Transformers Prime Season 2 Episode 3 Orion Pax 3
00:00 With the power of the Matrix no longer within him, it would stand to reason that Optimus has reverted to his pre-prime state.
00:10 A high frequency signal with an embedded message.
00:14 Where is Optimus?
00:16 Unless you know where Megatron's hiding his space bridge.
00:19 Space bridge? They actually finished building it without my supervision!
00:25 Once we secure the space bridge, we'll send for Jack.
00:29 You three need to hold it long enough for Jack and me to get to Cybertron and back.
00:34 How could I possibly be Optimus Prime?
00:39 Vector Sigma's true location is shrouded in myth and rumor, Jack.
00:43 It is said the path of the Primes leads there.
00:47 We must be close.
01:13 Shh.
01:15 Shh.
01:43 Shh.
01:47 Shh.
01:57 Shh.
02:24 Shh.
02:34 Vector Sigma's down here?
02:36 Kion didn't always belong to the Decepticons.
02:39 Megatron took it as their capital.
02:41 Apparently without ever realizing what lay beneath their feet.
02:53 (music)
03:22 (music)
03:47 (music)
04:11 Oh, see!
04:32 We're being attacked by some kind of giant bot beetle!
04:36 An insecticon!
04:38 What? What are Decepticons doing on Cybertron?
04:42 A few remained in stasis.
04:44 Sentries should the enemy return.
05:01 Jay! Go!
05:03 Seriously?
05:04 Without Arcee? She's his guide.
05:07 No, Nurse Darby. Arcee is Jack's backup.
05:10 The key card is his guide.
05:19 Do it!
05:21 Listen to her, Jack.
05:22 You've made it this far. Optimus is counting on you.
05:30 Roger that, Mom.
05:45 Orion! Have you made progress with Project Iacon?
05:52 It seems I am a bit rustier than I thought.
05:57 Might that have anything to do with the nature of your after-hours research?
06:04 Did I fail to mention that we will be tracking your activities?
06:16 Why does history portray me siding with the Autobot aggressors?
06:21 And why did Starscream call me a Prime?
06:25 I must know.
06:27 Who am I?
06:30 You are my clerk.
06:32 Now get back to work and decode that database.
06:39 No. I would rather erase my findings than make them available for your questionable use.
07:08 Did you really think that we wouldn't be tracking and documenting every iota of your invaluable research?
07:24 One of our sentries was activated.
07:26 On Cybertron?
07:28 You told me our planet was dead.
07:32 That is beside the point. Guards!
07:35 You will finish Project Iacon by the time I return.
07:39 Or I will carve out your spark before your very eyes.
07:45 I am not afraid of you.
07:50 I am not afraid of you.
07:53 I am not afraid of you.
07:57 I am not afraid of you.
08:01 Get back here!
08:04 Get back here!
08:08 No!
08:10 No!
08:13 No!
08:17 No!
08:20 No!
08:24 No!
08:27 No!
08:30 No!
08:33 No!
08:36 No!
08:40 [Sleeping sounds]
08:45 [Sleeping sounds]
08:50 [Sleeping sounds]
08:54 [Sleeping sounds]
08:58 [Sleeping sounds]
09:02 [Sleeping sounds]
09:05 [Sleeping sounds]
09:09 [Sleeping sounds]
09:13 [Sleeping sounds]
09:17 [Sleeping sounds]
09:21 [Sleeping sounds]
09:26 [Sounds of a spaceship]
09:31 The activity log indicates my space bridge was set for Cybertron and remains open.
09:40 The only possible reason the Autobots would take such a risk would be to restore their precious Optimus Prime.
09:51 [Sounds of a spaceship]
09:57 [Sounds of a spaceship]
10:25 Hey everyone. I'm in.
10:28 Sweet!
10:30 [Music]
10:34 [Music]
10:37 [Music]
10:47 [Music]
11:01 [Music]
11:04 [Music]
11:10 [Music]
11:17 [Music]
11:27 [Music]
11:30 This is... wow.
11:53 [Music]
11:56 Commencing download, I think.
12:04 Soon, Optimus.
12:07 No one told you to stop, Pax.
12:10 [Music]
12:16 I believe Megatron intends to use whatever he finds in Project Iacon to harm the Autobots.
12:24 Please, we can warn them.
12:27 [Music]
12:44 This is taking a while.
12:47 Of course it is. We are talking about the collective wisdom of the Primes.
12:53 [Music]
13:11 [Music]
13:14 What is it, Cap?
13:28 Scraplets.
13:30 What's a scraplet?
13:32 Why did it have to be scraplets?
13:35 If they chew through Vector Sigma before the Matrix fully reloads...
13:39 So Vector Sigma is more than legend.
13:43 You Autobots have gone to impressive lengths to recover your leader.
13:54 Be assured, I shall never underestimate you again.
14:07 Now, I assume the one called Arcee will be stepping through that portal with a reloaded Matrix of Leadership in hand.
14:18 We hold the space bridge at all costs.
14:23 [Music]
14:27 [Music]
14:53 You're going down, buckethead!
14:56 Jack?
15:20 [Music]
15:23 Oh, no, no, no, no, don't quit now!
15:48 Oh, C.
15:50 Jack?
16:03 Bug!
16:15 Hey, guys! The main course!
16:20 [Music]
16:24 [Music]
16:28 [Music]
16:56 [Music]
16:59 [Music]
17:11 [Music]
17:14 I have the Matrix.
17:39 Let's roll.
18:04 You have to admit, it's a privilege to stomp the former leader of the Autobots.
18:11 No, please, stop!
18:29 Enough!
18:32 I'm... I'm armed?
18:36 We're almost there.
19:01 Ratchet, we have the Matrix. We're coming through.
19:05 Ratchet?
19:09 Something's wrong.
19:19 [Music]
19:22 We can't not go through, can we?
19:35 Come, R.C., so that I might end the lineage of the Primes for all time.
19:46 I cannot allow that to happen, Megatron.
19:49 And why should you care, Orion Pax? You are no Prime.
20:00 That may be true, or yet another deception, but this much I do know.
20:06 My sympathies lie with the Autobots, and you are not one of us.
20:14 [Music]
20:17 Your spark may be in the right place, Orion.
20:29 But you have much to learn before you can hope to ever again stand your ground against me.
20:38 A moment, sadly, which shall never come.
20:42 [Music]
20:45 Are you certain I am worthy?
21:07 You have no idea.
21:11 [Music]
21:14 How nice of you to join our little reunion. Now, if you please, the Matrix.
21:34 [Music]
21:38 [Music]
21:41 [Music]
21:59 [Music]
22:02 No!
22:14 Megatron...
22:18 Begone!
22:23 [Music]
22:26 [Music]
22:29 Ratchet, how did we arrive here?
22:45 Long story, old friend.
22:47 Vesta RC, we're reading five Autobot light signals down there. Is Prime with you?
22:53 And Jack.
22:55 Yes!
22:57 [Music]
23:00 It's ours!
23:10 Autobots, fall back!
23:13 This time, he's coming with us.
23:23 [Music]
23:26 [Music]
23:40 [Music]
23:43 Jack!
23:58 [Music]
24:01 [Music]
24:04 Optimus?
24:19 Hello, Raphael.
24:22 Whoa!
24:23 The big guy remembers us! Woo-hoo!
24:30 Although it seems there is much I do not remember.
24:34 Optimus, it has truly been our darkest hour.
24:39 But know this.
24:41 From every indication, your spark never ceased being that of an Autobot.
24:49 [Music]
24:53 [Music]
24:56 [Music]
25:06 [Music]
25:09 [Music]
25:20 [Music]