Watch Skegness pupils model new uniform

  • 5 months ago
It's been all change at the Richmond School in Skegness - including a new name and uniform. We went along to the now Richmond Primary Academy to find out what life is like after joining the David Ross Education Trust. And the pupils had quite a lot to say about the new uniform...
00:00 It's been all change at the Richmond School in Skegness, including the uniform.
00:05 [Music]
00:35 Well thank you for modelling the uniform for me. It looked absolutely fabulous.
00:41 But do you like it?
00:43 Yes.
00:44 What do you like about it? Do you like the new colour?
00:48 I like the new colour. It's really soft inside.
00:55 It's nice and cosy and comfy. It's great.
00:59 Quite bright and colourful as well.
01:01 And what about the dress? Is that the new style dress as well?
01:05 Yes, that's the new dress that she's got.
01:08 It feels very comfy but it's really cool when I look at it.
01:17 It's exciting isn't it when you get something new.
01:21 So you're going to be looking forward to, after the summer holidays, actually coming back to school?
01:25 Although it's a bit of a shame that I won't be able to have this new uniform.
01:28 Oh, why is that?
01:29 Because I'm in year 6.
01:31 Oh, so you're going to be going on.
01:33 Thank you for modelling it for us. Do you know where you're going to be going?
01:38 I'm going to be going to Skegness Grammar School.
01:40 Right, okay.
01:41 It's part of the DREC family as well.
01:43 It is, it is. They'll be very pleased that you advertised that because yes, it is part of the DREC school.
01:51 And I'm usually there in the summer for all the GCSE and A-level results.
01:57 So one day I'll be seeing you there again.
02:00 Okay, well thank you very much for modelling.
02:04 Hello, I'm Simon Rose and I'm the Director of Primary Education for the David Ross Education Trust.
02:09 You must be really excited to get the Richmond School part of DREC because it has always had a really good reputation locally.
02:20 Yeah, we're extremely enthusiastic and excited about it.
02:24 And of course we've got the reputation locally as you say, but equally there's a strong relationship with Skegness Grammar School.
02:30 And Kevvie as well down in Spilsbury. So we're really excited to be working with the school.
02:36 What sort of changes are you hoping to bring?
02:40 So I think there's quite a few things we want to work with the school on.
02:45 So really building on their successes, their local reputation, the fact that they've got strong leaders and teachers
02:52 who want to do the very best for children.
02:55 But very much working with them to support the academic improvements.
03:00 But at the same time bringing in something that we do really well in our trust,
03:04 which is to give opportunities in the arts and sport, particularly music and sport.
03:10 And really our sponsor David Ross, that's what we're all about.
03:14 It's about giving opportunities for children in the Richmond and our other schools
03:18 that children in the independent sector often get in the arts and sport.
03:22 So really giving that broad balanced curriculum so the children leave here confident, happy citizens,
03:28 able to thrive as they go on into secondary education and into their careers.
03:34 Hi, I'm Vicky Ross, the Principal of the Richmond Primary Academy.
03:41 Now it's been all change at the Richmond, hasn't it? Tell me all the changes that's happening.
03:47 The changes have been brilliant, absolutely exciting changes.
03:52 We've joined the David Ross Education Trust.
03:56 The team have been absolutely brilliant.
03:59 They've been in school working with me, driving forward our development.
04:05 We've been participating in sports events with the David Ross Trust.
04:12 Our footballers actually came second in the Spring Cup.
04:17 We've visited other direct schools. It's just been brilliant.
04:24 We've just been driving forward. The children are really excited.
04:28 One of them has said to me the other day, "I really like this new school."
04:33 It's been fabulous.
04:35 Now you've got a new name, haven't you, as well?
04:38 And a new colour scheme. The children have kindly been modelling the new uniform.
04:44 What's the response overall been to that?
04:47 Very, very positive. The children were very excited by the colour.
04:52 Parents are excited about the brightness of the new uniform
04:55 and very, very excited about being able to access the grey trousers and white in a more easy fashion.
05:07 There's help for families as well, isn't there, with this new uniform?
05:13 Because it is quite a big outlay for parents, especially at this time of the constant living crisis, isn't it?
05:20 Yes, we're providing two sweatshirts, three PE tops, three book bags and also water bottles to all of our students.
05:32 Now, a lot of people will be seeing you for the first time because you've just been in this role for a few months, haven't you?
05:41 How are you finding the Richmond School?
05:44 Oh, it's a fabulous school. The children are really friendly.
05:48 The community has been fantastic.
05:51 Skegness supporting the school massively in our drives to provide breakfast.
06:00 I can't fault them.
06:03 You're really enjoying it?
06:04 Yes, I am.
06:05 Well, there's lots of excited children, so we'll hope to be visiting you more in the future.
06:12 That would be worth brilliant.
06:15 The new uniform will be introduced after the summer holidays.
06:19 I'm so ready to get rid of this brown.
