• 6 months ago
These bloodcurdling TV deaths are guaranteed to shock, disturb, or straight-up scar you for life. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the bloodiest, most emotional, or just plain gruesome deaths that television has ever seen.


00:00Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the bloodiest, most emotional,
00:14or just plain gruesome deaths that television has ever seen.
00:19Obviously, spoilers ahead.
00:2710. Anatoly Raskolnikov – Daredevil
00:37A word of advice? Never get on Kingpin's bad side. If you do, he'll be sure to show you the door.
00:43The car door, that is.
00:48See, when Anatoly accidentally embarrassed Fisk in front of a woman,
00:52the temperamental villain pays him an up-close-and-personal visit.
01:01Well, leave it at this. Kingpin's methods are not for the faint of heart,
01:05and that's before he uses a car door as a modern-day guillotine.
01:09By the time all is said and done, Anatoly is a few pounds lighter, and the Russian Mafia is no more.
01:16Now, just imagine how bad it would have been if Anatoly had actually done anything wrong.
01:239. Dr. Robert Rocket Romano – ER
01:33This guy has really bad luck around helicopters. A malfunctioning rotor claimed Romano's arm in
01:40season 9, and six years later, it came back to take the rest of him.
01:44This time, by spinning off the helipad and plummeting onto him like a fiery comet.
01:53Even for a doctor as uniquely detestable as Robert Romano,
01:57death via a falling aircraft feels way over the top.
02:01Then again, this is the same episode he tried to fire two of his fellow doctors.
02:13It's only fitting that, in an ironic twist of fate,
02:16Romano's the one who ends up on the cutting room floor. Somewhat literally.
02:228. Ragnar Lothbrok – Vikings Heads up, if you're scared of snakes,
02:28this is not the scene for you. Apparently, it's not enough for Ragnar to be tortured,
02:33interrogated, and separated from his kids. King Aela also drops him in a pit of hungry,
02:39slithering reptiles.
02:52Just the sight of it alone is enough to make anyone squirm. The only silver lining is that
02:57Ragnar dies without so much as a whimper for mercy. Instead, he remains honorable
03:02and unbroken until the very end. It's a small victory in a farewell that,
03:18quite frankly, is gruesome to the point of excess.
03:21Although, to be fair, they don't call it a warrior's death for nothing.
03:347. Blue Hawk – The Boys There's no better way to blow off steam
03:43than with a good workout. So, when A-Train discovers Blue Hawk is responsible for his
03:47brother's paralysis, he drags his new friend along for a quick jog. Emphasis on the word drag.
03:57Let's just say that, despite his name, the trail Blue Hawk leaves behind is more red than anything
04:03else. That is, if you can even recognize him at all. Once A-Train's done with him,
04:08there's barely a body left to identify. Only a smoldering pile of remains.
04:14The term hero is used pretty loosely in The Boys,
04:17but this kind of graphic murder is straight-up villainy. No question about it.
04:226. Warren Mears – Buffy the Vampire Slayer She may be the Slayer, but Buffy is the least
04:42of Warren's problems. He killed Tara, and as such, he has the heartbroken Willow to worry about.
04:48The very same Willow who just flirted with some dangerous dark magic.
04:52Boy, does she know how to use it too. In a stomach-churning execution,
05:04Willow tortures Warren with a slow-moving bullet before flaying him from head to toe.
05:09And then she sets him on fire too, just for good measure. Warren definitely had it coming,
05:14but this is still several steps too far for someone who's supposed to be one of the good guys.
05:24It's no wonder Willow was never the same.
05:285. Don Traeger – Sons of Anarchy In a series where everyone's colored
05:34in shades of grey, Don's only real crime was being born to the wrong man. But in these parts,
05:41that's punishable by death, and a nasty one at that.
05:48Tig Traeger's daughter is kidnapped, thrown in a hatch, and doused in gasoline.
05:53Then all it takes is the flick from a cigar, and just like that, Don Traeger is no more.
05:59Although it's hard to say which is worse, Don's cruel and unusual fate,
06:12or the fact that Tig has to watch it all go down. Either way,
06:16this is one fiery end that the Traeger family will never forget.
06:204. Glenn Rhee and Abraham Ford – The Walking Dead
06:37Following up on the previous season's viral cliffhanger, everyone came into this episode
06:42knowing someone wasn't making it to the credits. But few could have imagined just how bloody it
06:48would get. Surprisingly, there isn't anything fancy at play. It's just Negan, his bats, Glenn,
07:07and Abraham's faces, and a whole lot of convincing practical effects. However,
07:13it's executed with so much animosity that it sparked a bona fide media storm about the growing
07:19use of violence in television. If that doesn't prove how rough Glenn and Abraham had it,
07:24we don't know what will. Compared to what they went through, being devoured by walkers
07:31would have been a mercy. 3. Gus Fring – Breaking Bad
07:38Gus Fring's just desserts are ready, and this is a dish best served dramatically.
07:52Fring's arch rival, Hector Salamanca, gets the honors by activating a jerry-rigged bomb
07:57in his wheelchair. To say he went out with a blaze of glory would be an understatement. For
08:13what it's worth, Gus makes it out of the room and even has the wherewithal to straighten his tie.
08:19But that's as far as he goes. With a final look at the camera, one of the television's most
08:24menacing villains finally meets his maker. It was a true face-off in more ways than one,
08:30but Walter White sums it up best himself. 2. Oberyn Martell – Game of Thrones
08:41There are more brutal deaths in Game of Thrones than names on Arya Stark's list.
08:46But Oberyn Martell tops them all. The Viper's trial by combat isn't much of a trial. And before
08:57too long, Gregor Clegane drops his sword and defaults to a good old-fashioned fisticuffs
09:03execution instead. Oberyn loses his teeth, his eyes, and his honor in one fell swoop.
09:09Although he doesn't have much time to mourn them before he's gone too.
09:17We'd say it's gratuitous, but this is Game of Thrones we're talking about. It's not exactly
09:22known for being warm and cuddly. If Queen Emma's botched childbirth is any indication, House of
09:28the Dragon won't be any different. Still, Oberyn's butchering is grotesque even by Westeros standards.
09:34And that's saying something.
09:461. Chrissie Cunningham – Stranger Things
10:02Clearly, Vecna doesn't know the meaning of the word subtlety. Or clemency. Or really,
10:08anything to do with quick and painless ends. Instead, he snatches poor Chrissie in his claws
10:13and treats her to a cross-dimensional slaughter that needs to be seen to be believed. He doesn't
10:23let go until she's a mangled doll of a person. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes included.
10:29Take our word for it, the imagery is something straight out of a horror movie. Stranger Things
10:33have happened, just not on Stranger Things. Or any other television series, for that matter.
10:39Yeah, we're with Eddie on this one. We don't like it one bit.
10:48Did we miss any unforgettable TV deaths? Let us know in the comments below.
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