Victory is possible || Acharya Prashant

  • 5 months ago
00:00 Never be so disappointed to say victory is not possible.
00:04 Victory is possible.
00:05 Second thing, even if you cannot win, the battle is worth it.
00:08 Some battles need to be fought just because they deserve to be fought.
00:14 Not for the sake of victory, but for the sake of the fight itself.
00:18 And victory is indeed possible.
00:21 Never, never lose faith.
00:23 It's possible.
00:24 And even if you perished in the attempt, it's a life well lived.
00:32 It's a death well deserved.
00:34 There is glory not only in living.
00:37 There is glory also in perishing.
00:40 What's the problem if one perishes for the right reason?
00:43 Or is there a problem?