Yinka Shonibare: new exhibition tackles ‘pressing issues of our time’

  • 5 months ago
Yinka Shonibare: new exhibition tackles ‘pressing issues of our time’


00:00 So basically, the work really does tackle some of the pressing issues of our time.
00:08 Issues around refuge, refugees, homelessness, the environment, ecology, conflict, war.
00:20 And then of course, the question of statues. A lot of people have been asking questions about statues recently.
00:32 And so the exhibition also kind of looks at that issue.
00:37 I think that it's important to, as an artist, my work is often inspired by what happens around me.
00:51 And there are many important things happening right now.
00:55 And as an artist, I'm just kind of basically reflecting on that.
00:59 I'm reflecting on the kind of very important things going on.
01:03 Obviously, it's a good thing that people are more aware of those things.
01:08 As you said, I've been dealing with those issues for quite a while in my work.
01:12 But we live in a world now where there does seem to be more awareness.
01:18 And people do want to tackle those issues.
01:21 And I guess that's also reflected in a lot of the art that's also being made today.
