00:00 Peppa Pig, this is my little brother George, this is Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig.
00:09 Peppa Pig
00:13 The boat pond
00:17 The ducks are swimming in their pond. They are very happy.
00:26 Here are Peppa, George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig.
00:30 Hello ducks!
00:32 The ducks want some bread.
00:35 Sorry Mrs Duck, we haven't got any bread today. We've got something much more fun.
00:43 Peppa has brought her toy boat.
00:45 And George has brought his toy boat.
00:50 Let's wind your boat up George.
00:55 George's boat works with clockwork.
00:58 Quick George, put the boat in the pond before the clockwork runs out.
01:03 George loves his clockwork boat.
01:12 Mummy, can you wind my boat up?
01:15 Your boat doesn't need winding up Peppa.
01:18 Peppa's boat is a sailboat. The wind is very strong.
01:23 I don't like my boat. It doesn't do anything.
01:27 That's because there isn't any wind today.
01:30 Maybe it just needs a little help.
01:33 I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your boat along.
01:38 Hurray! It went really fast.
01:47 Peppa loves her sailboat.
01:51 Here is Peppa's friend Suzy Sheep.
01:54 Hello everyone. Hello Suzy.
01:57 We're playing with our boats.
02:00 I've got my speedboat.
02:03 Is it clockwork?
02:05 No, it has batteries.
02:08 Suzy's speedboat uses batteries to make it go.
02:13 What a great speedboat!
02:20 Sorry Mrs Duck.
02:22 Here is Danny Dog with Grandad Dog.
02:28 Hello everyone. Hello Danny.
02:31 My grandad has made me this paddleboat.
02:35 I say, that's impressive. How does it work?
02:43 It's steam powered. I just push this little lever.
02:49 Wow!
02:51 What a fantastic paddleboat!
02:54 Here is Rebecca Rabbit with her mummy.
03:00 Hello everyone. Hello Rebecca.
03:03 We're playing with our boats.
03:06 I wish I had a boat.
03:15 Rebecca's boat is a boat.
03:18 Rebecca Rabbit does not have a boat.
03:20 I've got an idea.
03:22 Luckily I brought my newspaper along.
03:25 I just need one page.
03:28 Which page can we lose?
03:30 News, sport, ah, fashion.
03:34 Not the fashion page.
03:36 Ok, I'll use the business page.
03:39 When I was a little piggy, I used to fold newspaper like this.
03:44 What is Daddy Pig doing?
03:47 To make a paper boat.
03:50 Daddy Pig has made a paper boat.
03:53 Thank you Mr Pig.
03:56 George wants a paper boat too.
04:00 I suppose I can do without the sport page.
04:04 Please can I have one?
04:09 And me?
04:11 Of course.
04:13 Daddy Pig is making paper boats for everyone.
04:16 Let's have a race.
04:18 Good idea Mummy Pig.
04:20 We can huff and puff and blow the paper boats across.
04:24 Everyone take a deep breath.
04:27 Ready, steady, blow!
04:32 We have a winner!
04:38 Ah, who had the sport page?
04:41 That's George's boat.
04:43 George is the winner.
04:45 Hurray!
04:46 I like boats and I like paper boats the best.
04:53 Me too!
04:55 It's time to go home.
04:58 Everybody has had a great time.
05:00 Bye bye!
05:02 Bye bye ducks, see you soon.
05:05 The ducks enjoyed the toy boats, but they quite like having the pond back to themselves again.
05:11 Ha ha ha!
05:13 To be continued...
05:16 Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
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