Gic 2024, Perego (Imer): “In esposizione Speedcast 5.0, Booster 50 e il premiato Gerris 800”

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “I nostri prodotti spaziano in maniera ampia dal pompaggio e alla distribuzione del calcestruzzo alle macchine per la piccola edilizia da cantiere fino alle macchine per il sollevamento e il movimento terra. In questa fiera portiamo lo Speedcast 5.0, una macchina per il trasporto e la diffusione del calcestruzzo, il Booster 50 e il vincitore del premio per l’innovazione tecnologica dello scorso Gic, il nostro Gerris 800”. Sono le parole di Giacomo Roberto Perego, responsabile marketing divisione concrete Gruppo Imer, in occasione della prima delle tre giornate del Gic, le Giornate Italiane del Calcestruzzo, la principale mostra-convegno a livello europeo espressamente dedicata alle macchine, alle attrezzature e alle tecnologie per la filiera del calcestruzzo, alla prefabbricazione, ma anche alla demolizione delle strutture in cemento armato, al trasporto e al riciclaggio degli inerti, alle pavimentazioni continue e ai massetti. Organizzata da Mediapoint & Exhibitions, la manifestazione è in programma fino al 20 aprile 2024 al Piacenza Expo. Categoria


00:00Our group, a completely Italian historical group, was born in the early 60s and our reality
00:13then expanded, expanded, grew, became a family and now our company is a consolidated reality
00:20that exports all over the world.
00:22From pumping and distribution of manure to machines for small buildings and construction sites
00:31up to machines for lifting and pedaling, lifting and small machines also for the movement of the ground with our CATO divider.
00:40We have brought a relative novelty, because it is already a few years that we produce, which is our Speedcast 5.0
00:50a machine for the transport and distribution of manure in prefabrication sites.
00:55A valid, flexible and alternative solution to the air distribution systems for manure.
01:02Cheaper and more versatile.
01:04Together with our Speedcast we have brought our new manure pump, the Booster 50,
01:09a machine suitable for the distribution of manure in a thousand different situations.
01:16Always linked to the world of pumping, there is a machine that last year was really awarded a prize.
01:23A recognition for technological innovation, our GERRYS KE800, a machine for the distribution of manure.
01:31A simple arm, single-sided, manages to pass through a 90 cm electric door with a small activation also by an endothermic motor.
01:41Extremely versatile, which allows you to work in extreme small environments, even in fairly difficult terrain.
01:50So really an extremely large machine fleet for an important Italian group.
