Mga tamang pag aalaga sa uwak, alamin!
00:00 This is a new species of bird that we will get to know this morning.
00:05 But before that, let's watch this.
00:07 Black-haired and scary-looking birds are the only ones who are feared by the people of UAC.
00:19 Especially because of their negative beliefs and their desire to be loved.
00:26 But behind these negative aspects, they also have qualities that we can value.
00:32 One of them is being smart because they can teach others how to speak.
00:39 And of course, they are also perfect at taking care of others because of their joy and mischief.
00:49 So let's find out how to take care of your crow or UAC on Wednesday Pets Day.
00:58 I feel like I'm the only one who knows a person who has a bird of prey.
01:06 Yes, because they are usually parrots, lovebirds.
01:10 Okay, Carsplay, to explain how to take care of your UAC, we have Ervin Latoza Boyayot and his UAC.
01:20 Good morning and welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines.
01:23 The UAC is answering.
01:25 Good morning.
01:26 There you go.
01:27 Ervin, how long have you been taking care of your UAC?
01:37 [Birds chirping]
01:43 My mom told me when I was little that I love taking care of animals, birds, and fish.
01:55 Because our house is next to a church.
02:05 And it's surrounded by mountains.
02:07 So when I grew up, I got used to taking care of fish and birds.
02:17 And then until 2009, that's when our UAC found its way.
02:26 Okay, Ervin.
02:31 It was found when a tree fell.
02:39 I took it and took care of it until it grew up.
02:48 That was the year 2009.
02:50 Because of the strong wind, I climbed up there and took care of it until it grew up.
02:58 Okay, Ervin, what are the characteristics of an UAC?
03:03 It's like a bird that will come back to you when it flies away because you're its master.
03:09 What are the characteristics of an UAC?
03:12 [Birds chirping]
03:25 The characteristics of an UAC are that they're sometimes tired, but they're quick to learn.
03:37 And your UAC is understandable, right, Ervin?
03:44 So aside from the words "mahaw" and "noy," what else can your UAC say?
03:49 Or can it speak?
03:51 [Birds chirping]
03:55 Aside from the words "mahaw" and "noy," it can also speak "nay," "tay."
04:11 My grandmother, Lula Talia, she knows how to say the sounds of adults.
04:22 And "wow," she knows how to say.
04:27 Even when a bus stops, she knows how to say it because we have a bus.
04:33 Maybe she heard us say "how" when a bus stops.
04:40 She also knows how to say "how" when a bus stops.
04:45 [Laughs]
04:47 So for our Karespi Audrey, at least they know that it's not impossible to take care of an UAC.
04:54 Not just lovebirds or mynahs.
04:56 Thank you for sharing your experience and tips with us, Ervin.
05:01 And for other important facts about how to take care of an UAC or crow, Ervin Latoza Boyayot.
05:07 Thank you again, Ervin.