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(Adnkronos) - "2024 è stata una stagione che ci ha dato ottimi risultati, quasi inaspettati. Il 2023 è stato un anno di per sé record mentre il 2024 è iniziato tardi e si è chiuso a settembre. Nonostante ciò abbiamo portato a casa un +10% nelle nostre spiagge migliorando i nostri servizi". Commenta in modo positivo il bilancio dell’anno passato il presidente della Grado Impianti Turistici, Roberto Marin, durante la conferenza stampa odierna, 3 febbraio 2025, a Grado (GO).

«Aumenteremo i servizi con un maggiore volume che significa maggiore occupazione con un livello qualitativo sempre più alto rispetto gli anni precedenti», così ancora Marin. Per il 2025 «tante saranno le novità, dalla Spiaggia dei Pirati per i più piccoli fino al rinnovamento di tutte le attrezzature. Aumenteremo le ore di salvataggio e la presenza della sicurezza fino a sera».


00:00Let's talk about the 2024 season and also about the plans for 2025.
00:13Yes, 2024 is a season that gave us great results, almost unexpected,
00:19in the sense that 2023 was already a record season,
00:222024 started late due to adverse conditions at the beginning of the season,
00:27it ended in September, but despite this, certain actions that we have undertaken
00:33have allowed us to reach a plus 10% in terms of volume
00:36and a greater influx on our beaches with more services.
00:40So this is a great result that we are really proud of,
00:44but above all the satisfaction we have had from the guests.
00:48What are the highlights of the 2024 balance sheet?
00:52First of all, we have reached 10 million volumes of this company,
00:56which in two and a half years we have brought to a constant annual growth of 10%,
01:01with a projection estimated at up to 13-14 million by 2028.
01:06All this with the novelty of this year, which will not be due to an adequacy of prices,
01:11but to the maintenance of the prices of previous seasons.
01:14This means going against the expensive holidays,
01:17but by improving the services we increase the presence during our season
01:21and therefore we clearly implement the volumes.
01:24Higher volumes mean more occupancy for our employees,
01:28a longer time frame and clearly a higher quality level than previous seasons.
01:34Prices have varied, but services are increasing.
01:37What can we anticipate from tourists?
01:40First of all, we will devote ourselves more to entertainment.
01:43The fun part, which is requested by our guests, also during the season.
01:48An enhancement of the activities of the water thermal park,
01:52which is for parties and families during the afternoons.
01:55A novelty for the youngest, we will allocate the Baby Beach,
01:58which is our specific beach department,
02:01we will dedicate it to pirates, it will be the beach of pirates,
02:04with a large galley of more than 12 meters,
02:06with all the gadgets for our youngest guests.
02:09All the equipment has been completely renovated,
02:12we complete the whole design of reorganization,
02:15restructuring and adjustment of all the equipment.
02:18100% of the beach will see this year all new equipment.
02:22Beds, mattresses, umbrellas, huts,
02:25everything new is of great value and great quality.
