• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Chiudiamo un buon anno, con una crescita del 13% sull’export. Nella sola provincia di Vicenza ci sono 526 imprese orafe e, di queste, almeno 360 sono artigiane. Si tratta di imprese che si stanno ristrutturando, che rappresentano un export importante, pari a 2,4 miliardi di euro, e che sono presenti a livello internazionale con questo export”. È quanto affermato da Luca Zaia, presidente di Regione Veneto, in occasione della cerimonia di apertura di Vicenzaoro January 2025, il salone internazionale dell’oreficeria e della gioielleria firmato Italian Exhibition Group. Focus dell’edizione 2025 il passaggio generazionale in azienda e le opportunità lavorative nell'industria del lusso.


00:00How do you see the future of export?
00:04I would say it's going well, we are closing a good year,
00:08among other things we are with a year of growth of 13% on export.
00:12I speak of this province, which is an important province,
00:16which has 526 ORAF companies, of which at least 360 are artisans.
00:23These are companies that are restructuring,
00:26they represent an important export, 2.4 billion,
00:30but they are also companies that are present internationally with this export.
00:34I think of the great exploration of Turkey,
00:36which involves not only us but also Alexandria and Arezzo,
00:39but I also think of other countries,
00:41for example our first client is the United States, the Arab Emirates,
00:44rather than still Turkey and many other countries, South Africa.
00:47I think it is not only a great element of craftsmanship, creativity, design,
00:52but it is also a great opportunity to have a great business card of Vicenza and Veneto in the world.
