每天查15宗诈骗案 警方:大马人2023年被骗逾13亿!

  • 5 months ago
新闻报报看 | 根据商业犯罪调查部2023年的纪录,当局平均每天调查15宗投资诈骗案件,一年处理超过4千宗投报中,国人总共被骗走超过13亿6千万令吉。当中有超过9成都是陷入网络投资诈骗圈套,只有不到10%的诈骗案,是受害者跟骗子面对面进行的诈骗投资交易。(主播:庄文杰、洪欣仪)


00:00 Every time I think of the news about the investment fraud
00:04 and the amount of frauds the authorities have calculated
00:08 it's hard not to sigh
00:09 "Is it really that easy to deceive Malaysians?"
00:13 Yes, everyone, it's true
00:16 Malaysians are probably really easy to deceive
00:19 According to the record of the Ministry of Criminal Investigation in 2023
00:23 the authorities have to investigate 15 investment fraud cases every day
00:27 In other words, after 365 days a year
00:30 at least 5,000 fraud cases are waiting to be investigated
00:34 The director of the Ministry of Criminal Investigation in 2003 said
00:37 "Last year alone, the Chinese were deceived by these investment frauds
00:41 and lost more than $1.36 billion"
00:45 The director of the Ministry of Criminal Investigation said
00:47 "Of the 4,400 fraud cases they handled last year
00:51 more than 90% were victims of online investment frauds
00:57 Less than 10% of the fraud cases
00:59 were investment transactions between victims and scammers
01:03 Last year, more than $1.36 billion were deceived
01:06 and more than 32,000 victims
01:08 which is a double increase from the previous year"
01:11 Since there are already so many Malaysians
01:13 deceived online
01:15 the Malaysian Government Supervision Commission has calculated
01:19 that there are three ways on social media
01:22 that can easily lead people into investment fraud traps
01:26 Listen up
01:27 The Malaysian Government said
01:28 the easiest way to be deceived online is
01:31 1. Cryptocurrency investment fraud
01:34 2. Fake network work to invest
01:37 3. Investment frauds that are faked by dating apps
01:43 Please screenshot this picture
01:45 or you can take a picture of this picture
01:47 and send it to your family group
01:49 or any other group
01:50 to remind your elders, friends, and family members
01:54 that someone has already been deceived
01:56 so don't fall into the trap of becoming the next victim
01:59 First, let's talk about
02:00 how the online investment frauds
02:04 that involve cryptocurrencies
02:05 are able to steal your savings step by step
02:08 The Securities Supervision Commission has directly pointed out
02:10 that usually on Facebook
02:12 people see people promoting
02:15 that as long as it's done in a short period of time
02:16 there can be a high-return cryptocurrency investment plan
02:20 Many times, the frauds see that you don't know what a cryptocurrency is
02:25 and don't know how to do it
02:28 The only thing they know is
02:29 that they just want to tell you that you will definitely make money
02:32 and that you can make a lot of money in a short period of time
02:35 You will believe them
02:36 Then you take out the money
02:37 and deposit it into their so-called
02:39 "transaction account" that the government has recognized
02:42 and start to buy cryptocurrencies
02:44 and start to invest and make money
02:46 You don't have to do anything
02:47 "Make money with a guarantee" is a question mark
02:49 But the real situation is
02:51 not you making money
02:52 but the frauds
02:54 After you deposit the money into the designated account
02:57 it is equivalent to transferring the money into the fraud's account
03:00 Then the plot is the same
03:01 At first, he will let you see the cryptocurrency
03:03 Oh, it's profitable
03:05 Get a little bit of money
03:06 Then you invest more and more money
03:08 Invest more and more money
03:09 Finally, you find that
03:11 why there is no return now
03:12 Then you decide
03:13 I don't want to play with the money
03:15 But the fraud tells you
03:16 if you don't want to play with the money
03:17 No
03:18 You have to get a sum of money first
03:20 Otherwise, all the money you have deposited in
03:22 can't be taken back
03:24 Then the second method of cyber fraud is
03:26 "Pretending to be a network job opportunity"
03:29 Everyone should pay special attention to this kind of fraud
03:32 Investment information received on WhatsApp or Telegram
03:36 Because scammers are usually
03:38 hunting on these communication platforms
03:41 The Securities Supervision Committee said
03:43 The network job opportunity
03:44 is not just to make you a netizen
03:46 but also to leave a message on some platform pages
03:50 It's so simple
03:51 Anyway, I'm at home, nothing to do, and I'm also using my phone
03:54 Leave a message and you won't spend a lot of effort
03:57 Oh, and money
03:58 It seems to be done
03:59 It seems to be done
04:00 At this time
04:02 The more you do, the better
04:03 More and more likes, more and more messages
04:05 The scammers will start to convince you
04:06 You make so much money
04:08 Take this money to invest
04:09 Money rolls money
04:10 What do you invest in
04:11 Cryptocurrency with high return
04:15 That's right, it's cryptocurrency again
04:18 When you follow the scammers' instructions
04:19 After you put your investment money
04:21 into their designated account
04:23 In fact, those accounts
04:25 The authorities said they were all ex-convict accounts
04:28 And the scammers took all your money
04:30 After you get it all
04:31 Ex-convict accounts, he turned it off
04:34 You want to check
04:35 You want to find
04:35 You can't find it all
04:37 Finally, I would like to mention one more point
04:38 The Securities Supervision Committee mentioned
04:40 In fact, there are many people
04:41 who are easily driven by emotions
04:44 They fall into social media or the Internet
04:46 To make friends with you
04:47 To show affection
04:48 To find a way to establish a relationship with you
04:51 It's not necessarily wrong to make friends on the Internet
04:54 But the mistake may be that
04:56 You believe in the cryptocurrency
04:57 or various stock plans
05:00 that the other party has asked you to invest
05:02 In the end, you lost a lot of money
05:05 To invest in projects that you yourself can't figure out
05:08 In the end, the money may be gone
05:10 People are gone
05:11 People are gone
05:13 This person refers to the person who fell in love with you on the Internet
05:18 Finally, he was gone
05:20 The End
