The 10 Saddest Final Fantasy Deaths

  • 5 months ago


00:00 Welcome to Mojo Plays and get your tissues out because we're looking at the 10 saddest
00:13 Final Fantasy deaths.
00:15 They were here, and now they aren't, and they might have ruined our childhood and taught
00:19 us that love is dead.
00:21 Let's go.
00:22 Before we continue, we publish content all week long so be sure to subscribe and ring
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00:30 Biggs, Wedge and Jesse
00:40 At the beginning of Final Fantasy 7 and on the player's first playthrough, there's no
00:44 reason to think that this journey will ever go further than Midgar, therefore we safely
00:49 decided we could attach ourselves to our dear friends.
00:53 Biggs, Wedge and Jesse join the player as members of Avalanche, the group Cloud has
00:57 joined to carry out terrorist behaviour for the greater good.
01:00 Arguably, they are terrorists, but they're the sweetest terrorists you'll ever meet.
01:05 During one of the first massive heartbreaking moments in the game as the group fight Shinra
01:09 forces as they attempt to drop the plate that sits high above the homes of Avalanche and
01:13 their respective loved ones, our main party makes their daring escape just before being
01:18 crushed to death.
01:19 The same can't be said for Wedge who falls from the tower that holds the plate and Biggs
01:23 and Jesse who were injured in the firefight and eventually crushed by the falling plate.
01:28 All of their final conversations are deeply emotional and show a willingness to die that
01:32 is both moving and upsetting.
01:36 Galef
01:42 While older Final Fantasy titles like Final Fantasy 5 may lack the cinematic flair and
01:47 narrative complexity of their successors, they still manage to evoke strong emotions
01:51 among fans.
01:52 I mean, Celis sings a freaking opera in Final Fantasy 6 in 8 bits and I've never been more
01:57 moved in my life.
01:59 A particularly memorable scene in Final Fantasy 5 occurs when Exdeath ensnares the party and
02:04 taunts them.
02:05 Galef, in a brave emotional move, breaks free and confronts Exdeath alone.
02:11 Even though he knows he can't defeat Exdeath single-handedly, Galef valiantly endures the
02:15 onslaught of Exdeath's most powerful spells, persisting in battle even after his own hit
02:20 points dwindle to zero.
02:22 It's only after Exdeath retreats that Galef finally succumbs, having pushed himself past
02:26 the brink of endurance.
02:35 Clive
02:36 In Final Fantasy 16, Clive's death is indeed a tragic and emotional moment in the game,
02:41 from a game that loves killing characters off.
02:43 This isn't Game of Thrones!
02:45 As the central character, Clive's demise leaves a profound impact on both the player and the
02:50 story's progression.
02:51 His loss evokes feelings of sorrow and despair as players witness the end of his journey
02:56 and the sacrifices he's made for his cause.
02:59 Clive's death serves as a pivotal moment in the narrative, shaping the character's motivations
03:03 and driving the storyline forward by using our tears to clear the way.
03:10 Noctis
03:11 We love a sacrifice, Aerith trying to save the world, Biggs and Wedge trying to save
03:26 the slums, Noctis trying to save everything.
03:30 Noctis' journey in Final Fantasy 15 culminates in a bittersweet conclusion.
03:36 Knowing he must confront Arden in the afterlife, Noctis willingly sacrifices himself to save
03:41 the world, reuniting with his beloved Lunafreya.
03:43 However, this decision means leaving behind his loyal friends Ignis, Prompto and Gladio.
03:48 The game poignantly portrays their final night together as Noctis grapples with the weight
03:52 of their inevitable separation.
03:54 Despite the reunion bringing him joy, the impending farewell weighs so unbelievably
03:59 heavy not only for our four main party members, but for us who've played alongside them as
04:04 the silent fifth.
04:11 Auron
04:23 There's been many fights throughout history that have been heavily one-sided.
04:27 In Final Fantasy X, Yuna Leska, a formidable and ancient mage and spearer, confronts Auron,
04:32 a guy with a sword.
04:35 We'll give you a minute to place your bets below.
04:37 Did you guess Auron?
04:38 You idiot.
04:39 Yuna Leska effortlessly empowers him and blinds him in one eye.
04:43 Despite the odds stacked against him, Auron stubbornly refuses to succumb to defeat.
04:47 Instead, he implores Kamari, a fellow guardian, to protect Yuna, the daughter of Braska.
04:53 This poignant moment not only showcases Auron's unwavering resolve and selflessness, but also
04:58 adds depth to the game's narrative, highlighting themes of sacrifice, duty and the bonds of
05:02 friendship that resonate throughout Final Fantasy X.
05:06 We also have to watch him kind of die again when he's finally sent to the far plane.
05:10 We're running out of tears here.
05:27 Throughout the original Final Fantasy VII, we get the opportunity to take a closer look
05:45 at our party and even sometimes fight solo with them as we learn more about their history.
05:50 Some of the more highly anticipated moments in Final Fantasy Remake and Rebirth have been
05:54 these solo moments, and Barret's story was no exception.
05:58 Finding and confronting Barret's best friend, who he presumed was dead until this point,
06:02 is an emotionally heartbreaking moment as his mental state is too far gone to return
06:07 to a regular life.
06:08 The emotional rollercoaster of believing your best friend is dead, finding him years later
06:12 alive and realizing he'd be better off dead is one that can only be handled by the man
06:17 himself, Barret.
06:18 After we fight Dian, he is gunned down by Shinra troops, leaving behind his daughter
06:23 and laying the burden of his ending onto Barret.
06:50 Of course, we'd already seen Zack's death in the original Final Fantasy VII, but his
07:05 death in Crisis Core is so much worse as we spend an entire game in his shoes before losing
07:12 him to his inevitable death.
07:14 As much as we wished it would change, the game's conclusion remained unaltered.
07:18 Zack valiantly battles hordes of Shinra soldiers to safeguard Cloud's strife.
07:23 Despite his formidable prowess, he eventually succumbs to fatal wounds.
07:27 The game ingeniously incorporates this harrowing sequence into its final gameplay segment,
07:33 portraying Zack's desperate, weakened struggles in the face of overwhelming odds.
07:38 This poignant moment encapsulates the essence of Crisis Core's narrative, emphasizing Zack's
07:42 selflessness and unwavering dedication to protecting those he cares about, particularly
07:47 Cloud.
07:48 Getting caught crying into your PSP back in 2007 was a very shameful moment, and I lived
07:54 it.
07:55 Sid.
08:21 Sid plays a significant role in Final Fantasy VI as one of the game's prominent NPCs, deeply
08:26 intertwined with Celis' narrative.
08:29 After Kefka's cataclysm devastates the world, Sid and Celis find themselves stranded on
08:33 a desolate island along with other survivors.
08:36 Over time, as their companions gradually perish, Sid and Celis develop a profound bond akin
08:42 to that of a grandfather and granddaughter.
08:44 When Sid falls ill, Celis assumes the responsibility of catching and feeding him the right fish
08:49 to sustain his health.
08:50 Failure to do so results in his deterioration and eventual demise.
08:55 Sid's passing is a poignant moment in itself, but its tragic impact is heightened by the
08:59 profound grief it induces in Celis, leading her to contemplate suicide as she struggles
09:04 to cope with the loss of her last remaining connection to hope and companionship.
09:09 Tidus.
09:33 Now technically Tidus was never actually alive, as he was a dream willed into existence by
09:38 the Faith, but its hard to argue that Tidus' disappearance in Final Fantasy X isn't depicted
09:43 with all of the emotional weight of a death, represented in Yuna's heart-wrenching reaction.
09:49 You wanna see it?
09:50 You wanna live it?
09:51 Enjoy crying.
09:52 A standout moment occurs when she attempts to embrace him, only to pass through his fading
09:56 form, symbolising the stark reality of his departure.
10:10 This scene resonates deeply with fans, often cited as one of the franchise's most memorable
10:15 moments.
10:16 While Tidus can return in Final Fantasy X Part 2, his final scene in Final Fantasy X
10:20 remains impactful, its emotional intensity unaltered by its subsequent events.
10:47 Aerith.
10:55 Aerith Gainsborough's demise continues to stand out as one of the most iconic moments
11:12 in Final Fantasy history, marking a pivotal and shocking plot twist in Final Fantasy 7.
11:18 As Aerith reaches out to the planet attempting to summon Holy to counter Meteor, Sephiroth
11:22 intervenes and STABS HER.
11:26 Prison style.
11:27 The suddenness and gravity of Aerith's death catches players off guard as the game offers
11:31 scant foreshadowing of her tragic fate.
11:34 Prior to this pivotal moment, Aerith is portrayed like any other playable character, even serving
11:38 as one of the two romance options, further deepening the emotional impact of her loss.
11:43 Aerith's passing casts a sombre shadow over the game's remaining cast, leaving a profound
11:48 and lasting impact on the narrative.
11:50 This moment continues to stand tall as a dark mark in gaming history, even on our 100th
12:01 playthrough.
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12:14 [Music]
12:20 (music fades)
12:22 you