• l’année dernière


00:00 (Voix off) Mamy Pig is dressed as a fireman. (Pig snorts)
00:04 (Pig) Mamy, why are you dressed like that? (Pig snorts)
00:07 (Voix off) I'm going to the Mamy's fire engine practice. (Pig) Ooooooh!
00:12 (Daddy Pig) Ho ho, it's just a good excuse for a cup of tea and a chat.
00:16 (Voix off) Well, what are you doing today Daddy Pig?
00:19 (Daddy Pig) I've got a very important meeting with the Daddy's football team.
00:24 (Voix off) That's just a lot of grown up boys kicking a football around.
00:28 (Daddy Pig) We're having a barbecue as well.
00:31 (Voix off) Here are Mr. Bull, Mr. Rabbit, Mr. Pony and Mr. Zebra.
00:37 (Mr. Zebra) Moo! It's Daddy Pig coming out to play! Come on!
00:43 (Pig and Rabbit laugh)
00:46 (Pig) Mamy, can we see the fire engine? (Mamy Pig) Yes!
00:50 (Pig) Oh goody!
00:52 (Pig and Rabbit laugh)
00:55 (Mr. Rabbit) This is Miss Rabbit's fire station.
00:59 (Mrs. Rabbit) Hello Peppa and George! Come and see the fire engine!
01:05 (Peppa) Wow! Fire engine!
01:07 (Mrs. Rabbit) There's a ladder for climbing, a hose for squirting water and a big bell to ring.
01:16 (Peppa) Ding dong, ding dong! (Mrs. Rabbit laughs)
01:19 (Mrs. Rabbit) Now, let's go up the tower and look for fires!
01:24 (Peppa) Hello everyone!
01:26 (Mrs. Rabbit and George) Hello Peppa! Hello George!
01:29 (Mrs. Rabbit) Ah! Who's for a nice cup of tea and a chat?
01:33 (Peppa) That sounds nice!
01:35 (Pig) Ooh! A telephone!
01:37 (Mrs. Rabbit) Peppa, that is the fire phone. It's only to be used when there's a fire.
01:44 (Peppa) Ah! Fire! Fire! Fire station! Where's the fire? Where's the fire?
01:52 (Mr. Rabbit) Can I speak to Mummy Pig, please?
01:54 (Mrs. Rabbit) Oh! It's Daddy Pig!
01:56 (Mummy Pig) Daddy Pig! You're not supposed to ring on this phone. It's only for emergencies.
02:02 (Daddy Pig) This is an emergency. I can't find the tomato ketchup anywhere.
02:08 (Mr. Rabbit) Daddy Pig, shall I light the barbecue now?
02:11 (Daddy Pig) Yes please, Mr. Rabbit.
02:13 (Mummy Pig) Do be careful with the barbecue, Daddy Pig.
02:15 (Daddy Pig) Trust me, Mummy Pig. We daddies know all about barbecues. Bye!
02:22 (Mr. Rabbit) Maybe it needs more charcoal.
02:24 (Mr. Rabbit) Give it a bit of a blow.
02:26 (Mr. Rabbit) Put a few more fire lighters on.
02:29 (Mrs. Rabbit) Now, we just have to wait for a fire.
02:33 (Pig) How long do we have to wait?
02:35 (Mrs. Rabbit) Oh, it could be a long time. I've been waiting ages.
02:40 (Pig) How many fires have you actually put out, Mrs. Rabbit?
02:43 (Mrs. Rabbit) Ah, none! Not one fire. But you've got to be ready!
02:50 (Pig) It's the fire phone!
02:52 (Mrs. Rabbit) Oh, can you answer it, Peppa? It'll probably be your daddy again.
02:56 (Pig) OK!
02:58 (Pig) Hello, fire station?
03:01 (Daddy Pig) Hello, Peppa.
03:02 (Mrs. Rabbit) Oh, Daddy, it is you.
03:04 (Pig) You're very naughty! This phone is for fires only.
03:10 (Daddy Pig) Can you put Mrs. Rabbit on, please? There's a good girl.
03:13 (Pig) Daddy wants to speak to you.
03:16 (Mrs. Rabbit) Hello, Daddy Pig. This phone is only to be used when there's a...
03:21 (Daddy Pig) Fire! Fire!
03:23 (Mrs. Rabbit) Oh dear! Daddy Pig's barbecue? He's on fire!
03:27 (Pig) Fire! Fire!
03:29 (Kids) Mommy to the rescue!
03:31 (Pig) Wheeeee!
03:33 (Mrs. Rabbit) Hold tight!
03:36 (Kids) Wheeeee!
03:38 (Pig) Hehehe!
03:43 (Kids) Fire! Fire! Ding dong! Ding dong! Hehehe!
03:49 (Kids) Wheeeee!
03:54 (Mrs. Rabbit) Stand back, daddies!
03:56 (Pig) Mommy Top, turn on the water!
04:00 (Mrs. Rabbit) Aye, aye, Mommy Pig!
04:02 (Kids) Wheeeee!
04:07 (Mr. Rabbit) Thank you for saving us, Mrs. Rabbit.
04:09 (Mrs. Rabbit) No problem! It's all part of the service.
04:13 (Kids) The Mummy's Fire Engine Service!
04:16 (Mr. Rabbit) And now that Mrs. Rabbit has kindly flooded our garden, we can all jump up and down in muddy puddles!
04:25 (Kids) Yeah!
04:26 (Mummy Pig) Hehehe! I love fire engines, especially when they make muddy puddles!