• last year
Proposed development on the former Aga Coalbrookdale site is too dense and does not put concerns of local residents to bed, or the powers that be that give it World Heritage Status, who have also expressed concerns over development plans for Ironbridge.
00:00 Can you tell me what's brought people down here?
00:03 So the planning application that's currently in for the former Corbettdale Works, Argyll and Rayburgh site in Corbettdale
00:10 has been referred to the planning inspector, it's not been determined by the local authority.
00:15 So this really is our last chance to have the community's voice heard on that.
00:20 So we've all come together today, there's been about 50 of us, in order to really clarify our views on what's proposed
00:27 so that we can start to put that together and represent that to the planning inspector.
00:31 And what has been the result, what was the general consensus at the meeting?
00:35 Yeah I think the general consensus, people do have serious concerns about this development.
00:38 They're not opposed to some form of development on that site.
00:42 People recognise that the foundry has closed, we've currently got a lot of buildings that are in a very serious state of disrepair
00:49 and that clearly needs to be addressed.
00:51 So people are comfortable with some development, it's about getting the development right.
00:55 This is a World Heritage site and currently what's proposed is acknowledged by both the Planning Authority
01:02 and Shropshire Homes & Developer and Historic England, will harm the World Heritage site.
01:08 The argument that's being made is that the potential benefits outweigh the harm.
01:13 I think the community's view is somewhat different, that actually that harm needs to be minimised much more
01:19 than it currently is by making some changes to what's being proposed.
01:23 We all live here, I live on Sherritory Hill, we all know the impact on traffic etc etc etc
01:31 and the lack of resources for the GP surgery, all these sorts of things.
01:36 But that argument won't hold much weight with Ickham Moss.
01:40 What will influence them is if we can challenge the idea that there is very limited impact
01:48 on outstanding universal value.
01:50 Now the Council's Historic Environment Officer has said she feels on balance
01:55 that outstanding universal value isn't harmed, there is only minimal harm.
02:01 I would argue that they're not looking at the full range of outstanding universal value.
02:06 Basically it's the evidence that survives on the ground that makes this place of international importance.
02:12 There are 13 different attributes in the management plan that was agreed and approved by Ickham Moss International, by DCMS.
02:22 The first one is the two valleys, it's basically the Caldera D'Alba Valley coming up from the centre
02:31 and the sluices and pools along the tributary streams which were the source of power for bellows, hammers and mills
02:39 that they can still be recognised. Now that is a very fundamental element to this site.
02:47 - But what, they've been sold the site that they can't actually do what they want to do on?
02:52 Why did we sell them it in the first place?
02:54 - Well it was sold by the company that owned Argo Raidway.
02:57 - Yeah but presumably if at that stage they were not told you can't do this, this and this,
03:04 on what basis can we now say you can't do that?
03:08 - Ultimately looking for the best case scenario, short term, reducing the density of the site,
03:15 would that tick many of our boxes, saving some of the buildings less traffic on Dubai's back?
03:21 - The designs are not innovative in any way and that's a disappointment really,
03:26 that on such a key site they couldn't, I understand it's got to be profitable
03:31 and so I realise that that's probably too great a challenge, but not just density,
03:36 but looking a bit better.
03:38 - What would it have to be?
03:39 - We're talking about, I understand, local employment weeks,
03:45 so you're employing local people within the development and supporting the community.
03:51 We're not just bringing people in from other communities to build a place and then disappear.
03:58 What I'm looking for is, you know, I have children who have grown up and have to move out of the gorge
04:05 to find work and to find accommodation.
04:09 Is this development going to provide any future for people within the gorge
04:14 or is it just supporting the gorge as a retirement community,
04:18 which doesn't employ people and doesn't support the local community?
04:22 Is this just another thing that he's going to add to the burden on the gorge
04:27 and not develop any opportunities for the people within it?
