• 6 months ago
Relationship advice inspired by the story of Sarah Prout and the 10 years of abuse she suffered. In this video Sarah Pout raises awareness about domestic violence, whether it's emotional abuse, physical abuse, or both. She was brave enough to leave her abusive, toxic relationship, and that courageous decision changed her life for the better. We hope her courage inspires you, and remember you are stronger than you think!
#goalcast #goalcastinspiration #goalcasthope



00:00I was 19 years old when I had met the guy that asked me to marry him.
00:05I said yes because I wanted to feel chosen.
00:08I should have said no.
00:10But I wanted that fairytale wedding.
00:12I wanted that happily ever after.
00:15I wanted somebody to love me unconditionally.
00:18My wedding day was underwhelming to say the very least.
00:22So on the day of my wedding, I treated myself to go and get my hair done.
00:27And the hair stylist, as they often do, asked me,
00:31have you got any special plans for today?
00:34To which I said, my friend is getting married.
00:38I couldn't even admit that it was my special day.
00:42What that day commenced was the beginning of 10 years of domestic violence.
00:49Sometimes I would use my voice to speak up for my needs and what I wanted
00:53or to voice my opinions.
00:56And it would be met with violence.
00:58There were many bruises, many tears, and many tantrums.
01:03So it was really late, and I was trying to get home from the city.
01:08And I kept on looking at the missed calls on my phone
01:11and listening to the voice messages.
01:13I don't know where you are right now, but when I see you, I'm going to mess you up.
01:18And my heart was in my throat.
01:21So the taxi pulled into the driveway.
01:24And the first thing I noticed were the clothes all over the street.
01:30And I was stepping over my jewelry and a digital camera.
01:34I got my keys out of my purse, and my hand was shaking,
01:37and I was trying to open the door.
01:38And he just opened it.
01:39I couldn't even get the key in the lock.
01:40And he said, where have you been?
01:43And the first thing I noticed was, oh my gosh,
01:45I could smell alcohol in his breath.
01:46He was so drunk.
01:47There were bottles of vodka everywhere.
01:49And I could smell gasoline.
01:51And I didn't know where it was coming from.
01:53And I looked out in the back garden.
01:54And there was another big pile of all of my clothes
01:56that were heaped, waiting to be set alight.
02:00And he was looking for the matches so he could light it up.
02:06And I could see that my shoes, the heels had been snapped off.
02:09And my computer was in two parts because he had smashed it with a hammer.
02:14And he had cut my desk in half with an axe.
02:19Precious photos that can't be replaced of my grandmother
02:21were ripped apart, letters that she had written me before she died.
02:29And I called my dad.
02:30And it was, by this stage, it was 3 o'clock in the morning.
02:32And I called my dad.
02:33And I said, dad, what do I do?
02:36And he said, Sarah, you call the police, you silly girl.
02:38You call the police.
02:42I remember when the police arrived.
02:45I was so strong.
02:46I was really strong.
02:47I had my brave face on.
02:48I was really good at that.
02:51And the police asked me what were the names and ages of my children.
02:57And it was up until that point that I was able to hold it together
03:00until he asked me that.
03:01And then I just broke down crying.
03:04I felt so powerless.
03:07And I knew that something had to change.
03:10I had to change.
03:12I had to make sure that my children didn't know this was OK.
03:17I left with nothing.
03:18I had two suitcases, two children, and over $30,000 worth of debt.
03:25And there were some days, I didn't even
03:26know how I would feed my children at that time.
03:29And so we're in the supermarket after school.
03:32And we're walking through all of the aisles.
03:34And I'm seeing everything that I would love to eat.
03:36Because at the time, I was starving myself so I could feed my kids.
03:41And I remember one day, I called my mother.
03:43And I was still in that moment, still unable to tell her, hey, mom,
03:46I'm hungry.
03:47I need some help.
03:52And she told me to just take one day at a time.
03:57That was the best piece of advice that she gave me.
04:00And then from that, I was able to take one moment at a time
04:04to then change my life to build the momentum that I needed
04:08to get to that next chapter.
04:11And it was just six years later that I had a full circle moment
04:16that I was in a supermarket parking lot,
04:20loading in the groceries for the weekly shop into the back of my car.
04:24And I'm feeling grateful that I've got the money
04:26to pay for the groceries and feed my children.
04:29And a woman comes up to me.
04:31And she has a two-year-old daughter.
04:34She looked about two years old in a stroller.
04:36And she walks towards me.
04:37And she says, excuse me, miss, do you think you could help me?
04:43I'm really hungry.
04:44And I don't have a way of feeding my daughter right now.
04:49And my heart, oh, my heart just went out to her straight away
04:52because I knew that that was me, but six years ago.
04:56And I opened up my purse.
04:57And I had two $20 bills.
05:00And I handed them to her.
05:02And I said, it's all going to be OK.
05:05Just take one day at a time.
05:08Because when I was brave enough to take those steps,
05:11to leave the dysfunction, to set those boundaries,
05:14to ask for help like that woman inspired me to do and to ask for,
05:19my life began to change, so much so that 10 years later,
05:24I had my fairy tale wedding.
05:26I married the love of my life.
05:28I had two more children.
05:29You'll look back one day.
05:30And you'll be so proud of yourself that you were able to survive.
05:35And what I know to be true is that if you be the love that you believe you
05:44deserve, it will change your world.