The Wind in the Willows The Wind in the Willows E008 – The Open Road Again

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 [Musique]
00:06 [Musique]
00:12 [Musique]
00:18 [Musique]
00:24 [Musique]
00:30 [Musique]
00:42 [Musique]
00:47 [Voix-off] The countryside was bulging with fruit.
00:50 Blackberries shone from the spiny tangles of briars.
00:53 Great handfuls of black elderberries dangled from sagging branches.
00:57 The rowan trees and the hawthorns were laden with a rich red harvest.
01:01 And in among the branches of the hazels there were carefully wrapped parcels
01:06 of what looked like pale cream eggs, ripening in the autumn sun.
01:11 The farmers' crops too had ripened.
01:13 The farmers' field had been turned to gold by a million heads of wheat.
01:18 And into the warmth of all this richness, one glowing September morning,
01:23 strode Rat and Mole and not quite striving Toad.
01:28 [Toad] Oh, do stop, do stop!
01:31 [Rat] My dear Toad, we stopped two minutes back.
01:34 And two minutes back before that.
01:36 Oh Toad, if we keep stopping we'll never get anywhere.
01:39 [Toad] But we've already got here from Toad Hall.
01:44 [Rat] My dear Toad, it can't be more than three quarters of a mile.
01:47 [Toad] Three quarters of a mile?
01:50 Oh, no wonder I feel tired.
01:54 Who ever wanted to go hiking in the first place?
01:57 You did, Toad.
01:58 Oh, I never...
02:00 Fresh air's the thing, you said.
02:01 A healthy mind and a healthy body, you said.
02:04 I say, I do dislike a fellow who throws his hat's words back at his face.
02:09 Awfully mean-spirited, I always think.
02:11 Besides, I didn't know it was jolly well going to hurt.
02:15 If only feet had wheels.
02:17 Well Toad, if your new-found enthusiasm for hiking has burnt itself out already,
02:22 what do you want to do?
02:24 Nothing. I want to do nothing.
02:26 Hmm. That's all as some of us has to do.
02:30 Hello. Oh, hello, Alfred.
02:33 All some of us has... have to do?
02:36 How do you mean, Alfred?
02:38 Hmm. Hear that?
02:40 Yes. Yes. It sounds like a good strain.
02:44 Listen, I say, did I ever tell you about...
02:46 Harvester.
02:47 I'm sorry?
02:48 Harvester. That's what the noise is.
02:51 The Harvester.
02:53 I don't think I quite...
02:55 It's the farmer. Him and his new-fangled machines.
02:59 Bad as Toad he is.
03:01 I say.
03:02 Ain't good enough to have me pulling the mower like what I always done.
03:05 I hast to get a mechanical harvester.
03:09 Oh dear. So what are you...
03:11 Nothing. Like what I said.
03:14 Nothing to do till plowing do start again.
03:16 Well, I am sorry to hear that.
03:18 Ain't as if Mr. Toad has a caravan for me to pull. Not no more.
03:22 Oh yes. The caravan.
03:25 Oh, I love the caravan.
03:27 It's a life of ease on the open road.
03:31 Rambling where you please on the open road.
03:35 Here today and there tomorrow.
03:38 Wave goodbye to care and sorrow.
03:41 You can bake or steal or borrow on the open road.
03:47 It's still there.
03:49 I'm sorry, Alfred?
03:50 It's still there.
03:51 What's still there, Alfred?
03:52 The caravan.
03:54 Oh, really?
03:55 Just up there. Bit overgrown like.
03:58 'Tis the cow parsley. Terrible stuff for growing is cow parsley.
04:03 Oh, I say. Do let's see.
04:05 By Jove, yes.
04:07 Ha ha! Splendid!
04:09 Ah, see, here it is.
04:15 My word, how picturesque it looks.
04:19 The rustic charms of dereliction.
04:23 The journeys we took in her.
04:26 Those weeks of slothful pleasure. Remember?
04:29 No.
04:30 Ha ha! Yes. No, no.
04:34 You used it for just three days and then you took up motoring.
04:38 Oh, I'm sure I...
04:41 It would be wonderful to travel the open road again.
04:44 You weren't pulling her.
04:46 Oh, no. Sorry, Alfred. I forgot.
04:49 All the same, be better than doing nothing.
04:52 And I do hate to see money thrown away and things not ship-shaped.
04:56 My friends, we'll do it.
04:58 She shall be restored.
05:00 We shall travel the world and not on foot.
05:03 We shall explore the ever-changing scenery, live the Romany life beneath the stars.
05:08 Quick, we'd better get help.
05:10 We'll have to... Oh, Mr. Toad, Mr. Alfred.
05:13 Look here, I do wish you wouldn't interrupt. I was just...
05:17 Here. Whatever's up?
05:19 Oh, Mr. Alfred, it's the harvester.
05:22 The harvester? What about it, young fella?
05:25 It's mowed our homes, Mr. Rat.
05:27 Mowed your homes? Oh, my gosh.
05:30 I knew no good had come of newfangled ideas.
05:34 Everything's gone.
05:36 My poor dear chaps.
05:38 Homeless.
05:39 Well, you will just have to stay at Toad Hall.
05:41 Please, sir. That's very kind of you, but...
05:44 Well, we're not used to big houses. No.
05:48 Well, then my home will suit you very well.
05:50 Yes, but there isn't just us, Mr. Moe.
05:53 How do you mean?
05:54 Well, uh...
05:55 You see, my cousin would live with us, and some friends from Five Arms Meadow, and Billy, because his home was flooded...
06:01 Oh, dear, oh, dear.
06:02 There wouldn't be room for half of them, not even if some stayed with me.
06:06 What are we to do?
06:08 Oh, dear.
06:09 Oh, dear.
06:10 [Mr. Alfred clears his throat]
06:12 [Mr. Alfred clears his throat]
06:14 [Mr. Alfred clears his throat]
06:42 [All] Yes! Yes! Hooray!
06:44 [All] Hooray!
06:47 [Mr. Alfred laughs]
06:49 [Mr. Alfred laughs]
06:52 [Mr. Alfred grunts]
06:54 [Mr. Alfred grunts]
06:56 [Mr. Alfred grunts]
06:59 [Mr. Alfred grunts]
07:01 [Mr. Alfred grunts]
07:04 [Mr. Alfred grunts]
07:06 [Mr. Alfred laughs]
07:09 [Mr. Alfred laughs]
07:11 [Mr. Alfred laughs]
07:13 [Mr. Alfred laughs]
07:15 [Mr. Alfred laughs]
07:17 [Mr. Alfred laughs]
07:44 [Mr. Alfred laughs]
07:46 [Narrateur] Well done, Alfred. Then let's get down to work.
07:50 [Bruits de pas]
07:52 [Bruits de pas]
07:55 [Bruits de pas]
07:58 [Bruits de pas]
08:00 [Bruits de pas]
08:10 [Bruits de pas]
08:17 [Bruits de pas]
08:21 [Bruits de pas]
08:26 [Bruits de pas]
08:28 [Bruits de pas]
08:33 [Mr. Toad] I say, you chaps! Are you ready for the wheel?
08:40 [Mr. Toad] Yes, just in time, Toad.
08:42 [Mr. Toad] Good! Then get it rowing. Follow me!
08:46 [Mr. Toad] Wow!
08:47 [Mr. Toad] Toad? Toad!
08:48 [Mr. Toad] All under control, dear chap!
08:50 [Mr. Toad] Oh, Mr. Toad! Look out! He's running away!
08:53 [Mr. Toad] Whatever you...
08:54 [Mr. Toad screams]
08:56 [Mr. Toad] My word, Toad! It's a good job that Mole here is so quick-thinking.
09:07 [Mr. Toad] Oh, yes! Yes! Thank you, Mole!
09:12 [Mr. Toad] Oh, please!
09:14 [Mr. Toad] Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
09:19 [Mr. Toad] Better catch your breath, Toad, before we get back to work.
09:21 [Mr. Toad] Yes, back to work.
09:24 [Mr. Toad] Yes, of course. Well, then now...
09:29 [Mr. Toad] Good! Heavens, is that the time?
09:32 [Toad] Time?
09:33 [Mr. Toad] I had no idea. Oh, I shall miss my appointment.
09:35 [Mr. Toad] Appointment, Toad? You never mentioned an appointment.
09:39 [Mr. Toad] We went clean out of my head! I must rush!
09:43 [Mr. Toad] I'll leave, my nutsack. You help yourself, Toad.
09:47 [Mr. Toad] Goodbye! Goodbye!
09:49 [Mr. Toad] Dear me, now what's he up to?
09:52 [Mr. Toad] No steadiness, that's Toad's trouble.
09:55 [Mr. Toad] Ah, well, let's get this wheel on, shall we?
09:58 [Mr. Toad] Now then, Alfred, your time has come.
10:01 [Alfred] Right-o! Shouldn't be too hard.
10:03 [Mr. Toad] Right, all ready?
10:05 [Alfred] Yes. Yes, ready.
10:07 [Mr. Toad] Then, one, two, three...
10:11 [Mr. Toad] Hop!
10:12 [Mr. Toad grunts]
10:15 [Mr. Toad grunts]
10:17 [Mr. Toad grunts]
10:20 [Mr. Toad grunts]
10:23 [Alfred] Hurray!
10:25 [Mr. Toad] Hurray! Hurray!
10:27 [Mr. Toad] Well done, Alfred!
10:29 [Alfred] Oh, 'taint nothin'.
10:31 [Mr. Toad] Now we'd better get it cleaned and tidied, haven't we, Ratty?
10:34 [Ratty] Well, yes, but not here, I think, Mole.
10:36 [Ratty] Can't have these fellas sleeping by the roadside.
10:38 [Ratty] And we've nothing to clean it with.
10:40 [Mr. Toad] Oh, no, of course.
10:41 [Ratty] I know a nice, quiet glade that would be just the place.
10:44 [Mr. Toad] Alfred, uh, I wonder if, uh...
10:47 [Alfred] 'Course I will.
10:49 [Alfred] Doin' nothin' else, am I?
10:51 [Mr. Toad] Oh, good.
10:52 [Alfred] I'll leave the farmer with his new-fangled friend.
10:56 [Alfred grunts]
10:57 [Musique]
11:26 [Musique]
11:54 [Alfred] Oh, Ratty, I'm so looking forward to a caravan trip.
11:57 [Alfred] I think we've everything we need. I've even...
12:00 [Alfred] Ah, hello.
12:02 [Mole] Good morning, Mr. Mole. Good morning, Mr. Rat.
12:05 [Alfred] Hello, you fellas.
12:06 [Mole] We thought we'd wait to say goodbye and thank you.
12:10 [Mole] Oh, yes, thank you.
12:12 [Alfred] Enjoyed your stay, have you?
12:14 [Mole] It's the nicest home that ever was, Mr. Mole.
12:17 [Alfred] Good, good. Ha, ha.
12:19 [Alfred] So, where are you making your new home, eh?
12:22 [Mole clears throat]
12:24 [Alfred] Look here, you have found a new place.
12:26 [Mole] Have you got somewhere?
12:28 [Mole] Well, not exactly, Mr. Mole.
12:31 [Alfred] Yes or no?
12:32 [Mole clears throat]
12:33 [Mole] No.
12:34 [Mole sniffs]
12:35 [Mole] Oh, my gosh. Oh, Ratty.
12:37 [Alfred] Look here, Mole, old fellow, we can't turn these field mice out so that we can have a holiday.
12:42 [Mole] Well, no, I quite...
12:44 [Alfred] They'll be snug and safe here. And after all, we have our homes.
12:48 [Mole] Ratty, I'm so glad you said that.
12:51 [Alfred] Shall we?
12:52 [Mole] Yes. Look here, you fellows, we, um...
12:55 [Mole] We only dropped by to tell you, uh... that it's off.
12:58 [Alfred] Off, Mr. Rat?
13:00 [Mole] Mm. The caravan trip. We, uh... we won't be going.
13:03 [Mole] Important business and, uh...
13:05 [Alfred] That's right. So, uh...
13:07 [Mole] So, you needn't go.
13:08 [Alfred] You mean that we can stay, Mr. Rat?
13:11 [Alfred] That this can always be our home?
13:14 [Alfred] Hooray!
13:15 [Mole] Oh, Mr. Mole!
13:17 [Alfred] Mr. Mole, thank you.
13:19 [Mole] There's only one thing, Mole.
13:21 [Alfred] What's that, Ratty?
13:23 [Mole] Oh...
13:24 [Mole and Alfred] Toad.
13:26 [Mole] He has been going on about the caravan.
13:29 [Alfred] And the Romany life.
13:30 [Mole] And the open road again.
13:32 [Alfred] Oh, dear. What if he insists?
13:34 [Mole] Oh, Mole. Perhaps I was too hasty. Perhaps I should have...
13:37 [Alfred] But if we explain to him how things are, if we tell him...
13:40 [Bell ringing]
13:41 [Alfred] Ratty, what's that?
13:43 [Mole] I don't know, Mole. It sounds like...
13:45 [Mole] It sounds like...
13:46 [Mole] It sounds like...
13:47 [Mole] Ring-a-ding-o for the life of Weel!
13:50 [Mole] Wahey!
13:51 [Alfred] Oh, no.
13:53 [Mole] Ha-ha! My dear friends!
13:56 [Mole] What joys I have discovered!
13:58 [Mole] Behold my Weeled Bucephalus!
14:01 [Mole] My Dursley Pedersen!
14:03 [Mole] The finest bicycle that ever was!
14:05 [Mole] Such silent swooping speed!
14:07 [Mole] Such hills surmounted!
14:09 [Mole] Valleys conquered!
14:10 [Alfred] Oh, Toad, not another craze.
14:13 [Mole] Craze?
14:14 [Mole] This is but the beginning of a lifetime's bliss!
14:18 [Mole] Oh, the swift velocipes!
14:21 [Alfred] Um, Toad?
14:22 [Mole] To hear the singing of the spokes!
14:25 [Mole] The whir of a well-greased chain!
14:27 [Alfred] Oh, Toad!
14:28 [Mole] The fresh air streaming past one's face!
14:31 [Mole] The whirling kaleidoscope of villages!
14:34 [Alfred] Toad, do be quiet!
14:36 [Mole] Oh, I see.
14:37 [Alfred] I thought you wanted to go on a caravan trip.
14:40 [Alfred] That's what we thought.
14:41 [Mole] Oh, caravan?
14:43 [Mole] A snail's home on wheels!
14:46 [Mole] A horse-drawn dog's kennel!
14:47 [Alfred] Yes, yes, all right, Toad.
14:49 [Alfred] Am I to take it then that you will not be going on a caravan trip?
14:53 [Mole] Oh, oh, ratty Mole!
14:56 [Mole] Oh, forgive me, but I cannot come!
15:00 [Mole] You see, I hear the ping of chain guards, the ring of bells, I hear...
15:03 [Alfred] Thank you, Toad.
15:04 [Alfred] So the field mice can stay here for a while?
15:07 [Mole] Here? Field mice?
15:08 [Mole] Oh, yes, forever!
15:09 [Mole] No caravan is swift enough to match my spirit!
15:13 [Alfred] Oh, dear.
15:14 [Mole] Well, that solved that problem.
15:16 [Mole] And now, dear friends, I must be on my way!
15:19 [Mole] Pneumatic joys await me!
15:21 [Mole] The four-spring patent sabble shall bear me hence!
15:25 [Mole] Ha, ha, ha!
15:26 [Mole] Tingaling, farewell! Tingaling, tingaling!
15:29 [Alfred] My word, he's got it awfully bad.
15:31 [Mole] As ever, Mole.
15:32 [Alfred] Still, the field mice have a home?
15:34 [Mole] Yes, yes, it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
15:37 [Mole] And I must say...
15:38 [Alfred] I'm in awe!
15:39 [Mole] Alfred...
15:40 [Mole] Alfred!
15:41 [Mole] Oh, dear.
15:42 [Mole] Look, Alfred, there's been a change of plan.
15:45 [Mole] I'm sorry, but...
15:46 [Alfred] How did you know that?
15:48 [Mole] How did I know what?
15:49 [Alfred] That there's had to be a change of plan.
15:51 [Mole] How do you mean, Alfred? How do we know?
15:53 [Mole] How do you know?
15:54 [Alfred] Seen as how it's me who's had to change it,
15:56 [Alfred] it ain't hardly surprising, is it?
15:57 [Mole] No, but we...
15:58 [Alfred] It's the harvester!
16:00 [Mole] What about it, Alfred?
16:01 [Alfred] Broken down it has, blew up it has.
16:05 [Alfred] The farmer's real mad.
16:07 [Alfred] Newfangled rubbish, says he.
16:09 [Alfred] Crackpot invention, says he.
16:11 [Alfred] So he has to turn to me like...
16:13 [Mole] Oh, I see.
16:15 [Mole] So you can't...
16:16 [Alfred] No.
16:17 [Alfred] I'm sorry to spoil your plan.
16:19 [Mole] Not at all, Alfred. Not at all.
16:21 [Alfred] Right. Well, I'll be getting along.
16:24 [Mole] Ta-ta!
16:25 [Mole] Goodbye, Alfred!
16:26 [Alfred] Goodbye, Alfred!
16:27 [Mole] Goodbye!
16:28 [Alfred] Goodbye!
16:29 [Alfred] Newfangled rubbish.
16:30 [Mole] Well, that's all right.
16:32 [Mole] Toad doesn't care.
16:34 [Mole] Alfred can't come.
16:35 [Mole] The field mice have a home.
16:37 [Alfred] And we...
16:38 [Alfred] We have our homes to go to.
16:40 [Mole] Yes.
16:41 [Alfred] Wouldn't fancy a day on the river, I suppose.
16:44 [Mole] Oh! Ratchy!
16:46 [Mole] Hee hee hee!
16:47 [Ratchy] I'm bowling along at speed
16:50 [Ratchy] On my new Velocopeed
16:52 [Ratchy] I haven't a care I can go anywhere
16:55 [Ratchy] It's the gypsy life I lead
16:57 [Ratchy] With the sun up above for a friend
16:59 [Ratchy] 'Til I reach my journey's end
17:01 [Ratchy] Aaaaaaah!
17:03 [Mole] Help! Help!
17:05 [Mole] Oh! Stupid bike!
17:08 [Mole] Stupid, stupid bike!
17:10 [Mole] Help! Help! Help!
17:14 [Song] Spin me a dream of silver and gold
17:24 [Song] From sunshine and shadows from days long ago
17:30 [Song] Where people are members and stories unfold
17:38 [Song] Willows, the tales you had told me
17:44 [Song] When in the willows you just seem to know
17:50 [Song] Who you can turn to and which way to go
17:56 [Song] To unwind your worries now
18:02 [Song] When the devil is taking over
18:08 [Song] Spin me a dream of silver and gold
18:14 [Musique]
