• l’année dernière


00:00 [Voix-off] There is. Everyone who lives here is very, very small.
00:06 [Voix-off] I'm Ben Elf. [Bruits de chien]
00:09 [Voix-off] And I'm Princess Holly. [Bruits de chien]
00:12 [Voix-off] Come on, let's play. [Bruits de chien]
00:14 [Voix-off] Wait for us. [Bruits de chien]
00:16 [Musique]
00:20 [Voix-off] Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom.
00:25 [Voix-off] Today's adventure starts at the little castle.
00:31 [Voix-off] The Elf Factory.
00:34 [Voix-off] What's the plan for today, Nanny Plum?
00:38 [Nanny Plum] You're visiting the Elf Factory.
00:41 [Voix-off] Why?
00:42 [Nanny Plum] Well, Your Majesty, it's a very busy time of the year for the Elf Factory.
00:46 [Nanny Plum] What with Christmas coming up.
00:48 [Voix-off] So, what's that got to do with me?
00:50 [Nanny Plum] You have to inspect the toys and make sure they are perfect.
00:53 [Voix-off] That sounds fun.
00:55 [Voix-off] Well, it's not fun, Holly. The toys are always perfect and all I say is, they're perfect.
01:00 [Voix-off] Do I have to go?
01:02 [Nanny Plum] Well, someone has to. They're expecting a royal visit.
01:06 [Voix-off] I could go and I could say the toys are perfect.
01:09 [Voix-off] Yes, why not?
01:11 [Voix-off] And Nanny Plum can go along too, to look after you.
01:14 [Voix-off] Oh, goody.
01:15 [Musique]
01:21 [Voix-off] Hi Holly!
01:23 [Voix-off] Hi Ben! We've come to see the Elf Factory. Do you know where it is?
01:29 [Voix-off] Of course I do. I'm an elf.
01:31 [Voix-off] So where is it?
01:34 [Voix-off] Follow me!
01:36 [Musique]
01:40 [Voix-off] This is the Elf Factory reception.
01:43 [Voix-off] Good morning, can I help you?
01:45 [Voix-off] Hello, Princess Holly is here for the royal visit.
01:49 [Voix-off] I see. Could you sign in please?
01:51 [Voix-off] Er, what do I do?
01:53 [Voix-off] Just put your name and job.
01:56 [Voix-off] My name is Princess Holly and my job is being a pretty fairy princess.
02:03 [Voix-off] Very good. Now you will need these hard hats.
02:07 [Voix-off] And I notice you have wands.
02:10 [Voix-off] Yes, we're fairies.
02:12 [Voix-off] I'll need to take your wands.
02:15 [Voix-off] No magic is allowed in the Elf Factory.
02:19 [Voix-off] Elves don't do magic.
02:21 [Voix-off] And we are elves!
02:23 [Voix-off] Oh, now...
02:25 [Voix-off] Here we go!
02:27 [Voix-off] Ah!
02:29 [Voix-off] The factory is very busy today.
02:32 [Voix-off] We have a big toy order for Father Christmas.
02:36 [Voix-off] Wow!
02:38 [Voix-off] Is that from Christmas?
02:40 [Voix-off] Oh, I shouldn't think so, no.
02:42 [Voix-off] Ho ho ho!
02:44 [Voix-off] Hello, Mr. Christmas.
02:46 [Voix-off] Can I speak to the wise old elf?
02:49 [Voix-off] Yes, yes. I shall get him right away.
02:52 [Voix-off] Telephone call for the wise old elf.
02:55 [Voix-off] Please report to reception immediately.
02:59 [Voix-off] Hello, Princess Holly.
03:01 [Voix-off] Hello, wise old elf.
03:03 [Voix-off] It's Father Christmas.
03:05 [Voix-off] Oh, excuse me a moment. Hello?
03:07 [Voix-off] Hello, wise old elf.
03:09 [Voix-off] Will those dolls be ready in time for Christmas?
03:13 [Voix-off] Yes, Mr. Christmas. We'll definitely have the dolls ready today.
03:17 [Voix-off] And you will make sure they have a pretty red dress, won't you?
03:21 [Voix-off] Yes, she'll have a lovely red dress.
03:24 [Voix-off] Thank you. Goodbye.
03:26 [Door opens]
03:27 [Child] Is this the doll you're making for Father Christmas?
03:30 [Voix-off] Yes. We're making hundreds of them, and they have to be ready today.
03:35 [Child] Can we see how you make them?
03:37 [Voix-off] Of course. This way.
03:40 [Voix-off] We'll be taking the train.
03:43 [Children] Ooh!
03:44 [Voix-off] All aboard! First stop, level one, the computer room.
03:50 [Horn honks]
03:51 [Voix-off] Hold tight, everyone.
03:55 [Children laugh]
03:59 [Children cheer]
04:01 [Voix-off] Level one, the computer room.
04:05 [Child laughs]
04:06 [Child] That was fun!
04:07 [Child] It made my tummy all funny.
04:09 [Child] Good, wasn't it? And it'll be even better next time.
04:13 [Child] What do you mean, next time?
04:15 [Child laughs]
04:16 [Child] You'll see.
04:17 [Voix-off] Follow me.
04:19 [Voix-off] This is where we decide what the toys will look like.
04:25 [Child] Don't you just make it up as you go along?
04:27 [Voix-off] Oh, no, no, no. The toys are designed to the very last detail.
04:33 [Voix-off] Nothing is left to chance.
04:35 [Child] Gosh, it seems like a lot of hard work to me.
04:38 [Voix-off] We pride ourselves on our thoroughness.
04:41 [Voix-off] This is where we choose the colours.
04:44 [Child] That's the doll for Father Christmas.
04:46 [Voix-off] Yes. Now, for example, if I wanted to,
04:50 [Voix-off] I could change the colour of the doll's dress from red to blue.
04:55 [Voix-off] The elf factory would then know to paint the doll's dress blue.
05:02 [Child] But Father Christmas wants the dress red.
05:05 [Voix-off] Of course he does, Princess Holly. That was just an example.
05:10 [Child] All aboard! Next stop, the elf factory!
05:14 [Voix-off] Oh, we don't have to go down again, do we?
05:17 [Child] Yes, Nanny. The factory is deep down in the roots of the tree.
05:22 [Voix-off] How deep down?
05:24 [Children] Very deep down.
05:27 [Voix-off] Oh.
05:28 [Children giggle]
05:29 [Voix-off] All aboard!
05:33 [Child] We're not going down very much.
05:36 [Child] Just you wait, Holly.
05:38 [Voix-off] Next stop, level 99. Hold tight!
05:42 [Children gasp]
05:43 [Children gasp]
05:44 [Voix-off] Whoa!
05:45 [Voix-off] [Laughs]
05:46 [Child] Ah! My tummy!
05:48 [Child] This is fun!
05:50 [Children] Whee!
05:51 [Children] Whoa!
05:54 [Children giggle]
05:55 [Voix-off] Level 99. The elf factory.
05:59 [Child] And the glooper machine.
06:01 [Child] The what?
06:03 [Child] The glooper machine!
06:05 [Child] Wow!
06:07 [Voix-off] This way, Princess Holly. Please, feel free to ask any questions.
06:12 [Child giggles]
06:13 [Child] Okay!
06:14 [Child] Hello! What do you do?
06:17 [Voix-off] I pull this lever, Princess.
06:19 [Child] What else do you do?
06:21 [Voix-off] I pull this lever and the gloop comes out.
06:25 [Child] Don't you get bored?
06:27 [Voix-off] Elves never get bored. And I'm an elf.
06:31 [Child] Ah!
06:32 [Voix-off] Thank you. Now, moving on.
06:35 [Child] That's the molding machine. Ooh!
06:40 [Child] And what do you do?
06:42 [Voix-off] I press this button.
06:44 [Child] All day?
06:46 [Voix-off] Yes, all day!
06:48 [Child] You must be very patient.
06:50 [Voix-off] Elves are very patient. And I'm an elf.
06:53 [Child] Ah!
06:54 [Child giggles]
06:55 [Child] What happens next?
06:56 [Child] Next is the paint room.
06:58 [Voix-off] This is where the toys are painted.
07:02 [Child] What fun! Hello, everybody!
07:04 [Children] Hello, Princess Polly!
07:06 [Voix-off] Every elf has their bit to paint.
07:09 [Voix-off] One paints the eyes, another the mouth, and another the hair.
07:16 [Child] Amazing! I thought it would be all done by machine.
07:21 [Voix-off] No, we do it all by hand.
07:25 [Child] It looks such hard work.
07:27 [Voix-off] Elves like hard work.
07:29 [Children] And we're elves!
07:31 [Child] Thank goodness I'm a fairy.
07:33 [Child] Shush, Nanny!
07:35 [Voix-off] Once the dress is painted, the doll goes through to the dryer.
07:40 [Voix-off] And then it's packed, ready for delivery.
07:45 [Voix-off] And here we are, the finished doll.
07:50 [Voix-off] A perfect example of elf workmanship.
07:53 [Child] Isn't the doll's dress supposed to be red?
07:56 [Voix-off] What? You're quite right, Princess Polly.
08:00 [Voix-off] Oh, never mind. Some mistakes occur when you're making so many dolls.
08:05 [Child] But they've all got blue dresses.
08:07 [Children] Oh, she's right!
08:10 [Voix-off] We'll have to unpack them all and paint them again.
08:12 [Child] But there's not enough time!
08:14 [Child] I could sort this out in a moment, with a bit of magic.
08:17 [Voix-off] Magic is not allowed in the elf factory.
08:21 [Child] OK, I'll just ring up Father Christmas and tell him what's happened.
08:25 [Child] I'm sure he'll understand.
08:29 [Voix-off] No, no, don't ring Father Christmas.
08:32 [Voix-off] Maybe Nanny Plum can use a bit of magic, just this once.
08:37 [Child] Good! First, I need my wand.
08:40 [Child] Hello, wand.
08:49 [Voix-off] Ahem. Blue to red.
08:52 [Children] Hooray! It worked!
08:56 [Voix-off] Thank you. It was nothing really, just a simple spell.
09:02 [Father Christmas] A chair for Nanny Plum, please.
09:04 [Voix-off] What's this for?
09:06 [Father Christmas] One down, nine hundred and ninety-nine to go.
09:10 [Voix-off] Oh. Blue to red.
09:13 Blue to red.
09:17 Blue to red.
09:19 [Child] Gosh, Nanny, you must be so patient.
09:24 [Father Christmas] Yes, Nanny Plum, we'll make an elf of you yet.
09:29 [Nanny Plum] I'm an elf.
09:33 [Father Christmas] I'm an elf.
09:34 [Nanny Plum] Ah!
09:36 [Music]
