Running after money? || Acharya Prashant

  • 5 months ago
00:00 The other fellow is earning more money. Don't you want to ask yourself how much importance
00:05 does money hold for you? Let's say you get a lot of money. What will you do with it?
00:09 Yes, you will win the comparison, right? The fellow was getting X and you got 1.2X. You
00:14 won the comparison. Now what? What will you do with all that cash or whatever or stocks?
00:19 What will you do with it? Has that really given you contentment in the past? And that
00:23 requires that you spend time with yourself. You have to ask yourself, what is it that
00:29 my inner self is really thirsty for? Your thirst will not be quenched by looking at
00:37 all kinds of foods the others are consuming. In fact, if you're thirsty and the other one
00:43 is biting into cheesy pizza and you too pick up a piece for yourself, that would only aggravate
00:51 your thirst. So comparisons can actually be very harmful, counterproductive.
