Saham BREN Naik 40 Persen Sepekan, Bagaimana Fundamental dan Rekomendasinya?

  • 5 months ago
Saham BREN masih jadi sasaran beli utama investor asing ditengah kenaikannya yang sudah capai 40% sepekan.

Terbaru, pihak BREN menyatakan telah menyelesaikan akuisisi Sidrap 1, pembangkit listrik tenaga angin pionir di Indonesia dan pihaknya belum memiliki rencana aksi korporasi dalam tiga bulan mendatang.


00:00 We ask for the latest NRG from Mr. Joko Pangestu, PT Baruto Renewables, or BREN,
00:06 to provide an explanation to Bursa Efek Indonesia regarding the volatility of stock transactions.
00:11 In the last week, the share price of BREN has fallen above 30 percent.
00:15 And as we know, Bursa Efek Indonesia has given a strong warning to the company
00:20 because there has been an increase in the stock price beyond normal or UMA.
00:24 And recently, the BREN said it has completed the acquisition of Sidrap 1,
00:29 the pioneer wind power generator in Indonesia,
00:32 and has not yet had a plan for corporate action in the next three months.
00:36 And how?
00:37 Fundamental Analysis of BREN and other companies,
00:40 we will discuss in the market buzz segment this time.
00:44 Before we review, we present some economic agendas that should be considered.
00:52 Among them, from Japan, there is the International Japanese Commission,
00:55 then from Malaysia, the King of Trade Malaysia, and a reserve in Visa from India in the US dollar.
01:01 From the United States, the position of the reserve in the Federal Reserve Bank.
01:05 While the bearer of the Agenda Emiten, there is RUPS from KOKA, DGNS, INKO, ACST, and also HALO.
01:13 And there is also a distribution of HMETD from the Emiten Karya, namely WIKA, FREN, distribution of HMETD too.
01:20 And HMETD from PYFH, Roti Cash Dividend, BNGA, BNLI, LPPF, CNMA, there is Ex-Dividend Tunai,
01:29 BCBR Ex-Dividend Tunai, and several other Agenda of the bearer,
01:33 such as BTPN, Cash Dividend Payment, BTPS, Cash Dividend Payment, and ESA, Cash Dividend Payment.
01:40 There are about 17 Agenda Emiten that we highlight this morning.
01:46 The complete data update from the Asian Stock Exchange can be seen on the viewers' screen.
01:50 It can be a reference for the image of the trading opening in the first session.
01:57 Nikkei dropped 0.49%, Nikkei Japan dropped quite deep this morning.
02:04 Stratum dropped 0.24%, KOSPI dropped 1.41%, Hang Seng Hong Kong dropped 0.85%.
02:13 [Music]
02:19 To discuss the market this morning, we have Mr. Raden Bagus Bimafon from Warcop Stock Exchange.
02:26 Mr. Raden, how are you?
02:27 I'm fine, ma'am.
02:29 Thank you for joining us.
02:31 Good morning.
02:32 Good morning, Mr. Raden.
02:33 We will go to Telekom first, because this is a stock of 1 million people,
02:39 because it has a large capitalization, and a red plate.
02:43 How do you see the performance of this quarter, which is tending to decline,
02:46 but the income is slightly rising, slightly above 3% year-on-year?
02:50 If we look at the Telekom movement in the first quarter, especially the stock price movement,
02:57 the market sees the current condition compared to the Telekom performance,
03:03 which was only a little down, but was responded by a drop in the stock price,
03:07 which in my opinion has dropped deeper than the drop in the EPS or the stock exchange in 2023.
03:15 The drop in the stock price can be imagined from 4,200, the highest in early February yesterday,
03:21 then in the closing yesterday it was 3,250.
03:24 So the decline in my opinion is quite excessive,
03:28 compared to the stock exchange, which dropped only a little in the announcement of the financial report yesterday.
03:35 So in my opinion, the movement of the stock price of Telekom, which has been discounted 21% since early February yesterday,
03:42 of course this is a rather interesting figure,
03:44 considering the income that is the main trigger in Telekom is still growing.
03:51 So we can still hope for quite a lot later in the second quarter for the Telekom stock.
03:55 I recommend that we accumulate for the Telekom stock.
03:58 Okay, accumulation. But if you look at it, you said it had dropped by about 20% since February,
04:05 and was at the previous level of 3,250.
04:09 But in the last few times, 3,250 is not the lowest level.
04:13 It was recorded that the last year was 3,110, the lowest, and it still became the lowest level in the last week.
04:22 Is there a possibility of testing 3,110, which means when we accumulate, we can buy until 3,110?
04:30 Right. So Telekom is still in a selling pressure right now.
04:35 So for investors who, in my opinion, have quite a large fund capacity,
04:40 we can just accumulate for the Telekom stock at level 3,100,
04:45 or even at level 3,000, in my opinion, this is still the level of purchase that is expected by long-term investors.
04:52 If Telekom is given a correction to level 3,000, we can accumulate with a larger amount, in my opinion.
04:59 Okay, this is interesting to be accumulated by long-term investors.
05:05 Okay, there is strong support at level 3,000, which is the lowest in the last three years.
05:10 Is that right, Mr. Raden?
05:12 Yes, that's right.
05:13 What about the short-term opportunities for Telekom?
05:16 For yesterday, there was a gap for some Telekom.
05:20 So in my opinion, for the next few weeks or in the next few weeks,
05:24 Telekom still has a chance to test at level 3,400.
05:28 This is the level to close the gap that occurred on Tuesday yesterday.
05:34 However, we cannot deny that if the global condition has not improved,
05:40 or even if our IHSG position is still not in a positive direction,
05:45 Telekom may not close the gap, but even directly experience a correction to level 3,000 or level 3,100.
05:52 Okay, so it depends on whether it will strengthen the gap.
05:57 If it strengthens the gap, if it breaks, it can be without a position, right?
06:03 That's right, but it still tends to lean more towards weakening.
06:09 After reaching 3,400, I recommend that you sell on strength first for Telkom.
06:14 Okay, the range is a bit narrow.
06:16 First of all, this is for the short-term, for Telekom, with a range of 3,400,
06:21 if it reaches that level, sell on strength first.
06:24 If for long-term investors, 3,400, what should be done?
06:29 In my opinion, at level 3,400, we need to look first.
06:34 If it is at that level, we wait and see first.
06:37 Especially for long-term investors, we just wait until it reaches a better level.
06:43 For the base price level for the purchase, we wait until it reaches below 3,200.
06:48 Because at the moment, the selling pressure is still quite large.
06:51 I'm afraid if it goes up to 3,400, then we accumulate, there is still a potential for correction.
06:57 We should wait for the correction that happens below 3,200 for long-term investors.
07:04 Okay, but if it starts to accumulate now, if it goes back to 3,400, just hold it?
07:10 Correct.
07:12 Okay, what trend? You said earlier that it was still tending to go down,
07:16 but what trend pattern is formed from the technical Telkom?
07:20 If we look at the time span, it's a bit long, from 2022, the trend is still downtrend for Telkom.
07:28 However, if we look at the last six months, the position actually still has a chance to strengthen for Telkom in the next three or four months.
07:38 However, the big trend is still in the decline trend.
07:43 So if we look at the big trend, for investors, it's actually still quite okay, still quite comfortable.
07:48 Because at the support level, there is only a little more at the level of 3,000.
07:52 But if there is a correction in the current trend, we can still accumulate for the purchase.
07:58 Okay, so for Telkom, as soon as the energy is released in Q1 2024.
08:03 Then we turn to the Brand share, the share related to the latest energy.
08:08 This is still the main choice of foreign investors to hold the position of the top net foreign buy until yesterday.
08:16 And in the last week, it has risen by almost 40%, which is also made by the Indonesian EFE stock market, including UMA radar.
08:25 Actually, how do you assess the fundamentals of this brand share?
08:31 Actually, in addition to the answer that was given by the brand's anitain yesterday to the stock market,
08:39 that there is indeed acquisition, but on the other hand, I see that this brand is indeed supported by the rise,
08:45 because it is indeed a factor of strengthening the community sector.
08:48 Main communities that strengthen, which makes investors also see,
08:53 when the price of energy commodities is quite high, investors are attracted to renewable energy.
08:59 Energy that is cheaper and more environmentally friendly.
09:03 Therefore, when other communities are strong, investors see that this brand has a good potential.
09:11 So in the short term, in addition to the acquisition,
09:16 the brand is also supported by the rise in commodity prices, which makes investors also switch.
09:22 Have energy substitutions that go into the brand's stock market.
09:26 So this rise, in my opinion, is still to cover the short term for now.
09:32 Correct.
09:33 Oh, so you see that this brand is more strengthened because it is more expected from the market players,
09:40 along with the price of commodities and some sentiments at the moment.
09:44 Not more fundamental than the brand itself.
09:47 Remembering from the brand's side, saying that it has completed the acquisition of CIDRAP 1,
09:51 the pioneer wind power generator in Indonesia.
09:54 And said that the party has not yet had a plan for corporate action in the next three months.
09:58 So it is more expected from the market players to see this situation
10:03 in relation to renewable energy like the brand.
10:07 Right. So the status of UMMA yesterday, of course, this also shows the market.
10:11 Because the movement is quite significant, which happened in the brand's stock market,
10:14 even up to 40%.
10:16 If from a fundamental point of view, the brand is very good.
10:19 One of the new emitters that also gives color to the market is the brand.
10:25 But fundamentally, besides being supported by a strong group,
10:30 we can see from the price, from the financial ratio,
10:35 then if we compare it with several similar emitters from the financial ratio,
10:40 of course the brand cannot be said to be a cheap stock.
10:44 At the current brand level, even at the level that is almost all time high again,
10:48 this is a level that I think we need to be careful first.
10:52 This is for us to anticipate in a short time.
10:56 When the stock price starts to decline again,
11:00 for example at the price of around Rp 6,650,
11:04 at least for the brand, we can go back to that level.
11:09 Rp 6,650 can be accumulated again,
11:12 meaning buy on weakness for the brand for those who do not have it.
11:15 What if you already have it?
11:17 In my opinion, we can make a profit first for the brand stock,
11:21 considering the increase along with the price of UMA,
11:25 of course investors are also concerned about the stock.
11:28 But we also welcome the positive that the ME10
11:31 responds to the status of UMA with positive things,
11:34 but still an increase of 40% in a short time,
11:37 allows investors to make a profit first.
11:41 Okay, to think more calmly,
11:44 more rational to handle an EMITEN,
11:47 considering the brand is already very close to the highest level in its lifetime in 2075,
11:52 now Rp 7,925, maybe the range is a bit limited for those who just want to enter.
11:57 Okay, buy on weakness for those who are interested in the brand,
12:01 and we will review some other stocks,
12:03 but after the break, stay in the market bus segment.
12:06 Still connected through video conference,
12:09 with Mr. Raden Bagus, BMAL founder of Warcop Stock.
12:13 Mr. Raden, in the middle of releasing Kinerja Quartal 1 2024,
12:18 what is your projection, especially for the ME10-ME10 BKEPS first?
12:23 In my opinion, as I have said before,
12:28 that ME10-ME10 BKEPS, especially for the banking sector,
12:32 has a potential for a decline in the first quarter of 2024.
12:38 We see from the journey in January, February,
12:41 that the financial performance experienced,
12:44 there are those who are strong, but more prone to experiencing delays.
12:47 Even if you do not experience growth,
12:50 the minus is around -5% or up to level 10%.
12:54 Even if there is a boost, it is at least at level 5%,
12:57 plus 5% of growth in 2023.
13:00 There are many factors,
13:02 especially in addition to the weakening of the Rupiah,
13:05 then there are also some things that have been expected by investors,
13:09 such as the decline of flower prices.
13:11 In my opinion, this will have a greater impact in the second quarter.
13:15 I think investors are now waiting,
13:20 that in the financial report, even in the second quarter report,
13:24 this has a more decrease in tendency compared to 2023.
13:29 The tendency, especially for banking,
13:31 the tendency will decrease compared to the same period in 2023.
13:35 Correct.
13:36 But it will not be a concern for the rest of the year, right?
13:40 Mr. Raden, because usually the most leading banking in the year,
13:44 usually always record,
13:46 the first quarter does not represent the whole of 2024, right?
13:52 There is still potential in the other quarters.
13:54 That's right. We are waiting for the development from the global,
13:58 especially now that it has a lot of impact,
14:01 whether it's from the community or even from the flower tribe and also from the war,
14:06 which is still ongoing.
14:08 We see if the condition turns out to be better,
14:12 or it turns out that there are no bad things that happen.
14:15 I think the second quarter can be the bottom for the B-Caps.
14:19 The second quarter will be the bottom for the B-Caps,
14:22 so for those who are in the process of B-Caps,
14:24 hold on, wait for the second quarter?
14:27 That's right, until we see the global development.
14:30 Okay.
14:31 [Music]
