• last year
(Adnkronos) - "È importante celebrare il Made in Italy con un focus sul settore della nautica, diventato centrale per valori di export, produzione e occupazione. Gli occupati sono passati da 160.000 a 200.000 in cinque anni. Siamo riusciti a far passare degli emendamenti che hanno reso possibile nel del Made in Italy un fondo da 3 milioni di euro per rottamazione motori e conversione green, e quello di permettere ai natanti sotto i 10 metri in acque europee che richiedevano immatricolazione con un certificato di possesso. Il settore è in crescita e richiede professionalità importanti, per questo bisogna investire in formazione." Ha dichiarato la deputata di Noi Moderati Ilaria Cavo, vicepresidente Commissione Attività Produttive a margine dell’evento “Nautica da diporto - Eccellenza produttiva, figure professionali e nuovi fabbisogni. Politica, istituzioni e filiera produttiva a confronto nella Settimana del Made in Italy" che si è tenuto alla Camera dei Deputati.


00:00It is important to celebrate Made in Italy with a focus on the nautical sector, which has become central, recognized for its export, production and employment values.
00:16We think that employees have gone from 160,000 to 200,000 in five years.
00:21It is important to put it at the center of the political agenda and remember the initiatives that have been made.
00:26I was invited as Vice-President of the Productivity Commission for amendments that we were able to pass and that have made possible a fund of 3 million euros for the rotamation of engines from those powered by fossil fuels to those powered by electricity.
00:50This is a green reconversion of the nautical sector.
00:53The other amendment is the one that allows swimmers under 10 meters to go in those European waters that required registration, instead of going with a simple certificate of ownership,
01:06also avoiding the easiest registrations in other countries and therefore also an easing of the Italian tax and a support to the sector.
01:16We must continue in this way, knowing that it is an important sector that is growing, but which also has a mismatch and requires important professionalism,
01:24which at the moment is not being found.
01:26Therefore, we must also invest in training in all TS routes and connect the supply chain, also starting from those of Made in Italy that must be understood and connected above all with the TS routes.
