• last year


00:00 The 5th of January 1976 will mark one of the most barbaric and dark days of the Northern
00:07 Ireland Troubles. Ten innocent men lined up on the side of a South Armagh road and put
00:13 to the sword by the Provisional IRA. I pay tribute to the sole survivor of that attack,
00:21 Alan Black, who I spoke to just again this morning. Eighteen times he was shot and for
00:27 over now some 48 years he has fought the pursuit of justice for those families. His words,
00:36 they're crying out from the grave and I hear them. Friday brought the end to an eight year
00:44 inquest into those killings and whilst there is some warming evidence to show that yes
00:52 it was an action of the Provisional IRA which was authorised by the Army Council and planned
00:59 long in advance, whilst these findings help that family who perhaps have felt the cold
01:07 dark veil of silence from that organisation over many years. But there's still many questions
01:13 unanswered. The family feel the need now towards a public inquiry and we support that call
01:20 and we would call publicly now on the police ombudsman to publish their report and allow
01:26 without delay their findings to be published to allow this process to continue. We support
01:32 that family and call out both the British Government and indeed the Irish Government
01:37 who have objectively failed the victims of IRA violence and the victims of wider troubles
01:44 in Northern Ireland. But he also pointed towards the silence of those that give the Provisional
01:51 IRA political cover, namely Sinn Féin. Silence, no co-operation with the inquiry itself, the
02:01 inquest, but does their actions match their words and let's look at their actions, whether
02:07 it was the taunting of victims when a Sinn Féin MP placed a loaf of Kingsmill's bread
02:12 on their head, whether it was the naming of a children's play park after the terrorist
02:18 Raymond McCrease who was named in the inquest as having fingerprints and hands on some of
02:23 the very guns that were used not only in this atrocity but indeed others, whether it was
02:29 Gerry Calley's statement which talked about victims deserving the truth from Kingsmill,
02:36 this from a victim maker. The truth lies within their ranks and I would encourage them now
02:43 even at this stage to please co-operate, give Allan Black and the family the justice that
02:48 they deserve, the truth that they're calling out for and as for the First Minister for
02:53 all, where is she today? Was there an alternative? Surely there was to what was only be described
03:02 as an act of genocide. Thank you Mr Speaker.
