Pierdomenico (Penny Italia): “Numeri da record nel 2023: 34 nuove aperture e crescita importante”

  • 6 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il 2023 si è chiuso con numeri importanti. Abbiamo aperto 34 nuove filiali, è stato l’anno con il maggior incremento dal punto di vista numerico della presenza sul territorio. e abbiamo raggiunto. L’anno 2023 è da catalogare come un anno da record, con una crescita importante”. Sono le parole di Nicola Pierdomenico, presidente e amministratore delegato di Penny Italia, durante la quale sono stati presentati i risultati del 2023 ed illustrate le prospettive per il 2024.


00:00How has the year 2023 been so far?
00:04The year 2023 has closed with significant numbers, if not a record.
00:09We opened 34 new branches, so it was the year with the largest increase in the number of branches in the territory,
00:16thanks also to the acquisition in Rome of 18 points of sale.
00:19But overall, the 1.619 billion that we have reached is also due to a strong inflationary push,
00:27because we cannot hide the fact that, as for us, for the entire market,
00:31inflation has played an important role in inflating the invoices.
00:35The fact remains that the year is a record, it is to be catalogued as a record year, an important growth.
00:41For 2024, there are difficulties because the first quarter is already beginning to express
00:47not very comforting data in terms of behavior on the part of the consumer,
00:52so a contraction of what is the average expenditure, an increase in the frequency, but also a drop in volumes.
00:58This is what is now reflected by all the press agencies and all the specialized channels of market analysis.
01:06This does not take away from the fact that the year is expected to grow significantly.
01:11We plan to reach 1.8 billion in invoices this year.
01:15We have 26 new openings on site, a little distributed in all the 18 regions where we are already present in Italy,
01:22so the growth phase will continue, but the investment will also continue,
01:28the investment by Penny on the Italian market.
01:31This year 65 million euros of investments have been allocated,
01:35which will go in the direction of new openings, but also in the direction of re-qualification,
01:41re-branding and renewal of existing branches,
01:47through the insertion of departments of butchery and gastronomy,
01:50so the update of the sales network for a more in-line format with the consumer's needs.
