POPEYE CARTOON - I Don't Scare Popeye Cartoon

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 (musique)
00:02 Pardonne-moi papa, j'ai un téléphone qui n'a pas de date.
00:06 Un instant, Bouto, je vais téléphoner à Olive pour une date.
00:11 Oh oui, tu ne vas pas téléphoner à Olive pour une date.
00:16 (musique)
00:35 Hello.
00:36 Hello Olive, this is Popeye. How is about a date?
00:39 All right Popeye, come right over.
00:42 Ok.
00:43 All right, give me that phone.
00:46 Here you are.
00:47 (bruit de coup de feu)
00:48 Number please. Number please.
00:52 (musique)
00:57 Hi Olive, here is your little old lover-bow.
01:01 I'll be ready in a minute Popeye.
01:04 Ok Olive, thanks for your time, but hurry up.
01:08 (rire)
01:09 (musique)
01:13 Oh, a pin.
01:15 See a pin and pick it up and all the day you'll have good luck.
01:20 So, Olive is superstitious, eh?
01:23 (musique)
01:32 Oh, look Popeye, it's Friday the 13th.
01:35 I'm not going out today.
01:38 Why Olive, there's nothing to them silly old stupidstitions.
01:42 And I'll prove it to you.
01:44 (musique)
01:46 It's supposed to be bad luck to open an umbrella in the house.
01:50 Oh!
01:51 Popeye, you close that umbrella immediately.
01:55 Don't be silly Olive.
01:57 Here, you hold it.
01:59 Oh dear.
02:00 See, what did I tell you?
02:03 There's absolutely nothing to that silly old stupidstitions.
02:07 (musique)
02:20 Oh, nothing's going to happen.
02:23 But, but, but, but, but, but, but Olive.
02:25 (musique)
02:28 Popeye, I'm not going out with you today.
02:32 But Olive.
02:34 Oh!
02:36 Look, a black cat.
02:39 It's bad luck.
02:41 Don't let him cross my path.
02:43 (musique)
02:45 Why, he's just a harmless cat which wants to make friends.
02:49 (musique)
02:56 Oh my gosh, a goldfish.
02:58 (musique)
03:06 The fish market is two blocks down and turn to the right.
03:09 (musique)
03:11 Olive.
03:13 (musique)
03:20 Take a look at yourself in the mirror Olive and see how funny you look.
03:24 (musique)
03:30 Popeye, breaking a mirror is seven years bad luck.
03:35 (rires)
03:38 And I never want to see you again.
03:41 (musique)
03:43 (rires)
03:44 Tough luck pal.
03:46 (rires)
03:49 (musique)
03:51 Why the double crossing Pluto?
03:54 So you see Olive, this being Thursday the 12th and not Friday the 13th, it's safe for you to go out.
04:02 Well, that's different.
04:05 (musique)
04:15 Look Olive, a lucky horseshoe.
04:19 (musique)
04:25 Being under a ladder is bad luck.
04:27 Bad luck? Oh no!
04:31 (musique)
04:37 Running on a badge is very bad luck.
04:40 (musique)
05:03 And like I was saying Olive, superstition is the funk.
05:07 (musique)
05:09 Oh my gosh!
05:10 (musique)
