WSBP Mengantongi Kontrak Baru Rp1,03 Triliun

  • 5 months ago
PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) mengantongi kontrak baru sebesar Rp1,03 triliun pada kuartal I-2024. Angka ini naik lebih dari 2 kali lipat atau tumbuh 137,57% dibandingkan periode yang sama.

Pertumbuhan ini didominasi oleh segmen Jasa Konstruksi sebesar Rp432,28 miliar. Perolehan ini telah mencapai 40% dari target WSBP pada 2024.


00:00 PT Waskita Beton Prikes TBK has a new contract worth 1.03 trillion rupiah in Q1 2024.
00:07 This number has increased more than twice or grew 137.57% compared to the same period.
00:14 PT Waskita Beton Prikes TBK has a new contract worth 1.03 trillion rupiah in Q1 2024.
00:26 This number has increased more than twice or grew 137.57% compared to the same period.
00:32 This growth is dominated by the construction service segment of 432.28 billion rupiah.
00:38 This acquisition has reached 40% of the US BP target in 2024.
00:43 Company management stated that the new contract of the external project dominated the total acquisition of the US BP new contract this year.
00:50 The large US BP portfolio and good customer satisfaction rate is one of the factors that increases external customer trust to US BP to launch large projects.
01:00 Among them are the construction of a yard container and infrastructure for the construction of a concrete stone terminal,
01:06 construction of a wall to hold the bridge of the first and second enims,
01:11 construction of a highway of Serang Panimbang Sesi 3,
01:15 construction of a highway of Probolinggo Banyuwangi Paket 3,
01:18 as well as the project between the International Convention and Exhibition at District 18 PIK 2.
01:23 [IDX Channel coverage team]
01:26 [IDX Channel coverage team]
01:28 [IDX Channel coverage team]
01:30 (bell ringing)
