is that how many judges were there who were in favour of the Government Commission?
04:52 How many judges were there who wanted to take notice of this on the judicial side?
04:58 So, the press list that was issued by the Supreme Court,
05:01 it clearly states that the majority of the judges were in favour of the Government Judicial Commission investigating this matter.
05:11 But Kashif sir, the developments that are happening today,
05:16 it seems that the work that was to be done later, will be done now.
05:22 If this Judicial Commission remained intact,
05:25 and the Judge Jilani sir would have investigated this matter,
05:28 would have called the relevant people,
05:31 their activities would have been recorded,
05:32 the allegations would have been called,
05:34 they would have been investigated,
05:36 then a report would have come,
05:38 a report would have been compiled.
05:40 Then that report would have come before the Supreme Court.
05:43 And after coming to the Supreme Court,
05:44 my guess is that the matter would have to be discussed on the judicial side.
05:48 The judicial side would have to settle on this.
05:51 But now, because there is a lot of pressure from social media and national media,
05:55 a letter was written from 300-400 judges,
05:58 and then this case was summoted.
06:00 But this can still happen, right Imran?
06:02 The problem is that what you are saying, can still happen.
06:05 The 7th bench, the 7th bench is there,
06:09 they should make an inquiry commission,
06:11 its report should be submitted to the Supreme Court,
06:12 and the Supreme Court should proceed on it.
06:14 I think Imran, the matter is about the Hamoodur Rehman Commission.
06:17 The thing is, my own opinion is that,
06:19 the way Jilani sir has refused today,
06:22 the way Jilani sir has refused,
06:25 the people who are celebrating this,
06:27 I think they will ultimately be losers.
