Israel and Iran face-off at the U.N. after attack

  • 5 months ago


00:00 From the moment I began my tenure here, in every speech and in countless letters,
00:05 I rang the warning bell regarding Iran. I called on this Council to take concrete action
00:11 against the Ayatollah regime. I made it clear that Iran and its hegemonic ambitions of global
00:18 domination must be stopped before it drives the world to a point of no return, to a regional war
00:25 that can escalate to a world war. Sadly, no action was taken and last night the world witnessed an
00:34 unprecedented escalation that serves as the clearest proof for what happens when warnings
00:41 aren't heeded. Iran's operation was entirely in the exercise of Iran's inherent right to self-defense
00:51 as outlined in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations and recognized by international law.
00:58 This concluded action was necessary and proportionate. It was precise and only
01:06 targeted military objectives and carried out carefully to minimize the potential for escalation.
01:14 [Music]
