Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom S02 E044 Bunty II

  • il y a 6 mois


00:00 (Voix de Ben) "Everyone who lives here is very, very small."
00:05 (Voix de Ben) "I'm Ben Elf."
00:07 (Bruits de chien)
00:08 (Voix de Princesse Holly) "And I'm Princess Holly."
00:11 (Bruits de chien)
00:12 (Voix de Princesse Holly) "Come on, let's play."
00:14 (Voix de Ben) "Wait for us."
00:15 (Musique)
00:19 (Voix de Ben) "Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom."
00:23 (Musique)
00:25 (Voix de Ben) "Today's adventure starts at the lake."
00:30 (Musique)
00:31 (Voix de Bunty) "Bunty 2."
00:33 (Voix de Bunty) "Hello everybody, may I present my new boat, Bunty 2."
00:38 (Voix de Bunty) "Bunty 2?"
00:39 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes, you remember my old boat, Bunty?"
00:42 (Voix de Bunty) "Bunty was a lovely boat."
00:44 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes, Bunty was a lovely boat, until she met Big Bad Barry."
00:50 (Voix de Bunty) "You all know what happened then."
00:52 (Voix de Bunty) "Barry ate Bunty."
00:54 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes, Barry has eaten every boat I've ever made."
00:59 (Voix de Bunty) "But now, I've built Bunty 2, my best boat ever."
01:04 (Voix de Bunty) "6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen, a sun lounge, the ideal boat for a cruise to a tropical paradise."
01:11 (Voix de Bunty) "A cruise to a tropical paradise? How wonderful!"
01:15 (Voix de Bunty) "And Bunty 2 doesn't run on clockwork, she runs on batteries."
01:20 (Voix de Bunty) "So, she's super fast."
01:23 (Voix de Bunty) "Ooooh!"
01:26 (Voix de Bunty) "So, how are you going to stop Big Bad Barry eating this boat?"
01:30 (Voix de Bunty) "Aha! I have a brilliant plan."
01:33 (Voix de Bunty) "What's the plan?"
01:34 (Voix de Bunty) "Bunty 2 is never going in the water."
01:37 (Voix de Bunty) "Never going in the water?"
01:39 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes, Barry is not going to eat Bunty 2."
01:43 (Voix de Bunty) "This is ridiculous! Why did you build a boat that you're not going to put in the water?"
01:48 (Voix de Bunty) "Just for something to do."
01:49 (Voix de Bunty) "So, we're not sailing to the tropical paradise?"
01:52 (Voix de Bunty) "Nope."
01:53 (Voix de Bunty) "Aww, Dad! I thought we were all going on holiday."
01:57 (Voix de Bunty) "I've got a good idea."
01:59 (Voix de Bunty) "As your king, I command you to put Bunty 2 in the water and sail us to the tropical paradise."
02:05 (Voix de Bunty) "But what about Big Bad Barry?"
02:07 (Voix de Bunty) "Don't worry, if Barry eats Bunty 2, I'll take full responsibility."
02:12 (Voix de Bunty) "What does that mean?"
02:13 (Voix de Bunty) "You can blame it on me."
02:15 (Voix de Bunty) "The king is so wise."
02:17 (Voix de Bunty) "But, but good! That's sorted then. We're going on holiday."
02:20 (Voix de Bunty) "Okay, but if we're going to do it, I'm in charge. And that means..."
02:24 (Voix de Bunty) "Ugh, this is an elf holiday, so no magic."
02:28 (Voix de Bunty) "Yay! A holiday! Next stop, the ocean!"
02:36 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes, but first, we have to get past Barry."
02:39 (Voix de Bunty) "You worry too much, Mr. Elf. Maybe Barry won't turn up."
02:43 (Voix de Bunty) "Oh, look! There's Barry!"
02:47 (Voix de Bunty) "Yum, yum!"
02:49 (Voix de Bunty) "Aaaaaaaah!"
02:51 (Voix de Bunty) "What do we do? What do we do?"
02:53 (Voix de Bunty) "There's just one chance. Bunty too is super fast."
02:57 (Voix de Bunty) "Hm?"
03:02 (Voix de Bunty) "It's working, Mr. Elf! We're faster than Barry!"
03:06 (Voix de Bunty) "We've left Barry really far behind!"
03:09 (Voix de Bunty) "Hm?"
03:11 (Voix de Bunty) "Good! He's given up."
03:13 (Voix de Bunty) "Hooray!"
03:14 (Voix de Bunty) "Right everybody! Let's sail to the tropics and swim among the corals!"
03:19 (Voix de Bunty) "We're going on holiday! We're going on holiday!"
03:25 (Voix de Bunty) "We're going on holiday to a tropical paradise!"
03:29 (Voix de Bunty) "Ho ho ho ho ho!"
03:31 (Voix de Bunty) "Oh, Mr. Elf! It's lovely to see you so relaxed!"
03:35 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes! With Barry far away, I'm actually enjoying this holiday!"
03:42 (Voix de Bunty) "We're here! In the tropical ocean! Let's go diving!"
03:47 (Voix de Bunty) "Cool!"
03:49 (Voix de Bunty) "He he he!"
03:50 (Voix de Bunty) "Mrs. Elf, are you coming diving?"
03:53 (Voix de Bunty) "Erm, no thanks. I need to catch up on some important reading."
03:57 (Voix de Bunty) "Right-o! See you later!"
03:59 (Voix de Bunty) "Chapter one. I was just a young servant girl and Squire Trevelyan, with his dark broody looks and mane of black hair, was being very grumpy."
04:11 (Voix de Bunty) "I didn't like him at all!"
04:14 (Voix de Bunty) "This is the coral reef."
04:17 (Voix de Squire Trevelyan) "Amazing!"
04:18 (Voix de Squire Trevelyan) "Yes! It's all so pretty!"
04:21 (Voix de Bunty) "Do you think we'll bump into anyone else down here?"
04:24 (Voix de Bunty) "In the middle of a vast ocean? We're not going to bump into anyone!"
04:28 (Voix de Squire Trevelyan) "Ah! Watch where you're going!"
04:30 (Voix de Bunty) "Oh! I'm most terribly sorry! I didn't see you there!"
04:33 (Voix de Squire Trevelyan) "Well I am here, and I'm not pleased to be bumped into. Not pleased at all!"
04:37 (Voix de Squire Trevelyan) "It's Captain Squid! The pirate!"
04:40 (Voix de Captain Squid) "Yes, it is I, Captain Squid, and I'm here burying my treasure!"
04:44 (Voix de Bunty) "Burying your treasure? At the bottom of the ocean?"
04:47 (Voix de Captain Squid) "The thing is, every place I bury my treasure, it gets found."
04:51 (Voix de Captain Squid) "So I thought, if I bury it at the bottom of the ocean, where no people ever visit,"
04:55 (Voix de Captain Squid) "maybe, just maybe, my treasure might stay hidden. It's not too much to ask, is it?"
05:00 (Voix de Bunty) "Well, we're very sorry to disturb you. We'll be on our way."
05:03 (Voix de Captain Squid) "Yes! Be off with you! Get your own ocean to swim in!"
05:07 (Voix de Bunty) "Er, hang on a moment. There is, er, something you could help me with."
05:11 (Voix de Bunty) "What's that?"
05:12 (Voix de Bunty) "It's a bit embarrassing, but, er, I haven't got a boat to sail home in. Can I have a lift?"
05:17 (Voix de Bunty) "What happened to your boat?"
05:18 (Voix de Bunty) "It got eaten by a big fish."
05:20 (Voix de Bunty) "Barry! Barry's here!"
05:22 (Voix de Bunty) "The fish that ate my boat had big eyes!"
05:25 (Voix de Bunty) "That's Barry!"
05:26 (Voix de Bunty) "And a big mouth!"
05:27 (Voix de Bunty) "That's Barry!"
05:28 (Voix de Bunty) "And eight legs!"
05:29 (Voix de Bunty) "That's not Barry!"
05:30 (Voix de Bunty) "A fish with eight legs?"
05:32 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes! It's a giant octopus, and it's swimming towards your boat!"
05:36 (Voix de Bunty) "Ah! I have to warn Mrs Elf!"
05:39 (Voix de Bunty) "And then, Squire Trevelyan said, 'Here is the great secret I must tell you. The person I truly love is..."
05:47 (Telephone ring)
05:48 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes? This had better be important!"
05:51 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes, er, don't panic, but there is something swimming towards you!"
05:55 (Voix de Bunty) "Oh yes? What sort of a something?"
05:58 (Voix de Bunty) "Ah! A sort of hungry giant octopus with eight legs something!"
06:02 (Voix de Bunty) "Oh yes! I see it! What should I do?"
06:05 (Voix de Bunty) "Would you mind telling it not to eat my boat?"
06:07 (Voix de Bunty) "Now listen here, Mr Octopus. This boat is not for eating!"
06:11 (Voix de Bunty) "What's happening?"
06:13 (Voix de Bunty) "The octopus seems to be eating your boat!"
06:16 (Voix de Bunty) "Quick! To the surface!"
06:18 (Voix de Bunty) "Naughty octopus! Stop eating!"
06:21 (Voix de Bunty) "Stop at once, I say!"
06:24 (Voix de Bunty) "Aaah! My boat! Eaten! I said this would happen!"
06:33 (Voix de Bunty) "No! You said your boat would be eaten by Big Bad Barry!"
06:36 (Voix de Bunty) "But it was eaten by a giant octopus!"
06:38 (Voix de Bunty) "It's a disaster!"
06:40 (Voix de Bunty) "Don't worry! I said I'd take responsibility and I will!"
06:44 (Voix de Bunty) "And?"
06:45 (Voix de Bunty) "That's it! I've taken responsibility!"
06:47 (Voix de Bunty) "Fine! Well, I hate to ask, but Nanny Plum, can you magic a boat up so we can go home?"
06:53 (Nanny Plum) "No!"
06:54 (Voix de Bunty) "Why not?"
06:55 (Nanny Plum) "Because you said 'blah, blah, blah, no magic' and you took my wand away, remember?"
06:59 (Voix de Bunty) "Oh yes! So I did!"
07:01 (Voix de Bunty) "So, we're stranded here!"
07:03 (Voix de Bunty) "No! I've just had a brilliant Mr. Elf idea! I'll build a raft out of the wreckage!"
07:10 (Voix de Bunty) "And we'll help you!"
07:12 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes, Dad!"
07:13 (Voix de Bunty) "We'll mash the pieces together with rope!"
07:16 (Voix de Bunty) "There! Finished! May I present Bunty Three!"
07:21 (Nanny Plum) "What's Bunty Three?"
07:23 (Voix de Bunty) "This boat!"
07:24 (Nanny Plum) "Bunty Two was prettier!"
07:26 (Voix de Bunty) "It's not meant to be pretty! It's a raft!"
07:29 (Nanny Plum) "I know what a raft is! Where's the bathroom? Is it downstairs?"
07:33 (Voix de Bunty) "Aaah! There isn't a downstairs!"
07:36 (Voix de Bunty) "Don't be too harsh on Nanny! She doesn't know as much about rafts as us sailors!"
07:40 (Voix de Bunty) "By the way, where's the kitchen? Is that downstairs too?"
07:43 (Voix de Bunty) "Yes! It's probably next to the sitting room!"
07:46 (Voix de Bunty) "This is a raft! There aren't sitting rooms and kitchens and bathrooms!"
07:51 (Nanny Plum) "It's not very luxurious then, is it?"
07:53 (Voix de Bunty) "No, it's not! But it will get us home!"
07:57 (Nanny Plum) "And so, Squire Trevelyan turned out to be nice after all, and I married him. The end."
08:06 (Nanny Plum) "My goodness! That was a surprise ending!"
08:09 (Squire Trevelyan) "Land ahoy! We're home!"
08:12 (Squire Trevelyan) "Yes, but that means we're near to Big Bad Barry!"
08:16 (Bunty) "Stop worrying, Mr. Elf! Barry might not turn up!"
08:20 (Nanny Plum) "Oh look! There's Barry! Oh, he's been waiting for us all this time! How sweet!"
08:27 (Squire Trevelyan) "He's going to eat Bunty free!"
08:30 (Bunty) "Yum! Yum!"
08:32 (Bunty) "Ah! Abandon ship! Abandon ship!"
08:35 (Squire Trevelyan) "Don't worry everyone! Whatever happens, I will take full responsibility!"
08:39 (Squire Trevelyan) "That makes everything alright then!"
08:42 (Bunty) "My boat is gone! Gone into Barry's tummy! Curse you, Big Bad Barry! You'll never eat another boat of mine! Never! Never! Because I'm not going to build a boat ever again!"
09:00 (Squire Trevelyan) "I think you've upset Barry, Mr. Elf!"
09:04 (Nanny Plum) "Look at his sad little face!"
09:06 (Squire Trevelyan) "He's crying!"
09:08 (Bunty) "I've never seen a fish cry!"
09:10 (Nanny Plum) "You shouldn't be so unkind to Barry!"
09:12 (Squire Trevelyan) "What? Yes! Barry doesn't mean any harm!"
09:15 (Bunty) "Doesn't mean any harm?"
09:17 (Squire Trevelyan) "Mr. Elf, as your king, I command you to build another boat, for Barry!"
09:22 (Bunty) "Eh?"
09:23 (Squire Trevelyan) "What sort of boat would you like, Barry? A sailing boat?"
09:26 (Bunty) "Yum! Yum!"
09:27 (Squire Trevelyan) "A sailing boat for Barry, please, Mr. Elf!"
09:30 (Nanny Plum) "King Thistle is so wise!"
09:33 (Squire Trevelyan) "Yes, we are very lucky!"
09:37 (Générique de fin)
09:41 (Générique de fin)
